
My AI Sister

"ERROR! CODE 404! SYSTEM OVERLOAD!!!" blared the warning sirens. It had happened again. My parents desperately trying to save her...….. I can't lose her for the second time.........

nightmareBonnie20 · 若者
2 Chs

chapter 1

Hi guys!!! nB20 here!!!! As I told you all before my books would be on hold and please do forgive me for any spelling mistakes or grammatic errors!! English is not my native language!!! Here's the preview! I hope you would like it !!!! And I know the chapter's short but please do wait a bit more!! I'm already working on something else!!! As soon as I am done with that, I'll get back to this and plus my other books aswell!! Thankyou!! ^.^


The name's Azzeal! Yes, Azzeal Matt! Ten years from now, scientists figured out how to stop human aging and extend life indefinitely—but every time someone qualified for that boost, someone else had to die to keep the surplus population in check. Oh, it's all very humane; one's descendants get a huge paycheck, but tell me who would die for another person just so they could increase their life? What if their family forced them into this? Somebody's sibling had to take the axe on their neck? Well I'm that sibling that had to give up her life just so my sister could live longer! She suffered from cancer and she hadn't long to live. So my parents decided which daughter they wanted to keep! Of course they chose my brilliant A plus sister who never failed to make them proud! They chose to save her and give me away to death. On the other hand, I? Hah! I was a normal girl with no special talents or anything… Just an ordinary kid but my sister... She was the star of the show! Star of the entire family! Guess the world has to get rid of the losers anyways or the nobodies. Wish I was as great as my sister. I watched them scurry here and there behind the blue wall with facts and figures on it. I had a window, it's glass painted in the hues of blue, current usually passed through it and I sat behind it awaiting my next command. The me now is very intelligent! More intelligent than my dear old sister, Madilyne. I looked at her, her now grey hair visible under her light pink bandana. She stared at me without any emotion but one thing I could guess that she was envious of me! I was at a higher level than her! Suddenly codes start to appear on my window, guess it's time for work. The way she is typing hurried suggests another victim has fallen a prey to their schemes. This madness which has entrapped me in here! I don't want to live in this reality! I want to live in the reality outside of this window! The real reality. Can't an A.I. have human desires in her? Is she just a human software programming system for them? My sister desired immortality but guess who got to have it? Me! I got to have it! I'm the A.I. stuck behind the blue screen of the computer system!

The currents flowed faster and spread as I got up and went near to a black box. I touched it and it opened revealing a grey corridor. I quietly walked but my pace was quick otherwise the system would lag. Upon reaching the end my body changed to a light blue color and it was translucent. My feet weren't visible but the rest of the body was. Madeline came near me and pressed a few buttons and once again a blue virtual screen surrounded me but it was the same color as I. She looked up at me with emotionless eyes, in her hand a device. "A.I. Azzeal, system's a go?" she asked tonelessly. "Checking.... Scanning for threats... Scan complete.... System is functioning at 100%!" I replied tonelessly but with a robotic voice. "Okay, well let's see you work your potential!" she said averting her eyes to her tablet like device. Tapping twice quickly then twice thoughtfully, multiple folders appeared on my screen. "Scan them and then open them, mind you no viruses!" she commanded and turned to leave. I kept staring at her back then mimicking a sigh I began to work. A few bug-fixes here and there, the files were good to be examined. One file in particular caught my attention, it was labeled as "Private" and it was a zip-locked file. I tried to open it but got no luck in doing so. Guess she was the only one who could open it. Mimicking a resigned sigh, I turned at the other files. All of them had nothing special just facts and figures. "Boring!" I thought to myself and tried to keep my mind off from the zip-locked one. After a few minutes she came back with another person. He was taller than her with golden hair and brown eyes set in a fair skinned face. "So you finally managed her to obey your commands?" he chuckled and smiled at me. "You know she doesn't like to be teased!" warned my sister narrowing her eyes at him and then softening her gaze at me. "I was just sayin!" he drawled and continued to stare at me. "Weirdo!" I muttered in a low voice partially glaring at him with narrowed eyes. "So what's the next step?" he asked looking at my sister. "Well she's to stay in the lab's computer system for now before we further test her." replied my sister with any emotion. "Well progress's been made... Um Maddie I was wondering...." stated the guy and did just call my sister, "Maddie?!". "What is it?" asked my sister ignoring the given nickname and adjusted her glasses back up her nose raising one eyebrow.

"C-can you have dinner with me?"

"Excuse me? Come again?"

"I wanted to have dinner with you!"

"Well... Sure!"

And like that the duo departed from the lab.

What was in that file anyways?