
mushoku tensei The Forgotten Twin

truen_osteen · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth of the Forgotten

Dying isn't like how they show in the movies. There were no flashbacks, no dramatic final moments, no heart-wrenching goodbyes. One second, I was lying in my bed, comfortable and cozy after a long day of work. The next, there was nothing—just a black void. It was peaceful, but it didn't last.

The moment I opened my eyes, I felt strange. My body was heavy, tiny, restricted even. I couldn't move the way I wanted to. My limbs didn't respond like they should have. Instead, everything felt... wrong.

Crying. That was the first thing I heard. And to my utter horror, I realized it was *me* who was crying.

That's when the memories came flooding back—dying in my sleep, feeling the cold embrace of nothingness, and now... this.

It didn't take long for my blurry vision to clear, and that's when I noticed the ceiling above me. It was unfamiliar, wooden, not the sterile white ceiling of a hospital or even my apartment back on Earth. Before I could panic, I heard voices around me, one soft and soothing, the other encouraging.

"You did it, Zenith. Two beautiful boys!"

Two boys? *Twins*? It wasn't until I was passed into someone's arms, cradled gently, that I started to grasp what had happened. This wasn't Earth. I wasn't in my old body. I had been reborn. And not just anywhere.

"Rudeus... and Ruijerd." The soft, feminine voice spoke, as I was gently rocked. "Look at them, Paul."

That was the moment it clicked—the names, the atmosphere, the old-world feel. I had been reborn into the world of *Mushoku Tensei*.

But wait… "Rudeus"? That meant... *I* was Rudeus' twin brother?

**Third Person (Narrator)**

The Greyrat household was filled with the joyous cries of newborn twins. Zenith, exhausted from childbirth, lay back on the bed, her face flush with pride. She gazed at her children with motherly adoration, while Paul, her husband, grinned ear to ear.

"Twins," Paul repeated, his chest puffing out as he beamed at his boys. He was a proud father, after all. "Rudeus and Ruijerd. Fine names for fine boys."

But while the family celebrated, something else was happening deep within one of the twins.

Ruijerd—the reincarnated soul who retained his memories from his previous life—was far from ordinary. His infant body might have been small and frail, but within it lay a dormant power. The boy, now going by the name Ruijerd, had not only been reborn with the knowledge of his past life but also the abilities of Ban, the immortal warrior from *The Seven Deadly Sins*. This was a power that would set him apart from everyone around him.

As days passed and the twins grew under the watchful eye of their parents, it became clear that while Rudeus was destined to excel at magic, Ruijerd's path would be different. He possessed physical strength far beyond that of a typical child. Not only that, but his mind worked faster—more analytical, sharper—thanks to his otherworldly IQ of 293.

However, even in these early days, Ruijerd knew better than to reveal his true capabilities. He kept his powers hidden, waiting for the right time.

**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

Growing up in this world, my mind was always working overtime. It was hard to adjust to being a baby again, especially when I had the mind of a grown man and the power of an immortal warrior. I could feel the difference in myself even from day one. My body was stronger, faster, and I could regenerate from injuries without effort.

But there was more to this world than just raw strength. Rudeus, my supposed twin brother, would eventually become a genius in magic, just like in the original story. He was already showing signs of being sharp and inquisitive, though I knew we both retained memories from our past lives.

I had to be smart. If I revealed what I could do too early, it could cause problems. People might fear me, or worse, try to use me. After all, what could be scarier to a medieval society than a child who can't die?

I kept my abilities secret. I practiced in private, testing my strength and using Ban's power of Snatch in small, controlled bursts. I knew I was only scratching the surface of what I could do.

But I didn't care about becoming some overpowered monster. That was never my goal. I had a different purpose in this world. One that would allow me to live free from the confines of destiny. But, I needed time. I needed allies, and I needed a plan.

That's when I first started to think about *her*—Roxy Migurdia. I remembered her from the story. She would soon become our magical tutor, and while Rudeus would idolize her as his first real teacher, I knew I could do more than just learn from her.

She was smart, beautiful, and kind. I wasn't a fool. I knew that even in my old life, I would have been interested in someone like her. And now? Well, let's just say I wasn't going to let Rudeus have all the fun. I had plans for my future, and Roxy was part of them.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

As the days turned into months, the twins continued to grow. Rudeus, who often displayed signs of magical talent, would spend hours with their father, Paul, showing his early fascination with spells. Ruijerd, on the other hand, preferred physical activity, even as a toddler. His strength was noticeable to those around him, though no one suspected that he was hiding an extraordinary power.

Zenith would often comment on how different the twins were. "Rudeus has such a talent for magic," she'd say with a proud smile. "And Ruijerd... well, he's got Paul's strength, that's for sure."

Ruijerd often trained with Paul, learning the basics of swordsmanship. To Paul, it was merely father-son bonding time. But to Ruijerd, it was more than that. He was honing his skills, testing his physical limits, and getting closer to mastering Ban's powers. His speed, strength, and endurance were unmatched for his age, though he made sure not to reveal just how far ahead he really was.

All the while, Rudeus continued to study magic, growing closer to the day when Roxy Migurdia would arrive as their tutor.

**First Person (Ruijerd's POV)**

It didn't take long for me to get the hang of the sword. I was faster than Paul, even as a kid, though I had to hold back to avoid suspicion. Still, there was something satisfying about training with him. It reminded me of the old stories about knights and warriors I used to read as a kid back on Earth. Only this time, I wasn't pretending. This was real.

But while Rudeus busied himself with magic, I was biding my time, waiting for the next stage of my plan to unfold. And that moment came sooner than I thought, the day Roxy arrived at our home.


**Third Person (Narrator)**

One day, just before Ruijerd and Rudeus's fifth birthday, a new figure arrived at the Greyrat household. A young woman, petite with sky-blue hair and a serious expression, knocked at their door. This was Roxy Migurdia, the magic tutor Paul and Zenith had hired to guide their children.

While Rudeus was immediately captivated by her magical prowess, Ruijerd had a different reaction. The moment he laid eyes on Roxy, he knew. This wasn't just the beginning of his magical training.

This was the beginning of something far more important.


### **Author's Note**:

The protagonist, Ruijerd, has been reincarnated as Rudeus's twin brother, but with the power of Ban from *The Seven Deadly Sins* and an IQ of 293. His journey will be different from Rudeus's, as he focuses on mastering his abilities while forming a connection with Roxy. The slow-building relationship between Ruijerd and Roxy will become a central theme, developing over the course of the story.

Stay tuned for **Chapter 2**, where Roxy begins teaching the twins, and Ruijerd starts forming his own bond with her!

To be continued