


- "I'll Kill Myself Before I Leave You."


I stare at Seneca.

All color drains from my face.

My lips part in frozen shock.

I simply stare at her, unmoving.

My mind is detached from my body.

I'm watching the scene before me unfold, like I'm watching a movie.

Alpha Parker's face is stretched in permanent surprise.

"Why didn't you?" Seneca repeats, crossing her arms as she glares at him, her eyes daring him to answer.

He gulps, and sweat beads across his forehead.

"I—You—" He stammers over his words, looking stricken.

"I don't have all the time in the world," Seneca snaps at him, her tone coated in Arctic ice.

Alpha Parker swallows visibly and opens his mouth once again, as if to say something. Seneca gives him a look, which makes him sigh and let his shoulders droop.