
Rita Skeeter Pt. 2

A/N: This is the FINAL advance chapter to be released. With this posting, this story is now up to date with where it's at on all of my other websites as well. Going forward, new chapters will be posted as the commissioner has me write them, which could be weeks or months away.


"Where to next? Hmm…"

Harry pretends to be considering things, even as he spends a little time just bouncing Rita Skeeter's insensate body up and down on his cock. Anally impaled, the gurgling busybody bitch of a sensationalist reporter is currently in no position to make a decision or even so much as offer up an answer to his query. And Harry knows that, too.

Still, he has a little fun with her all the same, before eventually making his way towards another of the manor's many exits. As he continues to drive her poor asshole down onto his massive bitch breaker, the Wizard Lord makes an 'ah!' sound in the back of his throat, feigning his eyes lighting up as he directs them towards their next destination.

"I know! Why don't we go watch my favorite sport, Quidditch? As I'm sure you well know from your research, Quidditch has long been a passion of mine. Why, I would even go so far as to say the sport has directly and greatly informed on the man I am today. As well, the Quidditch Pitch SHOULD currently be occupied… this is the perfect time for you to go and conduct some interviews with the nice little team I've put together."

While Rita herself is still a gurgling mess as she's paraded outside once more, this time not towards the backyard but towards the massive side yard with it's entirely to scale regulation Quidditch Pitch, her Quick-Quotes Quill does pause for a moment alongside the magically floating notepad beside them. Glancing at it, amused, Harry inclines his head to the arcane thing, as if it actually has enough of a mind of its own to truly understand him. It doesn't, but that's fine, he's just having fun.

"Yes, it'll be quite the story, I imagine. I'll explain a bit better once we've gotten to the Pitch and you can see what I want you to see."

Arriving at the Quidditch Pitch in short order, Harry grins wickedly as they're swiftly met with whooping hollers and cat calls from the players already on the Pitch.

"Is that who I think it is?!"

"Haha, trust in our Master to break in even that wretched bitch!"

"Oi, Skeeter! Jot this down! You're a lousy skank!"

A low mumbling can be heard from his current 'dance partner' as they make their way into the stands. Harry continues to bounce Rita up and down on his massive phallus, and from the look of things, the cock drunk reporter barely registers the cries from the players. Harry, green eyes flashing with amusement and twinkling with arousal and desire, calls out in turn to the players.

"Back to work now girls! The Holyhead Harpies won't defeat themselves!"

"Yes sir!"

"Aye, Aye, Master!"

A bunch of irreverent little bitches, but then, Quidditch attracted a certain sort of woman, and the adrenaline that they were all experiencing had clearly made several of them more… ornery and horny at the exact same time.

As the seven witches go back to their practice scrimmage, Harry watches them with growing arousal in his eyes, using Rita Skeeter's supply, rejuvenated body as his own personal set of fuck holes as he does so. Right now, the haughty and arrogant sensationalist reporter has been reduced to nothing more than a sex toy that Harry is using to jack himself off.

Still, as he stands there in the afternoon sun, bouncing her up and down on his cock, he can tell that Rita is slowly beginning to recover some semblance of sanity, some semblance of thought in that conniving little brain of hers.

Eventually, she even manages to lift her head up and stare at the game taking place before her… and Harry feels it when she realizes that the Quidditch match happening right before her eyes is certainly no regular game. He feels it in how her sphincter tightens up around his cock, either in arousal or fear as she's once again presented with a display of the sheer power he wields, even beyond his raw, magical might.

"Like what you see, Rita?"

She whimpers, even as the all-women team swoops and swirls back and forth in the air… naked as can be. Not a single one of them is wearing so much as a stitch of clothing. No padding, no gear… just their all-natural bodies, fully on display. Their athletic figures cling to the noticeably slick vibrating brooms, the hafts of the brooms buried between their clenching cunt lips.

It's a glorious, gorgeous display in Harry's eyes, though from the way Rita is tensing up, he suspects the blonde doesn't agree, and she agrees less and less as she gets more and more of her mind back. Chuckling, Harry digs his fingers into Rita's thighs a bit more harshly and continues to bounce her up and down on his cock, driving himself up into her bowels.

"You might wonder why they're up there, working so hard in such a state. It's not purely for my benefit, I assure you. Though, if I told them to do it, they gladly would. The lot of them would happily play scrimmages all day long in the buff, even without my presence, solely for my amusement. Well, as well as the fact that all of them are Quidditch junkies by their very nature. I'm sure you recognize most of them at this point, heh."

Rita lolls her head across his shoulder in what might have been a nod. Harry chooses to take it as one, grinning all the wider still, even as his eyes remain affixed on the naked athletic beauties swirling around overhead.

