
Aurora Sinistra

Aurora Sinistra, Astronomy Professor of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has always been quite devoted to observing the stars. After all, if there's magic down on Earth… there's so much more of it up there in the sky, just waiting to be uncovered, just waiting to be explored. While she knows there are muggle astronomers out there with their mundane telescopes and the like, the witch can't imagine that they know nearly as much about the majesty of the star-lit night sky as she does.

They certainly don't feel the same way as her about it. Because Aurora's love for the stars went well past a simple passion for astronomy. She was… enamored with the gorgeous night sky, and she spent many a night at the top of the astronomy tower, even when the children weren't around to be taught, taking in the sight… and enjoying herself all the while.

Tonight, was no different. Her first-year class had long since gone to bed, the little brats irritated at being forced to stay up so late, and thus entirely annoying to try and teach. She'd done her best all the same, but by this point in her career, with decades of time at Hogwarts under her belt, the matured witch had learned not to worry so much about it.

With the last of the children ushered out of the astronomy tower, Aurora had locked and bolted the hatch that led up to the top and then she'd conjured up a nice, big loveseat for herself, positioning it right in the middle of the tower, at the exact spot where she could see the most amazing vistas, the most exceptional view of the star-lit night sky.

Then, she parted her robes, pulled down her pants, and sat upon the love seat, thrusting a chocolate-skinned hand right down into her panties, her fingers ghosting across her puffy, pink pussy lips. Merlin, she needed this. Especially after dealing with those brats for far too damn long. Not a single one of them understood the glorious night sky yet, not a single one of them saw the astral magic that lay just outside of their reach.

And they wouldn't, not until they were older, and in many cases, not at all. Second and third year, that was when Aurora started to see some semblances of understanding cropping up in a few of her students. Until then, she might as well be teaching her first-years how to write their names with a damn quill on top of the horrendous essays they all turned in.

But it was fine. It was behind her now. She just needed to let go and relax. Aurora's eyes drift shut as she fingers her pussy. She can feel the light of the star-studded night sky across her dark-skinned face. She doesn't need to see it to know its there, to sense the power in the sky. And after decades with astronomy, the professor was adept at naturally drawing the energy out of the stars that were so physically far away from her. She did so now, subconsciously, even as she moaned her enjoyment of her fingers in her sopping wet cunt.

This was why she remained at Hogwarts. There was no better astronomy tower in the entire country, nay, in the entirety of Europe that she could hope to gain access to. Hogwarts was the place to be, the best place possible for her to bask in the glory of the stars and the moon. Oh, the moon. A moan leaves Aurora's throat as she turns her metaphysical focus in the direction of the moon.

It was full tonight, so very full. At the apex of its power. If she were a werewolf, this would be cause for much distress and alarm. But she's not. As such, the full moon is more of a glorious representation of just how amazing astronomy can be, rather than a sign of danger, or something to be afraid of. Aurora draws on its power now, letting out a lilting gasp as her fingers dig ever deeper into her cunt at the same time, now up to three of the digits pistoning in and out of her drooling quim.

So good… so very, very good. She loves it, she loves it all. Nights like this are what the Astronomy Professor lives for. Her orgasm is getting closer and closer and closer. Her climax approaches, as she draws more and more of the night sky's seductive, brilliant power down into herself, slurping it up like a particularly delicious dish.

Slipping her fingers out of her cunt for a moment, Aurora slides the tips around her pussy lips. She flicks at her clit, mewling in need, and she plays with herself, edging herself, teasing herself. After all, it wouldn't do for the fun to end too soon, now would it? It wouldn't do for her to cum too quickly. So, Aurora plays, and as she plays, she basks in the power of the full moon, in the majesty of the star-lit night sky.

Her fingers run along her slit, and then dive back into her cunt. She swirls them about, spreading them wide inside of her for a moment. At the same time, her other hand stops clutching at the side of the love seat, instead coming up to slip beneath her robes, groping and kneading one of her shapely breasts. They're just barely starting to sag, but they still have plenty of bounce and heft to them, her gorgeous mammaries feeling oh so good in her grasp.

