
mushoku tensei The Forgotten Twin

truen_osteen · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 13: A Storm on the Horizon

### **Chapter 13: A Storm on the Horizon**

**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

The days after the meeting with Lyle were tense, filled with a constant sense of unease that I couldn't shake. It wasn't just the prospect of war or the potential betrayal by an old comrade that gnawed at me—it was the weight of the decision that lay ahead.

Roxy and Rudeus continued their training, as did I. We sparred in the mornings, studied in the afternoons, and in the evenings, we discussed what little we knew about the war brewing on the horizon. Rudeus, with his unrelenting curiosity and sharp mind, wanted answers, but I could only offer him fragments. Lyle had promised me more information, but he had given no specific timeline. And the longer I waited, the more dangerous it felt.

I was standing on a precipice, and no matter which direction I took, there would be no turning back.

"Ruijerd," Roxy said one evening, as we stood on the balcony overlooking the estate grounds. "Do you ever wish you could just leave it all behind? All the fighting, the politics, the power struggles. Just… disappear somewhere quiet, where none of it could touch us?"

Her words struck a chord deep inside me. "I do," I admitted, staring out into the distance. "I've thought about it. More times than I can count."


"And I know it's impossible," I said quietly. "No matter where we go, the world will catch up to us eventually. It always does."

Roxy nodded, her expression wistful. "I know. But I wish it could be different."

I reached out and took her hand, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. "I wish that too, Roxy. But we can't run from this. Not anymore."

Her grip tightened, and she leaned her head against my shoulder. For a moment, we stood in silence, just the two of us against the backdrop of a world teetering on the brink of chaos.

"I trust you, Ruijerd," she said softly. "Whatever decision you make, I'll stand by you."

Her words should have brought me comfort, but instead, they only added to the weight on my shoulders. I didn't want to drag Roxy or Rudeus into a war they hadn't asked for. But I knew there was no way to shield them from it. The only thing I could do was make sure we were prepared.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

As the days passed, tension in the region continued to grow. Whispers of conflict spread like wildfire, with rumors of strange military movements and alliances being forged in secret. The once-quiet countryside was now buzzing with talk of warlords, mercenaries, and kingdoms preparing for battle.

Rudeus, always the sharp observer, noticed the subtle changes before most others did. He spent more time in the nearby villages, gathering information, using his natural charm and wit to coax out rumors and news from passing travelers.

One afternoon, after returning from one such trip, Rudeus found Ruijerd in the training yard, practicing his sword forms. His movements were fluid and precise, the blade a natural extension of his body.

"Brother," Rudeus called, approaching with a serious expression. "I've heard some interesting things in the village."

Ruijerd paused mid-swing and turned to face his younger brother. "What did you hear?"

"There's a lot of talk about shifting alliances," Rudeus said, his voice low. "Several smaller kingdoms are banding together, supposedly to prepare for an invasion. And there's word of a powerful group of mercenaries gathering in the north. Some people think they're planning to attack the larger kingdoms, but no one's sure who's leading them."

Ruijerd's eyes narrowed. "Mercenaries in the north… That's Lyle's doing. He's building an army."

"That's what I thought too," Rudeus said, crossing his arms. "But here's the thing. Some of the people I talked to mentioned a name—one that's been circulating recently. They're calling him 'The Silver Serpent.'"

Ruijerd's jaw clenched at the mention of the name. He had heard it before, years ago, during his mercenary days. It was a title whispered in the dark, spoken with equal parts fear and respect. The Silver Serpent had once been a legend among mercenaries, a commander who could unite even the most unruly fighters into an unstoppable force.

"And?" Ruijerd prompted.

Rudeus hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "They say The Silver Serpent is the one pulling the strings behind all of this. He's the one who's uniting the mercenaries and preparing for war."

Ruijerd's heart sank. He had hoped that Lyle's ambitions were limited, that he was merely trying to seize power in a small corner of the world. But if Lyle had taken on the mantle of The Silver Serpent, then his goals were far greater—and far more dangerous—than Ruijerd had anticipated.

"Lyle always wanted power," Ruijerd muttered under his breath. "But I never thought he'd go this far."

Rudeus watched his brother carefully. "What are we going to do, Ruijerd? We can't just sit back and wait for him to make his move."

Ruijerd didn't respond immediately. His mind raced with possibilities, each more dangerous than the last. Lyle's plan wasn't just about seizing control of a few territories—it was about changing the entire balance of power on the continent. And if Ruijerd didn't act soon, the war would spiral out of control, pulling everyone he cared about into its vortex.

But what could he do? Aligning with Lyle would put him on the wrong side of history, but opposing him would make Ruijerd a target. Either way, the risk was immense.

Finally, after a long silence, Ruijerd spoke. "We need to gather more information. I'll go to the north and see if I can confirm these rumors. If Lyle really is using the name of The Silver Serpent, then we need to be prepared for a much larger conflict than we thought."

Rudeus nodded. "I'll come with you."

"No," Ruijerd said firmly. "You and Roxy stay here. I don't want to put either of you at risk until I know exactly what we're dealing with."

Rudeus opened his mouth to argue, but one look at Ruijerd's expression told him it was pointless. His brother's mind was made up.

"Fine," Rudeus said, though his tone was filled with reluctance. "But be careful. Lyle isn't the kind of man who plays by the rules."

"I know," Ruijerd replied grimly. "That's what worries me."


**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

The next morning, I prepared for the journey to the north. I packed light—just the essentials, along with my sword and a few potions Roxy had insisted I take. She hadn't been happy about me going alone, but she understood the need for caution. If things went south, I needed to be able to move quickly, without worrying about protecting anyone else.

Before I left, I stood with Roxy and Rudeus in the courtyard. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden glow over the estate. It would have been peaceful, almost serene, if not for the tension hanging in the air.

"Promise me you'll come back," Roxy said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I looked into her eyes, seeing the fear and the strength there. "I promise."

She leaned in and kissed me, and for a moment, the world felt distant, the war and the chaos nothing more than background noise. But it was a fleeting moment, gone too soon.

Rudeus stepped forward next, his face serious. "I know you think you need to do this alone, but we're a team, Ruijerd. Don't forget that."

I smiled at him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I won't."

And with that, I left.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

Ruijerd traveled swiftly, cutting through the forests and plains with a singular focus. As he moved north, the signs of unrest became more apparent—more travelers on the roads, more patrols from local lords, and more whispers of mercenaries gathering in secret.

It wasn't long before he reached the northern region, where the landscape shifted to rocky hills and dense woods. Here, the presence of Lyle's forces was unmistakable. He saw camps hidden deep in the woods, mercenaries sharpening their blades, and banners bearing the mark of The Silver Serpent.

Ruijerd stayed out of sight, carefully observing the camps. The rumors were true—Lyle was amassing a force unlike anything Ruijerd had ever seen. If left unchecked, this army would tear through the continent, leaving destruction in its wake.

As night fell, Ruijerd found a secluded spot near one of the larger camps. He needed more information before he made his move. But as he watched, a figure emerged from the shadows—Lyle himself.

Lyle was speaking to a group of his commanders, and though Ruijerd couldn't hear their conversation, the intensity of Lyle's gestures made it clear that he was planning something big.

Ruijerd's heart raced. He had come here for answers, but now that he had them, the question remained—what would he do with them?


**Author's Note**:

Chapter 13 sees Ruijerd diving deeper into the conflict as he uncovers more about Lyle's growing influence and the looming threat of war. The chapter sets the stage for the difficult decisions Ruijerd will have to make as he balances his loyalty to his family and his past.