
Penelope Clearwater

Not for the first time, Penelope Clearwater found herself questioning just what she was doing. Getting involved with a married man? Becoming the Other Woman, the Mistress, just for a chance at… what? Something better? Truth be told, Penny as those close to her called her, was filled with a certain sense of… self-loathing.

She also had a lot of anger for the world in general for seemingly being quite the unfair place, but over the years the blonde witch was forced to admit that… it wasn't the world. It was her. She was self-sabotaging and altogether lazy to a fault, and though she'd spent decades blaming others for her mistakes, in the end she had to own up to them… own them, really.

Back when Penelope had first graduated from Hogwarts, things were getting bad, especially for a muggleborn such as herself. Back then, it was easy to blame it all on the Ministry of Magic and their prejudice towards her kind. The wizarding world in general simply wasn't a fair place to muggleborn like Penny, and all in all, she could rely on that excuse for why she didn't get anywhere after Hogwarts. She'd literally entered the adult-side of the Wizarding World the same year that Voldemort had made his return. Within a year or two of that, he was in full control of the Ministry, and there were literal squads of wizards and witches hunting her kind for 'stealing' magic.

Needless to say, that'd been a harrowing time for Penny, just as it had been for lots of others. Luckily, she was with Percy still back then, and his family had protected her until things came to an end. But afterwards, when everything was back to normal, well… she didn't really have an excuse anymore, did she?

Oh, she put in applications, and when she got rejected, she always blamed her muggleborn heritage. The few jobs she did get, well, she didn't keep them for long. Once again, she blamed Pureblood prejudice. After all, even after the war was over, Purebloods controlled not just the Ministry, but also the Private Sector of the Wizarding World.

In the end, Penelope had ended up having to get work at a department store in the muggle world. It paid not nearly enough, and wasn't at all satisfying, but it kept a roof over her head and food in her belly when she and Percy finally broke up. He was always a bit too much, but back at Hogwarts they'd both been Prefects together, and it'd just seemed like what was supposed to happen.

Not everything is sunshine and fairy tales though. They'd grown apart, or rather, Penny had grown sick of Percy if she were being honest, and in the end, she'd rejected his proposal and broke things off before they could ever get married. Instead, Percy had gone on to marry a woman named Audrey instead, who had in turn given him two beautiful daughters, Molly and Lucy.

And now here Penelope was, getting in the middle of all that. Even though she'd lived in the muggle world these past years, Penny still visited the Wizarding World constantly, spending some of her hard-earned wages on potions and magical ointments. She'd always been vain, and she really was a beautiful witch, even now… if only she'd been of a Pureblood House, she could have been married off to another house, to a Pureblood Wizard with actual wealth and power. Alas, her good looks, no matter how gorgeous she was, could not make up for her muddy blood.

In the muggle world, men constantly flirted with her at her job and she could have her pick of them when she went to the pub for a quick pint late in the evening. But in the Wizarding World, the moment most wizards heard her name and realized she was muggleborn, it was a lost cause. Even with all the progress that had been made over the years in terms of hiring practices and curbing discrimination, progress that had come too late for one Penelope Clearwater, there was still plenty of discrimination among those looking for romantic entanglements, or even just one night stands.

Most Pureblood wizards who were interested in easy hook-ups didn't want to risk siring a half-blood bastard and didn't trust that a muggleborn witch such as herself would take the necessary precautions to keep from getting pregnant. It didn't matter that they might have been right, it was still hurtful.

Still, it was during one of her frequent trips to Diagon Alley that she'd run into him again. Percy Weasley, her old flame, the only wizard she'd ever managed to involve herself with. He'd been stunned to see her, and then all too eager to catch up. Penny caught on to why almost immediately, of course… after all, Percy was the boy who'd taken her virginity. He wasn't particularly well-endowed, but she knew he'd always loved her body, at the very least.

His amorous intent and desire to sleep with her had been as clear as day to the gorgeous blonde muggleborn, who'd proceeded to stoke the flames by speaking with him, by flirting with him, until in the end they'd ended up at some run down bar in Knockturn Alley, renting a discrete room so they could throw themselves at each other like two beasts in heat. He'd fucked her hard that day, and though Penny hadn't actually gotten any physical pleasure from the act, the emotional pleasure, the feeling of being desired, of being wanted… it was intoxicating.

