
"Jocasta" Malfoy (Genderbent Draco)

"Astoria won't even visit me here anymore mother! That's how beneath our station this prison cell is! And for some reason conjugal visits were denied! Damn it all, I'm sure this is Potter's fault somehow…"

Narcissa lets out a sigh as she sits across from her imprisoned son.

"Do remember dear, it's because of Harry that you're here instead of Azkaban in the first place."

She's not expecting it to mean much to Draco of course, no, more than likely he'd- Draco scoffs, cutting off her thoughts as he waves a hand airily.

"It was the least he could do after Astoria gave that very charitable donation to the Defense Department out of MY money! He should have done more! But Potter has always had it in for me…"

As Draco continues to grumble and groan and whine under his breath, Narcissa rolls her eyes when he's not looking. Her son… her son was a disappointment. She wouldn't even be here right now if she wasn't feeling more than a little neglected. Harry was spending so much time at Hogwarts these days, and it left him with no time for HER… or Astoria for that matter.

The corners of her lips try to rise slightly into a wicked little smile as Narcissa finds herself wondering just what Draco would think if he knew the truth. She doesn't actually smile though, keeping the solemn mask on her face as Draco continues to cry and complain incessantly about this or that injustice. Ah, the blonde boy takes after his father. She'd hoped he wouldn't, but in the end, it was as much Narcissa's fault that he'd turned out this way as it was Lucius'.

Hope and wishes were nice and all, but in the end if you wanted something to be true, you had to work for it. Harry had taught her thought, amusingly enough. Wanting his cock, craving his attention, Narcissa had worked harder for the powerful wizard's approval than she had for anything in her entire life. She knew now that she'd been raised a spoil brat and that she'd lived as a spoiled brat well into womanhood and beyond, until Harry had finally set her straight.

Draco was the same way of course, in the end. He'd matured into a man, physically at least, but he was still the pompous boy that she'd always tried so hard, and yet never quite succeeded at loving. Oh sure, he was still her flesh and blood, and Narcissa had also been raised on the important of family as she'd been spoiled silly, but in the end, Draco was… he was a disappointment. Ugh, her thoughts were going around in circles now.

They always did where her son was concerned. She wasn't surprised that Astoria had convinced Draco conjugal visits were denied. Hell, she wouldn't even be shocked to learn that they actually were, though it would surprise her a little if Harry actually had gone out of his way to deny them. The man had no insecurities to speak of. He was confidence personified, power made manifest. It was far more likely that Astoria simply hadn't wanted to dirty herself with Narcissa's son anymore… and the older Lady Malfoy could not truly blame the younger Lady Malfoy for that. In the end, Harry was just so much… more than Draco could ever be, in every possible way.

Ah, if only her son had been born a girl instead. If only she had a daughter, rather than a spoiled brat of a boy. Her daughter would still no doubt have been spoiled, just like she was all her life, but the nonexistent witch would also have been taken in hand by Harry at this point, just as Narcissa and Astoria had been.

All the elder Lady Malfoy had to look to in order to know that to be true was Harry's other conquests. To be fair, she had no idea just how many witches, both young and old, he was fucking at this point. But she knew there were several. Fleur and her daughter Victoire were just scratching the surface, Narcissa was almost sure of that. And judging by the women in Harry's life, there were multiple mother-daughter pairs that he regularly fucked senseless.

It had cut into her time with him, more than anything else. All those other MILFS got so much attention because of the young, nubile beauties they brought along with them. Narcissa and Astoria technically had each other, but they were in-laws and nothing more. Clearly, that didn't interest Harry as much as blood ties, seeing how he'd barely had the two of them together in recent weeks, hell, even in recent months. Narcissa still got a nice, thorough dicking from the powerful wizard every once in a while… but it wasn't enough, not nearly so.

No, she needed to find a way to draw Harry's attention back to her, and fast. She couldn't continue on like this, spending more time with her whiny, imprisoned son than with her beloved Master. Of course, she couldn't very well start eliminating the competition. That might have been her family's way once upon a time… poison or cursed objects or simply dark magic tossed at unsuspecting backs… but no, that wouldn't work for her here.

Not only did Narcissa not know the full-breadth of who Harry satisfied himself with, she knew in her heart without even having to think about it that he would find out it was her. And then she would lose him forever, tossed in a cell much like her son's, if not worse. There had to be another way. There was another way, she was just struggling to find it. If only, if only… if-

Narcissa suddenly goes stiff, and her eyes widen as her pupils dilate slightly. Her lips part and a soft gasp of delight escapes the older witch's mouth, covered by Draco's continued prattling. Just like that, the older Lady Malfoy has had an epiphany. She'd just been thinking about it earlier after all. Hopes and wishes were all fine and dandy, but you had to work for what you wanted.

She wished she had a girl instead of a boy… but she was a witch, wasn't she? She lived in the Wizarding World, a place of almost limitless possibilities… and on top of that, she was a dark witch. Which meant she had absolutely no problem employing some… questionable matters. In the end, the only one who she would truly be screwing over would be her son. After a few moments of thought, Narcissa decided she was perfectly fine with that.


