
Murim: Struggle of the Weak

In a world where the strong prey on the weak, one orphaned boy must fight to survive. Abandoned and alone, he wanders the gritty streets, barely scraping by on the scraps of a broken society. But when a mysterious figure plucks him from the gutter and throws him into an abyss-like prison, he realizes his life is about to change forever. Trapped in this dark, forbidding place, he discovers the secrets of cultivation - a powerful system of strength and skill that can elevate him from a lowly beggar to a powerful warrior. But with rival factions vying for dominance and treacherous enemies lurking around every corner, the journey to the top will be fraught with danger. Fueled by the burning desire to rise above his humble beginnings, he sets out on a path of relentless training and unyielding determination. Even if he doesn't possess the innate talent of a genius, he will practice a thousand times harder. Even if his potential is limited, he will crawl his way to the top or die trying. Welcome to the World of Murim, where survival is the ultimate goal and the strong rule. Follow the epic journey of one orphaned boy as he fights to claim his place in a brutal, unforgiving world.

Adamo_Amet · 東方
149 Chs

Chapter no.22 Seven Star Saber Arts

<p><br/>The dense bamboo forest echoed with the rhythmic cacophony of arrows slicing through the air, each one a potentially lethal missile aimed unerringly at me. My heart thrummed in my chest, its beat syncing with the whistle of each arrow that narrowly missed my swiftly moving form. A mechanism, designed by my own hands, ceaselessly unleashed its deadly volley, aiming to pierce through flesh and bone.<br/>One arrow, keener and swifter than its predecessors, neared, mere inches from my skin. With a reflex born from enhanced musculature, my hand grasped the hilt of an old claymore, its blade, once concealed amidst the forgotten relics of Alexander's lab, now gleaming ominously in the filtered sunlight. The sword cleaved through the arrow with effortless precision, reducing it to splinters in the wind.<br/>As I gingerly placed the claymore on the ground, my mind reflected on the two weeks that had elapsed since the venom treatment. My body, now a bulwark of superhuman strength, still hungered for a mastery that seemed just beyond reach. Despite being able to wield the hefty claymore with a semblance of ease, satisfaction eluded me. My hands had danced with a myriad of weapons, each with their abilities whispered through the weapon technique's scrolls that Alexander had kept in his lab.<br/>Among the weapons I experimented with were the Qama, Jian, Urumi, Haladie, War Axe, Halberd, Claymore, and Chakram. <br/>Unfurling a list of remaining weapons yet to be explored, one name seemed to resonate with an ineffable familiarity, as if my soul had found a known echo in an unfamiliar melody. <br/>War Saber.<br/>•••••••••••••••••••••••<br/>[ A Month Later ] <br/>Yue Fei, with a strong presence, led the way into his large, weapon-filled hall, with servants following closely, their arms filled with many ancient scrolls. The servants, dressed in soft, whispering silk, moved gracefully despite their burdens. The hall, illuminated by the gentle glow of hanging lanterns, revealed walls lined with a myriad of weapons, each with its own story silently etched in its form. <br/>As Yue Fei's deep, authoritative voice filled the expansive room, the young learners, now surrounded by a sea of gleaming metal and polished wood, felt a stirring mix of awe and apprehension, their eyes wide and fixated on the array of armaments before them.<br/>"Listen up, you bastards! Today, we start your weapon training. Choose wisely, for your weapon will determine the path of martial arts you will follow for the rest of your life. As cultivators, we dedicate our lives to one weapon. Why, you may ask? Because unlike mortals, a cultivator's martial arts are done by channeling a flow of spiritual Qi through their weapon, your weapon isn't just an item, not it is an extension of your body."<br/>Everyone's eyes widened in awe, their breaths caught in their throats as they marveled at the sight. <br/>"For example, the flow of the spiritual Qi of the saber is different from the flow of the spiritual Qi of the spear." His words seemed to reverberate through the very air, as if the elements themselves were taking note of his command, acknowledging the truth in his statement.<br/>To further illustrate his point, Yue Fei deftly took hold of a Dao sword from the ethereal display of weapons. As his fingers wrapped around the hilt, the sword seemed to come alive with spiritual energy, humming in anticipation of the dance that was about to unfold. <br/>Yue Fei stepped forward, his movements fluid and precise, as he launched into a breathtaking swordplay demonstration. His blade shimmered with spiritual Qi, creating a dazzling display of light and power, as the flow of energy seemed to cut through the air like a razor's edge. Each stroke was a testament to the harmony between Yue Fei and his weapon, a perfect marriage of skill, power, and spiritual energy.