Percy had done well for himself, Penny quickly discovered as he kept in contact and they kept having their secret rendezvous with each other. He wasn't rich or anything like that, but he'd moved his way up through the Ministry over the years, and he made enough to take care of his wife and daughters, to make sure they didn't want for anything like his family had while he'd been at Hogwarts. Penny still remembered Percy's hand me downs from his older brothers during his earlier school years, before he'd gotten old enough to get his own things.

It was a sharp contrast between that boy and the man she was having an affair with now, especially since Percy could not only support his family… but also a Mistress on the side. Upon hearing that she was living and working in the muggle world, Percy had said it simply wouldn't do, and gone on to get her both a job and a place to live in the Wizarding side of things.

Penny hadn't ever wanted to be anyone's secretary after doing so well at Hogwarts, but at this point, she was willing to take the job, to work under Percy, if it meant remaining close to him. He was the only man with magic who'd paid her the slightest mind in who knew how long, and though there were many muggles, that meant he was really the only man who'd mattered. The Wizarding World had a way of both enchanting and letting down its muggleborns. How could you possibly go back to the real world after spending your formative years in a majestic Scottish Castle, learning real magic?

She'd done it, she supposed, but it'd never been satisfying, and it'd ALWAYS chafed. In the end, Penny takes Percy up on all of his offers, letting him fuck her as he likes, because it means he likes her… and he's finally the sort of man she could see herself with. Maybe that makes her a bad person. No, rather, it definitely makes her a bad person. Penny understands that… but she can't help herself. She wasn't patient enough to stay with Percy when he was poorer and just starting out, but now here she was all these years later, all too eager to be a home-wrecker, to get in the middle of his marriage and ruin everything.

Still, it wasn't like she'd planned it. She was just going along with the flow, at the end of the day. Percy was the one who'd chatted her up, the one who'd taken her to Knockturn Alley and fucked her. He was the one who was now paying her to work under him in the Wizarding World, to live in an apartment on Diagon Alley that he'd bought and paid for.

And he was the one who was currently beginning to make moves towards divorcing his wife, so that he could marry her instead. Unfortunately for Penelope, one of those moves involved him ingratiating her with his children for the eventual divorce, so that his daughters might like her, or some ridiculous shit like that. Personally, Penelope didn't see that ever happening. From the few times that she'd already met Molly and Lucy on Percy's behest to do some 'bonding' it was entirely obvious that they were much closer to their mother then their father.

Though, they did refer to their 'daddy' a lot, so maybe that wasn't entirely accurate. All the same, it was equally obvious, at least to Penny, that the two young women, both in their final year at Hogwarts now, were very much aware of her true purpose in their home. They knew she was a home-wrecker; Penny just knew it. She'd tried to warn Percy, even though it risked ending the good thing she had going, but he'd just brushed off her concerns. He was so certain that he'd been careful enough to keep their trysts hidden, a secret.

He'd introduced her as both his new secretary and an 'old friend', as if Molly and Lucy were a pair of dimwits who couldn't put two and two together. Certainly, Audrey Weasley must have known something was up, though Percy had been very careful to avoid bringing her around when his wife was home, so far. Penelope actually had yet to meet the other woman, funnily enough.

Regardless, in the end none of it mattered. It didn't matter if she was a bad person, it didn't matter if she was a home-wrecker. Penelope Clearwater had long since stopped caring about hurting other people if it meant she got her way. She was still quite gorgeous on the outside, but on the inside, she'd become a little bit rotten from it all. The world had chewed her up and spit her back out, and she simply didn't have the strength of character or will to pick herself up and better herself.

In the end, as pointless as these 'playdates' felt when both Molly and Lucy were pretty much adult witches in their own right at this point, Penny would continue to perform according to Percy's expectations of her. Not because she loved him or anything like that, but because she needed his gold, and more importantly than that, she needed his affection to feel good about herself.

Letting out an explosive breath of hot air, Penelope glances at the clock on the wall and then stands and moves to the floo, throwing in a pinch of green powder. It was time for another playdate, as irritating as that was. Time for another pointless waste of her time, where she did everything two precocious young witches said in an altogether fruitless attempt to make them like her more then their own mother, who by all accounts seemed to be a perfectly nice woman, if a fair bit ordinary when compared to Penelope.

"… Percy Weasley's Home."

The floo lights up with green flames and Penelope steps through, not realizing that she's about to face the music.


"Sit down, sit down! You have to put the blindfold on! We're playing hide and seek, and you're seeking first!"

