
My Amazing Smartphone

In 'My Amazing Smartphone,' follow the extraordinary journey of Akira, a seemingly ordinary boy who, after a tragic accident, finds himself reincarnated in a parallel world resembling Earth but concealed beneath a veil of hidden magic and supernatural wonders. Unaware of his past life, Akira discovers newfound abilities that defy the laws of nature. And the source is a Smartphone? ....................................... NOTE: This novel was originally written by MR. Pervert. But he stopped his work on this book in the middle because of his personal issue. So I picked it up after getting confirmation from him. He uploaded 30 chapter. And I will start from there too. I will also change a few things and add a few things this in the previous chapters too. ........................................ Tag: Incest, Harem, Hentai, Kinky ........................................ Warning: This is a Hentai story with Incest tag. So read on your own decision. It also has a lot of weird and Kinky sexual act. So don't complain later. ....................................... World 1: Twilight X Teen Wolf 2: Solo levelling 3: 4: 5:

Slime_king · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Meeting everyone

Akira sits on his chair and looks outside the window. The weather is cloudy, there is no sign of sunlight. Beside him is sitting a beautiful girl with brown hair.

She looks at him from time to time. There is also another boy in the class who has been acting weird since she came in. This made her angry a little.

Akira looked at the sky and thought 'Of all the places this missy sits beside me.'

Bella Swan, it's her first day at school and they happen to be in the same year and same class.

Akira looks at her from the corner of his eyes and looks at the hero too. Both of them are the same kind of animal, hypocrites.

'Aren't I one too?' Akira thought to himself. He sneered and thought 'It's fine as long as it's me.'

Akira said quietly "Ignore that emo boy, he is feeling hungry."

Bella looks at her side and looks at Akira confusingly. She looks at the teacher and asks softly "Are you talking to me?"

Akira turned to her and said, "Is there anyone else besides us?"

Bella feels shy and looks down. Akira looked at her and thought 'Should I fuck up the plot?' Akira suddenly smiled and thought 'I should, God must have sent me here for that.'

Akira smiled and said, "I am Akira Wilson."

Bella grabbed his hand and said, "I am Bella Swan, I saw you yesterday afternoon."

Akira nodded and said "Actually we met the day before, in the restaurant. You didn't notice me there."

"Oh really, Sorry. I am new in the town so I don't know many people."

"Oh, actually, I am also new here. I just shifted two weeks ago."

"Oh, we are the same."

After that, they chat quietly in the class. Her mind also moves from Emo Boy.

After the class finished, they went to the cafeteria together. There they meet Jessica. She is the gossip girl in the school.

"Surprisingly, the quiet guy is talking with someone in the school," Jessica said as she looked at Akira.

Akira is a handsome guy, to begin with. And he became a little more charming and his level up. So it's not surprising to notice him even in the crowd. And for a girl like Jessica who loves gossip, she would obviously notice him.

Bella asks "Quiet guy?" Jessica looked at Akira and said "Well, he is popular. He is the same as Cullens, at least they have each other but he only kept to himself."

Akira drinks juice and listens to them. He didn't talk much. The reason he is with them is that he wants to mess up with Emo boy, Bitchy girl and also the angry bird who will join the later part of the story.

"Who are Cullens?" Bella Asked. As soon as she said that, the door of the cafeteria opened and a few young boys and girls entered.

A muscle head, a pixie, another Emo with red hair, and an Icy beauty.

"They are the Collen, they don't talk to outsiders and always stay among themselves," Jessica said.

Suddenly Edward entered the last. Bella instantly remembered what happened in the class and became a little angry and asked "Who is he?"

"Oh, that's the last Collen who shares the most handsome boy in the school with the Quiet guy" Jessica looks at Akira.

Akira can see the lust in her eyes. But he ignored it. She is not on his list now. But he will fulfil her wish someday.

Akira looks toward Edward and notices his unusual behaviour. He keeps looking at Akira and Bella. Akira's mouth curved into a smile.

'Oh, our Emo boy isn't feeling safe. Because he can't read our minds.' Akira sneers inside. He also remembered another boldy who also liked to go into others' heads without permission.


"Let's go, the break is finished," Akira said as he stood up first. Jessica looked at his back. Edward and his family don't talk with others.

But Akira starts to talk. So she wants to take this chance and see if she can get his attention. She looks at Bella and looks at all the boys in the cafeteria.

Jessica smiles and thoughts something good will happen. I must stay with her.'

Bella also stood up and followed Akira. They went to the class together. Akira and Bella sit together during biology class too.

They chat a little during the class.

Akira looked at Bella and said, "Missy, Do you need a ride?"

Bella looks at the cycle and smiles awkwardly. Even if she accepts, where will she sit? Bella shook her head and said, "I have my car."

Akira nodded and said, "Goodbye then, see you tomorrow."

Bella nodded, Akira got on his cycle and left the school.


"Edward, what happened?" The pixie asked. She is Alice Collen.

Edward looked at Bella and Akira and said "I can't read their mind."

Pixie looks at Bella and Akira who are riding his cycle with surprise.

Suddenly she pauses and gasps. Everyone looked at her. Jasper comes beside her and holds her in his arms.

She returns to normal and looks at Rosalie. Edward does the same and looks at her with surprise.

Rosalie looks at them and frowns. Edward has a small smile on the corner of his mouth.

"We need to go home. I will tell you everything there." The pixie said and got in the car.

No one asks anything and also hops in the car and drives back to their home.


"You are back?" Susan said as she sat on the couch. Both of her hands are covered with bandages.

Akira runs towards her and asks worriedly "What happened?"

"I injured myself in the kitchen." Susan replied and then added "Don't worry, it's a small scratch. It will heal in a week."

Akira sighs in relief. He thought someone attacked her. Like a vampire or wolf.

Akira looked at her hand and said "How did you injure both hands?" Susan smiled embarrassingly and said, "I was being clumsy."

She shook her head and said, "Maybe you are right, I am getting old."

Akira held her hand and said "I already said I was joking. You are still very young."

Susan giggled and said "Okay okay. Now call and order for food. I can't cook with this hand and I don't want you to burn down the house."

Akira laughed awkwardly. One time he wanted to surprise her by cooking food. But that day he almost burned down the kitchen.

Akira said, "Okay, I will order pizza." Susan nodded her head with a smile.

Akira orders a pizza and then takes out a bottle of water from the fridge and drinks it. He looked at the fridge full of ingredients and thought "What a waste."