"They're currently in training. The lot of them will be going up against the Holyhead Harpies in a no-clothes match soon enough, after all. It will be for an audience of one, of course… me. Though, perhaps if you're really, really good, I'll let you attend Rita. Wouldn't you like that?"

Amusingly enough, Harry knows she would. Just as he's well aware that her Quick-Quotes Quill is going absolutely crazy coming up with all sorts of reasons why the Holyhead Harpies would agree to a no-clothes match against Harry's team of mostly amateurs, all for his personal pleasure. Well, it can make up all the stories it wants… by the end of the day, Harry will have informed both it and its mistress of the real story, so to speak.

Most of the ensuing time period is spent with Rita recovering the frayed tatters of her befuddled mind. Harry, having explained as much as he's willing to explain, at least for now, focuses on the game overhead, even as he continues to use Rita's ass like the overburdened fleshlight it is to pleasure himself. Still, he has to admit, whatever magics Rita had used to rejuvenate her body and make herself more youthful and beautiful in order to integrate into the new generation of power in the Wizarding World… they'd certainly worked.

Regardless, the Quidditch scrims overhead eventually come to a close, and as their practice game ends, the naked witches playing up overhead all come down to the ground, shuffling off into the changing rooms and communal showers off to the side of the Pitch. Harry had gone all out in having this thing made, putting quite a lot of gold into it… and frankly, he considered the expense worth every galleon, for all the joy and happiness the Pitch had given him and his over the years.

Waiting but a moment, he then begins to move in the direction of those exact same changing rooms. Following after the girls, still bouncing Rita up and down on his cock, Harry makes his way inside as the blonde shudders and stifles her moans. She's doing a lot better than she was before though, no longer a gurgling, insensate mess of a witch reduced to nothing more than a meat puppet on his dick. She's… adjusting to her change in circumstances.

That's good, because Harry has uses for her yet.

Arriving inside of the locker room, they find the girls who had been out on the Quidditch Pitch all in the shared communal shower, washing down and effectively playing with each other already. Now that they were no longer flying overhead, it was a lot easier to recognize each and every one of them… not that Harry hadn't known who they were from the very beginning.

Angelina Weasley, former Gryffindor Chaser and current wife of George Weasley. Harry still remembered their first time together like it was yesterday. Going into Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, blackmailing Angelina into giving up her body to him in exchange for the gold that her family owed him. Of course, it'd been a long time since he'd had to resort to blackmail to get what he wanted out of her, hadn't it? Like so many other witches, the beautiful black woman had fallen for his cock, fully and irrevocably.

And you know what they say. Like mother, like daughter. Roxanne Weasley most definitely took after her mother more than her father. Of course, both of her parents had been Quidditch Players, but where George had been a beater right alongside Fred, Roxanne's passion had been found as a Chaser, just like her mother. Likewise, Roxanne had found a certain passion and enthrallment in Harry's dick, just like her mother as well.

Following those two, there was Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell. The other two thirds of Gryffindors Chasers back when Harry had first arrived at Hogwarts, the gorgeous witches were in a committed lesbian relationship with one another and had been since before Harry got his hands on the two of them. In the time since then, the two of them had even gotten married, and Harry had presided over the small secret ceremony… that of course had ended with them both kneeling down and kissing one another around the head of his massive, erect cock.

When Harry had initially made his move on them, using his control over Angelina and Roxanne to lure Alicia and Katie to him so he could fuck the two of them into submission as well, he had not known that they were lesbian lovers, that they were fully committed to each other and had never so much as touched a cock before his.

He hadn't let that stop him though, now had he? He'd taken the two witches and made them Harry-sexual for his cock, fully happy to allow them their love for one another… so long as they knew, deep down inside, exactly which wizard they both belonged to. While Katie had taken longer to break in then Alicia, in the end they had both fallen like so many before them… and yet still remained two of his most intriguing conquests, given their supposed sexual orientation.

Following those two was Cho Chang. The former Ravenclaw Seeker and Quidditch Rival during his time at Hogwarts wasn't even technically his. Oh, if Harry pressed the issue with Luna, he was fairly confident the quirky little blonde would give Cho up without much of a fuss. But no, technically Harry wasn't even the one who'd done most of the breaking in of the Asian witch.

In the end, that had been all Luna Lovegood, showing that beneath her eccentric exterior, there was a mind that could certainly put off vengeance for decades if need be. Only after Cho had thoroughly ruined all of her other prospects, only after she'd driven her husband and children away with her terrible attitude, had Luna made her move and vanished the witch, turning Cho into little more than another of her experimental bitches.

Of course, Harry was more than happy to help Luna with said experiments… and in turn, Luna had been more than happy to lend Cho to Harry for the purposes of this… exhibition match that was coming up. Key word there being 'exhibition', heh. Yes, Cho had needed some serious training to shake off the rust and get back into the swing of things, but since Harry himself couldn't be up there taking the field as Seeker for obvious reasons, Cho would prove to be the next best thing.

