
The medical assembly

In reality, I was not a weak girl.In fact among all of my friends,I was the one with the most courage.Even towards the most ghastly scene of movies,I had never felt anything and was even used to made fun of them.

I had always thought that,even if one day I would face a real murder, I could still remain unaffected.

But....I looked towards the headless torso,that was lying in the pool of blood.

Movies are after all movies and have a sky and earth difference from reality.I quickly averted my eyes.

The scene attracted the attention of all the people,who were present there.The place started to get crowded.

Maya and Goutam after buying the herbs also came to that place and spotted me standing there in a trance.

"Are you alright?"Maya asked as she patted my back.

"Yeah..."I unconsciously answered.

Maya looked at me and then looked towards the scene.

She sighed and said,"That man,he is a soldier of Pushpak kingdom."

I came back to my sense and turned toward her.

"Pushpak kingdom?"

She nodded,"It's our neighbouring kingdom."

As she said,we walked towards a bench and sat down.

"So this type of incident always happened here?"I asked.

This time Goutam answered,"Our village Kamalpura is situated at the border of the Pushpak kingdom and our Magadh kingdom.One end of the village has the army bases of our kingdom and the other end have theirs."

After saying that ,he took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth,"That king of the Pushpak kingdom is really ambitious.He has his eyes on all the small kingdoms.Even though our Magadh kingdom is not small,it's military power is declining.So,now that king wants to occupy it.He has been invading the border for time to time.When their soldiers pass through our village,who ever comes in their way they just kill them."

After he finish speaking,I looked towards him.lt was the first time ,I heard him saying so much.My mouth twitched.

'Looks like his hatred for the Pushpak kingdom is really strong.'I thought.

Maya saw me staring at Goutam.She came near me and said in my ear,"His friend was killed by Pushpak kingdom's soldiers."

"Oh."I nodded my head in understanding.

I turned to look at the spot,where the man's headless body was lying.The body had been already taken and at that moment someone was pouring sand on the blood.


My main motive for going to the market was to understand that place well.But after that incident ,we had to return. By the time we reached at home,it was already noon.'Home'....even if I was there for only a few days,I had unconsciously started to call it home.

In the evening uncle Dinannath returned from the academy.During the dinner, he announced that ,five days latter, a assembly of physicians from all over the kingdom was going to organise at the academy and common people can also go to watch there.

"Goutam,you will come with me tomorrow to the acadamy to help in the preparation.."He said

"Well,father,can,I and Naina also attend the assembly?"asked Maya with pleading eyes.Listening to her I choked on my food.

'This girl...she's not even asking me if I want to go or not.'My mouth twitched,but I did not say anything.

"What will you do there?"uncle Dinannath asked her.

"Well,we will just move around.And.."she looked at her father and said in a serious voice,"You know, just how much I love to study medicine.At the assembly ,there are going to be a lot of experts.I can learn a lot of things from their discussions.So father please take me,alright."

Looking at her puppy eyes, uncle Dinannath chuckled and nodded.Maya was so happy that she started beaming from ear to ear.

After dinner Maya dragged me into her room.She brought out all of her clothes and jewelleries and started to try them one by one.Looking at the mess around the room,my head started to hurt.

"Do you think this waistband will look good on this lehenga?"

I looked at the lehenga and the waistband in her hand.Although they were quiet simple,they were still looking good.So I nodded.

"And what about these bangles.And oh ...I think this anklet will be good no no...may be that one or this one.Ugh...it's so confusing."she started to complain.

"Wait a minute"I took a deep breath and said,"Hey why are preparing so much to go to a medical assembly?"I frowned.

Looking at my dark expression,she coughed twice and then shyly said,"Because imperial physician is also going there."

"Huh...what imprerial physician.Aaahhh....so you are dressing up for the imperial physician?No that's not right..,you are going there for the imperial physian?"

Hearing my question,her face reddened.

I looked at her red cheeks and smirked.

'Wait,you said that he is the imperial physician,then how old is he.Don't tell me,he is a old man."I teased her.

"Humph..do you think, I would ever like a old man"

"Who knows.They say that love is blind."

She pouted and said,"He is only 20 years old."

"Huh only 20 years old and already have become a imperial physician?Looks like he's a genius."I was really impressed.

"Of course,he is a genius.Even people of the neighbouring countries respect him."She said with a proud look as if she was the genius one.

But after a minute,her face fell."But I am only a normal girl,whom he will never even look at.You know,I even became interested in medicine because of him."

I was about to say something when she shook her head and then excitedly said,"Heish....forget it.You come quickly and try these dresses.Ooo... I'm so excited to see the faces of people there,after they saw your face."

I was speechless by her mood changing capability.

"I am going as a boy."I said

Maya stared at my face and nodded."Hmm...alright.It's good to always stay out of troubles."

My mouth twitched.

"Alright,I an quiet tired.I am going to sleep.And yeah..can you teach me how to change face?I think I am going to need it a lot in the future."I said.

"Alright."she agreed immediatelydI smiled and went to sleep.

The morning's incident was still fresh on my mind.So once alone,I started to think about that.'Looks like tonight is going to be a sleepless night.'I sighed.