
Septima Vector Pt. 2

It was the night before Christmas, and all through Hogwarts Castle there were those scurrying back and forth, be they House Elves or mice. The Castle never truly slept, no matter what day or night it was. There was always a life to it, and tonight was no different.

However, in one particular section of Hogwarts were Septima Vector's private quarters. Once filled with fresh arithmancy calculations and charts, now a solid layer of dust covered her prized works. Dildos of every size were strewn across the floor of her quarters, and moans and shrieks filled the air, scaring away the other night life of the Castle.

It had been several months since Septima had been placed under a curse by her colleague and in fact one of the only women that she would have described as a friend. Months in which Septima probably should have reported Aurora to McGonagall. If anyone could have reversed the harm done and fixed things, it was likely the Headmistress.

Yet, against all logic and rational thought, Septima had refused to turn in her best friend. Aurora Sinistra had committed a grievous sin against her, of that there was no doubt. But Septima just couldn't bring herself to do it. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that she was preoccupied with… other matters.

Laying in her heavily-soiled bed, the House Elves long since learning not to bother the Arithmancy Professor in her private quarters under pain of clothes being thrown at them haphazardly until they left, Septima screams in pleasure as she double-stuffs herself with massive twin horse dildos. She's trying in vain to scratch an itch that has so tortured her. Alas, every time she reaches the precipice, her impending orgasm simply… disappears, leaving her wholly unfulfilled.

The former critical thinker of a witch has been reduced to a mewling puddle these last few months. Every single day she goes to class and teaches the bare minimum to her students to get by. If they've noticed anything wrong with their gorgeous brunette Professor, they don't comment on it. But then, arithmancy doesn't exactly attract the emotionally available and outgoing extroverts in the first place.

Septima had been just like them when she was younger, keeping her head down, burying it in equations like an ostrich might bury it's head in sand. These days though, arithmancy couldn't be further from her beleaguered, addled mind. The curse that Aurora had cast on her pervades every last ounce of Septima's system, leaving her in dire need of sweet, honest release.

But she won't get that relief if she doesn't go back. She knows that, she's known that since day one. Making it all the more impressive that she's lasted this long. In the beginning, Septima had hoped that the curse had a time limit. If she could just last a week, surely it would lose power and dissipate, right? When that had failed to pass, it had become a month. If she could just last a month, she would find sweet, sweet relief.

But no, no. After all these months, Septima was forced to acknowledge the truth, even as she once again failed to cum upon the massive horse dildos she's driving into her ass and cunt at the same time. A strangled cry and sob leaves the poor brunette witch's lips as she recognizes the simple fact of the matter. There is no end to this curse, because the curse is empowered by her own incessant quest for pleasure.

That's where all the orgasms are going. She keeps on building up to a climax, only to have it snatched away from her at the last second. And it's not like normal edging, it's not as if she's right there on the precipice and then remains there indefinitely. No, it's like she had the orgasm and was brought all the way back to the beginning again, except without the satisfaction that actually experiencing the pleasure of a release would bring her.

The curse was stealing her climaxes from her and empowering itself through them, but Septima simply couldn't help herself. She couldn't stop at this point. All she could do was surrender to the inevitable. Knowing no other way out of it, knowing she had to go back to the source of all her woes, Septima slowly extricates the two horse dildos out of her lower orifices, tossing them aside with all the rest of her conjured sex toys that litter the floor.

Standing is quite the chore, and she stumbles more than once as she finds a set of mostly clean robes and hurriedly wraps them around her soiled body. Then, without further ado, she stumbles out of her quarters and down the hall, making her way out into Hogwarts on Christmas Eve, heading towards the final solution.


Crawling her way back to confront her tormentor, figuratively if not literally, Septima proceeds to ascend Aurora's tower. Knowing the chocolate-skinned witch's nightly habits, there's no doubt in Septima's mind that the Astronomy Professor would be fucking herself up at the top of her tower under the stars this Christmas Night.

Just getting up the staircase is an arduous task for the beleaguered, oh-so-sensitive Arithmancy Professor. Her body is on a hair trigger these days. It's half the reason she goes around naked in her own personal quarters, the other half being to better access her holes so she can properly fuck herself. But right now that's not an option. Septima isn't about to be caught naked running through Hogwarts itself.