As expected, this is a total waste of her time. This isn't the first time that something like this has happened either. If nothing else, Penelope has always been fairly smart. She recognizes that girls of Molly and Lucy's age really wouldn't be playing childish games like hide and seek anymore, but Percy was overly indulgent and didn't think anything weird of their childish impulses whenever she was around.

Knowing she has no real choice, because in the end there's always a chance, and a significant one at that, that Percy would choose his daughters over her if they had legitimate grievances with her, Penny sits down and lets Molly wrap the blindfold around her eyes. It's a thick piece of cloth, and the young woman goes out of her way to make sure that it covers every bit of Penny's vision, even down. She can't see a thing by the time Molly is done.

A moment later, Lucy's voice sounds out right by her ear, startling Penelope, just a bit.

"Okay, now count down from one hundred for us! Out loud please!"

As much as it chafes her pride, Penelope does as she's told, knowing she has no choice… and fully intending to use magic to cheat to find both of them as soon as she's done.

"One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight…"

Oddly enough, while there's some initial movement as she begins counting down, she doesn't think either Molly or Lucy leave the room? Perhaps she just didn't hear them fully depart over the sound of her own voice. But no, her suspicions are confirmed when, halfway through the count, the sudden sound of the floo activating causes Penny to pause.

"Oh, hey daddy! Do you want to play with us too? Penny, don't stop counting now! You're halfway there!"

… What the fuck? Penelope is half-tempted to take off the blindfold right then and there, her hands twitching where she has them folded in her lap, so that she can ask Percy what the hell is going on. Honestly, his arrival nearly gave her a heart attack, for a second she'd thought it was Audrey Weasley coming home, and while it wasn't like she was being caught fucking the other witch's husband, being caught playing hide and seek with her almost graduated daughters certainly felt like it would have been abnormally strange in its own way.

In the end, she keeps her cool and goes back to counting, starting from fifty-two, where she'd been before, with no complaints from Molly or Lucy. No, in fact, the two girls keep on chatting with their daddy, even though Percy himself doesn't say anything back. They tell him all about their day so far, acting like they aren't playing hide and seek.

Honestly, that's just fine by Penny. She'll finish counting, tear the blindfold off, and declare she's found them all before dragging Percy off for a damn explanation! As she closes in on the single digits of the count, her anticipation grows, and as she reaches one, Penelope wastes no time in doing exactly as planned. She tears her blindfold off, ready to declare playtime over… only for a truly massive cock to slap down on her face the moment after she does so.

In her moment of shock and confusion, all Penny can do is go cross-eyed as she takes in the slab of hot, throbbing meat now laid across her features. After realizing what it is, her first thought is that it can't possibly be Percy's, because he's not that well-endowed. Only then does her gaze go past the mammoth-sized member, to look up into amused emerald green eyes and a face Penelope easily recognizes as belonging to THE Harry Potter, undeniably the Wizarding World's most famous celebrity.

Penny's mouth opens as her eyes widen in shock, but before she can say anything, her arms are being pulled behind her back and restrained, and her wand is slipping out of its holster without her input, right into Lucy's hand. As Molly and Lucy tie her up, Harry Potter hums and then chuckles darkly as he rubs his cock all over Penelope Clearwater's gorgeous face, the slightly older witch grimacing and trying to pull back belatedly, even as her nostrils have already flared and taken in quite a lot of his scent.

"Y-You! What… w-what is this?!"

Molly grabs her by the jaw with one hand and gathers her blonde locks into a makeshift ponytail with the other, taking complete control of Penelope's movement as she does so, forcing the blonde to stay still and take it as Harry rubs his shaft all over her pretty face.

"What does it look like, bitch? Our daddy wanted to play with you… and we've never been able to say no to him~"

Lucy takes it a step further, grabbing the front of Penelope's dress and lifting her wand, applying some careful cutting charms before ripping the weakened garment straight off of the blonde witch's body. Penelope shrieks at being so easily exposed, neither her bra nor her panties lasting long enough as the Weasley witch removes them with more cutting charms, stripping her naked just like that.

Then, she jams three fingers up Penny's dry cunt without any warning, smirking at her easily as the younger witch's eyes twinkle with malice.

"Don't you wanna be our new mommy, Penny? If you wanna be our new mommy, then you have to get with daddy~"

Penelope Clearwater shudders as she looks up into Harry's eyes, finding nothing but the casual amusement from before there. Honestly, that makes it worse. She can understand Molly and Lucy's hatred for her, she'd known deep down inside that they both realized exactly what she and Percy were up to. But this… this was beyond anything she had expected in reaction to her and their father's trysts. This spoke of something far deeper and darker at work behind the scenes.

