
Roxanne Weasley

Roxanne Weasley was a beautiful young woman who took after her mother in pretty much every way. While she loved her father dearly, she'd inherited none of the Weasley family's pervasive genes, to everyone's surprise. Her hair was as dark in color as her skin and her eyes. She was in every way, her mother's daughter. As such, it was perfectly understandable that Roxanne had grown up closer to her mum than her dad.

So of course, when she noticed her mother seemed restless, Roxanne took steps to remedy the situation.

"Come on mum, dad will be back any minute, it'll be the perfect time for us to head out."

Angelina let out an exasperated sigh, but there was a soft smile on her face that told Roxanne just how close she was to convincing her mother that this was a good idea.

"Your father will still need my help with the store, even when he does return. Today just isn't a good day."

That got a scowl from the younger woman as she frowned severely and shook her head.

"That's just an excuse and you know it mum. Daddy will agree with me too. He'll say that it's been way too long and that you owe me some us time. Quidditch practice is how I choose to spend our us time, okay?"

Angelina just chuckled and then nodded Roxanne to the side. The dark skinned girl had been leaned against the store counter, blocking access for actual customers. Blinking at her mistake, Roxanne followed her mother's silent order and shifted around to the opposite side of the counter, coming up alongside Angelina as the older woman rang up the customer who'd been waiting rather impatiently. Even as she did so, her daughter didn't give up for even a second.

"Come oooon mum! You know you miss it too! It'll be a ton of fun. There's absolutely no reason not to go over to the burrow and make use of the practice field that Harry had built there!"

That got a reaction from Angelina as she finished the current customer's transaction and whirled on her daughter, a finger in Roxanne's surprised face.

"That's Lord Potter to you young lady. I didn't raise you to have poor manners."

Roxanne blinked, going cross eyed for a moment to stare at her mother's finger before grinning sheepishly rather than actually looking properly chastised.

"Sorry mum… it's just, he tells me to call him Harry, whenever I see him. It's no big deal, he's family right?"

Angelina could see the blush on her girl's face. Despite Roxanne hiding behind the 'family' line, it was clear to the older woman that her daughter was actually crushing just a bit on the older man. Considering what Angelina now knew of Harry's tendencies, she really had no desire to let her daughter fall into his clutches. Betraying George was bad enough, and so was her intention to continue to do so. But what kind of mother would she be if she let Roxanne go down the same path?

The door to the shop abruptly swung open, ringing the bell that announced new customers and cutting off whatever Roxanne had been about to say as well as disrupting Angelina's thoughts. Both women looked to the entryway, only to see not a new customer but George Weasley walking in with a stack of boxes in hand.

Roxanne was quick to hurry over to help him, while Angelina stayed behind the counter and minded the till, biting her lower lip and flushing in a bit of guilt as she took in her struggling, earnest husband. George didn't deserve her infidelity, but that wouldn't stop her from committing it. Harry had her, hook, line, and sinker.

"Daddy! Let me help you with that!"

"Thanks sweetie, it's a bit heavy but I should be able to manage if you just take the top box."

As daughter and father made their way into the backroom, Angelina let out a sigh, knowing what was coming. She knew her husband, her kind fool of a husband, just like she knew her mischievous, conniving little girl. Five minutes later, her assumption was proven correct when George came out of the back with Roxanne dogging his heels and made a beeline for her behind the counter.

Before Angelina could do much in the way of protesting, George had her shop apron off of her and was putting it on himself, moving her bodily away from the counter.

"Right, my turn to watch the shop! You and Roxanne are do for some mother-daughter bonding I should think! Have a good day you two."

Angelina gave her husband and daughter an exasperated smile as Roxanne grinned impishly in response and George refused to even acknowledge her, staring straight ahead as he took over her spot at the till just like that. Shaking her head in amused bemusement, Angelina threw her hands up a bit and finally gave in, nodding to Roxanne and following the suddenly excited girl as they headed into the back.