However, this means that her robe has been rubbing against her rock hard nipples and incredibly sensitive breasts all the way here. Likewise, her thicc pale thighs have been rubbing together as well, causing friction against her poor, puffy, sensitive pussy lips. She's able to keep her composure all the way to the staircase of Aurora's tower, but there is where she begins to meet her match.

Every step forward is a wanton moan from Septima's lips as she has to resist the urge to collapse right there and start masturbating towards an orgasm that will ultimately never happen. Only the knowledge that true salvation is just up these stairs keeps her moving, but it isn't easy. The Arithmancy Professor ultimately has to lean against the wall for support, clutching her robes tightly around her body as she shudders and quivers with delirious arousal.

Finally, she reaches Aurora's door. Her hand comes up weakly to knock, only to find the damn thing already open. Her fist bangs against the door, and on well-oiled hinges, it simply swings open with nary a sound. Dragging herself into the doorway, Septima looks in. The tower is much as she remembers it from that night all those moons ago. Aurora's astronomy things have been removed and replaced with BDSM equipment galore.

In her current state, Septima looks upon them all in a new light. There's still some horror that fills her at the sight of them, but alongside that horror is anticipation. She can easily imagine how each piece of equipment might be used to torment her all the way to a glorious orgasm, and the most horrifying part is, she's not even sure she would mind the torment anymore. So long as Aurora finally allowed her to cum, Septima would be happy. She would be fulfilled. She just… she just needed to be allowed to cum.

As her eyes flicker across the room, they come to a stop on the Astronomy Professor herself. There, on the far side of the tower, out on the tower's terrace, is Aurora Sinistra. Her naked ebony body glistens with sweat that reflects the stars, even as the witch worships a truly massive cock of a man hidden in dark robes.

Unaware of her newest guest, Aurora continues her ministrations quite enthusiastically, licking up and down the giant cock in front of her, paying special attention to the shaft with her mouth while her hands are occupied with playing with her lover's balls.

In that moment, Septima stares upon this shadowy, hidden figure in utter horror, knowing that her worst fears have been realized. Those calculations she'd done all those months ago, that had led her to the Divination Professors and then to Aurora herself, that had gotten her in this situation in the first place… they were right. A great evil was coming and had already arrived.

If you were to tell her that Septima was staring at the Dark Lord reborn a third time, she would have believed it. The sheer malevolence that her delirious, feverish mind attributes to this cloaked, big-dicked figure is staggering. He is, without a doubt, the greatest evil she's ever born witness to. Him and his fat… thick… juicy cock.

Standing there, her legs trembling, her knees locking together, Septima can only watch as Aurora suddenly pops her mouth off of her lover's member, sliding her hands up from his balls to his shaft and double-fisting the giant prick as she tilts her head back and lolls out her tongue.

"Please, Master~ Give it to me! Give me my Christmas Present, I've been a good girl, haven't I? I've earned it!"

A moment later, Aurora's ebony body is positively BATHED in a torrent of ivory cum. Septima can only stare at the sheer amount, mouth agape and eyes wide as Aurora moans wantonly, seeming to orgasm explosively on the spot from being coated in her Master's seed. As his release seems to set the Astronomy Professor off even more, she giddily and greedily begins massaging his thick splooge into her naked body, shuddering in orgasmic bliss all the while.

A few seconds of staring at this diabolical sight is all it takes for the scent of that seed to finally reach across the room to Septima's nostrils. They instinctively flare as she drinks in the smell of the mysterious man's cum. Unbeknownst to her, that's exactly what the curse has been waiting for. The delirious woman is completely unprepared for it, but quite suddenly, her first orgasms in months are triggered.

Letting out an ear-splitting shriek, Septima collapses to the floor of the tower, climaxing her pretty little brains out of her head, even further diminishing her already addled intelligence as she spasms and seizes up on the floor in abject ecstasy, more pleasure than she ever would have thought possible. Of course, her little outburst finally alerts Aurora and her lover to the Arithmancy Professor's presence.

"Oh! It really is Christmas! Finally!"

Like a switch has been flipped, Aurora is abruptly on her feet, grinning wickedly and strutting over to where Septima is currently having the first orgasm in months on the floor. Standing over her, the dark-skinned witch chuckles darkly, her Master's cum still dripping from her body in some places, while rubbed successfully in so that her skin is glistening as if it's had lotion applied in others.