Finally, there were the last two members of the team. As it so happened, Angelina and Roxanne weren't the only mother-daughter pair currently in the showers. But ultimately, the difference between the two of them and the others… couldn't be more night and day. And Harry wasn't just saying that because the second mother-daughter pair was his treacherous bitch of a wife and his loyal, doting daughter.

Ginny Potter and Lily Luna Potter. It had been quite a while at this point, since Harry had discovered his cunt of a wife cheating on him. Quite a while since his own daughter had been forced to expose Ginny's misdeeds. Quite a while since father and daughter had worked together in order to… teach Ginny a well-deserved lesson for her whorish ways.

In the time since, Harry and Lily had only grown closer. Meanwhile, Ginny had been broken in time and time again. Even though she was the only member of the current team who could claim to have once been Professional on a Quidditch Pitch… she was actually the weakest link at this point, the worst player on the team. Her life had become that of a fuck toy bitch, of the lowest rung on the ladder. Harry's harem, for that's what it was, did not have a formal hierarchy to it. But everyone knew one thing for absolute certain… Ginny Potter, Harry's own wife, was all the way at the bottom of the pile, always and forever.

Even Ginny herself recognized as much at this point, completely broken down as a person and a woman, reduced to nothing more than a bitch, a collection of holes to be used and abused. If not for how Harry had needed to use Ginny in order to get what he wanted from the Holyhead Harpies, he probably wouldn't have her on his 'team' in the first place. But alas… at least she made a decent enough team 'motivator'.

As Harry enters the shower with Rita Skeeter still bouncing up and down on his cock, it's to see these seven women, all looking over at him, amused and unabashed even in their naked, glistening states. Well, all of them save for one. Ginny wasn't currently in a position to be looking over as her husband entered the room, mostly because the red head had already been forced to her knees by their daughter and was currently eating Lily out to the best of her abilities.

As Lily Luna Potter makes eye contact with her father, her gaze lidded, she smiles wickedly.

"That's it you filthy little slut. This is all you're good for, isn't it? You certainly weren't worth shit out on the Quidditch Pitch today, now were you?"

Ginny can only whimper, mewling into her aggressive and domineering daughter's pussy lips as she tongue-dives as deep and as far as possible to try to make it up to Lily. Not that it seems to work, Lily just growls and shoves Ginny in even harder, tugging harshly on her mother's hair. Even after all this time, his daughter hasn't forgiven Ginny. To be fair, Harry hasn't either… but he doesn't care nearly as much at this point about the bitch's actions as their daughter still seems to.

After a moment though, Lily lets out a dissatisfied grunt and thrusts Ginny away from her, sneering down at her own mother as the pathetic red head kneels there before her.

"I'm sick of your worthless trash tongue, go fail to please someone else with that idiot mouth of yours."

With no other choice, Ginny does so, crawling around the communal shower until Cho grabs hold of her. Call it what you will, a need for the Asian witch to retake control, or some of her shitty, bitchy personality reasserting itself, but she's all too happy to grasp Ginny tightly by the hair and force her to eat out her ass.

"That's it, get in there, nice and deep now!"

As Cho revels on not being the bottom of the pile for once, as she revels in her short-lived freedom from Luna's experiments and from being reduced to nothing more than Luna's furniture, Harry watches on in amusement, his green eyes taking in all of the women in the shower, from Angelina and Roxanne to Katie and Alicia, to Lily, Cho, and Ginny. These women all belong to him in varying ways, with only Cho being the closes to a 'rental' amongst them. Just like Rita will belong to him, by the end of today.

Speaking of Rita, he can tell that both her and her little magical quill are more focused on the women in front of him at this point then Harry himself. She's barely even squeaking as he bounces her up and down on his cock at this point, her tight ass no longer quite so tight and more than accommodating of his prick by now.

Of course, it makes sense, Harry supposes. Rita had come out here in the first place with some silly theory about how he'd killed Ginny and hid the body away or something wild like that. Amusing, to say the least. As worthless of a person as his darling wife had turned out to be, she would always have SOME use to the family as a collection of fuck holes, a piece of meat to be passed around and treated like the absolute garbage she was whenever they liked.

Even Cho understood that, forcing Ginny to eat out her ass for a time before passing the red head on again, this time to Katie and Alicia, who happily take turns forcing the crawling bitch to lick their cunts as well, her tongue driving away at their glistening, sopping wet pussies as the married lesbian couple kisses and makes out over her head.

Meanwhile, Rita is just excited because Ginny was ostensibly why she was here in the first place. More than that though, she's seeing a scene of debauchery that not even the sensationalist reporter could have come up with in her wildest dreams. There's not a doubt in Harry's head that if he glanced over at her floating notepad to see what her Quick-Quotes Quill was writing down, it would be all about his harem of depravity, and the fact that he was not only fucking married women, but also their daughters… and to put the icing on the cake, his OWN daughter as well.