THE Harry Potter was in Percy's sitting room with his cock out and rubbing against her face, and she was naked and tied up, completely at his mercy… but even more so at the mercy of Percy's two daughters, who it seemed had all the pent up resentment in the world for her. It hurts, the way Lucy is fingering her cunt so aggressively with three digits, and it's not long before she's adding a fourth, making Penny sob in pain.

Meanwhile, Molly isn't idle. With her grip on Penny's jaw and hair, the young Weasley witch abruptly pulls, yanking HARD at Penelope's blonde hair and thus her scalp as well, tugging and forcing a cry of pain to erupt from the muggleborn witch's suddenly open lips. In response, Harry nonchalantly shoves his cock into her mouth, and even if Penny wanted to, she finds she can't bite down, his immense, meaty girth stretching her jaw to the point that she simply can't even begin to close her mouth if she wanted to.

He goes straight down the back of her throat without a care in the world, though after that initial thrust into her esophagus, he doesn't do anything else but stand there as Penny chokes and gags on his dick. No, instead that falls to Molly, who with her grip on Penny's hair and jaw, begins to force the blonde up and down her 'daddy's' member.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Wide-eyed and in tears, Penny can hardly believe what's happening, even as she sobs in between choking on Harry Potter's cock. She's not been back in the Wizarding World long, but… if she remembers correctly, isn't Harry the Head Auror? That certainly puts him above Percy in authority, but even still, this is… this is rape, isn't it?

She shouldn't have to put up with this, but she's altogether helpless to fight back. Molly is roughly face fucking her on Harry's cock, clearly expending all of her hatred at once in the incredibly vicious and savage act. Meanwhile, Lucy has her own way of taking out all of her anger on Penny it seems, because the other Weasley witch has fully graduated from fingers to her fist now in Penny's cunt and seems to be eyeing the gorgeous blonde's ass next.

All Penny can do is shudder as her body reacts in a self-preserving way by beginning to get wet enough for Lucy's fist to fit comfortably inside of her slickening passage. There is no mechanism for when the Weasley girl decides to begin sticking things up Penelope's unprepared virgin asshole though, especially when the younger witch begins with Penelope's own wand, using it to cast a scourgify that makes sure Penny's back door is squeaky clean for what's to come.

After the wand come the fingers, first two, then three, then four, and then the whole hand again. Lucy is methodical in her work, clearly not aiming to maim Penny, but also not trying to make the experience too pleasurable for the blonde. All in all, Lucy manages to get both of her fists up into Penny's holes, sneering at her as she pistons them in and out of her orifices while the older blonde squeals and screams and sobs, all of it muffled and interrupted by Harry's massive cock choking her nonstop.

At seeing how far along Lucy has gotten, a small shimmer of competitiveness appears in Molly's eyes, and she both tightens her grip on Penny's head… and begins to pick up the pace as she forces Penny to further deep-throat Harry's cock. The blonde finds herself going cross-eyed, unable to believe that she's nearly at the end of his gargantuan member. When she'd first laid eyes on the thing, Penny hadn't been able to imagine taking it in her mouth, let alone getting it even halfway down.


But Molly was eager to make her take it all, and now she could see the end, even as her cheeks bulged, her jaw ached, her nostrils flared desperately for breath. Again, and again, Percy's daughter slams her down Harry Potter's length, hatefucking her on the entirety of his cock, until finally she's buried Penny's face in his crotch. She c-can't breathe, she can't… just as things are beginning to go black, Molly pulls her back and lets her get some much needed air… before slamming her back down and forcing her through it all over again.

Truth be told, it's hard to focus on anything right now. She's being skull-fucked upon the biggest cock she's ever seen, let alone fellated, while downstairs, Lucy Weasley is doing her best to fist Penny's holes for… for what? Preparation? The scary thing is the blonde witch could see it. She's currently feeling every inch of Harry's massive schlong stretching out her throat, and in comparison, to little Lucy's fists and wrists… he's bigger. So, in a way, if he's going to fuck her next, then yes, Lucy is preparing her for his dick. Even Lucy's fisting efforts might not prepare the beleaguered blonde all the way, in the end.