A quick stop at their home to gather up their Quidditch equipment and then the two women were off to the Burrow, passing through the house and out into the backyard towards the fully functional Quidditch pitch that Harry had had installed in the open field back there. Angelina supposed she didn't mind it, and it did feel good to be wearing her gear again. Her old chaser uniform and pads from her Hogwarts days STILL fit her, albeit a bit tight around the chest and hip area thanks to Roxanne's birth.

Side by side, her and her daughter actually looked more like two Hogwarts students, one younger than the other, but not so young as to be mother and daughter. It was definitely a slight inflation to Angelina's self-esteem. Though, the other nice thing was the small breeze against her shaven mound, as between her legs, the crotch of her uniform had a slit in it so she could latch onto her broom with her cunt lips. It certainly wasn't regulation, but she, Alicia, and Katie had all done it to their uniforms to give them that extra bit of advantage.

Biting her lower lip, Angelina glanced at her daughter. Roxanne was aspiring to be Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team this upcoming school year. Should she help her daughter out, even at the cost of her own embarrassment? Horrifyingly, the mere thought of suggesting such a thing caused her pussy to moisten in forbidden delight.


Roxanne was happy to be out there with her mother, but for the moment she wasn't looking Angelina, and thus she missed the embarrassed lip bite and the look of shameful arousal on her mother's face. Instead, she'd seen a flash of movement in one of the Burrow's windows and had glanced back to see Rose Weasley looking out the window. Smiling, Roxanne tossed out a wave, being on quite good terms with the other girl as she was.

Rose looked a bit flustered from here, but Roxanne figured that was simply a trick of the light. Regardless, the red head smiled widely and waved back and with that out of the way, Roxanne turned on her way, continuing after her mother who had actually moved just a bit ahead of her. As she did so, Rose, who had her hands below the window sill, pulled up, revealing a nude and gagged Hermione, dragged into place by her long curly brown hair.

The beautiful older witch was completely out of it, her eyes rolling every which way and her tongue hanging out of the center of the O-ring gag currently in her mouth. Rose dragged her all the way up and played a little game with said tongue, dominating her insensate mother's mouth as best she could around the gag as she continued to thrust away with the big, black strap on dildo she had buried in her mother's cunt.

As soon as Rose ended that domineering sloppy little make out session, a pair of long, blemish free legs came up from under the window sill as well and wrapped around Hermione's neck. The naked woman was unceremoniously pulled back out of sight, even as her daughter took that moment to finally close the curtains.

Roxanne saw none of this, catching up to her mother as she was. They arrived on the edge of the Quidditch Pitch and Angelina, having come to a decision, turned to Roxanne and spoke, a blush on her chocolate colored face.

"Sweetheart, I know you're hoping to get Quidditch Captain this year. In the event that you do, you'll need all the help you can get. It's a little embarrassing, but there is one thing that Alicia, Katie and I used to do that always gave us a leg up. And I feel fairly confident in saying that most of your competition won't be using this technique. Especially the men."

Roxanne blinked at that and her mother blushed further. Instead of elaborating verbally, Angelina decided to just show her daughter. Right there in front of her, the older witch took her broom and placed it between her legs as usual. Except, this close, Roxanne was able to see the way her mum was pushing the broom a bit further up than it should have been able to go. She didn't actually see anything scandalous because the broom blocked her view, but she did watch the crotch of her mother's old Quidditch uniform split open as she buried the length of the broom up against her pussy lips.

To say the younger witch's eyes were wide would be an underestimate. At this point they were practically bulging out of her skull as Angelina let out a slight sigh of satisfaction and then kicked off. Of course, if they were bulging before, they were practically falling out onto the ground as she watched her mother fly through the air. Her jaw dropped and Roxanne couldn't help but be amazed at just how GOOD her mom was. But then, she'd always known it, she'd seen pensieve memories of Angelina's games.

Now though, Roxanne knew the secret to her mom's success. This was no joke. By the time Angelina came down for a landing a few minutes later, the older witch had a bit of a sweat to her, and one could barely tell she was flustered with arousal rather than simple exertion. Smiling hopefully at her daughter, though Roxanne could see the slight fear of judgment in her mum's eyes, Angelina raised her brow questioningly.

Biting her lower lip, Roxanne nodded.

