
The Beginning of The End III

The Beginning of The End III

The speed at which Christopher and the Void Moved was simply astonishing.

Well, technically just Christopher, since again, speed and distance wasn't exactly a concept that applied to the Avatar.

Regardless, any normal person wouldn't be able to perceive them move at all as they would change location just as fast as they appeared whenever they did appear.

Christopher shifted his body slightly And sidestepped an overhead slash by the Void.

There was no sound, but a clear line of Void energy passed by him and a massive rift appeared in space and the ground, creating a ravine that… kept going until it reached the ocean which was also split apart.

Before the Void could retract its weapon, Christopher twisted and swung his sword, aiming to behead the creature. And he succeeded.

The Transcendent Hellfire flashed past the Void and cleanly severed its head from its body. But it didn't matter.