Wanting more, Aurora pulls her fingers out of her cunt for a moment. She brings them up to her mouth, and she sucks her own pussy juices off of them. She knows how deliciously perverted this is, but then, it's only the night sky watching her, and the stars and moon have never judged her. They will never judge her either. She is their servant, their happy, willing worshipper. She venerates the stars in all she does, she honors the moon as it stands at its apex.

Pulling her saliva-slick fingers back out of her mouth, her lips suctioning down around them as they go and causing a pop to sound as they depart, Aurora brings them back down to her panties, pushing the undergarments aside once again so she can continue to pleasure herself. Her digits thrust up into her cunt, and Aurora moans all the louder for it. She's had quite a long time to learn her body after all. No one knows you as well as you know yourself, right?

As such, its easy enough to find her g-spot. Luckily for her, her middle finger can reach it, being just long enough. The tip touches that extra special spot in her passage that brings her so much more pleasure, and she curls her fingers inside of her cunt, scraping against her walls in just the right way. The peak of her mountain rises before her, and she climbs to the top while continuing to moan and finger herself and play with her nipples.

And then she's over the edge and cumming, crying out, her back arching and her hips lifting off the loveseat for a moment. It's in that moment that she finds herself being cummed on as well, something Aurora is most certainly NOT expecting. The dark-skinned witch's eyes snap wide open as the first of the sticky, hot ejaculate splashes across her face, but it doesn't stop there as more and more of her robes and what's been revealed of her chocolate-colored body is covered in spunk.

What? What?! No one should have been with her up on the tower! She'd spelled the damn hatch shut and locked it physically as well for good measure! She… she would have known if someone had come up! But even as Aurora sputters, stunned and shocked, a truly massive cock, pale and white in skin color comes into her field of vision.

She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can speak a word, she's interrupted by hands that grip either side of her head and hold it in place as that big, honking dick is shoved right down her throat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As she's unceremoniously face fucked, the astronomy professor squeals around the dick lodged in her esophagus, squirming and struggling weakly against the man who's raping her mouth. But even as her hand finally finds her wand, she looks up and sees the face of her attacker through bleary, chocolate eyes. Harry Potter's grinning face looks back down at her, shocking Aurora to her core and finally explaining exactly how he managed to sneak up on her.

The powerful wizard had been at Hogwarts for a while now, taking something of a small sabbatical from his work at the Ministry, or so Aurora had assumed. He… he must have been out for a night-time flight when he saw her at the top of the tower. The astronomy tower's dome is open on all four sides of course, anyone could come in through the air.

… In truth, that was part of the appeal of what she'd been doing. Aurora was a bit of a closet exhibitionist, and the thought of someone catching her as she praised and venerated the star-lit night sky had always turned her on a little bit. But the fact that it was such a low chance of actually happening so late at night had always made the overall risk seem inconsequential.

And now she'd been caught, and not only had Harry stopped what he was doing to watch her, he'd gone a step further and was now fucking her face quite brutally.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Still, her hesitation gives the Head Auror the chance to notice the wand in her hand. With a flick of his fingers, she's disarmed, even as he chuckles down at her.

"Naughty, naughty girl. Whatever were you going to do with that anyways, huh?"

She can't actually respond, given he's still choking her on his cock. All Aurora can do is look up at the younger man with watery eyes, his rough treatment of her throat causing her to cry involuntary tears and drool all over her chin and chest in equal measure. She was in her twenties when Harry first arrived at Hogwarts all those years ago. She'd been hired barely a handful of years before, earning her way through sheer academic skill and a love for the subject she'd chosen to teach.

But now she was in her late forties, and Harry in his mid-thirties. They were both quite grown at this point, and Aurora knew she was still a gorgeous witch, due to how slowly magical people aged compared to muggles. That didn't make this right. That didn't give him leave to masturbate all over her body or fuck her face!

"What, were you going to attack an auror? Not just an auror, but the head auror? And after he caught you in an act of public indecency atop the astronomy tower? For shame, Professor Sinistra. For shame… I suppose you'd rather I stop right now and arrest you properly, hm?"

Oh. Oh Merlin. Even as he slows to a stop and simply holds himself in her throat, Aurora realizes the situation she's in. She realizes that Harry is right, and that its her word against his… against the Head Auror's. Not to mention, she truly had been masturbating atop the tower when he came along, the loveseat he was face-fucking her atop of even now was proof of that.