For good measure, the older witch reaches out across the table and grabs her son by the hand as she cuts him off. He blinks and looks at her in confusion, frowning slightly at the interruption into his ranting.

"Don't tell me you have to leave a-already mother? You just got here…"

For a moment, Draco looks surprisingly vulnerable. She might have always struggled to love her annoying brat of a son, but if there was one thing she knew, it was that he loved her with all of his black little heart. Plastering a sympathetic smile on her face, Narcissa glances about. Luckily, this was a minimum-security prison, and there were no recording spells cast on the visitor's area.

There was a guard by the door, but he was far enough away that Narcissa knew he couldn't hear them. More than that, he was used to Draco's incessant whining, and appeared to be tuning them out as best as possible just as Narcissa had been doing up until that point. Licking her lips, the elder Lady Malfoy catches Draco's eye and holds him still with her gaze.

"Draco, I know how to free you from this place. I know how to get you out of here."

Draco's eyes go wide at that and he too glances to the guard before looking back at her and leaning in, his voice lowering in volume.

"T-Truly mother? How?"

Narcissa's smile widens ever so slightly.

"It will require great… sacrifice on your part Draco. You will have to go into hiding, even if we are successful. You will have to fake your own death."

Her son gapes in shock, and Narcissa takes advantage of his stunned silence to begin laying out her plan. It's a rather audacious plan, and a silly one at that. She'd lifted the idea wholesale from Bartemius Crouch, who'd allowed his wife to die in his son's place, ultimately allowing Barty Crouch to escape his father and help the return of the Dark Lord.

The stupid bit was that this was a minimum-security prison, not Azkaban. Draco would be out in only two more years. There was no need for him to fake his death. But on top of being a spoiled brat, Narcissa had always learned how to be very persuasive over her long life. First with her parents when she was but a child, then with her peers at Hogwarts throughout her years there. Lucius had been more difficult to manage, and most of the time she hadn't bothered to try, but once in a while she'd put her charisma to good use, when she felt it mattered most.

Now, with Draco the target of her persuasive personality, Narcissa quickly had her boy convinced that the only way he was going to ever be free was through her hair-brained escape scheme. He would of course have to go into hiding afterwards to keep up the charade, as she'd said, but so long as she was around he'd have access to the Malfoy money through her.

In the end, her son agrees to her plan. They part ways that day with Narcissa excited and eager to get started, and Draco feeling lighter and happier than he'd been in a long time. Soon… soon his imprisonment would come to an end.


"Who's this supposed to be?"

Narcissa smiles politely as she pulls the beautiful blonde girl at her side closer to her.

"Can you not see the family resemblance? This is Jocasta Malfoy, my beloved daughter."

The prison guard looks more than a little dubious.

"Jocasta… Malfoy? Thought you Malfoys only ever had one child."

Here, Narcissa allows a slight grimace to spread across her face, even as 'Jocasta' beams stupidly at her side.

"We only ever had one… magical child."

And just like that, the guard's eyes light up in understanding and he gazes at 'Jocasta' in an entirely new light. After all, it was sort of an unspoken truth, an open secret what the old magical families did with their squibs. And with Lucius dead, it would make sense that Narcissa would be able to bring a nonmagical daughter out of hiding. Laying it on just a little thicker, Narcissa simpers as she brushes some stray platinum blonde hair from 'Jocasta's' vapid, blank smiling face.

"It'll be Draco's first time meeting her. I was actually hoping we might be able to go to his cell instead of the visitor area this time… you know, to surprise him?"

And just like that, the guard is grinning quite sadistically. Narcissa can only imagine what the wizard is thinking. She doesn't recognize him, which means he has to be a half-blood or a muggleborn… even the Weasleys were recognized on sight as a pureblood magical family, after all, long before they became the adoptive family of the Man-Who-Won. Given that, she's not at all surprised at how eager he seems to be to escort them right to Draco's cell.

When they arrive, Draco is of course surprised to see them, not at all forewarned that his mother was arriving today. She and 'Jocasta' are let in and Narcissa smiles, even as Draco looks his 'sister' up and down in confusion.

"Hello mother… who is this?"

It's the guard who answers before she can, his voice filled with poorly concealed glee.

"Jocasta Malfoy! Your older sister!"

Draco's eyes go wide as they go to the guard, and then to 'Jocasta' and then to Narcissa. For a moment, there's silence, even as Narcissa gives her son a slight nod. Then, Draco's face twists into a rictus of hatred.

"She's a squib, isn't she?! What is she doing here? Did you truly think I would want to meet some magic-less relative? She's no better than a muggle! Get her out of my sight this instant!"

Narcissa lets out a put-upon sigh and looks to the guard, who's barely managing to keep his laughter in at this point.

"Could we have some privacy?"

The man looks at her like she's crazy.

"What? This is the best thing that's happened in this dump all week, I-!"

The look in her eye cuts him off, and he swallows thickly.

"I can't… we aren't allowed to leave visitors unattended in the prison cells, Lady Malfoy."

Letting out another sigh, Narcissa switches from a withering glare to a beseeching gaze at the drop of a hat, turning the full force of her doe eyes onto the much younger man.