"C-Can you do it for me?"

She really didn't trust herself with something like this, but she did trust her mother. Angelina's blush skyrocketed as she dismounted her slickened broom and walked over, pulling her wand from her holster. Biting her lower lip, she knelt down and looked up at Roxanne. The younger witch couldn't meet her mum's eyes as she glanced away, so Angelina just got it over with.


Under Angelina's practiced, experienced, and skilled hand, the severing charm merely caused a slit to form in the crotch of Roxanne's Quidditch uniform and her panties beneath it. The young dark skinned witch let out a slight gasp as a small breeze hit her mound for the first time, and only then did she realize that her mother probably didn't wear panties while playing Quidditch herself, if this was how she always flew.

Blushing deeply at said realization, Roxanne still didn't look her mother in the eye as she took her broom and pushed it up between her legs, spreading the slit of her crotch and panties along its smooth, wooden length and pressing it up against her mound. Another gasp left her lips as she did so and the young, dark-skinned witch couldn't quite keep from whimpering. She pushed her broom as far up against her pussy as she could get it and then she tried to cling to it with her lower lips.

It wasn't easy, but eventually she felt like she had it. Grabbing onto the front of her broom, Roxanne Weasley rose into the air to meet her mother, who already had a quaffle in hand. The older witch was smiling slightly, her face as flushed with arousal as Roxanne's was beginning to become. Then, Angelina took off and Roxanne was left to chase after her.

Getting used to this way of playing took a while for the younger witch. Her broom got slicker and slicker with her juices, but at the same time Roxanne got better and better at maneuvering and flying with her pussy lips wrapped along its wooden length. And her mother was clearly a fair bit more sensitive to the touch of her broom than Roxanne was for some reason. The dark skinned young woman had no issues at all with abusing this fact and by the end of their little practice session, Roxanne was running circles around her mum, as Angelina got completely outplayed by her daughter, due to being forced to spend a good portion of her concentration in holding back her impending orgasm.

In the end, it was Angelina who ended things, calling for her daughter to head back down to the ground. They landed together, Angelina with a small smile on her face to cover up just how badly she wanted to cum, and Roxanne with a big wide grin spread across her own features, happy in the knowledge that she'd managed to show her skilled, experienced mother up in one of their favorite pastimes for once.

As messed up as Angelina was, it was her daughter that noticed they had a visitor.


The older witch's eyes shot up, growing wide as she saw Harry Potter walking up with a broom in hand, dressed in his own Quidditch gear. Though, he in no way fit his old set from back at Hogwarts. Instead, the man was wearing an outfit that had been gifted to him when he played seeker in a small exhibition match that took place during the most recent Quidditch World Cup.

It looked good on him, but Angelina was still a bit worried about the domineering man's presence. Especially the wicked gleam in his eye and the smirk he gave her over her daughter's head as Roxanne ran to him and collided with his chest.

"Roxy! Good to see you girl! You looked amazing up there, you and your mum both. But you looked especially good. Training for next year? I hope you plan to take home the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor this year. Ravenclaw winning it last year was better than Slytherin getting their hands on it, but we both know it belongs with the red and gold."

Roxanne flushed and ducked her head, smiling but nodding all the same as she smacked Harry in the chest a bit.

"Haaarry, you're supposed to call me Roxanne. I'm not five anymore you know! And yeah, I'm definitely going to win it for Gryffindor this year! Mum just got done teaching me this really cool trick that'll make things a lock for us!"

The look Harry gave her over Roxanne's head made Angelina think he knew right then and there what technique she'd showed her daughter. But how could Harry possibly have known? She'd not told him and she couldn't imagine Alicia or Katie had either… there was no way he should have had any clue what Roxanne was talking about. But the look in his eyes, the dark foreboding look, said he did.

Angelina bit her lower lip, her legs going weak at that gaze. Harry was nearly sending her to her knees with his eyes alone, but before either of them could find out if that was actually possible, he had already turned his attention back to her daughter, a smile on his face.

"Well, I suppose if you win the Cup this year, I won't be able to call you Roxy anymore. How about that?"