He would see her put in prison for t-this? No… no, only if she didn't go along with what he clearly wanted to do with her. Shuddering, Aurora ceases all attempts at resistance, even as Harry grins down at her.

"Oh? Ready to be a good girl? Then I better start feeling some tongue, astro-slut."

Aurora's face flushes at that, but the dark-skinned witch does as she's told, running her tongue back and forth along the underside of Harry's cock as he begins to thrust in and out of her throat again. In no time at all, she's back to choking and gagging on his dick as he roughly face fucks her.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

But though Aurora continues to slide her tongue back and forth across the pistoning prick in her mouth, her attention is on Harry's last form of address for her. It'd been so long since she heard that title. Astro-slut. It'd been what her boyfriend had called her as he'd taken her virginity decades prior, right on this spot, looking out over the stars.

He'd smacked her fat, chocolate ass silly and pulled her hair from behind as he plowed her. All the while, Aurora had been staring out at a starry night sky much like this one, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Not because of her boyfriend, no. He was subpar at best, and much smaller than the cock currently invading her throat, that was for sure.

No, Aurora had been lost in ecstasy that night because she'd been basking in the power of the stars and the moon while being fucked. And it had been glorious. Of course, after they were done, her boyfriend had left her there, scoffing and naming her 'astro-slut' for being so horny for astronomy. And Aurora couldn't deny his words. She couldn't say he was wrong. It was all true.

But right now, there's no worshipping of the stars going on. Nothing but Harry's cock and crotch are in her field of vision right now as he fucks into her throat time and time again, without pause, without remorse. And yet… and yet her nostrils flare with his musk. And Aurora's sense, the metaphysical sense she was using to soak up all of the starlight and moonlight as magical energy… it's still turned on.

She can see Harry like this. She can really, truly SEE him if she actually focuses on it. And he is glorious. He's a star in his own right, like the Sun in his burning intensity. Aurora finds herself inadvertently taking in some of the powerful wizard's excess energy as she takes in a whole lot of his man meat as well. And then she's sputtering and choking as he cums once more without warning, his magic-laden seed flowing down her throat, only to come back up again and spurt out of her nose and the sides of her mouth in a truly humiliating display.

When his length finally leaves her mouth, Aurora is left to cough and hack her way back to full breath, her chest heaving beneath her robes. Said robes cease to exist a moment later though, as she finds herself spun over onto her front, her now naked breasts pressing against the side of the loveseat and her knees digging into the cushion.

She can see the stars now, and even the moon. But Aurora is much more focused on looking behind her as Harry climbs onto the loveseat as well, taking up his position between her legs and stroking his still-hard cock. With her face in ruins and her body so full of need, Aurora bites her lower lip and reaches back under herself, spreading her pussy lips wide apart for the man and his cock that are about to fuck her.


He really hadn't planned this. The late-night broom-flight around Hogwarts had been completely spur of the moment, and it wasn't like he'd been out hunting for exhibitionistic witches such as the one he'd ultimately come across. Of course, that didn't mean Harry was going to pass up the opportunity when he caught sight of Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy Professor, masturbating quite wantonly at the top of the astronomy tower.

It was simply too good an opportunity to pass up, and the point of his broom-flight in the first place had been an effort to clear his head so he could decide just who he was going to go after next, out of the rather large bevy of beauties that made up Hogwarts' current staff. Aurora had simply put herself on his immediate radar in a big way, completely by happenstance.

Harry had to admit, there was a certain perverse pleasure to sneaking up on her as she masturbated, listening to her moan and mewl and cry out as she drew in some strange energy from the night sky. He'd pulled his cock out of his pants and stood over her and her conjured love-seat, jacking off right over her body.

And she hadn't known it until he'd cum, his seed painting both her chocolate skin and her robes white with his essence. Her shock and sputtering surprise at this had been too arousing for Harry to really just walk away. Not that he ever intended to in the first place, but perhaps he WAS a bit more forceful and violent than absolutely necessary in the way he'd gone about fucking her face before she could even fully register who he was.