"Please? Surely you understand what a trying time for our family this is? I beg of you, just a few minutes alone?"

It works like a charm, of course. The wizard blushes and then slowly nods.

"S-Sure… yeah, I'll be right down the hall if you need anything."

And just like that, the guard is gone. Narcissa turns back to Draco, only to find the blonde staring at his so-called 'sister' as 'Jocasta' continues to smile blankly. He waves a hand in front of the 'girl's' face, and she sways in place, now that Narcissa is no longer guiding her along. After a moment, Draco reaches out and experimentally honks her massive tits. Only once that provokes no reaction beyond a slight blush and panting does her son turn back towards her.

"Is she imperiused?"

Narcissa rolls her eyes and pulls out her wand.

"She is a pig Draco. Quite literally."

The blonde's eyes widen, and he immediately pulls back from 'Jocasta' as Narcissa steps forward with her wand drawn and strips the robes off of her false daughter, before beginning the process of transfiguring the pig into a perfect copy of her son. The magic she's using is quite dark of course, but then it had to be to get the effects she wanted. It was outlawed by the Ministry for two very specific reasons. One, it was used far too often in brothels centuries before in order to avoid having to pay working witches. Both men and women had gotten up in arms when THAT had come out into the light of day. Two, it was permanent unless the original caster changed the animal back, or into something else as she was doing now.

Draco looked incredibly disturbed to see himself wearing the same stupid, empty smile that his fake sister had been wearing moments before. He looked disturbed in general, to be staring at his doppelganger.

"Drink this Draco, and hurry. I don't know how long we'll have."

Pulling a particularly nasty looking potion from her purse, Narcissa holds it out to her son and waits impatiently for him to take it. He gives the 'polyjuice' a distasteful look for a second, clearly not at all inclined to become 'Jocasta'.

"Will I have to act like she did as well, Mother?"

Narcissa has to work to hide the smile that threatens to erupt across her face at that foolish, idiotic question. Nodding her head, she adopts a pitying look, pretending to commiserate with her son.

"You'll have to do so until we're out of the prison at the very least, yes. Now hurry up."

This was the moment of truth. This was where it could still all fall apart. If her son suspected even a little, Narcissa's plans might very well be ruined… but no. Draco is so very trusting of his beloved mother, in the end. It seems he just can't comprehend that she might be capable of betraying him. Popping out the cork, Draco up-ends the 'polyjuice' potion down his throat. He swallows every last drop, his Adam's apple bobbing for the last time as he drains the unbreakable glass clear of its precious cargo.

It's not a polyjuice that he's just drunk. Of course it isn't. Narcissa wouldn't be doing this for his benefit. She wouldn't be doing this just to get Draco out of prison. She's doing this for purely selfish reasons, she's putting in the work and the time and even the gold to get what SHE wants. And what Narcissa wants in that moment is a sexy, dimwitted daughter so she can have some slutty, perverse mother-daughter time with Harry's cock.

Draco's eyes go wide for a moment and Narcissa wonders if he can feel it as the potion visibly starts to take effect. On the outside, it appears to be just like a polyjuice potion. The young man she'd given birth to and raised for so many years transforms into 'Jocasta Malfoy', a grey-eyed, busty, voluptuous beauty. However, the more important changes are happening on the inside, within Draco's mind.

"M-Mother, I… w-what… I'm, I can't… oooh…"

Her new daughter drops to her knees and shudders as her eyes roll up in her head and her tongue hangs out of her mouth. The orgasm that signifies the final touches of the restricted, class-five dark potion completing its work brings a lecherous smile to Narcissa's face. As Jocasta slowly recovers, Narcissa reaches into her enchanted purse again, this time pulling out a rather old Hogwarts uniform. HER Hogwarts uniform, as the case would have it.

She still fit in it to this day, much to her satisfaction… but now Narcissa was confident it would look much better on her new daughter.

"Get up honey and get out of that awful prison jumpsuit. You're not in jail, now are you? That's your brother."

'Jocasta' blinks slowly before looking up at her mother with clouded grey eyes. In this moment, not only has her intelligence and most of her memories been siphoned away or just plain rewritten, she's also incredibly suggestible for the next day or so, thanks to the an after effect of the potion Narcissa had used on her. Slowly but surely, her beautiful blonde bimbo of a daughter stands up, nodding in agreement as she looks at her naked 'brother'.

The transfigured pig smiles blankly at her, and Jocasta smiles back almost just as blankly, happy that her 'brother' is happy at her. It takes Narcissa snapping her fingers in the bimbofied blonde's face for her daughter to remember her mother's words.

"A-Ah! Yes mother, right away!"

In no time at all, Jocasta is stripped naked, Draco's prison jumpsuit and boxers discarded onto the floor. Narcissa hands over her Hogwarts uniform and watches for a moment in amusement as Jocasta struggles to remember how to dress herself, muttering under her breath things like "left foot, right foot" and the like. As the girl seems to get the hang of things, Narcissa turns to the naked form of her son.