The older witch could only watch on as her daughter blushed and nodded her head again. Damn it, Roxanne had it bad and from the way Harry was STILL holding her daughter close, he knew it. With a slight smirk on his face, the Head Auror spoke almost casually as he suggested something that had Angelina's heart racing.

"Why don't I take you up on my broom for a bit? It's the fastest on the market right now, as usual. I'll give you a couple of pointers of my own to help build on what your mother has taught you."

Angelina could see her daughter's eyes light up from where she stood.

"Sure Harry, let me just secure my broom on the rack so it doesn't get dirty!"

Her daughter finally broke away from the man Angelina was cheating on her husband with, moving off to the side of the Quidditch pitch in order to properly put her broom away for the time being. Angelina let out a shuddering breath as Harry approached her.

"I-I'm not sure that this is such a good idea Harry. R-Roxanne would be better off learning to fly on her o-own broom, don't you think?"

Harry's smile turned into a wicked grin and his intentions were laid bare as he moved to stand beside her, the two of them looking back at her innocent daughter for a brief moment before his hand landed on her ass, giving her a nice playful slap on her rump and letting it linger just long enough for a decent squeeze.

"Oh, I think Roxy needs some hands on teaching personally. Don't you?"

Roxanne was already making her way back over to them as Harry removed his hand. The dark skinned girl was completely oblivious to the interaction as she smiled winningly, almost skipping over to Harry. A full body shiver went through her that her daughter thankfully completely missed and Angelina bit her lip and nodded as she spoke in a rather breathless tone.

"H-Have fun you two…"

Her daughter gave her a big grin and then climbed onto Harry's broom as the older man sat himself up behind her. Angelina could only whimper as Harry launched them both up into the air, away from her. She'd failed as a mother, completely and utterly unable and unwilling to protect her daughter from whatever Harry intended for her.

Finally, with them out of range, Angelina fell to her knees and allowed herself to cum. She didn't even have to touch her body for it, she was just that primed. Clenching her teeth together and balling her hands into fists, she kept the orgasmic cry from leaving her throat as she shook minutely, her pussy juices splattering both onto the ground through the spread slit in her crotch and onto her uniform itself, making a mess of things.

The dark skinned woman didn't know what to do. She certainly had it bad, if she was giving up her daughter simply for Harry's approval. He had her heart and her soul in the palm of his hand. Whimpering, Angelina's only hope was that Roxanne could be stronger than she was.


Roxanne Weasley swiftly realized she'd overlooked one thing in her hero worship as she jumped at the chance to learn from the best. The crotch of her Quidditch uniform was still cut down the middle. Now, one might think this wasn't something anyone could possibly forget. But if one DID think that, clearly one had never met Lord Harry Potter.

Blushing in embarrassment, the dark skinned young woman could do nothing but try and keep still as Harry flew them around at rather swift speeds. He really did have one of the fastest brooms in the world, and his skill combined with that fact meant they were moving way quicker than she or her mother had been doing during their practice session before Harry had shown up.

As such, the witch's bare pussy lips were getting some unwelcome stimulation as Harry's top of the line broom vibrated against her cunt and the air current that the wizard was currently flying within smacked against her exposed mound. It was all too much and in no time at all, Roxanne was experiencing a very humiliating orgasm, thankful that at least Harry couldn't see her face as she lifted one hand to her mouth, curled it into a fist, and then bit down to stifle the sounds threatening to escape from her throat.

Unfortunately, Roxanne could do nothing about the squirming. She could only hope that Harry wouldn't notice, that he wouldn't- oh god his hot breath was right on her ear.

"Darling niece, your squirming is not making it easy for me to fly this broom."

His tone of voice was chastising, but she could also hear a hint of knowledge in his words. Like he knew and was amused by what she was currently going through.

"I suppose I'll have to make sure you stay in one place for me."

Roxanne's eyes widened as she heard a zipper being pulled down. She felt it before she saw it. Harry something long, thick and hard against her ass and when she looked back over her shoulder, she knew it for what it was. His cock, he had his cock out. Her uncle, who she'd crushed on for much of her teenage life but always known that she never had a chance with him, had his big, throbbing dick up against her buttocks.