<br/>As the performance drew to a close, Yue Fei turned his attention to a nearby spear. With a fluid motion, he reached out and grasped the weapon, immediately commanding the flow of spiritual Qi to adapt to the needs of this new instrument of martial prowess. The students watched in awe as Yue Fei performed a simple thrust, the motion seeming to summon forth the very essence of the spear's power.<br/>As the spear moved through the air, a spiral of spiritual Qi danced around its point, the energy taking on a life of its own. The raw power contained within the vortex of Qi was palpable, as if it could pierce the heavens themselves. Though the demonstration was far less intricate than the saber display, the message was crystal clear: the flow of spiritual Qi was unique to each weapon, and mastery of the martial arts required a deep understanding of these distinctions.<br/>The onlookers, stood captivated by Yue Fei's demonstration, the lessons of the day etched into their minds. <br/>Some of the more impulsive students eagerly ran forward, reaching for the weapons that seemed to call to them. Others stood back, their brows furrowed in thought as they weighed their options carefully.<br/>.....<br/>As I strolled through the hall, my eyes sweeping over the diverse armaments, I reflected that my decision had been forged a month prior, having diligently explored every weapon and delved into their fundamental techniques.<br/>I stopped at the edge of the hall, my eyes locked on the weapon that I had chosen to wield months before. As I reached for it, a voice broke my reverie.<br/>Xu Wen'an, stepped forward to ask me which weapon I had chosen.<br/>"The war saber," I replied confidently, my voice steady and resolute. <br/>I knew that we would be given a singular martial technique from Yue Fei, but I already had learned a martial technique for the war saber from Alexander's collection.<br/>A technique focussed on the raw speed of the war saber. <br/>Xu Wen'an frowned, her eyes clouding with concern as she remembered that this was the weapon of that bastard, Alexander. <br/>Her expression betrayed a mix of worry and disapproval, but she remained silent, allowing me to make my own choices.<br/>Another servant, wearing a pristine white robe that seemed to shimmer in the dappled sunlight, picked up the war saber and a scroll from the ethereal display. They gracefully approached me and handed them over with a reverent bow. The sword was made of a dark-colored metal, its edge sharp and gleaming, reflecting the shifting patterns of light and shadow in the bamboo grove. The hilt was wrapped in black leather, with a red gemstone adorning the pommel, as if a single drop of blood had been captured within its depths.<br/>The scroll, made of high-quality paper, was filled with detailed illustrations of the various forms and techniques of the saber, accompanied by elegant calligraphy that seemed to dance across the page. <br/>"The scroll contains the basics of the saber, as well as the seven-star saber arts," Xu Wen'an explained, her voice betraying a hint of admiration despite her earlier reservations. "This martial technique will help you build up your control over your QI pushing you beyond the realm of human capabilities."<br/>I nodded in understanding, for I knew that these techniques harnessed the flow of spiritual Qi throughout the body to passively increase one's strength to inhuman levels. <br/>If I had to make a comparison, these techniques acted like watered-down versions of the Fire Blood Poison, except they could be used more than ten times without the debilitating side effects. <br/>For someone with Divine spiritual roots, these techniques held even greater potential, surpassing the power of the Fire Blood Poison.<br/>I could give talents like Chun Jiao and Lee Min, both of whom had Divine Spiritual Roots, a few months to even a year before they start surpassing my current strength depending on their hardwork.<br/>As for the rest, they are either not worth mentioning or a lost cause.<br/>....<br/>As I walked away to the training grounds, I couldn't help but glance back at Ye Mo, the brown-haired bully who had been tormenting Xie Dongyi.<br/>I could see the fear in Ye Mo's eyes as I flash my saber towards him, but it didn't stop him from trying to act tough and threatening me.<br/>"You think you're so tough with that weapon, huh? I'll show you," he spat, but I could see the fear in his eyes as he turned and ran away. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. <br/>This guy was such a coward. He only picks on the weak because he knows he can't handle someone who can fight back.<br/>I picked up my saber, feeling the weight of the weapon in my hand.<br/>I picked up my saber, feeling the cold, reassuring the weight of the weapon in my hand. I had been training with a saber for the past month and I knew the basics like the back of my hand alongside my first technique.<br/>I took a deep breath, the cool, damp air filling my lungs, focusing my mind on the task at hand.<br/>I began with the basic stances, starting with the horse stance. I stood with my legs shoulder-width apart, my knees slightly bent, and my weight evenly distributed between both feet. The earth beneath me seemed to hum with energy, grounding me as I raised my saber above my head, feeling the power of the weapon flow through me like a coursing river.