Wrinkling her nose, Narcissa twirls her wand and dressed the transfigured pig in her son's prison garments. Then, she casts a dark heart-stopping curse at the replica of her 'baby boy' just as her brand-new daughter is putting on her robes over Narcissa's old Hogwarts uniform. Funnily enough, it wasn't originally outlawed because it stopped hearts, back in the sixteenth century when it'd been banned. It was outlawed because it was undetectable and impossible to distinguish in a magical being from a normal heart attack. The magic could only truly be traced in a nonmagical being.

Which really raised the question of exactly how they were supposed to track the misuse of said spell in the first place. Narcissa didn't care though. She'd long since understood how foolish and easily led the Ministry could be. First from watching her husband work through Fudge all those years, and more recently from watching Harry play God while every female he turned his gaze towards simply knelt down and took what he had to offer.

Jocasta's gasp of horror at the death of her 'brother' pulls Narcissa from her thoughts, and the older witch casts a mild panic charm on herself before launching into full-blown horror-mode.

"Draco? DRACO?! No! My baby boy! Oh Merlin, Draco!!!"

What follows next is a whole lot of theater for the prison staff. Jocasta cries right alongside her mother as the prison's mediwitch confirms Draco's death by heart attack. When it's explained just who Jocasta is, the prison staff seems all too ready to believe that the pompous, spoiled Lord Malfoy had died from shock at finding out he had a squib sister. With that solidified as fact in everyone's mind, the investigation ended before it could even begin, and Draco's death merely became an 'unfortunate' accident.

Within an hour, Narcissa and her new daughter were leaving the prison behind, locked arm and arm just as they'd entered. Jocasta still seemed sad, so after removing the mild panicking charm from herself, Narcissa cast a cheering charm on the blonde airhead, watching as her tears dried up and her frown turned upside down.

"Chin up, child. That wasn't your brother. You never had a brother. And you certainly don't NEED one. Understood?"

Jocasta stares at her wide-eyed, slowly nodding as she processes this new information. Narcissa grins upon seeing this, her heart feeling lighter than ever before. There was only one thing left to do now, wasn't there.

"Come along now, sweetie. It's time for you to meet your new daddy!"

The answering squee from her bimbofied daughter fills Narcissa with a very deep, dark, twisted sort-of joy.


"Gagkh… Gagkh… Gagkh!"

Harry smiles lazily as he runs his fingers through the hair of his current… playmate. Today was a good day. He'd just received a floo call from the minimum-security prison that he'd set Draco up in, and apparently, the pompous jackass had straight up died from a heart attack. It sounded suspicious, but Harry wasn't in the mood to question it. Not when he was currently greatly enjoying himself with a certain Hogwarts Professor.

Daphne Greengrass struggles and writhes in her bondage, but there's not much the girl can do to escape her current circumstances. Seated in an armchair by a roaring fire in the personal quarters that the Headmistress has so graciously given him, Harry leans back and lets his eyes drift half-shut as he listens to the blonde Potions Professor choking on his cock again and again.

Currently hanging upside down, Daphne has her arms tied behind her back quite securely and her ankles bound together. Harry has her at just the right height for her head to be in his crotch, his dick slamming in and out of her throat as he pushes her back and forth across his length quite casually. For Daphne, the situation is anything but casual. While she doesn't fear for her life, the witch isn't exactly in the best of states by this point.

Her struggling form is taut as she shakes this way and that, writhing in her bindings, unable to escape Harry's grasp. Precum and cum, along with her own slobber, consistently drip down from her cock-stuffed mouth and into her nose, making it all the more difficult for her to breathe for much of her time impaled on Harry's dick. Her poor throat is ragged and raspy from the abuse, and the only reason she's even conscious is because Harry takes his time, allowing her to almost nearly pull off of his dick all the way, giving her small snippets of breath here and there.

Grinning a bit more wickedly, Harry lifts the hand not currently in Daphne's locks up and amuses himself with the fine silver chains hanging between her new clit and nipple rings. Tugging at it sends Daphne into a whole different sent of frenzies, and Harry quite enjoys the vibrations around his thick, throbbing shaft as she moans and screams along the length of his massive member.

It was her attitude that kept Harry coming back for more from the beleaguered Potions Professor. Daphne resisted him in a way none of the others had ever even come close to. Not even Susan had been able to hold him off for this long, the female Minister of Magic breaking just like all the rest. Truthfully, Daphne intrigued him, if he was being honest with himself.

Ah, but if he WAS indeed being honest with himself, it had to be said that she didn't intrigue him enough for him to alter his ways of doing things. In the end, Harry wanted… no, he NEEDED to see her break. He would keep at it until she did, until she was nothing more than another mewling slut at his feet. Soon enough, she would beg him for mercy. She would submit and she would become his toy, just like all the rest had.

For now, he would savor and enjoy every last moment of the time he had with her before she did. Testing and pushing her limits mentally and physically was one of the few entertaining things in his life at this point, and he rather enjoyed using her almost daily as a cock-warmer while he stayed at Hogwarts.

"Gagkh… Gagkh… Gagkh…"

The sounds of her gagging and choking as his cock buries itself in her throat again and again are music to Harry's ears as he just sits back, enjoying the tight feeling of her esophagus wrapped around his dick and the warmth of the fire raging only a few feet away. Of course, that's when there's a knock on the door to his quarters, disrupting the tempo of his fun.