"L-Lord P-Potter, I-AIIIIIIEEEEE!!!"

Before she could get anything else out, her protest was cut short when Harry pulled the broom up quite abruptly. Thanks to the slit her mother had made in her crotch and the big fat ass that Roxanne had inherited from Angelina spreading it even further, Harry's cock slid right up against the young witch's sphincter. Or more accurately, Roxanne fell back onto his cock and ended up with the first inch of his shaft in her poor virginal butthole.

A high pitch squeal emanated from the dark skinned girl's mouth and it was followed by more of the same, because Harry didn't let up. Every maneuver he made caused her to sink another inch on his huge shaft, and nothing he did seemed to let her fall off of it. Her poor tight asshole held onto his length like it was a lifeline, clenching down like the traitor it was and refusing to let go or loosen no matter how much Roxanne willed it.

Over and over again, Harry took her up and then down, flying through the air and slowly burying his massive member in her ass all the while. It was far from comfortable, yet Roxanne WAS already a bit aroused from her earlier practice with her mother, and the broom beneath her was still rubbing, grinding against her wet pussy lips.

There was an exhilarating feeling brought on by their flying that covered up the true pain of being fucked up the butt for the first time ever. By the time Harry was fully buried inside of Roxanne's big bubble butt, the chocolate colored young woman was actually panting with lust and need, rather than squealing in pain. She whimpered when Harry brought them to a stop and put his hands on her wide hips though.

"Ready for more sweetheart? How about you fly the broom and I'll fly you for a bit, alright?"

Unable to help herself, Roxanne looked back over her shoulder with big brown doe eyes at Harry and bit her lower lip in the same way her mother might, nodding up and down. She wanted it; she wanted Harry to fuck her. She NEEDED him to fuck her… and she needed it to be her ass. Holding onto the broom, she held them steady as Harry slowly slid back out of her back door over halfway.

This was going to be fun, everything she'd ever hoped for. She was about to be fucked on a broom high above a Quidditch pitch by the Savior of the Wizarding World. It was like some kind of porno fantasy to be hon-HOLY FUCK!

The beautiful young witch's thought process was abruptly cut off by Harry beginning to truly plow her ass from behind. He was pistoning in and out of her tightening back door with so much strength that Roxanne couldn't resist jerking the broom upwards every time her uncle fully sheathed himself inside of her poor bubble butt.

It was far more than the dark skinned girl had ever expected, and despite her intentions to keep the ride steady while getting fucked by a legend, she failed almost immediately. Instead, the two of them zipped and zagged and spun through the air, Roxanne barely hanging on for dear life as she moaned like a wanton whore, when she wasn't crying out joyously that is.

Harry didn't seem to care though, no matter how bumpy the ride got. The wizard was supremely confident in his actions and utterly focused on one thing and one thing alone; fucking the ever living hell out of Roxanne's derriere. His thrusts sped up and quite swiftly, Roxanne felt herself on the brink, about to tip over the edge. When she finally did, she orgasmed like she'd never orgasmed before. The explosive climax had her eyes rolling back in her head, her tongue lulling out of her skull, and her ass muscles clenching down harder than ever before around Harry's thrusting member. She coated his broom in pussy juices and then promptly blacked out, the release so intense that she lost consciousness.

With the dark skinned girl down for the count at least temporarily, there was no one flying the broom anymore. As she slumped forward with her tits hugging the wooden length and her arms hanging limply, they began to plummet down towards the ground in a nose dive, only Harry's thick girth keeping Roxanne from sliding off the broom and plummeting face first to either death or at the very least grievous injury.

Feeling a burst of adrenaline right alongside his pleasure, Harry reached over his unconscious niece's head and grabbed hold of the tip of the broom, practically mounting her rather than the flying instrument. Thrilled like he'd never been before, the wizard came inside of Roxanne Weasley's ass even as he saved them both from certain death, filling her back door to the absolute brim while bringing the broom to a deceptively smooth stop inches away from the ground.