"I wasn't sure if you were ever going to break, Septima~ I have to admit, I've really come to admire your resilience these past few months. If not for me seeing how weak you were getting at feasts, I would have thought you found a way to overcome my little rune on the nape of your neck. But no… no, all this time, you've been fighting as hard as you possibly could, haven't you?"

Moaning wantonly, still spasming and flexing her body as she lays there on the floor, her robes now open and showing off her soiled, naked figure, Septima can only glare balefully up at her former best friend for doing this to her. Of course, the effect of said glare is undeniably ruined by the way her face contorts in further pleasure a moment later, another explosive orgasm crashing over her as the smell of Aurora's Master's seed gets stronger and stronger.

"I certainly would never have lasted as long as you. I don't know how you did it, Septima, but I suppose in the end, it doesn't matter does it? In the end, what was it all for, really? All your struggle, all these months of trying to hold out… it still brought you back to me, to us. Your defeat was inevitable the moment that you fell under the gaze of my Master~"

Still spasming and shaking, Septima can't offer up much of a defense. But she does her best anyways, forcing herself to get the words out through clenching teeth, her eyes flickering between Aurora and the cloaked, hooded figure that's come to stand next to her.

"W-Whoever… your Master is… t-they won't win… M-McGonagall will find out… s-she'll alert Potter. He'll s-stop you b-both!"

Aurora blinks at that, and then lets out a bark of laughter, nearly doubling over as she busts a gut. Frankly, Septima doesn't see the humor. Apparently, Aurora's master doesn't either, because they just stand there, still quiet as the grave. Septima's view of them is abruptly interrupted by Aurora thrusting cum-stained toes into her face, however.

"Shut up and put that idiot mouth of yours to better use already, Septima. It's far passed time you learned how to be a proper pet to our Master."

Immediately, what little bark Septima has managed to show is tossed aside, proving that there's no bite behind it as she gives in to her desires. Now that she knows the cum is what she needs, she's all too willing to debase herself wholly and utterly for even a taste of it. Her tongue flickers out and she begins to lick and lap at Aurora's messy foot, before ultimately beginning to suckle on the toes themselves like a bitch in heat.

Aurora moans in pleasure, tilting her head back and thrusting out her equally cum-stained chest as she stands there with one foot in Septima's face, looking to all the world like a defiled but still exultant Nubian Goddess. Of course, all the world isn't looking… it's just Septima and Aurora's Master, and Septima is far too focused on sucking on her colleague and former friend's toes to notice much of anything at the moment, even Aurora's Dark Master's cock growing harder and thicker once again.

But eventually, her tongue has dived in and out of all the crevices and covered every last inch of the surface of Aurora's foot. Pulling her foot back out of Septima's reach, Aurora reaches down and grabs her colleague by the hair instead, yanking the brunette back up to her knees, finally. As she tears Septima's already-open robes off of her shoulders, the Arithmancy Professor finds herself face to cock with the massive, thick member of Aurora's hooded, cloaked Master.

Her nostrils flare and she stares longingly at his prick, knowing without a doubt that she's too far gone to truly fight back at this point. The scent of his cum is enough to drive her wild, to make her do disgusting, despicable things like suck on her former best friend's toes just for more of a taste of his seed. In comparison, deep-throating his dick to get it right from the source almost seems tantalizing.

It's amazing that he's even bigger than most of the horse dildos she's conjured over the past few months though. He might very well dislocate her jaw, though knowing the way magic works, he probably won't. Magical people like witches and wizards are made to be resilient, made to be tough. They very rarely broke bones except in the case of very great falls and aged much slower than their muggle counterparts.

Regardless, she was wholly ready to suck his cock… but not before she got another word in about his imminent failure.

"Harry Potter will stop you, whoever you are. You d-don't know what you're dealing with."

Finally, she hears a noise from beneath the hood. A dark, masculine chuckle. Of course, she already knew it was a man, didn't she? She could see his massive, majestic, oh so tantalizing prick right in front of her. But now she has a voice to put to it as he finally speaks to her, a voice that is strangely familiar, though she can't quite place where she heard it before.

"Is that so?"