Ultimately, it all proves to be too much for Penny. When Harry finally starts to cum, his seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, clogging up her airways. Her eyes roll up in her head as she asphyxiates from lack of oxygen, and the blonde witch truly believes she's going to die. Frankly, part of her almost feels like she deserves it. Hell, part of her is even enjoying it, almost happy that this is the way a stupid home-wrecker of a cunt like her is going out, choking on a big fat cock like the whore she is.

Her world goes black… but it doesn't stay black. She goes unconscious, but only for a little while, she's pretty sure. When she comes back to, she's still in Percy's sitting room… she's just on her back now, with Harry Potter between her legs and Molly and Lucy looming over her, neither of them looking all that concerned as they grin down at her most wickedly.

"Ready for Round Two, Bitch?"

"It doesn't really matter if you are or aren't. Our daddy is an impatient sort at the best of times~"

Penny can only whimper, her arms still tied behind her back and now trapped beneath her naked, helpless form.


"Look at how big daddy is, Penny! Look at how far he'll go up inside of you!"

He was always in control. Even when he wasn't exercising that control, every one of his girls knew he was still in charge. Funnily enough, Penelope Clearwater seemed to have already caught onto that fact, because she was staring up at him as she gave her answer, rather than looking to Molly, who was the one who'd spoken in the first place.

"I-It'll break me…"

Penelope is on her back, and he's currently knelt between her legs, allowing Molly and Lucy to take his massive cock, still fully erect despite cumming down Penny's exquisitely tight throat, and lay it across her abdomen. His balls were currently pressed against her reluctantly wet cunt lips, while the entirety of his lengthy shaft was laid upon Penny's navel and belly, going past her belly button.

When Percy Weasley's daughters, sweet Molly and Lucy, had originally come to him crying about their father's infidelity, Harry had been a mixture of amused and bemused. After all, he'd turned Percy's wife into a cheating whore long before Percy had the thought to get a mistress. He'd turned Percy's daughter into horny little tarts eager for 'daddy' a little while later, in the summer after Molly and Lucy's sixth year.

They loved him with all their heart, as did most of the new generation, the young witches born to his older bitches, who Harry had taken in hand and taught the ropes, so to speak. Of course, in the process of teaching all of the younger women about sex, he'd thoroughly ruined any other wizard for them. Not a single one could live without his majestic member anymore, much like their mothers and sisters, and in some cases their grandmothers.

Molly and Lucy were no different in that way, though they were also just so cute, and Harry had a hard time saying no to either of them. So, when they'd brought word to him of what Percy was doing behind their mother's back with Penelope Clearwater, Harry's first reaction had been… who was Penelope Clearwater? After being reminded, as well as shown what she looked like these days, Harry had been fully on board with the two girls' little revenge scheme.

And now here they all were. Him with his cock laid out upon Penny's abdomen, Penny with her arms tied behind her back, helpless to escape him… and Molly and Lucy kneeling on either side of the older witch, looking like two gorgeous little kittens that caught their first canary. Molly in particular grins wickedly down at Penny as she squeezes the blonde's jaw and answers her last reply.

"That's right, cunt! It WILL break you! Daddy's reeeal good at breaking in horny nasty sluts who don't know what they really want. After all, just look at us~ Hehe, just look at mommy!"

Penelope stares up at him, and Harry stares right back, the expression he's currently carrying distinctly… mild. After all, while he's in control, as always, he's also mostly just here on Molly and Lucy's behalf. Not that he won't claim Penelope as his bitch by the end of this, because he will. She belongs to him now, she just doesn't fully accept that yet, he's pretty sure. But at the same time, he's okay with Molly and Lucy getting to conduct this little show. After all, this is their revenge, not his.

Under normal circumstances, he might have gone on letting Percy fuck Penelope, at least until the other man finally went through with his plans to divorce Audrey and marry the gorgeous blonde witch. Then, for Audrey's sake if nothing else, Harry probably would have felt compelled to plow Penny silly and rob Percy of his second wife in the same way he had the first. But Molly and Lucy had jumped ahead on that front, and now here they were, handling the Penny-Percy problem nice and early.

As Penelope whimpers and mewls and squirms helplessly beneath him, Lucy moves from her side to his, rubbing herself against him as she moans into his ear. Molly is quick to join her sister, the two still fairly competitive, even as the young Weasley women press themselves into his body and whisper to him.

"Fuck her, daddy. Break her with your big, bad cock."

"Make her realize what she's been missing. Show her what a mistake it was getting involved with our idiot father after all these years."