Smirking with the sort of self-confidence that only a man of Harry's stature could ever reasonably have, the wizard let Roxanne slide off his cock finally, the combination of her passing out and loosening ass muscles, and his cum load slickening her bowels causing her to drop from his dick and the broom down face first onto the soft grass below them.

Harry couldn't help but appreciate the sight for a moment, his cock still completely hard as he observed Roxanne Weasley with her face down in the grass and her ass up in the air, still leaking white cream filling on the nice backdrop of her big round black ass. Chuckling, Harry finally dismounted from his broom before looking over to the other lovely lady currently on the Quidditch pitch. Angelina Weasley froze up when his eyes fell on her. The older witch was only a few yards away, as Harry had had enough time to plan where he wanted to land as well.

Angelina had given up on any semblance of propriety and was not simply sat on her ass, her legs spread wide as she fingered herself. It was clear from the mess she'd made of her Quidditch uniform and the wetness all over the grass in front of her that the older woman had been watching his and her daughter's escapades from afar. And she'd been enjoying them just as much as Harry and Roxanne did.

Snorting derisively at just how much of a slut the former Chaser was, Harry moved to where Angelina sat and reached out, casually taking hold of her ponytail like one would a leash on a bitch. The beautiful witch whimpered but when he tugged, she got on her hands and knees like a good girl and followed him over to where her daughter lay face down, ass up.

"Look what you've allowed to happen to your poor, sweet, innocent daughter Angelina."

Angelina whimpered but she didn't try to shy away. She stared long and hard at her daughter's ass, at Harry's cum leaking out of it.

"Or maybe you knew the truth all along. That your daughter is in no way innocent. She'd definitely never had it up the ass before, but she certainly enjoyed it just as much as you did."

This time Angelina wanted to deny it, a keening wail building in her throat as she tried to shake her head. But Harry's grip on the base of her ponytail only tightened and then he was shoving her face down in between her daughter's big fat ass cheeks.

"Eat it slut. Eat it right up."

It was humiliating and degrading. She was better than this, better than eating out her daughter's ass in the middle of a Quidditch Pitch on the orders of a man who'd made her cheat on her husband with him. But then, if she was better than that, why did she immediately get to work with such gusto? Harry laughed as Angelina moaned; face flushed and tongue deep inside of Roxanne's gaping butthole in no time. She scooped out his cum with her flexible muscle and drank it down, even as she felt Harry kneeling behind her.

He used the slit in her uniform, somehow already knowing it was there, to shove his hard cock up her sopping wet, ready and waiting cunt in one smooth motion. Angelina squealed into her unconscious daughter's cream-filled ass at the sudden intrusion, before settling into moaning as she continued to thoroughly tongue out Roxanne's butt.

Roxanne stayed unconscious, up to the point where Harry got tired of plowing her mum's cunt and slid out of her sopping wet pussy in order to reposition himself at the hole atop it. Angelina's eyes went wide as Harry filled her ass with his lubed up messy man meat and she immediately orgasmed on the spot, screaming into her daughter's ass and waking the younger witch up.

The dark skinned girl moaned and groaned as she got her hands up under her and pulled her face off the soft grass. Looking back behind her, Roxanne's eyes widened, taking in the sight of her flustered mother being ass-fucked by Harry while at the same time burying the lower half of her face in between Roxanne's cheeks. Their eyes met, right over the edge of Roxanne's curvaceous bottom. For a moment, the young witch was prepared to react negatively. She'd been okay with Harry taking her, but her mom eating out her back door? NOT cool.

Seeing this in her daughter's face however, Angelina pulled out her trump card and did this thing with her tongue that sent her baby girl into fits before Roxanne could every say a word. It was something that she'd learned how to do back in her Chaser days. Her, Alicia, and Katie… they'd been close. REAL close. Suffice to say, this wasn't the first time Angelina had eaten out another girl's ass.

This was the first time she ate out her daughter's cream-filled ass though, while being fucked by the man who'd left his load in it. They were all experiencing new things today. Well, except for Harry, but then the dark skinned witches had no idea that they were far from his first or even his last conquests. Such things couldn't be farther from their minds though. Roxanne was too busy cumming her brains out over how her mom's tongue and vocal enjoyment of Harry's dick felt in her sensitive butthole and Angelina was too busy climaxing repeatedly around Harry's huge schlong as it pistoned in and out of her ass.