Stepping forward, Aurora's Master slaps his massive, meaty cock down onto Septima's face. The broken woman, broken for months now and just unwilling to properly acknowledge it, groans and moans in equal measure, her face turned up to greet his gorgeous specimen of a member, her nostrils and lips dragging against the underside of his length. It's still slightly slick with Aurora's drool and saliva from where the dark-skinned witch had been worshipping it with her mouth and tongue.

Now it's Septima's turn to helplessly do the same, worshipping the hooded figure's cock reluctantly and with great shame. She doesn't bring her hands up to help though, and she considers that a win, but there's no way she can resist the urge to lick and lap at his member, slurping at it in an incredibly lewd way that tells her no matter what, she's soon going to have this big fat dick down her throat. But not yet… she still has a moment more to give this bastard a piece of her mind before he shatters it wholesale with his bitch breaking pecker.

"Y-Yes! You'll s-see! The M-Man-Who-Won is not someone to be trifled with!"

Another deep, dark chuckle, as he drags his cock down across her face, Septima moans and parts her ruby red lips nice and wide, unconsciously giving him access. As his cockhead slips between those lips and into her mouth, she dutifully begins sucking on it, having no real choice in the matter. She NEEDS it, or rather, she needs the delicious sticky white treat that's already beginning to leak out of the mysterious figure's glans and onto her writhing tongue.

That doesn't mean she's happy about it, and she continues to try and glare up at Aurora's hooded Master, even as he brings a hand down atop her head and forces her further and further down his length. His cock descends deeper and deeper into her mouth, but if there's one thing Septima has been doing these past few months, it's been training her holes.

It's not like she wanted to or anything like that, nor could she ever have imagined that all of these months of progressively larger dildos in her cunt, ass, and mouth would bring her to this point where she would be face to face with a real cock of that size, but that's how it's turned out. Almost as if it was planned.

Either way, his member goes down the back of her throat and Septima easily and instinctively represses her gag reflex, swallowing his cock whole like the trained whore she's inadvertently become. The Arithmancy Professor realizes what she's doing a moment later and realizes to her horror how she's been trained for Aurora's Master, but it doesn't stop her. No matter how horrified she might be about all of this, she NEEDS more of his cum. Her pussy, dripping with desire and ready to experience another delirious, mind-blowing orgasm, clenches at the mere thought of more of his seed.

It'll fill her throat; it'll fill her nostrils. She'll drown in his cum and finally be able to climax from the smell, the taste, the EVERYTHING. Eyes fluttering, mouth watering liberally, Septima moans around the cock descending down her throat. She can handle this. She can take it. And once he's done with her, once she's gotten what she needs from him… she'll go to the Headmistress straight away and expose Aurora and her Dark Master once and for all. She'll-

Septima's eyes abruptly widen as the hooded figure who's so thoroughly broken her dark-skinned friend suddenly stops playing nice. His grip on her hair tightens up and he yanks her halfway off of his cock before SLAMMING her back down his length, causing her to choke mightily. Then, he does it again and again, seeming almost intent on ruining her throat and asphyxiating her on his mammoth-sized bitch breaker of a member.


As Septima begins to struggle, as she starts to resist, her will to live and survive stronger than her need for his cum… Aurora steps in. Having snuck into position behind her, the dark-skinned witch's wand taps Septima's jaw, causing a massive O-ring gag that stretches her mouth to its breaking point to unfurl and appear between her teeth and the massive cock violating her esophagus.

Pressing herself into Septima from behind, she holds the struggling, choking woman in place, her free hand reaching around to grab a tit, groping and squeezing it quite judiciously.

"No need to struggle now, Septie dear~ Master isn't going to kill you. But I can't let you harm him. Just take it. Take your lumps like the good little bitch you are, and soon enough you'll understand that there's no turning back. There's no escape. This is the rest of your life now, and you'll be so much happier once you finally acknowledge that. We'll be able to be friends again, once you accept your place at our Master's feet."

If she could, she would have spouted something vaguely heroic like 'Never!' back at her colleague and former best friend. With a massive cock thrusting down her throat and a newly made O-ring gag to keep her from biting down however, Septima can't say a thing. Going a step further, Aurora casts the rope spell as well, tying Septima's arms behind her back so that she can't even try to push him away with her hands anymore.