But in the end, she had realized who he was, and more than that, she'd realized the position she found herself in. Only one of them had the power here in this moment, and it certainly wasn't Aurora. Now she was all but willing as he got ready to fuck her from behind, bent over the edge of her loveseat as she currently was. Her gorgeous dark-skinned body on full display, Harry could readily admit that she was still an amazingly hot witch, even at her age. Of course, she wasn't even the oldest woman he'd fucked recently, now was she?

Regardless, with her fingers spreading her pussy lips apart for him, Harry wastes no time in thrusting into the delicious older witch from behind. His cock splits her open and stretches her tight little cunt out, and as he presses his body down onto her defiled form, he grins impishly, aiming to make Aurora see a whole new kind of stars. His hand comes up and he grabs hold of her hair, while at the same time his other hand reaches around to grab and grope at a tit.

Lips close to her ear, Harry speaks to the astronomy professor, even as he begins to fuck her with deep, powerful strokes.

"Like that, astro-slut?"

She moans throatily, clenching down HARD around him at the name. Good, it meant his earlier read of her reaction to the form of address was right.

"Yeah you do. And you like being called astro-slut too, for some silly reason I'm sure. Perhaps it's just because that's what you are, in the end. Isn't that right, astro-slut? You're a pervert, a horny little deviant who gets off on star-gazing of all things. You're a freak, Aurora… but don't worry, I'll give you something to really get off to."

Her response is incoherent gibberish, a wanton, loud moan as she bounces her hips back towards his thrusting cock, her inner cunt walls clenching and clinging to his thrusting, pistoning length. Harry groans as she tightens up around him all the more, and he growls as she bucks beneath him, as if fighting him for the right to fuck her, as if challenging him to take her HARDER.

So, Harry does. He moves his hand from Aurora's hair to her throat, wrapping it around so he can grasp the front of her neck, right below her chin. Holding her like this, while still groping her chest to his heart's content, Harry begins to fuck the astronomy professor even harder, ramming into her cunt and slamming up against her cervix with every thrust of his big, fat cock.

"Feel that, astro-slut? Feel my dick buried inside your womb? That's real. That's more than your stars and your constellations and your precious night sky could ever be."

Aurora whines at the degeneration of her profession and the subject of her passion, but Harry notices she doesn't actually deny his words. She doesn't try to say he's wrong, nor does she so much as shake her head no. Recognizing this, Harry grins and speeds up yet again, his cockhead beginning to make headway against the chocolate-skinned professor's cervix as he tries to force his way into her womb.

"You know I'm right. You can feel it, can't you? You can feel the power of the stars and the moon on this oh-so-clear night. It's the perfect night for some of your sort of 'star-gazing', isn't it? The full moon is probably making it even more delicious. I know I'm right. Just like I know that all of that cosmic power you were basking in doesn't hold a candle… to ME."

He punctuates that last word with a particular deep thrust, a victorious thrust that sends his cock right into Aurora's womb, her cervix finally giving up and breaking open for him. The entirety of his length ends up inside of her, leaving Aurora to cry out in a truly ugly, but also completely lustful way as her head tilts back and her eyes roll around in her skull.

Still, Harry doesn't let up.

"That's right. Bask in it, astro-slut. Because you're MY slut now, aren't you? You're MY cum dumpster, my cunt-hole to use and abuse however I like. You're mine, Aurora Sinistra. You're MINE!"

With his cock now able to access her womb, Harry's thrusting into her cunt takes on a whole new meaning of brutal and savage. His length slams home into her drooling, sopping wet quim again and again, pumping into her womb directly, stretching that most sacred of places out around his cockhead like some kind of flesh condom.

He pounds into her, and in that moment as Aurora wails beneath him, shrieking and hollering and climaxing nonstop from the sheer pleasure of his audacious acts, he knows that he's right. He knows that she's all but broken, his musk filling her nose, his cock filling her cunt. The older witch is overwhelmed by the ecstasy he is forcing upon her, capable of nothing more than moans and screams as he fills her tight, wet passage with his meat again and again and again.

This is power. This is true strength. With a groan, followed by a triumphant roar, Harry finally begins to unload inside of Aurora's womb. As she experiences explosive orgasm after explosive orgasm without pause, as she cums around his cock time and time again, Harry finds himself milked to his release, brought over the edge, where he begins to truly fill her quim with his ejaculate, pumping his seed all the way down her passage and directly into her womb.