In the end, Harry pulled out and came all over both Angelina and Roxanne. His cum shot reached all the way to the back of Roxanne's head and it quite literally rained down on the two black beauties, streaking their dusky forms in white. Mother and daughter knelt there on their hands and knees, finally disengaged. Angelina was too busy panting to continue eating Roxanne's ass out, her chocolatey breasts heaving beneath her as she tried to catch her breath.

As both women tried to recover, Harry moved onto the next step, reaching down and grabbing Angelina by her long ponytail. Pulling the woman up so that her head was beside his lips, he began to speak in a soft, silken tone. Roxanne watched this as she looked back at them over her shoulder, seeing the way her mum's face flushed with horrified embarrassment, followed by uncontrollable lust and arousal as her hungry gaze fell upon her daughter.

When Harry let her go and Angelina reached for her, Roxanne bit her lip and let whatever was about to happen, happen, not resisting one iota. Ultimately, her mother lay back on the soft grass and pulled Roxanne with her. With Roxanne's back against her mum's chest, Angelina spread her daughter's legs wide, causing the slit in Roxanne's Quidditch uniform to spread wide as well, showing off the dark skinned girl's pussy lips to the domineering man currently standing over them both.

A wicked smile on his face, Harry held his massive member in one hand and knelt down. Even after everything, the powerful, awe-inspiring wizard was still completely hard. Realizing what was about to happen, Roxanne could only whimper, not even able to muster up a protest as Harry fitted his enormous cockhead up against her virginal lips. Suddenly, her mother's hand was in her hair, drawing her head back. Angelina's lips crashed into Roxanne's as mother kissed daughter and daughter, too delirious and feverish with pleasure at this point, kissed her mother right back.

It was in this moment that Harry filled Roxanne's pussy with his member, taking her virginity and breaking right through her hymen. Luckily Roxanne was already fairly aroused, wet and slick from her multiple previous orgasms, but that didn't stop the first few thrusts from being quite uncomfortable for the formerly virginal girl. That's where Angelina came in though, her lips muffling Roxanne's pained cries as she made out with her daughter.

Of course, in no time at all, Roxanne was feeling no pain whatsoever. Those initial cries of pain became shrieks of pleasure as Harry continued to thrust into Roxanne's tight young pussy with all of his strength. Harry was fucking her. Lord Harry Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World was fucking HER. The fact that he was her uncle barely played into Roxanne's thinking, though she did have a MINOR incest kink, and so it certainly helped.

But in the end, it was growing up worshipping Harry as a hero that really did it for the young girl. Getting to share the Man-Who-Won with her mum was just icing on the cake. Roxanne mewled happily and then cried out as her first orgasm hit her. But then, how could she not climax? The entire experience was orgasmic, everything she'd ever wanted, albeit a bit more forceful than she'd expected.

But if that was how Harry wanted it, it was how she wanted it to. Roxanne began to cum again and again, her pleasurable cries getting louder and louder as she did so. The young woman climaxed repeatedly around the biggest dick she would ever see even as her mother kissed her in a very un-platonic way. Roxanne Weasley was awash in a sea of pleasure and by the time Harry finally came inside of the young dusky witch, she was barely cognizant, eyes rolling around in her head, tongue hanging out of her mouth and body twitching atop her mother's.

Harry groaned as he emptied his balls into Roxanne's womb, filling yet another woman with his cum. Each time he did so, each time he took a new conquest, it felt better than the last. The powerful young wizard didn't truly understand all of the forces driving him, but ultimately the man was unable to stop at this point. He was locked in a cycle of perverse behavior, taking witches, young and old, virginal and married, one after the other and making them his.

Would he ever be stopped? COULD he be stopped? These thoughts did not cross Harry Potter's mind, because Harry was already focused on pushing the exhausted daughter aside in order to once again fuck her ready and waiting mother. The wizard was insatiable, but at least Angelina was here to pick up for her daughter's slack as she lifted her arms to meet her domineering lover, wrapping her legs around Harry's waist to draw him into her deepest core.

