So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut
As wee left the house it happened to be just in time as we heard and explosion and the row of houses we were just in blasted apart. It was lucky none of the shrapnel hit us. Meg was scared so I patted her head "Don't worry with me here nothing will harm you in this town"
"A-alright" she stammers a bit
At this point I think I have Gamers Mind considering I should be freaking out about almost getting blown up. But why isn't it in my list of skills?
[Discovering Error… Fixing… Gamers Mind and Partial Gamers Body added to list]
Wait Partial? I quickly check this out and it turns out it still lets me gain stats like a normal gamer but it doesn't have the body that doesn't show damage. Not sure about the healing since I haven't slept in any bed since I arrived in this world.
Now that explosion should be from the party after Nami gave Luffy to Buggy if I remember correctly. Lets check. I pull out my smartphone
"They have smartphones here?"
"No just me. Here they use snails as phones"
"Snails" she said with a deadpan
"Yep snails" I load up my Manga Plus app and check for the right chapter ok so… dog food shop. Sadly I wont be able to find it easily unless… Well I don't have observation haki but I do have a lot of mana so lets see if I can replicate mana sense from Tensura. So I let my mana flow out of me with my eyes closed trying to sense what it touches.
[Skill created Mana Sense]
I could suddenly see around myself so I spread my mana further and further away til I saw a pet food store with a dog guarding it. There we go.
"Come on this way Meg!" I take her by the hand and run into the alleyways to make it to the pet shop . I arrived just in time to see Luffy escape the cage by being attacked by a lion then get smacked through a building by said lion
"Now why did you have to go and do a thing like that." I said with Meg behind me afraid of the lion
"Who are you?" Mohji asked
"I'm Alexander and you my furry friend just knocked my brother into a house." As I say this my body forms into concrete from my shoes. Now before people complain about it Kevins whole clothes changed with him when he absorbed a material so that should mean I should be able to use my absorption though my clothes which ended up working out so yay me.
"W-what are you? Did you eat a devil fruit like the captain?" He asked getting a bit scared since he has seen Buggys power
"Maybe I have maybe I havent" I say before leaping forward and punching the lion in the face while they are still distracted. My punch sending the lion sprawling sideways before I quickly got to it again and started rapidly punching the lion all over its face. I pause just for a moment before turning my fist into maces, I forgot I could do that, and then I continue to beat down the lion until it loses consciousness
"RITCHIE!" Shouted the furry man. Not that I have anything against furrys mind you but its just creepy on this guy
I look at the man and say Boo. He faints. For being the first mate this guy is pathetic well all the Buggy pirates are pathetic. I guess one could say that their crew is full of Clowns
"Well that was easy" I say looking at the two of them I defeated. Gaining their stats and a new ability. Apparently Mohji had an Animal Magnetism passive. Mine now.
"Wow that was amazing Alex!" said Meg. I smiled at her as I stop being rock hard, giggity. "Is that your power?"
"One of them yes" I continue smiling at her
"AH where did that lion bastard go!!" Luffy finally breaks out the rubble he was in
"Already defeated him Luffy" I wave slightly
"Ah ok. Who's that" he said looking at Meg
"This is Meg. She is a great fighter and can move really fast"
"Wow really show me!" He was really excited and meg appeared next to him in less than a second "Whoa! That's so cool! Join my crew!"
"Sorry Luffy she is already part of my crew."
"Oh ok."
"Tsk you're still alive. Wait why are there two of you now?" said an orange haired woman, must be Nami.
"Shishishi This is my big brother Alex. Alex this is our navigator"
"I AM NOT PART OF YOUR CREW!" She shouts ugh my ears hurt now. Luffy just keeps laughing
"Yet" I say with a sly smile "Anyway I take it that there is another pirate crew here and they are hostile to us?"
"Yea there captain has a big red nose!" As if that were a que another explosion happens beside us
"Ah Zoro was in there!" Shouted Luffy only for Zoro to climb out the rubble with his hand on his head
"What a way to be woken up"
"Oh you're ok."
"AGH I CAN'T STAND THIS ANYMORE! I will go and face those pirates myself" After saying that the mayor ran off to the center of the island where the Buggy pirates are located
"Hey Meg can you follow that dudes direction and steal all the cannon balls that have a pirate symbol on them for us so they can't use em anymore"
She nods and in the next second she is standing beside a bunch of orange cannon balls which I promptly put in my inventory "Thanks beautiful" I then gave her a kiss on the lips. It was just a quick peck but it was enough for her to blush and squeal
When I was talking to Meg it seems Luffy and Nami made a pact and started running off to the center of the town "Come on Meg" I grab her hand and follow along trying to decide if I want to fight Buggy myself since knowledge of buggy and muggy balls could be useful along with his devil fruit abilities. Well as long as I touch him I can get his abilities but not the knowledge of how to make Buggy balls.
Another question to myself is how badly do I want to fuck up cannon. My very presence messes with it but I could destroy it more by being more active. "Hey Luffy let me punch that Buggy guy once so I can copy his devil fruit"
"You can do that?"
"Yep one of the abilities I gained let me copy DNA of whoever I touch and devil fruits change the genetics in the body so in theory it should work just fine."
"What's DNA and Genetics?" he asked
"You wouldn't understand if I explained it to you luffy. A simple explanation is it is a very small thing in every person, animal and plant. Any way do you agree?"
"Sure you can punch him once but I get to fight him" I nod at him soon we reach the center of the island where Buggy and his crew were. The mayor was calling out Buggy, Luffy knocked his ass out, and Nami yelled at him.
"So he really does have a tomato nose"
"Who said I have a Tomato nose! Quick light up the cannon and blast them to pieces!"
"Um captain Buggy sir. We seem to have run out of Buggy Balls" said random cannon fodder 22
"WHAT?! We should have dozens of those left"
"Sorry about that. I already had my girlfriend here steal the Buggy Balls"
"What?!" he launches his hand with three daggers at me. I merely catch it and touch his wrist thus copying his ability before throwing the hand down and stomping on it hard making buggy yell out in pain. I then grind my heel in causing him further pain.
"Shouldn't have messed with me tomato. He's all yours Luffy I already got what I wanted from him" Luffy stretches and goes to attack buggy. Cabaji attacks Zoro and I go up and start dealing with the rest of the cannon fodder. All in all the fights mainly went like cannon except I had to protect Luffy from random goons who wanted to help their captain. But soon Buggy was blasted off without a bunch of his pieces and all the goons were taken down.
As we celebrate our win the towns folk show up and Luffy ruins it all by saying we are pirates causing us to be chased. We ran all the way to the boat got kind of ambushed by the three pirates we picked up but they ran or rather swam away after seeing me.
With that finished we sail once again
Sorry for the late chapter and lack of fight scene. I had to replace my keyboard and I am not to great with fights but I will try to give a good one in the Kuro fight