Amused to hell and back, Harry sits himself down on a bench in front of the communal showers, resting Rita down on his lap, his entire cock impaled inside of her ass as this in turn gives him room to reach around with one hand and give her wet clit a nice, harsh slap.


The sound of the slap echoes through the locker room as she cries out. Her anal passage tightens around his cock beautifully, and Harry doesn't stop himself from cumming, filling Rita's bowels with his seed, pumping her nice and full of yet another load of his cum. Smirking, he notes the way both her and her quill's attention revert back to him, the aroused reporter gasping and moaning as she writhes back against his chest.

"I thought you might enjoy interviewing my team before their big game, Rita. You'd like that quite a bit, wouldn't you?"

Whimpering, Rita nods as her creampied ass continues to contract around his cock. Smirking, Harry finally shows the sensationalist reporter some mercy, pulling her up off of his cock, his massive phallus leaving her gaping asshole with a pop before he brings her down to rest right along the base of his member, her pussy lips hot dogging the bottom of his shaft and her thighs cradling and pillowing his dick for him as it stands out straight between her long, creamy legs.

"Y-yes… I'd love to… l-love to conduct some interviews L-Lord Potter…"

Snorting derisively, Harry runs his hands over Rita's body, feeling up her chest as he shakes his head outside of her line of sight. He's no idiot. Rita is far from properly broken in, far from properly… trained and educated. Some women tried this though. Some women acted like they were aware of the sheer gulf between him and them. They acted as if they knew that they needed to submit to him… only to turn out to be liars and cheats.

Hermione Granger-Weasley was one example of such a woman. The muggleborn witch had seemingly broken upon his cock, accepting her place as his fuck toy, even engaging in some deliciously incestuous debauchery with him and her own daughter. And then she'd gone running to Susan Bones of all people like the rat she'd turned out to be.

… He'd forgiven Hermione, by this point. But only after he'd made sure she'd learned her lesson, only after making sure she was broken for real upon his massive bitch breaker of a cock. Meanwhile, while he might have forgiven, Harry had never forgotten. Once bitten, twice shy as they say. He'd learned his own lesson from Hermione's attempt at betrayal, he'd learned how to recognize when a witch was faking it.

Of course, even without that lesson, Harry likes to think he would be able to tell that Rita was just sucking up to him in order to get away from all of this and find some sort of relative safety from which she could try to tear his entire life down around his ears. If he let her go without properly breaking her in, she would attempt to publish all sorts of nasty stories about him… and most of them would even be true.

The Head Auror was well aware that your average witch and wizard wouldn't understand if they knew the things he'd done. But that was because none of them had the power that he had. For so long, so many years, Harry had held back. In the wake of Dumbledore's death and then Voldemort's final demise, Harry Potter had been left as the strongest wizard in the world.

That wasn't an exaggeration either, he'd attended a fair number of ICW sessions in his time and compared himself to the leaders of other wizarding communities all across the world and so far, he'd found no one that could match him. And what had he done with all that power? He'd spent a couple of decades playing his role as Head Auror, being the loving, doting husband to Ginny, being the father they needed to his daughter and sons.

And then Astoria and Narcissa Malfoy had walked into his office, one after the other, and everything had changed. Yes, it was safe to say that Harry had gone off the deep end. Far from dabbling in dark magics that might have stained his soul, he was nevertheless engaging in debauched and depraved activities on the regular that the greater wizarding world would reject and sneer at as abhorrent and disgusting.

But fuck them. And fuck Rita Skeeter to. If the bitch thought she was going to get away smearing his good name, she had another thing coming to her. Harry had plans, and they did not involve a cunt like Rita getting in the way. Which meant she had to be neutralized… one way or another.

Ah, but enough about him. Poor Rita Skeeter was shivering now, as he'd fallen silent for a time and had been robotically playing with her tits all the while. Removing his hands from her puffy, elongated nipples and reddened, sensitive breasts, Harry brings them down on her hips instead, settling them there as he looks out at the communal shower.

The team is still washing, but Katie and Alicia have passed on Ginny to Roxanne Weasley, and the young black witch seems intent on using Ginny to get off, grinding her cunt into the red head's mouth, forcing her face deep into her sopping wet pussy. That works though… it leaves her mother free for Harry to call over for the first of many… 'interviews'.

"Angelina. Attend me."

The gorgeous dark-skinned MILF of a witch immediately bows her head and walks over, smiling happily as she sinks to her knees in front of Harry and Rita.

"Of course, Master."