Smirking, Harry slowly slides his member backwards across Penny's flesh. Her eyes flicker down to his snake of a shaft as it slithers way, watching him leave a bit of a trail of precum as he goes. She continues watching, beginning to bite her lower lip, as he places the bulbous head of his cock against her dripping pussy lips. She wants it, even if she won't admit it. Harry's well used to that kind of woman, though.

"P-Please… n-no… I-ah!"

Molly is quick to react to Penny's begging for it all to stop, peeling herself away from Harry's side and grabbing the older blonde witch by her jaw once again, snarling down at her.

"Shut it, you mewling quim! You lost any right to say no when you got involved with our moron of a father and callously tried to hurt our mother! You're just lucky that our mommy had already found daddy here long before you came along! If not for him, then we might just have killed you in your sleep the first chance we got!"

Penelope's eyes go wide at that, and flicker to him… just as Harry thrusts in. At the same time, he's shrugging, because honestly, Molly and Lucy are sort of the babies of the family… this makes them the most precocious, the most rambunctious… and possibly the most dangerous of his girls. He knows he reins them in something fierce by just being around. He's not sure what the two girls would have gotten up to, if he hadn't been around to take them in with a firm hand.

Its always the quiet ones. Penelope Clearwater, meanwhile, is not quiet at all as he slams over half of his massive member up into her cunt in one go. To be fair, Lucy had done good work in fist fucking the blonde and loosening her up. But as Penelope herself had thought sometime earlier while she was choking on Harry's cock… his member is much bigger than one of Lucy's little feminine fists.

As such, he gets half his cock all the way up inside of her, that very first thrust causing Penelope a great deal of agony and pleasure both as he slams into her cervix right off the bat. The blonde cries out, squealing and screaming and thrashing, begging for it to end, but Molly and Lucy are both there to restrain her now, the latter peeling off of his side to help her sister in pinning Penelope down so he can fuck her properly.

Not that he needed either of their help to keep a bound woman in one place, but it's obvious they're enjoying it quite a lot, the pair of little sadists that they are. The two girls might call Audrey their mother, might love her with all their heart… but their dynamic with her is similar to that of Rose and Hermione. The daughter dominates the mother, while both are dominated by Harry.

Penelope is certainly nice and tight. Her cunt feels amazing, and he keeps on fucking it, keeps on fucking her. She really is a gorgeous witch, even after all this time. He can tell the blonde spends a lot of galleons on her appearance, likely how she attracted Percy's eye again in the first place. That and Audrey hadn't fucked her husband since she'd discovered how much better Harry's dick felt.

That wasn't to say Penelope was better-looking then Audrey… well, she sort of was. Outwardly, anyways, Penelope had the face and body of a gorgeous supermodel, that blonde sexy look that just barely began to border on bimbofication. She's not quite there yet, but a few tweaks, and she would certainly be the perfect bimbo. Something to perhaps explore later.

Audrey, meanwhile, had her own sort of beauty. She was a mother of two, making her a MILF, something Penelope couldn't lay claim to. And while she was a bit mousier, a bit smaller, and all around not quite as much of a bombshell as the blonde witch, she was still fun in her own way. Harry certainly enjoyed her single-minded devotion to him all this time. Hell, the woman had literally given up her own daughters for him to fuck and turn into needy horny little sluts desperate for his cock. Penelope certainly couldn't match that.

But she was fun to fuck, fun to plow silly, fun to break upon her cock, just as she and Molly had talked about. Her eyes roll up in her head after a while of him pounding her with his massive bitch breaker. Her tongue lolls out of her open mouth, which is warped into a delirious sort of wide smile. All the while, Molly and Lucy continue to verbally degrade her and insult her. Harry himself spends some time enjoying her bouncing jiggling breasts, finding it impossible to ignore them for long when his every jarring thrust is causing them to move up and down in such a pleasing way.

Meanwhile, Penelope loses her mind in the pleasure… for a time. Things transition from there into stages that Harry is quite used to at this point. She goes from denying that she wants it, to wanting it somewhat reluctantly, to wanting it wholeheartedly, as if giving her all to him will make it better. Eventually, she realizes fully that she belongs to him now, and stops talking altogether, stops begging him to stop or keep going, realizing both are a waste of breath. Breath that she needs because Harry just isn't letting up… not even for a second.