As he does so, Harry leans in again, murmuring in Aurora's ear.

"Feel that, slut? That is true power. That is the power of a wizard who knows how to control his witches. Perhaps you'll even get pregnant? Would you like that, cunt? Would you like to become a mother this late and life?"

A shudder and a shiver run through Aurora's body at his words, and Harry just smirks as he slowly slides his cock out of her cunt, sighing at the feeling of his length meeting open air and her tightening, clenching pussy walls trying to keep him inside. At the same time though, Harry's eyes are drifting down to the gorgeous, fat, chocolate ass right before him.

So focused on breaking Aurora down, he hadn't even really paid her beautiful bubble butt much mind as he fucked her sopping wet cunt. Now though, now he finds himself staring at it. Aurora is resting beneath him now, panting and catching her breath as she lays over the side of the loveseat, nearly hanging off of it from the way the force of his thrusting pushed her half over the side.

She probably thinks he's done. How cute… how adorable. Smirking, Harry reaches out and grabs hold of Aurora's ass cheeks, drawing a squeal from the older witch as she nearly jumps out of her skin from the sudden renewed contact. Her eyes flick back over her shoulder to him, but Harry just gives her a wicked grin, as if to ask her what she's going to say, as if to ask her if she's really going to try to reject him now, after everything.

In the end, Aurora breaks eye contact first, lowering her gaze submissively and returning to just resting over the side of the loveseat as Harry gropes and kneads and squeezes her ass, playing with it to his heart's content. She really does have just the perfect derriere, the kind of beautiful, fat behind that Harry just wants to sink his teeth into. Hell, why not right?

Leaning down, Harry proceeds to do just that. His chompers sink into Aurora's soft, bountiful butt cheek, and though she squeals at the bite, she doesn't try to fight him on this as he gnaws at her delicious ass for a moment. Unfortunately, the dark-skinned witch DOESN'T taste like chocolate. But there's still a rather nice, earthy sort of flavor to biting the astronomy professor's butt cheek. And there's something to be said about having such control over the woman that she doesn't even try to stop him. Though, she does whimper as he finally pulls away, not having broken flesh, but certainly having left a set of bite marks on her ass.

Staring down with some appreciation at the sight, Harry smiles for a moment, and then he moves on to the main event. His hands go back to groping Aurora's ass, but after a moment he uses them to spread her butt cheeks nice and wide. Her tight little sphincter is revealed to him, her rosebud staring him right in the eye as Aurora whimpers, knowing exactly what is to come.

Harry reaches out with a finger after a moment and runs it down the inside of her ass crack as she trembles and shivers beneath him. When the tip of his finger comes into contact with her anus, she gasps and freezes up as he casts a bit of magic on her bowels. All clean now, and not only that, but all lubed-up as well. Harry has no desire to waste any time taking things slowly. He coats Aurora's ass and her asshole, as well as her anal passage, in a nice, liberal amount of conjured lube. Then, he brings his messy cock, still covered in their combined juices, up to the tight little hole before him.

Aurora tenses up, the astronomy professor biting her lower lip as she looks back over her shoulder at where they're about to be joined. She doesn't try to spread her ass cheeks apart for him like she did her pussy lips. Not this time. Instead, the older witch is clinging to the side of the loveseat, her fingers digging into the thing like claws as she whimpers in anticipation and trepidation of what is to come.

Harry, meanwhile, can scarcely wait. His cock is ready, and so is Aurora's ass. So, he lines up and begins to push. Her tight little sphincter, even nice and lubed-up, doesn't give easily. It's much harder to enter her asshole than it was to slam home into her cunt, but with some work, Harry is able to get his tip inside of her ass. From there, once he has that first beachhead, it's actually smooth sailing as he starts to fill Aurora's back door with his man meat.

Aurora is left panting and gasping for breath, Harry's advance into her anus inexorable and unending. He doesn't stop, nor does he slow down as he fills her up with his cock. And once he's done, he doesn't wait for her to adjust, he doesn't pause to allow her to get used to his dick. He pulls back… and then he thrusts forward much faster than before, setting the pace for the entire event as he begins to fuck her ass in earnest, plowing her behind silly and drawing nice, loud squeals from the woman.

