You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. ---- C.S. LEWIS
James, Theo, and Andrew are all at the balcony drinking brandy and smoking, they don't have the heart to see their daughters having a hard time enduring the pain of what they have done. Suzy and Rica are both busy attending to the needs of the three who are still under the influence of the drug. "My daughter Luna is inviting me to their family feast tomorrow. She also said I should invite you too, I mean our families are also invited" he informed the other two men.
"What did you gave as an answer?" Theo asks him. James took a deep breath and as he let it out, Andrew spoke "You don't want to bring Suzy and Sofia, do you?" James nods his head, "Suzy and Sofia already gave a hard time to Lily and Luna. I don't want to tarnish a great Christmas event to them, and I want to have time alone with my family" James explained his side.