Oh no, Molly and Lucy have outlined their plan to him, and he's already signed off on it. He'll keep to it, which means fucking Penelope Clearwater for the next several hours. Whether the blonde can survive the experience, who can say? They were going to find out, one way or another.


As Percy comes out of the floor, he freezes upon seeing his wife sat in one of their high back chairs, reading the latest issue of Witch Weekly.

"Audrey! I, ah… when did you get home?"

Looking up from her magazine, Audrey lifts a single eyebrow.

"A while ago. If you're worried about your secretary, don't be. She's upstairs still, playing with the girls up in their room. They're making the most of it, I suppose."

Oblivious as he is, Percy Weasley completely fails to miss the disdain in both her voice and expression as his wife looks at him like he's worth less than scum. Perhaps this wasn't how he intended for his wife and Mistress to meet, but it seemed to him at least like Audrey was completely hoodwinked, wholly unaware of just how close he was to divorcing her and marrying Penny.

Later, when the drop dead gorgeous blonde he'd hired as his secretary and taken to fucking behind his wife's back ended things with him before turning around and blackmailing him with the evidence of his infidelity, Percy wouldn't be nearly as happy. But for now, fully believing he's fooled his wife, the man retreats to his office to finish a bit more work from home. Surely, Penelope will come visit him when she's done with the girls?

As Percy disappears into his office, Audrey watches him go before letting out a little sigh and putting aside the copy of Witch Weekly. Rising, the Weasley woman, one of many Weasley wives, makes her way upstairs and down the hall to her daughters' room. She doesn't hear anything until she opens the door and steps inside.

"P-Please… oh god, please l-let me rest Master. Your cock is s-so good, but I'm t-tired, I'm e-exhausted. Oh, oh, oh!"


The sight that greets Audrey, even as she closes and locks the door securely behind her, is one of pure and utter debauchery, to be sure. Harry lays back on the large bed that her daughters have taken to sharing, while a naked, visibly abused Penelope Clearwater bounces up and down on his cock. Her arms are still tied behind her back, not really to keep her from resisting at this point, because everyone in the room knows that's been fucked out of her… but simply because it causes her substantial rack to jut out further into Harry's face as he fucks her.

He's playing with her tits even now in fact, while Audrey's daughters, Molly and Lucy, also naked and dripping with their daddy's cum, each beat one of Penelope's ass cheeks tomato red while they use their other hands to forcibly bounce Penny up and down on his massive schlong. The sight of her foolish husband's mistress finally learning her place at the feet of Audrey's Master, now her Master as well, brings a smile to Audrey's face.

Reaching up, the mother of two disrobes, pulling her nightgown apart and letting it slide off her shoulders to reveal the Harry-sized magical dildo strap-on that she's sporting betwixt her legs. Her husband had no clue of what a depraved state his wife was in when they'd spoken briefly, but then that's not surprising. Audrey isn't sure when the last time Percy had a clue even WAS, if ever.

Gripping the magical strap-on and hefting it up, Audrey saunters forward, over to the bed.

"Spread her for me, girls."

Molly and Lucy light up at seeing their mommy there, and happily do as she says, even though more often than not, its them giving her orders. Still, this is something Audrey has been looking forward to all day, her part in her daughters' mischievous, perfectly evil little plan. She can see that Penelope Clearwater's asshole is both cleaned and already slightly agape, as she gets into position behind the beleaguered blonde and places the tip of her Harry-sized dildo at the entrance to Penny's anus.

She can also tell though, from a number of factors, that Harry has yet to make use of this hole. The way Penny stiffens and looks back over her shoulder, her eyes widening with fresh fear at what she sees is one. And then there's the sheer tightness of Penelope's backdoor. A normal dildo wouldn't allow Audrey to feel any of it… but the magical dildo she's currently using to fuck Penelope's backside has an added enchantment to it that makes it so its wielder feels every last bit of what she's doing to the other woman.

Poor Penelope isn't used to getting fucked up the ass, that much is obvious from the ensuing shrieking and squealing and the like as Audrey begins to rail into her, DPing her alongside their Master, Harry James Potter, who continues to fuck Penelope's cunt from below. But honestly, Audrey isn't paying much attention to Penny's voice. She's too busy enjoying the pain and pleasure she's delivering to the would-be home-wrecker.

This was precisely where she was supposed to be, where they were all supposed to be. Penny needed to be taught that actions have consequences… and alongside her Master and her beloved daughters, Audrey was all too happy to teach the blonde bombshell that lesson.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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