Without hesitation, Angelina grabs hold of Harry's thick fat cock in both hands, stroking it up and down before leaning forward and sucking on the head of his dick. Her eyes look up at him, and technically at Rita too, as both he and the reporter gaze down at Angelina Weasley, so submissive and so eager to obey her Master.

"Well, Rita? You're looking at my Team Captain. Ask your questions, sweetheart."

Shivering, the reporter, much older than him, clearly doesn't like being condescended to. But she also recognizes that she's in no position to protest the treatment. However, before she can do much more than open her mouth, the reporter is cut off as Angelina pulls off of Harry's cock with a pop, rubbing her nose on his dick for a moment to inhale the mixed scent of her 'manager's' cock before standing up.

Turning around, the Team Captain proceeds to spread her big tight cheeks, allowing Rita to watch as Harry's pale pillar of cock meat disappears into her dark star of a rosebud. In spite of herself, Harry can tell Rita is drooling a little bit at the sight of the black woman's muscular globes of ass flesh tightening, twerking, and bouncing on the cock. He can tell, because after a moment Rita gives into her basic instinct, realizing she's not actually restrained and can thus reach forward and deliver a much-needed slap to one of those bouncing butt cheeks.


Angelina coos, and Rita takes that as all of the 'permission' she requires to reach forward with both hands and begin groping and abusing the gorgeous, toned posterior staring her right in the eye. Harry, for his part, spends a moment enjoying the feel of Angelina's tight ass around his massive prick growing even tighter from Rita's abuse. But when it becomes obvious that the reporter is entirely too distracted, he reaches around and gives Rita's clit another slap.

"Rita. Questions?"

"R-Right… um… as… as Team Captain, h-how do you keep the team m-motivated?"

A super basic question, one that Angelina doesn't even have to think about to answer. Giggling breathlessly, the beautiful black witch moans as she replies.

"Ooooh, simple enough, r-really. Nnngh, Harry, as our, mm, Master and Manager, is all the motivation w-we need. Of course, hah, there are still some… slackers."

All three of them look over to where Roxanne is currently squirting all over Ginny's face within the communal shower. The team bitch is swiftly passed on from there, back over to Lily, who sets her mother to work on cleaning her ass this time.

"But if a-anyone, mm, isn't giving it their all, M-Master is more than capable of, oooh, setting them straight~"

Rita finds herself nodding along to this matter-of-factly for a moment before realizing what she's doing and coming up short. Harry can only be amused by the sign that the blonde is already coming to… accept the way things are done in HIS world. Still, Rita has other questions, all the same.

"Your… manager has t-told me that you and your team will be playing the Holyhead Harpies sometime soon. How… how did that come about?"

At that, Angelina snickers a little, shaking her head in amusement and memory.

"Our… weakest link, Ginny Potter, mm, arranged it. I'm sure you know just how, nngh, proud of a woman, G-Gwenog Jones is. W-Well, she managed to trick the Harpies Captain into accepting the, hah, challenge. I'm pretty sure she's, oooh, still trying to get out of being the bottom b-bitch of our Master's harem~"

For a moment, Harry expects Rita to latch onto that. Ginny was what she was here for, after all, and so she should have pursued that line of questioning, right? But either sensing a bigger story at this point, or simply already inured to the way that every other witch in the area was treating Ginny like the worthless, unimportant trash she was, Rita doesn't follow up on that question. Instead, she asks Angelina more about herself.

"I, mm, have to ask… what made you get back on the b-broom after so many years? Especially in such an… unorthodox manner."

Angelina is quiet for a bit… and then she begins to talk, describing the night in slow, tempting detail as she explains how she watched her own daughter get taken by Harry in the air, and how jealous she was of it. Rita can only listen on, enraptured, as Angelina describes finding Harry and her daughter on the Quidditch Pitch, as she elaborates on just how… aroused it made her feel.

"I'm such a bad mother… s-so bad… s-so naughty. Luckily my daughter and I have our Master to keep us on task~"

Rita doesn't catch herself instinctively nodding along this time, though Harry does, amused as Angelina continues telling the story, continues describing how he'd dominated both her and her daughter that night, how he'd fucked Roxanne while they flew about and how Angelina just… just wanted the chance for the same. Harry is doubly amused by how much Angelina's ass tightens up as she works herself into a frenzy throughout the retelling, until finally…

With an almighty squeal that cuts herself off in the middle of the tale, Angelina is brought to a screaming orgasm by his big fat cock in her ass and her own reminiscing. Rita can only watch in mildly horrified fascination as Harry's massive cock pulses against Angelina's quivering, shivering booty, before filling it with cum right in front of Rita's eyes.

With no strength left in her legs, Angelina falls forward off of Harry's cock, slumping to the floor with a panting gasp. Chuckling into Rita's ear, Harry hugs the quivering reporter from behind, having given her not only a lot of pertinent information from Angelina's answers, but another display of his witch-shattering power. He'd been sat down, with Rita's weight on top of him. He hadn't thrust once into Angelina's ass; the black witch had done all the work.