Letting out a light growl, Harry casts a silencing charm on Daphne, even as he forces the blonde's lips all the way to the base of his cock, pressing his thighs in on either side of her head. She chokes and writhes all the more pleasantly, even as Harry cancels the silencing charm that he has on his entire quarters for just a moment in order to call out towards his door.

"Who is it?"

There's a beat of silence, before a familiar voice reaches his ears, muffled by the door.

"It's me, Narcissa… Head Auror Potter, I was told you were here."

Harry lifts a brow at that. Lady Malfoy the Elder outside his quarters. Hm, he supposed he should have expected as much. Would Astoria show up soon as well? He knew how Lady Malfoy the Younger would react to her late husband's demise. But did Narcissa love the brat that she'd spawned from her loins? Harry had never quite been able to tell. He wasn't inclined to deal with a grieving mother, but she didn't sound like she was crying, to be fair.

Well, if she was too much of a bother, he'd just send her on her way. With a lazy twirl of his wand, Harry unlocks and opens the door to his quarters. Narcissa enters with a younger witch trailing behind her, and the wizard blinks dumbly for a moment, before remembering to close and lock up behind them. They stop dead at the sight of him and Daphne, even as Harry puts the area silencing charm back up, and then cancels the one currently centered on Daphne.

"Gagkh, hulgahk, gulakgh…"

Belatedly, Harry eases off and lets the upside-down witch swing away from his cock for a moment as she gasps and hacks away, finally able to breathe. Ignoring the Potions Professor, Harry turns his attention towards Narcissa and her companion, eyeing the grey-eyed blonde with a furrowed brow. The vapid smile on the younger witch's face spoke to a dimwitted bimbo of a girl, but that didn't quite answer who she was or where she'd come from.

"Narcissa. Who's the uninvited guest?"

The older witch blushes immediately at his chiding tone, fidgeting and squirming under his pointed gaze. Before she can answer him however, the blonde at her side pipes up.

"Are you my new daddy?"

Harry stares for a second, and then looks back to Narcissa, who blushes even harder, before forcing herself to smile.

"You might have already heard the news … but as it turns out, my son both died… and also didn't. May I introduce my daughter, Jocasta Malfoy."

Oh, now this has such delightful connotations to it. Harry lets go of the chain between Daphne's nipple and clit rings and pushes the blonde the rest of the way off his cock, his dick tip leaving her lips with a pop as he abruptly stands up.

While Daphne gasps for air with a raspy throat from behind him, Harry begins to move forward with a predatory glint in his eye. Even as much as an airhead as she seems to be now, 'Jocasta' catches onto the tension in the room, swallowing nervously as he gets closer and closer.

"A-Aren't you a little young to be my daddy? A-And you've got such a big dick too…"

Harry lifts another eyebrow at that, and Narcissa coughs delicately into her fist.

"I think that was her attempt at snark, Master. She still has remnants of Draco in her. Tidbits, here and there."

"You know, with that scar on your face, you could be called Scarface!"

Narcissa covers her face with her palm while Harry, more amused than anything else, reaches out and undoes the clasp on 'Jocasta's' robes, tugging them off one shoulder and then the other to fully reveal her absolutely gorgeous body, clad in a tight, form-fitting Slytherin uniform. Lady Malfoy the Elder had done well in picking out, or perhaps designing her child's new form. Regardless of how she'd gotten the body, Harry could admit he admired it greatly.

And the fact that this had once been Draco… a wicked grin spreads from ear to ear across his face, and with a bit of magical power, Jocasta slides to her knees right before him. The blonde airhead looks up at him with those delicious grey eyes of hers, but before she can try to toss out some more of her version of 'snark', Harry brings his fat, thick cock down on her upturned face with a wet thud.

Her eyes go wide and her pupils dilate as her words die in her throat. The blonde's nostrils flare, her full lips part, and her tongue snakes out to lick at his dick unconsciously, before she realizes what she's doing and blushes profusely. Every last bit of this is turning Harry on immensely. He's very rarely been this aroused, and only Daphne has managed to invoke this kind of hunger in him of late. Jocasta Malfoy isn't going to be any sort of Daphne Greengrass in terms of resistance or mental fortitude. It appears her 'loving' mother has already taken care of much of that.

Still, that doesn't mean he isn't going to enjoy every last bit of this. Reaching out with both hands, Harry grabs Jocasta's hair in two fistfuls, pulling just hard enough to make her cry out in discomfort so that he can shove his cock right in between her full, pouty lips. A moment later and he's fucking her throat, choking his schoolyard nemesis on his cock right there in the middle of the very school they'd verbally and magically sparred across for so many years.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It had been a long time since Draco held any sort of sway over Harry. A very long time. In fact, the only worth the pompous blonde had had to him in recent years was when Astoria and Narcissa came looking for leniency. Allowing Draco to stay in that minimum-security prison had given Harry to beautiful, willing witches… and he'd gotten to fuck Draco's wife right up the ass to boot.