Her first cry is ear-splitting in its intensity, and the noises that follow aren't much better. Her screams fill the night sky, and Harry reflects that if anyone at all at Hogwarts has their windows open tonight, they'll have heard Aurora as she cries out from the anal plundering she's receiving. Harry, meanwhile, goes on to ignore Aurora's constant, loud shrieking.

If anyone DOES hear her, they'll probably just think it's a ghost. And if they DO investigate… well, who are they going to report the transgression to? Harry can only imagine the conversation he'd get to have with McGonagall if the aging Headmistress tried to rein him in or something like that. She was honestly a bit too old for his tastes by this point, but that didn't mean she had any power over him. If Harry had to deliver a magical beat down to make it clear who was in charge… well, he gladly would.

As is, in the moment at least, Harry is FAR more focused on Aurora's ass and the tightness of her anal passage as he fucks her with his big, fat cock. His length disappears inside of her back-door time and time again, while his hands squeeze and grope and knead her jiggling, bouncing, rippling butt cheeks to the end of time.

It's not unrealistic to say Harry quite literally proceeds to fuck Aurora into unconsciousness. He's not paying much attention to her, to be fair, but he does notice her eventually cumming from her anal plundering, at some point during his ferocious assault on her bowels. She orgasms again and again from the brutal ass-fucking, her pussy juices coating the conjured loveseat liberally as he stuffs her bowels full of his girthy shaft.

In the end though, all that matters is Harry's own pleasure. As he finally reaches his fourth release, the powerful wizard buries the entirety of his shaft in Aurora's fat ass, sinking his fingers into her dark-skinned bubble butt at the exact same time as he paints her bowels white with his cum. He fills her to the brim and leaves her stuffed full of his cream before ultimately pulling out, panting heavily as he pulls away from her.

For a moment, Harry just takes in the view, enjoying how he's left Aurora quite a lot. She's a gorgeous witch, but he's absolutely ruined her, plowing her into her own loveseat in both holes until she was completely and utterly gaping from his relentless assault. With a flick of his magic, Harry dispels the loveseat, watching as the unconscious astronomy professor falls to the floor, face down, ass up.

A wide smile spreads across Harry's features at that, stretching from ear to ear as he finds himself thoroughly enjoying the sight. Honestly… there's really only one thing to do next, at this point.


Aurora awakens slowly, altogether slow, but also immensely satisfied. A breathless moan exists her throat first thing, and she writhes on the ground for a moment, her hands coming up under her, only to slip in a pool of juices, both hers… and Harry's. What had happened between them rushes back to the forefront of Aurora's mind, and she sits up to find herself in a veritable bath of cum, the puddle beneath her having grown in the time she'd been unconscious.

Its coating her front too, her face and her gorgeous chocolate tits covered in sticky white cream, since both were laying in the puddle as she slept off everything that Harry had done to her. He'd straight up fucked her unconscious, that was what he had done. And as Aurora considered that, as well as considering Harry's words, she found herself agreeing with him. At the time, she couldn't have put up a fight even if she wanted to. Forming words, talking back to him… from the moment he buried his cock in her drooling quim and began fucking her, Aurora was on Cloud Nine, no longer able to so much as comprehend defiance.

That hadn't stopped her from being quite fearful when he decided to follow things up with anal though. Even if she was older than the powerful wizard, Aurora really never had experimented with that hole before. She'd certainly never let any of the handful of men she'd taken to her bed enjoy that particular deviant delight.

It wasn't something she would ever have chosen to do, not in a million years. But in the end, she'd done it anyways, hadn't she? She'd submitted to Harry's titanic lusts, to his very presence. Because he was right. He was right from the very beginning, he WAS better than the star-lit sky and the full moon. He WAS more than the astral magic she loved so dearly could ever be.

Aurora would never abandon her passion for the stars, nor for astronomy. Not in a million years. Unless… he asked her to. She wanted him. She wanted him desperately, she needed him to fuck her again and to treat her like so much trash and… and… Aurora lets out another moan as her hand finds her cum-gushing cunt and slides deep into her sticky insides. She thrusts four fingers up into her gaping pussy, and even that's not enough to mimic Harry's cock. It's just not enough.