And yet, the evidence was right before Rita's eyes. Even this much had been too much for poor Angelina Weasley and her tight ass.

"Roxanne, please come collect your mother. Katie, Alicia… attend to me darlings."

Rita shifts in his lap, even as Roxanne Weasley eagerly prances over and drags her panting, gasping mom off to the side. Of course, it's immediately obvious that the younger witch has ulterior motives to doing this, as she pushes her mother down once more into a face down, ass up position, before spreading Angelina's ass cheeks wide and diving in deep to eat out her own mother's ass of the creampie Harry has 'gifted' her with.

Funnily enough though, Rita doesn't pay much attention to that incestuous debauchery… there's something even wilder happening right before her eyes, after all, something even more scandalizing and sensational in the reporter's eyes. Namely, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet, coming forward together, the married couple that they are, and sinking down to their knees between Harry's legs.

The two lesbian lovers lick along the length of Harry's cum-stained cock and begin suckling at his balls. Rita opens her mouth to ask the obvious, but before she can, Harry sticks two fingers past her lips, forcing her to shut up and fellate his digits, making it clear to her that he expects her to hold her questions for a moment.

For a little while, the only sounds are Katie and Alicia's slurping and Rita's sucking as the three women are all used for Harry's amusement and pleasure, yet another display of his power, yet another way in which Rita was so thoroughly in over her head that it wasn't even funny. Her tongue writhes along his digits, but Harry knows it's still an act. She's still trying to convince him that she's submitting so that she can eventually escape him. No matter… it'll be real soon enough.

Once the two lesbian lovers have spit-shine cleaned Harry's cock, they get up off of their knees and proceed to lock his massive member between their smooth, toned thighs, effectively scissoring him with their ebony and ivory bodies in a truly artistic fashion. Only then, with their mouths no longer occupied with his pleasure, does Harry remove his fingers from Rita's mouth as well, letting her finally ask the most burning question on her mind.

"H-How… how did a pair of women notorious for cunt-loving, end up finding a taste for wizard cock after all?"

Katie and Alicia share a look with one another and then giggle in unison. In the end, they both answer, Katie and then Alicia.

"We didn't. The vast majority of wizards are utterly repugnant. We'd much rather be with each other than any of them."

"But of course, there's an exception to every rule. Our Master is that exception. It was only Harry's cock that proved positively irresistible. His cock… and more importantly, his magic~"

Rita's breath hitches at that, and Katie and Alicia take a moment to change things up, their eyes twinkling knowingly as the reporter comes to terms with what they've said. Pulling their thighs away from Harry's cock, it's Katie who impales Alicia on his member, dropping her wife down onto their Master's big fat dick without hesitating for even a moment. A far cry from the woman who'd had to be held down and… prepared for him, all that time ago.

Originally, it had been Alicia who had broken first, and Katie who had broken second. They tell Rita this, of course, explaining that night to her. How, they were actually broken in the same night as Roxanne Weasley's sexual awakening. As Alicia moans wantonly, bouncing up and down on Harry's cock now, Katie speaks in a matter-of-factly tone about that night.

"It's really simple, to be honest. I didn't see what Alicia saw, not at first. Within moments, Alicia was down on her knees sucking Harry's cock right alongside Angelina and Roxanne. I was the one who needed some… help to see the light. Angelina and Roxanne held me down while Harry forced me to watch Alicia get fucked into a silly stupor, right in front of me. And then he did the same to me, taking me right then and there."

Blushing, mouth agape, Rita scowls a little.

"A-And that was it? He rapes you b-both and you just… submit then and there? I-it sounds to me like you aren't quite as fruity as you both think."

Katie blinks in surprise at that, even as Harry chuckles. Despite her youthful, rejuvenated looks, Rita has just revealed her age. Same-sex couplings were still rather taboo back when Rita was actually a younger person. It was only with the turn of the Twenty-First century that people like Rita Skeeter had to get with the times, growing up and adapting. Of course, Rita was an adaptive creature, a social chameleon. Harry had no doubt that she'd long since accepted the necessity of at least paying lip service to the idea of same-sex coupling being okay.

However, her own personal opinions were cropping up now. Harry himself remains quiet, letting Katie handle it. She does so by reaching past Alicia as her wife continues to ride his cock in order to grab Rita by the jaw. Leaning her head on Alicia's shoulder, Katie's eyes flash, filled with a stormy anger as she forces Rita to look her in the eye.

"Don't you EVER doubt my love for my wife, you skank. Do you hear me?"

Taken aback by the aggressive, threatening demeanor of her interview subject, Rita can only nod jerkily with wide-eyed shock. Katie waits a moment longer to let it really sink in, and then is all smiles again as she lets go of Rita's jaw.

