
My Anime Chat Group

On the year he turned 18, a boy named Tsukasa Aoi finally acquires his first cheat---an Anime Chat Group.

Ruriha · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

The Group Chat Members Pt. 1

『Magus of Flowers.』

In the garden of Avalon.

A vast flat land covered by myriad blossoms greeted one's eyes, unobstructed by any objects other than a few groves of trees in the distance, making the verdant earth and azure sky that cover the area fill the scene in equal proportion. It was a paradise that lies at the end of earth, found beyond the final stretch of humanity --- its representation of hope shining forevermore.

And to the one that lay ahead on this finish line was the Mage of Flowers, Merlin. A mentor of sorts to the fabled King Arthur who pulled the sword in the stone and wielded the legendary Excalibur in later period of his life.

Interestingly, in the eyes of humanity's beacon, she would probably consider it as one of many such tales as fleeting as the passage of time.

In fact, it wasn't long when three---

「Welcome to the Anime Chat Group!」

「A multi-dimenstional messaging app that connects individuals across different realities, one that bridges the gap between the boundaries of universes. Do you wish to join?」


"Oya?" Merlin's eyes widened as she scanned the content on the screen with childlike wonder. She had only heard about it in passing and didn't mind it then, but somehow seeing it in person was entirely different. Contrary to her first impression, it wasn't the product of human technology, but was more closely akin to the likes of a magecraft which certainly intrigued her. "Is this the dimensional chat group 'Saver' once mentioned? It's interesting, I would admit. As a magus, my curiosity to unravel its structure and study how it is able to manifest on the level of a mystery in this day and age is certainly compelling, yes... But I don't wanna partake in it myself, aren't I just a guide to humanity!"

In a long rambling that somehow transitioned into a fit of ranting, Merlin jotted from where she sat as she ruffled her hair. The hood covering her head thus fell, revealing long locks of lustrous white hair that framed her face, coupled by a bejeweled set of ruby-like eyes that betrayed an enthralling luster.

If Tsukasa was present in this scene, he would shout "This is the girl in my dreams!"

"Now, now, there's no need to jump the gun... My duty stands as a navigator of sorts, it would be fine if I only pulled some strings here and there when the moment calls for it," Merlin mumbled all to herself with a contemplative look. Even to the end, the mage of flowers manages to elude responsibilities thrown her way. "Yes, I suppose that could work..."

True, if the fabled King Arthur was also present, he would be overwhelmed with a sense of deja vu.

Merlin was always the type to let someone else shoulder the problem and watch with glee on the sidelines, preferring to let events unfold naturally while staying mostly uninvolved in a direct fashion. The only time where she really went against this creed were times when she deemed it to be "fun", such as the convergent singularity and a more recent state of events to note.

Although both events can be considered world-ending catastrophe that could very well spell the end of humanity as a whole, going by her usual nonchalance, Merlin chalked it off as one of many happenings in the world after everything was said and done.

All in all, it only served as a brief form of entertainment for the mage of flowers.

Naturally, for someone who acted out of self-indulgence, she wouldn't reject the offer to get acquainted with such treasure trove of entertainment and stories to tell, would she?

"And boop," Merlin pressed the "Yes" option, watching as the screen work its magic.

『Thank you for accepting the invitation to the Anime Chat Group! Please wait while you're being connected. For more information, you may refer to the attached document on this message.』


『Rex Lapis.』

"Long and arduous the war lasted, yet the God of Contracts stood tall amidst the tides!" Iron Tongue Tian bellowed, his tone grew ever fiercer as the story approached its climax. His audience stood at the edge of their seat, an eager anticipation written on their faces.

Rex Lapis' penultimate battle was one of many common folklore in the harbor that people have talked about to the point of exhaustion. Yet the fact that this storyteller could incite such a passionate reaction still showed how great his command over an audience was.

"With the roaring of the skies, Rex Lapis hurled pillars of rocks that came crashing down on the shores of Guyun, impaling the vile Overlord of the Vortex deep within the chasm of the seas! Its last breath resounding like thunder across Liyue for the very last time, his rival finally no more... Thus, did Rex Lapis claim the right to the seat of Geo Archon for himself," the story concluded.

With a thunderous applause, the audience gathered to discuss their insight on the topic, sharing about various things regarding the contract.

However, among the flock of audience at the tavern of Third-Round Knockout, one of the attending individuals was calmly seated whilst drinking from an elegant cup with a small saucer on one hand, his expression differed from the rest, one that appeared melancholic as if he had experienced the story firsthand.

If someone else were to observe him right now, they would probably attribute it to the awe-inspiring storytelling by Iron Tongue Tian thinking the marvel of his tale must have tugged at one of his heartstrings.

However, such was an erroneous thought.

After all, only a few were in the know of his true identity, such that it would be kept in utmost confidentiality should it come to light. For he was none other than Rex Lapis, the Prime of the Adepti, whose name was Morax, the God of Contracts, the God of Commerce, the Warrior God, the Groundbreaker... among many other names.

To cut the list short, he was in fact the Geo Archon described by Iron Tongue Tian, a truth largely unbeknownst to the people of Liyue.

Currently, he goes by the name of Zhongli while treading the land of mortals after he unceremoniously stepped down from the position.

As for how he went about it was... extreme to say the least.

It wasn't long ago since he faked his own death in a test to see if the people of Liyue were able to tide over calamities without his guidance, ensuring the nation would prosper long after his retirement. He even went as far to hire Scheznaya's Fatui which then led to the awakening of the literal Overlord of the Vortex deep within the seabed, and almost sunk the harbor along with it. Though, by the end of that fiasco, Zhongli did claim to be in possession a means to his arsenal that could salvage the situation regardless whether the circumstance turned dire.

---So, if there's anyone clear about what transpired 2000 years ago, it would be the former Geo Archon himself, who boasted of impeccable memory and might.

Moreso the losses he experienced during his long lifespan...

"...At what cost did such victory entail?" Zhongli closed his eyes while reminiscing those days gone by.

In the war preceding the seat of an Archon, many a god vied for the power of the gnosis, a proof that symbolizes one's sovereignty over the element. Unfortunately, for the innumerable souls that coveted its power, the seat were limited to mere seven individuals, and so many such god constituted the number that fell on the ensuing conflict. Ultimately, the people that once stood and fought beside him were no exception. A lot of them died on the same day Guili Assembly fell or either perished on their own accord as they succumbed to their karmic debt.

Fastforward to today, the number of illuminated beasts --- also known as the Adepti --- that bore witness to that war amounted to less than a handful, not to mention the tragedy which befell the ranks of the Yakshas. Only the Conqueror of Demons was left to mourn his deceased brethren and to shoulder the curse of those fallen gods.

Sighing, Zhongli wistfully took a sip from his cup, "Osmanthus wine taste the same as I remember, but where are those that share the memory?"

His eyes then drifted to the clear blue skies along with his soliloquy... and found something inexplicable that wasn't there before.

「Welcome to the Anime Chat Group!」

「A multi-dimenstional messaging app that connects individuals across different realities, one that bridges the gap between the boundaries of universes. Do you wish to join?」


For the first time, it seemed as if his memory failed him. In his long years on Teyvat, he couldn't recall having seen anything quite like it.

FYI, female Merlin is not my OC. She canonically exist in the nasuverse: https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Merlin_(Prototype)

Rurihacreators' thoughts