Fucking the female version of Draco in her throat was even more satisfying though. Watching involuntary tears fall from her eyes as she stared up at him in clear discomfort, slobber already pooling in her mouth and dripping from her fat lower lip onto her chin… yeah, yeah this was pretty fucking hot. It was even hotter when Narcissa finally joined the fray, seeming hesitant at first but growing bolder and bolder as Harry just stared at her and her new daughter with hooded eyes, not stopping her or reprimanding her.

Lady Malfoy settles onto her knees behind her voluptuous, vapid little girl and wraps her arms around Jocasta, reaching up and grabbing at the younger witch's big, fat tits. This in turn prompts Jocasta to moan around Harry's dick, sending pleasurable vibrations of the same sort Daphne had been along Harry's shaft. Grunting, the powerful wizard continues to piston his way in and out of Jocasta's throat, moving even faster now, enjoying the sounds of her choking on his dick.


Narcissa's fingers slip past the buttons of the Hogwarts blouse her daughter is in, and she abruptly tears the blouse open, buttons flying everywhere as Jocasta's breasts bounce free. The blonde airhead squeals immediately of course and tries to cover herself up even as Harry continues to fuck her throat with all his might. This in turn leads to Narcissa grabbing her daughter's hands and pulling them down, revealing the massive tits that she's given the newly transformed witch as they bounce up and down from the sheer force that Harry is ramming into her esophagus with.

It's more than enough to bring him to the edge, but Harry doesn't let himself go over it. Instead, the wizard begins to slow down, even as he takes one hand and reaches over to grab Narcissa by her hair as well. He drags the older witch past her brand-new daughter, and in one fell swoop, he pops his cock out of Jocasta's mouth and into Narcissa's, pistoning back and forth a handful of times before he begins to cum down her throat.

The venerable Lady Malfoy drinks every last drop like the slutty little whore she is, as Jocasta whines in disappointment, and Harry watches on with a wide, approving smile on his face.

"You've done well, slut. I have to commend your depravity. This is truly a dark, terrible thing you've done for my satisfaction… and I couldn't imagine someone more deserving of this fate than Draco."

"B-But daddy! I did all the work, I should get the cum!!!"

Jocasta seems particularly outraged as Harry finally finishes unloading down Narcissa's throat, the older Malfoy witch swallowing it all down before pulling back as he allows her to. Snorting derisively at Jocasta's childishness, Harry uses the hand still in her platinum blonde hair to drag her half to her feet, slipping his cock out of her mother's mouth as he pulls her across the room.

"Shut up, cunt. I'm not your daddy, no matter what Narcissa has told you. I'm your Master, and you will address me as such."

"Ooh, yes Master! Please Master, are you going to fuck me now? Do it! Fuck me Master, fuck me!"

Harry just shakes his head. Damn, Narcissa had really done a number on her son-turned-daughter. Not that he really cared, but he was fairly impressed. Dragging Jocasta over to a nearby table, he spins the blonde around and grabs her by the waist, lifting her up onto the edge of the furniture. The bimbofied witch immediately spreads her legs wide open for him with a grin, and even goes as far as to lift up her Slytherin-colored plaid skirt, showing off the fact that, just like she had no bra, she also had no panties.

Well, he's not one to avoid taking advantage of an offer like this. His fingers dig into Jocasta's pale thighs as he pulls her a little closer to the edge, and the next thing she knows, he's buried his cock inside of her tight little cunt. Her hymen rips as Harry takes the newly-made witch's virginity, and a cry of pleasure and pain rips its way out of Jocasta's throat at the same exact time. Then he's fucking her, and it's all the blonde girl can do to wrap her arms around Harry's neck and her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life under the onslaught of pure sensation rampaging through her already damaged, drained mind.

"Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEEE!!!"

Jocasta's first orgasm cums quick, and once that arrives, they don't stop. Harry does exactly what the slutty airhead wants and plows the female version of Draco Malfoy as hard as he possibly can, his cock plunging into her depths time and time again as he slams up against her cervix, slowly but surely weakening it. Eventually, he pushes right through the entrance to her womb, and that's the moment Jocasta truly loses it, as Harry begins to treat her most sacred of places like a condom, his entire shaft sheathing inside of her cunt time and time again.

Pounding away inside of the voluptuous witch's womb, Harry groans as he feels her insides wrapping around every last inch of his member, tightening and gripping and squeezing away at him as Jocasta cries out over and over and over, climaxing and orgasming and cumming around his dick again and again and again. The pleasure seems to be intense for the blonde witch. Harry wonders how much of it is him and how much of it is Narcissa.

As it turns out, the potion she used on her son does have a few other side effects… such as an increase in sensitivity damn near across the board. Watching as Harry fucks her newly made daughter with savage, powerful thrusts, Narcissa can't help but touch herself to the sight, biting her lower lip, still able to taste her master's cum on her tongue, even after she'd swallowed it all.

Harry brutally plows Jocasta to orgasm after orgasm, his hands coming up off her hips to grip and maul her fat titties at the same time. Her body responds spectacularly, undulating and writhing beneath him as he plays with her to his heart's content. She's no Daphne, but she's an entirely different sort of fun and Harry knows he'll get just as much satisfaction from this as he will from Daphne finally breaking for him.