"Besides, you've already begun experiencing it, haven't you? Do you think any woman, even a lesbian, could resist Harry's presence for long? His very aura demands your attention, his magic commands your respect. If he wants something from you… he'll get it. He wanted something from us, specifically our bodies… and he got it."

Katie just shrugs, a fond smile on her face as she seems to be remembering their first time together. How he'd torn through her defenses, how he'd fucked her silly right alongside her lover and made them both into his bitches.

"Besides, it's not like Master doesn't treat us well. He even let us get married a year or so back! We're hitched now, Alicia and I. She's my wife and I'm hers, till death do us part."

Swallowing nervously, well aware of Katie's… temper now, Rita licks her lips, eyes fidgeting between Alicia's fucked silly expression from being repeatedly impaled on Harry's cock, to Katie's faux smile.

"H-How… how does that work exactly? You're married… but you call Lord Potter your M-Master?"

Bobbing her head agreeably, Katie beams, her hands moving around Alicia's body, running up and down her ebony wife's delicious, athletic figure before going to Alicia's breasts to pinch and pull and tug at her nipples and breasts.

"Yep! That's exactly how it works, really. We're still madly in love with each other, Alicia and I. We makeout every day, we sixty-nine constantly. We can certainly have sex without our Master present to direct us, I assure you of that. Of course…"

Here, Katie trails off with an almighty blush and a small smile on her lips. Harry can tell she's doing it on purpose, given she doesn't even pause in her rough treatment of Alicia's nipples. But Rita is too keyed up and over-stimulated to recognize that she's being played, and the sensationalist reporter leans in, sensing a big scoop.

"Of course… what? Of course, what?!"

Blushing a bit more and giggling behind a raised hand, Katie's eyes flash as she looks at Rita with a pitying, mirth-filled grin. As if to say 'you're already on your way to being one of us, you useless tart'.

"Well, neither I nor Alicia can actually cum without the use of a very special implement when we fuck each other now. Luckily for us, Lily's love for her father is so great that she's made a special, anatomically correct, Harry-sized double-sided dildo that we were able to sneak back to our place during the last… family get-together."

As Rita rocks back at that revelation, eyes widened and her own face now taking on an embarrassed red hue, a scandalized and chagrined voice calls out from the showers.

"I knew it was you two whores, you filthy fucking cock sluts!"

Lily Luna Potter has her hands planted on her hips as she glares daggers over their way, but Harry can already tell that his daughter isn't truly all that upset about it… and so can Katie, who just gives Lily a wink and a stuck out tongue, as well as a smack of her own ass in the younger witch's direction, as if to say 'you can punish me later if you want~'.

And knowing his daughter, who has decidedly taken after him in so many ways, the young witch will probably take Katie Bell upon on that offer.

Meanwhile, Rita is… clearly flummoxed by what she's been told. So flummoxed that the reporter can't seem to think up another question. Seeing this, Katie ignores her in favor of leaning in close and cooing slavishly into her wife's ear as she ups the tempo, slamming Alicia down onto Harry's cock harder and faster by the moment.

"Take it, you fucking slut. Take every last inch of his big white cock up inside of her tight black pussy. I know you love it, Alicia. I know you love that fucking cock. Cum for me! Cum for him! Cum for our Master!"

Alicia had already been unintelligible and nonverbal, but now she goes full-blown incoherent, her eyes rolling back in her head as she seems to lose most mental functions, moaning unintelligible about cock as Katie's words make her cum hard enough to send Harry over the edge. The ebony lesbian witch's belly swells from Harry's ejaculation, filling to the absolute brim and then some, expanding nice and wide before Katie finally deigns to save her wife from his bitch breaking dick.

Pulling her fuck drunk wife off of Harry's cock, Katie lays Alicia down on the empty bench to the side, giving her face a couple of smacks to bring the dark-skinned witch back to the world of the living.

"You better clench that loose cunt of yours up to save that cum, or I won't have much incentive to eat you out later darling~"

Whimpering, Alicia can only nod and lift her tired legs up into the air, rocking herself back into a fetal position designed to keep her pussy from leaking too much.

Meanwhile, Katie kneels back down between Harry's legs. She grips the cock that Rita's thighs are wrapped around and nuzzles his softening prick like one would nuzzle a lover, kissing and tonguing at the slit, wrapping her lips around his glans and putting her experienced pussy-eating tongue to good use as she brings him back to full hardness.

All the while, Katie's eyes are fixed on Rita's stupefied, stunned face. Her own gaze twinkles with mischief and impish delight as she cleans up Harry yet again, but more than that, gets him rock hard once more.