She needs the real thing again. Hopefully, Harry won't ever ask her to give up astronomy and her love for the stars, because Aurora knows in that moment she would in a heartbeat, if it meant getting to be with him again. If he made her choose between her place at Hogwarts and his cock… the powerful wizard's cock would win out every time.

But… maybe he wouldn't? Maybe she could be more useful to him as the astronomy professor, than as some cum-dump footstool or whatever he might end up using her for. If he needed support at Hogwarts for some sort of political maneuver regarding the school… well, she would gladly support him in it, with all the moderate power her tenure and her decades of teaching gave her.

But for now, all Aurora knew was that she NEEDED to see him again. And as if summoned by her need, by her heartfelt desire, she suddenly feels something in her other hand, the hand that's not currently making an attempt at fisting her pussy as she kneels there in a pool of cum and other fluids. Raising the hand up, Aurora finds herself staring at a gorgeous sight indeed.

It's a magical picture… of her. Not that her face is in the picture, but Aurora has stared at her own shapely ass in the mirror enough times to recognize it. Another throaty moan leaves the dark-skinned witch's throat as she takes in the gorgeous view of her fat bubble butt, pushed up into the air with her knees under her. It's obvious that she's face down in the photo, and as she watches it, dollops of cum pour from her ruined, gaping holes. Her ass is even more stretched out then her pussy in the picture, and her thighs are twitching ever so slightly.

Its as if Harry has dealt this one last delicious humiliation to her. As if her ass, raised high in the air and leaking his cum, is a representation of the full moon that she'd been basking in before he interrupted her. He's not just defiled and broken her body and will, he's defiled the moon itself in a way, hasn't he? The thought causes another moan to leave Aurora's throat, even as her fist slides in and out of her well-fucked cunt.

But this can't be all there is, right? A sudden urge to turn over the picture has her doing so, even if Aurora does feel a pang of disappointment at no longer being able to look upon her desecrated, leaking behind. On the back, she finds an appointed date and time waiting for her. It just so happens to be the next time that the sky will be clear, though the moon will no longer be full. The audacity of what Harry obviously intends, the fact that he plans to desecrate her AGAIN atop her tower, her place of power, while the stars sing above them, watching down and watching her defilement… it has Aurora biting her lower lip and wiggling in incessant need as she continues to fist her cunt to no end.

Shivering in anticipation, Aurora very carefully sets the picture outside of the pool of cum. Then, she leans down, planting her free hand in the pool palm down for support, and lapping at Harry's seed, mixed with her bodily fluids. All the while, she tries to mimic the feel of Harry's cock inside of her via her fist and her forearm, but it's just not enough. As she crawls along, slurping away at the delicious, steaming treat of cum that the powerful wizard has left her, Aurora can do nothing but yearn for him.

His magic has left an imprint on the astronomy professor's mind. When combined with her own sensory magic, Harry's overwhelming might has left Aurora more enthralled than practically any witch before her. She truly is a mind-broken love slave for Harry's cock after just one session. There's nothing the professor wants more than to be with him again.

Soon. Soon she would have his cock inside of her again. She had an appointment after all, and this time she would be ready for him. She would be so, so ready.


Elsewhere, Harry was considering his latest conquest and newest acquisition. He had no doubt in his mind that Aurora would be there at the date and time he provided. He would once again take her atop the astronomy tower, and he was already considering how he would go about it, just to hear those delicious screams again.

Though… this next time, he wanted to hear a bit more words from the silly slut. She'd gone incoherent far too quickly for his liking. He would force the words from her, force her declarations of love and loyalty. Maybe he'd even make her tell him how much she loved him in comparison to her precious stars and moon.

Harry had no doubt that she would choose him over them now. Heh, stealing a witch away from celestial bodies, rather than another man. That was a first for him, now wasn't it? A novel concept to be sure, but not one he would ever shy away from. Aurora might have been unique in her particular deviance (after all, who'd ever heard of a woman who'd fallen in love with the damn stars and moon of all things?) but Harry had an entire lot of witches jonesing for his cock who all had their own little hang-ups, their own little perversions.

When compared to all of them, Aurora was middle of the pack at best. But that ass of hers… that bouncy, jiggly, chocolate ass… mm, Harry could definitely stand to have more of that. And he would, soon enough.

It was only a matter of time.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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