She's completely and utterly trapped, and in spite of Aurora's attempt to calm and soothe her, Septima is panicking. How can she not? She's losing air by the second, choking on this meaty monstrosity that's tearing its way down her gullet again and again at a breakneck pace. Aurora's Master, whoever he is, refuses to let up, refuses to give her any sort of break.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Septima can do nothing but try to endure. Her tongue writhes along the underside of her assaulter's cock, not to necessarily pleasure him per say, but just to give a little more lubrication to ease his passage in and out of her progressively more and more ruined throat.

The taste of his cum, however, is still there as well, and throughout the assault on her esophagus, throughout the thorough destruction of her throat, Septima is ashamed to say she cums more than once, the taste alone enough to bring her over the edge. It's an utterly shameful experience, humiliating and degrading to the extreme… but luckily, there is an end to it. There's a conclusion.

Aurora clearly knows something Septima doesn't, because the other witch seems to recognize it long before she does. Continuing to molest and hold Septima tightly from behind, the Astronomy Professor giggles excitedly.

"Here it comes, Septie! Here comes the Master's seed!"

Despite her lack of air, Septima can't stop her heart from racing with excitement and anticipation. And true to Aurora's word, it does arrive a moment later. An overwhelming amount of cum crashes into Septima's tonsils and doesn't stop, causing her to violently choke and gag on the splooge as it explodes back up her throat, coming out of her flaring nostrils and the sides of her mouth.

At the same time, the curse does it's work beautifully, and though she's being face fucked most brutally and being treated like nothing more than a one-use fuck toy, Septima's teary eyes roll back in her head as she experiences the biggest orgasm of her life, irrevocably tainted by where it's coming from and why it's happening. All of this pain, all of this pleasure, it's overwhelming for the poor older woman. She's not built for this and never was. She was always the nerdy witch, always the quiet one who stayed in the back and kept her head down.

She was a Hogwarts Professor for Pete's Sake! Back in Septima's day, that meant a little something, it meant that there wasn't much to worry about, that you could simply relax behind the safety of Hogwarts' walls without concerning yourself overly much with the outside world. It meant that you were safe behind its wards.

Of course, Voldemort's Second Rise had thoroughly disproven that, but in the two decades since that time, Hogwarts had been as safe as it had been before the Dark Lord had come back around. Now though, here Septima was, being utterly debased and degraded within it's walls by a truly evil man, a new Dark Lord in the making no doubt, one that had turned her friend into his willing slave somehow and was clearly trying to do the same to her now.

As he lets go of her skull and pulls out of her throat, Septima slumps back into Aurora's embrace, not out of a desire to do so, but simply out of sheer exhaustion. Weak as she feels, the gagged witch can do nothing but moan through the O-ring, her chest heaving and his seed leaking out of her open mouth and down to her bust. She swallows as much of his cum as she can but knows her ordeal is just beginning. Her pussy is positively drooling in anticipation of what's likely to happen next.

He's going to fuck her. Obviously he's going to fuck her. Perhaps they think that will break her. Perhaps they think that will be the straw that finally overloads the camel's back. Septima refuses to be so weak though. She has to endure; she just has to hold out a little longer. If she can make them THINK they've broken her without them actually doing so, she might just be able to get word to McGonagall about all of this still.

Tell me, Septima Vector. Do you still believe that your Savior will come for you? That he'll save a trashy, ruined thing like you?"

Shuddering, Septima continues to gasp and pant in Aurora's arms. Harry James Potter, the Man-Who-Won. He's also the Head Auror at the DMLE, a man who's kept the Wizarding World safe for decades now. He might not come for her specifically, he might not even be able to save her… but Septima is a smart witch. She understands that you can't save everyone.

But will he stop this bastard? Without a doubt. There's not a single iota of Septima that believes otherwise and though she can't actually articulate that to the hooded man now, she nevertheless does her best to convey it through a weakened glare and a single nod of her head. No, she might not be saved… but yes, Harry would stop them. He would stop their nefarious plans in their tracks!

Rather than finally showing some irritation or anger at Septima's defiance, rather than growling furious at supposedly being underestimated… the hooded figure just chuckles again, and then twirls his finger in the air. Septima doesn't understand at first, until she realizes that the motion isn't meant for her… it's meant for Aurora.