By this point, Rita has seen an awful lot. More than anything though, she's seen just how many times Harry can go. He can only wonder what's going through the blonde reporter's head by this point. Just how much stamina does he have? She's almost certainly wondering that. Just how many times can he fuck his women before growing tired? The answer would surprise her.

Grinning wickedly, Harry just sits back and lets Katie do all the work. And so, Rita can only watch with her jaw agape and her eyes wide as a woman that she'd once thought to be a complete man-hater, rises up and invades Rita's personal space… all for the purpose of impaling herself on Harry's cock.

Rita can only watch as Katie Bell goes from purported man-hater to very obviously a cross-eyed cock worshipper, moaning wantonly and begging for cum as she slides down her Master's length, shuddering in abject ecstasy.

"Y-Yes, Master! Fill me with your meat! G-Give me your cum! Pump it up into my womb, please!"

Harry hums and reaches around Rita to grab and tug at one of Katie's nipples, groping the pale witch's breasts as he smiles wickedly.

"Oh? Why should I bother, hm?"

"B-Because… because I love you with all my heart! Because I love your big fat cock, Master! Mess me up! Use me and abuse me! I want it! I need it! F-FUCK MEEEEEE!!!"

Sandwiched between Harry and this obsessed cock-hungry whore, Rita can only rear back from Katie screaming her true love for her Master's cock so far before she runs into Harry's chest. Something that he takes full advantage of, reaching around and grabbing hold of Katie by her ponytail. Dragging her forward into Rita, Harry… finally becomes more proactive.

Both witches feel it as he begins to thrust up into Katie from below, the first time since he and Rita have sat down that he's bothered to do anything himself. The pale witch's ass rapidly turns red as he ups his tempo into her shaved, tight little pink cunt.

At first, Rita is overwhelmed and unsure what to do… but in that state, it's no wonder that she ends up making out what the shrieking dyke as her hands come up and begin to scrape up and down the chaser's chiseled, marble body. Pinching one of Katie's nipples with one hand, while feeling Harry's hot rod of man meat bulging up from her belly with the other was… just too much.

And yet, Harry could tell that Rita was losing herself in the debauchery more and more, bit by bit. Much like back at the barn, she can't help herself in his presence, no witch can. It doesn't matter what they think they're capable of, it doesn't matter who they think they are. In the end, all will fall before Harry's might. All women end up on their knees before his masculine superiority.

Rita Skeeter is certainly no different, and her impromptu makeout session with Katie Bell becomes more and more steamy, hotter and more enthusiastic by the second as their tongues dance with one another, as they moan into each other's mouths. Until finally… finally, Harry cums inside of Katie as well, filling her womb just as he did her wife's.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Rita clearly enjoys feeling Katie's stomach becoming bloated with steaming hot jizz. Harry knows this, because the reporter's own pussy lips are still hot-dogging the base of his cock, and he feels her clench up and experience her own mind-blowing explosive orgasm as he cums inside of Katie.

Slowly, limply, a fucked senseless Katie Bell slides off of Harry's dick, falling to the floor. With a flex of his magic that makes every woman in the room shiver and tremble and quiver with need, Harry wordlessly and wandlessly picks Katie up off the ground and floats her over to the bench where she laid her wife down. The two of them hug and moan as they cuddle with one another in a state of absolute bliss and euphoric pleasure.

Meanwhile, Rita finds herself whimpering and grinding against the base of Harry's cock as it once again begins to soften. Harry, skimming her surface thoughts with Legilimency, is amused to all hell to find that the blonde reporter is torn. On the one hand, part of her wants nothing more than for this to be his limit, for him to be unable to keep going.

On the other hand, another growing part of her wants more. Well, you know what they say, be careful what you wish for. Even as Rita is torn between those two possibilities, the curvaceous, voluptuous form of an opportunistic Asian witch crawls over to them. Wrapping her silky-smooth hair around the wizard's cock and beginning to jerk it back to life, Cho looks up at Rita and Rita looks down at Cho.

Harry chuckles into Rita's ear then, his hands moving to her breasts once more as he plays with and fondles them from around her body.

"Well, Rita? You've finished two interviews so far… but the rest of the team is still waiting their turn. I'm sure you have your questions for Cho, right?"

As Rita's gaze sweeps from the kneeling form of Cho Chang as she gives Harry a hair job, to the other women still in the communal shower, all touching themselves and clearly eagerly excited for all of their turns as well… the reporter can only whimper in shocked disbelief and pray to all the gods she knows that by the end of this, she'll still have some semblance of sanity left to her.

Harry, who's still reading her mind with Legilimency, just grins from behind her. Heh, he wouldn't count on it. No, by the time he's done with Rita Skeeter… she won't have any sanity left at all. She'll be his bitch… or she won't be. One way or the other, she's a problem that he's removing from the board. She will no longer threaten his family by the time he's done with her.

One way or the other…


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