His fingers dig into Jocasta's tits and the blonde witch moans wantonly in return, mewling happily and crying out loudly as he fucks her with deep, thorough thrusts. Eventually though, he does feel her cunt milking him towards another release. With but a thought and a burst of magic, Harry drags Narcissa over to the table. The older witch gasps at being all but plucked up and carried over by his magic, and when he presses at her back, she's happy to bend over for him. Her dress is vanished a moment later, and right as Jocasta is lost in the throes of ecstasy, his throbbing cock seconds away from filling her with cum, Harry pulls out and turns to her mother to finish him off once more.

The younger Malfoy's eyes snap open in shock right as Narcissa cries out in pure and utter bliss. Harry's shaft filled her to the brim, and then his cum does the same, his seed pumping directly into the older witch's womb as he paints her insides white and then some. Jocasta watches on with wide eyes and an open mouth, so horrified by the loss of her hard-earned cum that she can't even find the words this time. When Harry pulls out of her mother, leaving yet another load of seed inside of the woman instead of her, it looks like the younger witch wants to say something, but one look from him and she stays silent.

"Get down, bend over, and beg me to fuck your tight little asshole for all the shit you ever put me through you silly cunt."

The dimwitted blonde takes a moment to realize that he's talking to her, even when he's looking right at her. Narcissa really had done a number on the girl's brain from the looks of things. Still, as soon as Jocasta catches up with Harry's words and processes his orders, she moves to obey. The voluptuous witch's fat tits bounce and jiggle when she hops off the table, and then she's turning around and bending over as she moves to flip up the back of her mother's old Hogwarts uniform just as she flipped up the front.

Exposing her big, fat bubble butt, Jocasta reaches back without any hesitation and pulls her ass cheeks apart, even as she looks over her shoulder at him with a moan on her lips and clear and obvious lust in her eyes.

"P-Please Master, please fuck my tight little asshole for all the shit I ever put you through! Use me like the silly cunt I am!"

Grinning viciously, Harry moves to do just that. His cock in hand, it takes but a moment to make sure her anus is clean. And then, he's forcing his way in, dirtying it up all over again as the mess of pussy juices and cum all over his shaft gives him enough lube to bury himself in the Malfoy girl's behind. With a loud groan, Harry reaches out and grabs hold of Jocasta's massive butt cheeks, gripping them tightly with both hands as he begins to fuck her back door right then and there.

The table rocks beneath her even as Jocasta screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The blonde cries out time and time again, mostly in discomfort at first but slowly the sounds she's making turn more and more towards ecstasy. Meanwhile, Narcissa slips her fingers into her cum-stuffed cunt before moving them to her asshole, still bent over the table as well, her legs shaking slightly with need as she watches her Master rail her daughter's behind.

By this point, the older witch can see the pattern. She happily prepares her own asshole for Harry's eventual arrival, even as Jocasta reaches her first anal orgasm, the younger witch cumming from Harry's intrusion into her asshole, her pussy juices spraying all over the floor beneath the table she's bent over. There isn't much in the way of intelligent thought still going through the airhead's mind, but if there's one thing that she knows for sure, it's that she's not going to let him leave her without a load of cum again!

Of course, it becomes harder and harder for her to even focus on that with Harry barreling into her butthole over and over again. As the blonde's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue hangs out of her mouth, one of Harry's hands leaves her ass and reaches out to grab a fistful of her gorgeous hair. He pulls and Jocasta's back arches as he fucks into her with strokes that are even more powerful, her upper body coming off the table at the same time, and her tits bouncing and jiggling this way and that.

Orgasm after orgasm wracks the bimbofied blonde's body, until eventually she can't think of anything at all. As such, when Harry finally DOES near his third release, there's not much the younger Malfoy can do to stop him from pulling out, her butt muscles gripping tightly, but not nearly tight enough to impede his progress. She recovers just in time to look to the side and watch in brand new horror as her mother cries out and takes Harry's third load right inside of her slutty, gaping asshole.

This proves to be the breaking point for the blonde airhead that had once been Draco Malfoy. As Harry rests for a moment, his dick buried in Narcissa's butt, Jocasta slowly lifts herself off the table and whines petulantly, even going so far as to stomp a foot as actual tears well up in her eyes.

"Maaaaster!!! I-I keep doing all the work but mother keeps getting all the cum! It's not faaair!"

Harry looks at her with a bit of amusement in his eyes, and then he turns back to her mother, reaching out and grabbing a handful of Narcissa's hair in order to draw the half-delirious witch's head off of the table.

"What do you think Narcissa? Does the slut deserve a load of her own now, or does she need to be punished some more?"

"… both…"

Jocasta doesn't quite hear what her mother says, but Harry definitely does. Grinning wickedly, the wizard pulls out of her mother's ass with a pop and reaches for her all over again. She's not about to resist though, even when he shoves her back to his knees, presenting his messy dick to her face. She just opens up and lets him have his way, happily submitting to the man that, in another life, she'd considered her greatest nemesis.

