
chapter seven

Alex keeps thinking about the early conversation that he had with Charly during the dinner session. His mind literally wandering into some thoughts that he can't speak out to anyone. He couldn't tell Andre nor tell the guard that he knew at the orphanage home. Yes, he still on contact with him though it's been years since he left the house.

He didn't notice that the other three literally looked at him because he doesn't even fed himself, instead he keeps stirring up the food with his spoon. Andre felt annoyed with his brother act, now decided to knock some sense into him. He just literally knocked his brother's head with his fist. Alex immediately woke up from his thoughts. He looked at Andre, who is the one that did it earlier. Sarah and Charly couldn't say anything to both of them, just stay in silence and shocked of what Andre has done. Alex face was glowed up red as he looking at his brother.

"What are you doing, Andre?" He asked with serious tone. He sounds like seriously mad but Andre later on reply to his question by pointing his eyes to both of the house owner. Alex sighed as he understood what his brother wanted to deliver to him. Andre smiled to Sarah and Charly in the awkward situation that causing them unable to speak for few seconds.

After the dinner, Alex stay in the kitchen to clean some dishes. He was all alone but later on Sarah came to him, wanted to talk to him. She called him and put her glass in the sink. That is her sign to ask him clean that for her. He turned his eyes to her and smile softly. Sarah also did that as a reply to that sweet greet.

"Yes, Auntie Sarah?" He answered. He stopped his work and wiped his wet hands with his own cloth. He actually started to feel awkward to communicate with her; since he needs to stay here for awhile. Its not his wish though. The things were happened out of his knowing, so now it's done, he just needs to follow what already set up for him. He hoped that the landlord could clean the house quickly so that he can avoid Charly at all cost. But, he's only thinking her as a friend though, why do he needs to be uncomfortable with that statement. It sounds like he likes her. That's too early though, they just become friends within a month.

"Why do you look so low today? Still feeling sick?" She asked as she place herself on a chair. Alex just smiled weakly; doesn't really wanted to answering her question. But, that's going to be sounds rude to the older.

"I just tired. Besides, my stomach kind off acting up. So, I'm having indigestion." He explained and sat on another chair near her.

"Oh, that's why. Hold up a second." She excuse herself and walked to the kettle to make a chamomile tea to treat his upset stomach; though it's not really concerning. He said that to avoid any worries from her, after all, indigestion isn't a problem to him.

"It's fine, Auntie. You don't need to get anything to me." He said as he helped to put down a cup of the tea on the table from her grip. She doesn't asked for him to do that though, but she's glad he's grew as a polite and kind man. Just the way he behaves just soften her heart.

"Just drink it," She offered him. He nodded and grab the handle to sip the water into his mouth.

"Charly always easily get indigestion. So, serving some chamomile tea would always be my thing though." She added. He nodded as he tastes her tea. It's good though, not like usual tea, maybe because she is somebody's mother. What a special ability and flavor; to be honest.

"I brewed it by myself instead of using tea bags. How is it? Does it will turn out better now?" She asked again. Alex just chuckled hearing her asked that. It's been only few seconds after he gulped it.

"It's been only few seconds though. Well. I'm sorry." She said again and chuckled. Alex looked at her with painful heart, remembering how sweet to have a family. Poor Andre have to live alone while he went for work. He always all alone at home. Not to mention that their time doesn't spend well too, as they grow up to be adult and older each days. Time doesn't seems like giving them memories as their young days, but giving them pressure. As he looked deeply in her eyes, she decided to ask another question to him

"Alex, I wanted to know. What does Andre loves to do? I wanted to do that with him tomorrow." Her question this time finally brought him into reality. Andre's name really are something.

"Andre's favorite?" He asked her again. Talking about time earlier, he just care to take care of his safety instead of what he loves. He always protecting over Andre whenever somebody doing something bad to him. Because of this too, he doesn't realize what he loves. He just realized what he should have instead; protection, care, and attention. What he loves to do? Playing with other kids? Or maybe going to amusement park with friends? Or maybe going our with their family members? Going out and shop everything? What do he enjoys? This is why they just grew to be older instead happier in this life.

"Alex?" She called Alex as he just lost in his thoughts without any reply for minutes.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I was drifted with thoughts." He explained. It's seriously embarrassing if he told her the truth about his brother characteristic; not because he's different from what the neighbor expecting, but because he don't know about it.

"He, enjoys anything as long as.." He paused, he don't know what to add anymore. Then, Andre arrived at the kitchen with a notebook. He wrote on the book that he just fine with anything that she wanted to do with him. Sarah smiled widely and hugged the youngest.

"Let's go somewhere with me tomorrow. I'll get you something nice." She added again. Andre just nodded to her. He don't want to disappoint her, after all, this could give him some introduction of the new place that they have moved to.