"With pleasure, Master~"

The dark-skinned witch spins Septima's bound form about and forces her face down on the floor, a foot on the back of her head. At the same time, she drags Septima's hips up into the air, forcing them nice and high. Face down, ass up. That's apparently how Septima is about to be defiled, how she's going to be fucked. Her cunt is gushing wet with desire and excitement, but Septima herself knows she just needs to try and hold out. She just needs to survive this with her mind intact.

And yet, despite using progressively larger dildos on her back door over the last few months, Septima is still caught completely off guard when Aurora suddenly spreads her pale bubble butt wide and Aurora's Master SLAMS his cock home into Septima's asshole instead of her cunt. A loud squeal emits from the opening of the O-Ring gag as Septima shudders and shakes under the anal assault.

His cock is so much bigger than anything conjured that she's left back on the floor of her quarters. More than size, however, is the realness of it. He's thick and huge and stretching her apart, yes… but the heat exuding from his pulsating, throbbing member as it barrels into her bowels and then back out, only to do it all again, is what simply cannot be matched. The way he's plundering her asshole with every last inch of his cock, his hefty ball sack soon slapping against her wet pussy in a way that has her squealing and shrieking in orgasmic bliss… it's simply too much.

Nevertheless, Septima perseveres. She has to hold on, she has to… and so, in order to hold on to some semblance of her mind, she lets herself given in just a little. Her wanton moans become a bit louder as she stops trying and failing to hold them in. And when Aurora pulls her foot back and offers Septima her toes again, the Arithmancy Professor doesn't even hesitate to lean forward and suck on them through the O-ring gag most needily as she gets ass fucked from behind.

"Good girl, Septie! That's it! Just like that! Oooh, you're getting it now, aren't you?"

Her tongue flicks this way and that across Aurora's toes as she's anally pounded. She doesn't dare look up to meet Aurora's eyes, fearing that the other witch will see the defiance still present within her. She's trying to make it appear as if she's broken, so she keeps her gaze down and lets her voice continue to leak through, moaning around Aurora's toes as the other witch's mysterious Master continues to pound Septima's asshole out into the shape of his cock.

Orgasming again and again from the experience is something Septima wishes she could say she didn't do, but it would be a lie. She cums from the butt fucking she's receiving more times than she can count, her pussy juices forming a liberal puddle on the floor between her legs as she's ramming into again and again and again.

Until finally, with a triumphant roar, the most emotion and volume she's heard from Aurora's Master since this all started, he cums again, this time in her back door, filling her bowels with his seed just as he did her throat and mouth and nostrils. Septima's eyes roll back again, and she whites out for a moment, completely losing track of the world around her for who knows how long.

By the time she comes back to herself, she's on her back, her head cradled in Aurora's lap and hands with the O-ring gag removed but her arms still tied behind her back. As well, her legs are spread open against her will, bound at the thigh and shin and forcibly bent. Her gushing, dripping wet pussy is defenseless and on full display as the hooded, cloaked figure kneels down between her legs.

"Beg him, Septie. Beg our Master for his glorious cock and he'll give it to you. All you have to do is show how much you want it."

Aurora's voice is sickeningly sweet as she gives this advice, deceptively soft. Her hands stroke almost lovingly through Septima's sweaty, soiled brunette locks, showing an affection that the Arithmancy Professor simply doesn't feel for her colleague any longer. But she has to continue to play the part. She has to convince them both. So she opens her mouth to do as Aurora says, hating every moment of it, only to be cut off by a hand around her throat from the other witch's mysterious Master.

"Now, now. Don't say anything you would regret. Lying to me, after all, is a very bad idea."

Septima's eyes widen at that. How did he know? How could he possibly know? Aurora is just as surprised, though doesn't for a second doubt her Master.

"What?! Septie?! You were trying to trick us! Ugh, you're so dumb sometimes!"

With her ruse discovered almost instantly, Septima drops the act and gathers what defiance she has remaining, glaring up into the darkness of the hood before her, obscuring her rapist's identity.

"F-Fuck… you…"

He chuckles again at that, cocking his head to the side.

"There, now that was honest. Good girl. Wouldn't want Harry Potter to come to save you, only to find out you're a filthy, bad girl who lies, now would we?"

She hates how he keeps on mocking her with mentions of the Boy-Who-Lived, the Man-Who-Won. She especially hates when Aurora giggles uncontrollably at her Master's joke, like it's some great big laugh that Septima isn't in on. Something of her hatred must show on her face, because the hooded man pauses again, and then seems to come to a decision.