Seeing her daughter get bred like that only made Angelina long for more of the same for herself as well. She wanted his seed inside of her womb so very badly. Luckily for her, Harry had every intention of putting it there before the day's end.


Hours later, Harry leaned back against a wood post on the edge of the Quidditch field. He lay there lazily, half-napping as two beautiful black women, mother and daughter, serviced his huge schlong on either side of him. Angelina and Roxanne were currently sprawled out on the grass prone. Both he and they were naked by this point, Quidditch gear and uniforms completely stripped away until it was just them and their bodies.

The breasts of both mother and daughter wrapped nicely around his upper thighs as they leaned in together to give him a double blowjob. Angelina's tongue worked at his left side with Roxanne's worked at his right and sometimes they met in the middle, suckling at his shaft and inadvertently kissing each other at the same time. Or perhaps not so inadvertently, as both women seemed to enjoy macking on one another.

Angelina's ponytail was long gone and Harry had one hand threaded through her dark locks as he did the same with the fingers of his other in Roxanne's hair. Petting them, stroking their lush manes, Harry lounged like that and simply enjoyed the spoils of victorious conquest, the two beauties currently happily licking and lapping at his dick.

Eventually, Angelina moved her head up a bit more and took full control of the blowjob. Her hand grasped the base of Harry's cock and knocked Roxanne away as she bobbed up and down on his length, sucking the first half of his shaft into her mouth. Roxanne mewled dejectedly, a pout on her face, but Harry simply used the grip on her hair to guide the younger woman down between his legs. While her mother worked his shaft, Roxanne was delegated to cleaning his balls, lapping and licking at them and suckling his nut sack into her mouth one half at a time.

Roxanne might have felt relegated to the shittier side of this double blowjob, but it was Angelina who suffered the abuse, as Harry gripped down on HER bobbing head and began to force her to take him down her throat, eventually pushing her down so far that she had to let go of his cock so that her lips could continue their journey to its base.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As Harry forced Angelina to deep throat his member, Roxanne worked at his churning balls with surprising enthusiasm, and in no time at all, the combination of her lips and tongue alongside her mother's delightful spasming throat, sent Harry right over the edge. He forced Angelina down as far as he could, her nose tickled by his pubes and her lips pressed against the base of his cock as he came. His white hot seed didn't agree with the poor choking woman and thus exploded out of her nose and from the small spaces between her stretched lips and his girth.

The wizard made a mess of Angelina's face before ultimately letting her pull back. It was to this image that a couple of bystanders walked in, a gasp alerting Harry to the fact that he was no longer along with his mother-daughter duo. Looking up, a slow smile spread across Harry's face as he saw just who had stumbled across their little extracurricular activities.

Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell stood before him; dressed in their old Chaser uniforms just like Angelina had been, holding their brooms. Considering both women had full permission from him and the Weasleys to use this private Quidditch field, their presence here wasn't actually all that surprisingly. Harry certainly didn't act surprised, or worried, or afraid. Instead, as he looked up at the two wide eyed, flustered beauties, he smiled.

Letting go of Angelina and Roxanne's hair, he let the mother and daughter return to their spots on either side of his cock, STILL hard, despite being covered in his own cum now, which both women were quick to lick up. Lacing his hands behind his head and through the back of his black mop quite casually, Harry regarded Alicia and Katie with a cocky grin, already seeing the lust and arousal growing in their eyes, behind all the shock and surprise and perhaps momentary disgust at what they were witnessing.

"Hello ladies."

Alicia and Katie both swallowed thickly, before speaking in unison, their tones nervous and filled with just the right amount of aroused fear to get Harry going.


His cocky grin only got wider as he brought one hand up to gesture directly at his cock.

"Well, now that you're here, it would be rude not to offer. Would either of you like some endurance training?"

Alicia and Katie looked down at his member, still being worshipped almost reverently by Angelina and her daughter. They looked back at his grinning face and then they looked at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation between themselves.

Harry's smile never faltered though. The wizard knew without a doubt what their answer would be. It was always the same with witches like these.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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