She's no one's nemesis now though. No, instead she's just a cock-hungry cum whore, desperate for Harry's dick and his seed.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

That's why she lets him fuck her throat as much as he wants, taking the physical abuse with gusto as he pounds away at her face hole. She can only hope that this time, she's going to get to keep her hard-earned cum. Harry thrusts away into her throat again and again, taking his pleasure from her. This… this is where she belongs. Even the dimwitted blonde witch knows that. Her mother had brought her right to this man, after all. He might not have been her new daddy, but he was her new Master, and Jocasta knew that meant she belonged to him, that she was supposed to obey his every word.

For now, obeying just meant that she had to kneel there and take his cock down her esophagus as he fucks her throat repeatedly. And this time, when he begins to cum, he doesn't pull out. His seed pours into her mouth and for a moment, Jocasta is elated. Then, her eyes widen as she realizes her mother made it look EASY.

The blonde bimbo chokes on Harry's cum just like she choked on his dick. The sticky, white substance explodes out of Jocasta's nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she gags, unable to swallow more than a bit of it. It's still delicious though, and even with her face ruined and her Master nearly drowning herself in his cum, the dimwitted witch has never been happier than in that moment, as she finally, FINALLY gets the reward she's so rightfully earned.

Harry looks down at the expression of pure, rapturous bliss across Jocasta's face and grins. This was what Draco Malfoy had been reduced to. Couldn't have happened to more-deserving wizard. The witch that his one-time school rival had become was a total bombshell, a woman MADE to be a cocksleeve. But then, of course she was. Narcissa had been the one to make her after all, and it was clear the older witch had transformed her son into a daughter with a very specific set of desires in mind.

For such hard work, Harry was more than happy to reward Lady Malfoy the Elder. He had been neglecting Narcissa of late, that much was true, but he hadn't expected her to go out and do this to get his attention. She'd impressed him, and Harry was going to make sure that she knew that.


It felt like the entire world had gone mad but her. That was the thought that went through Daphne Greengrass' head as she knelt there, her arms still tied behind her back, and a bowl full of cum sitting in front of her. Every once in a while, she dipped her head forward and slurped up some of the sticky, creamy substance, eating Harry's seed tentatively, despite its tasty nature.

Beside her, the girl who'd apparently once been Draco ate a lot more like a pig. 'Jocasta' Malfoy wasn't bound like she was, instead her hands were palm down on either side of her bowl, and she had her face half-buried in Harry's seed, slurping away like some sort of feral animal. At the same time, Narcissa's cries filled the room as Harry continued to show the older witch his appreciation for her betrayal of her daughter, pounding into her with quite powerful ferocity, some of the screams from Narcissa's throat causing Daphne to flinch as she avoided looking over there.

Still, better Lady Malfoy than her. Daphne knew she'd be punished if she stopped eating Harry's seed entirely, but she was still taking this moment as it was, a much-needed break. Her entire body felt like it was caked with Harry's seed… and in many places, it was. She was covered in his cum, most of it dry but plenty of it not. How long had she even been hanging upside down anyways? It couldn't have been healthy for her, but at this point Daphne isn't surprised by anything Harry does with his magic. Magic is Harry's bitch. That much, Daphne has figured out since she too ended up as the powerful wizard's bitch.

But not forever. No, for now Harry had the upper hand, but the blonde Potions Professor was already thinking up ways to turn the tables on him. She just had to… she had to get some leverage. That was right, just some leverage. And she knew just how to start.

"Draco… hey, Draco."

Speaking in a quiet tone, Daphne tries to get the other witch's attention, right next to each other as they are. Slowly, 'Jocasta' looks up at her, the entirety of the blonde bimbo's lower face covered in a white, sticky mess. Daphne glances back over her shoulder, but Harry isn't paying them any mind for a moment, enjoying Narcissa's tits as he currently is. Looking back to the feminized Draco Malfoy knelt beside her, Daphne licks her lips and tries to get through to him… her… whatever.

"Draco, I know you're still in there. C'mon, that was all an act, right? You wouldn't submit to Potter in a million years, not really. Look, we need to stick together and work together, okay? Just… just nod if you understand."

Rather than nod, Jocasta cocks her head to the side, and in a heart-stopping moment, Daphne Greengrass realizes she's made an error. She was wrong. Draco wasn't still in there. His mother had destroyed her son so that she could have a pretty airhead for a daughter to offer up to Harry. That moment passes and then the next thing Daphne knows, she's on her back as Jocasta Malfoy jumps her like some sort of big cat, savagely attacking her cum-covered body with an addicted zeal as Daphne squirms and struggles to no avail.

"H-Hey! Get off me! GET OFF ME!"

Of course, with her arms bound behind her, there's nothing the blonde can really do in that moment. All her yells do is draw Harry's attention to the pair, even as he continues to fuck Narcissa with deep, powerful strokes, bringing the older witch to climax after climax. He watches on with growing amusement and no small amount of glee as Daphne's indignant, outraged yelling turns into reluctant moaning, and then a step further into orgasmic screams as Jocasta digs DEEP looking for more of his delicious seed.

With a dark chuckle, Harry casually slaps Narcissa's tits, causing the older witch to cry out all the louder as he begins to fuck her to the sight of her newly made daughter ravaging the blonde Potions Professor. Narcissa had done more than well. She'd done great. And Harry was going to have the time of his life with his new pet.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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