"Do you still believe he's coming for you, Septima Vector? Do you still think he has a chance in hell of stopping me?"

Still being held by the throat, Septima nevertheless remains defiant until the end, rasping out the words despite her throat being utterly destroyed by this bastard's unbelievably large, incredibly pleasurable cock.

"He… will."

Lifting his head, the hooded figure speaks to Aurora instead, the two of them having a rapid back and forth that Septima struggles to follow.

"Hm. And what do you think, Aurora? Do you think Harry Potter is going to stop me?"

"Of course not, Master! That would be silly!"

"It would be, wouldn't it? And why would it be silly, my darling pet?"

"Because YOU'RE Harry Potter, of course!"

Before Septima can even fully process Aurora's last words, the hooded figure reaches up and pulls back his hood, canceling the shadowy enchantment that was keeping his identity completely obscured. There, revealed, is the face of one Harry James Potter, Head Auror of the DMLE, Man-Who-Won, and Lord of both House Potter and House Black.

Gorgeous emerald eyes positively aglow with frightening power, a wide wicked evil grin on his face as he looks down at her, Harry raises a single eyebrow.

"Indeed I am. And why would I ever want to stop myself?"

It's in that moment, faced with the true inescapable horror of her situation, that Septima finally properly snaps. All of her hope, all of her faith, had been placed in Harry Potter's ability to take down a burgeoning Dark Lord. She'd even been ready to sacrifice herself, ready to die or worse with the knowledge that somewhere down the line, Harry Potter would put things to right again.

But now she's face to face with the truth and there's no denying it. Harry Potter is Aurora's Master. Harry Potter is the great evil that Septima saw coming in her calculations. And who the hell is going to save them from Harry Potter?

The Arithmancy Professor all but goes catatonic as Harry thrusts into her, finally. He doesn't make her beg for it, doesn't demand that she submit to him verbally. He just starts fucking her, both of them knowing that it's over, that Septima is as broken as Aurora. All that's left is to build her back up again, to turn her into the perfect little cum-whore for Harry Potter, just like all the rest of his slaves, pets, sluts, and fuck toys.

Not that Septima knows anything about them, oh but she'll meet them eventually. Not this Christmas, because Harry doesn't intend to take his pet Professors with him to the Family Celebration he has planned, but perhaps later on, on a lesser holiday. For now, Septima is fucked on the floor of Aurora's tower as the dark-skinned witch whispers sweet nothings into her friend's ears, cooing to her about this and that.

Harry's massive cock plunders Septima's cunt just as it did her throat and ass. Just like with her throat and ass, Septima has unknowingly and unthinkingly trained her pussy to be ready for his dick, to be properly prepared to take his cock all the way to her womb, and then inside of it. Her cervix certainly doesn't put up much of a fight. His massive bitch breaker comes barreling down her love tunnel, and with the very first knock on the gate, is allowed right into her womb.

As he womb fucks her properly, Septima's eyes roll back in her head for the last time that evening, not destined to roll forward again. Tears still streaming down her cheeks, the beautiful brunette Arithmancy Professor is nevertheless smiling a painful smile, one etched into her face by overwhelming pleasure and ecstasy. She's truly been broken now, her oh so intelligent mind reduced to mush, malleable and perfect for molding and sculpting into precisely what Harry wants from her.

No one is coming to save her. No one is coming to stop Harry. Without even knowing how far his corruption already extends, Septima instinctively knows that there's no hope, that nobody could possibly stand up to him. She knows this in her soul, and it's true. No one HAS managed to stand up to him. Ultimately, all in all, Harry Potter has won… and Septima Vector is ready to submit and simply become the horny, needy cum dump slave she was meant to be.

Finishing inside of her, Harry pulls back with a pleased smile on his face. Standing up, he watches Aurora cradle Septima's twitching, spasming form for a moment before nodding.

"Merry Christmas, Aurora."

"Merry Christmas, Master~"

And with that said, Harry pulls back up his hood, whips around, and steps right off of the tower terrace, flying off into the night under his own power. Aurora Sinistra watches him go… and then 'attends' to her beloved colleague. After all, aftercare is oh so important… as is making sure that Septima knows exactly where she stands on the totem pole.

It's just below Aurora of course, sucking on the ebony witch's toes like the good little slut she is.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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