<br/>Next, I moved into the snake stance. I shifted my weight onto one foot, bending my knees and lowering my body as I twisted my waist. The wind whispered through the trees, a serpentine hiss that seemed to echo my movements as I swung my saber in a wide arc, imagining an opponent in front of me. I could feel the power of the weapon as it sliced through the air, leaving a trail of displaced energy in its wake.<br/>Finally, I moved into the crane stance. I lifted one foot off the ground, standing on one leg as I balanced my weight. The world seemed to fall away, leaving only the whisper of the wind and the steady rhythm of my heart as I raised my saber above my head, ready to strike. This was the stance that I had worked the hardest on, and I was proud of how far I had come.<br/>With my basic stances complete, it was time to move on to the attacks. I began with a simple overhead strike, bringing my saber down in a powerful arc. The air seemed to sing with the force of my swing, and I could feel the strength in my arms as I wielded the weapon, imagining the sound of metal striking metal as I connected with my imaginary opponent.<br/>Next, I moved on to the thrust attack, lunging forward with my saber extended in front of me. The air seemed to compress before the tip of my blade, as if the very elements were yielding to the force of my attack. I could feel the speed and power of the weapon as I drove it forward.<br/>...<br/>As I was training, I noticed Xie Dongyi watching me from a distance. His gaze was filled with a mix of envy and hatred, which I found odd. I approached him, and he spoke up, "You are just like me, but why are you respected by all but not me."<br/>"Let's make one thing clear," I replied. "I am not like you. I don't cower in fear when faced with people like Ye Mo who only know how to pick on the weak. Even with my weak spiritual roots, why do you think no one tries to bully me? Because they know they will get hurt. Just wait when these little shits think that learning some martial art makes them hot shit, they will come after me, and unlike you, I won't moan and scream about my circumstances. Rather, I will fight for myself. That's the difference between you and me."<br/>Xie Dongyi looked down as I left him to his thoughts. Maybe my words will change his outlook, but either way, I didn't care one bit. I needed to focus on my training and prepare for the day when these arrogant pricks like Ye Mo come after me.<br/>••••••••••••••••••••••<br/>[ A Week Later ]<br/>The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light that filtered through the dense canopy of the bamboo forest. The towering, emerald green stalks swayed gently in the breeze, their slender leaves rustling with a soothing melody. The air was cool and damp, heavy with the scent of damp earth and fresh vegetation. It was in this serene and tranquil setting that I stood alone, the weight of my saber in my hand, preparing to perform the Seven Star Saber Arts against an imaginary opponent.<br/>I began with Crescent Moon, my body moving with a fluid grace as my saber traced the arc of a crescent moon through the air. The speed and control of my swing seemed to defy expectations, and the whistle of my blade cut through the peaceful sounds of the forest. My balance and control were impeccable as the saber's gleaming edge sliced through the air, reflecting the fading light like a silvery crescent, aimed at my invisible foe.<br/>Next, I executed Fleche Comet, lunging forward with the explosive force of a comet. The ground beneath me seemed to blur as I closed the distance in an instant, my saber aimed at the imaginary opponent. The speed and accuracy of my lunge were startling, and the force of my attack seemed to bend the air itself as I broke through the imagined defenses.<br/>Transitioning into Coulé Tellus, I grounded myself and flowed through a series of low and high strikes, using the momentum of my saber to move seamlessly between the two. The earth beneath my feet seemed to lend its energy to my movements, and I could sense the weak points in my invisible enemy's guard as I attacked from various angles.<br/>My body and blade then danced to the rhythm of Tempo, my strikes varying in speed and intensity to create a confusing and unpredictable pattern. The air around me seemed to ebb and flow with the rhythm of my movements, disorienting the unseen opponent and creating opportunities for decisive attacks.<br/>With a precise flick of my wrist, I launched into Ripostes Shower, deftly deflecting my imaginary foe's strikes while simultaneously launching my own rapid counterattacks. My saber moved with expert control, the sharp edge catching the sun's rays as it danced through the air, a relentless torrent of steel.<br/>Next, I moved gracefully into Foutte Nebula, my body twisting and turning like a celestial dance as I evaded the invisible attacks of my unseen adversary. My movements were fluid and agile, and it seemed as if I danced around my opponent like a nebula in the night sky, setting myself up for a powerful counterstrike.<br/>Finally, I executed the Song of Stars, a flowing series of attacks that blended both offense and defense. My saber moved like a celestial dance, tracing intricate patterns through the air as I weaved a symphony of strikes against my invisible opponent. The elegance and artistry of my movements were as captivating as they were deadly, and the power of my attacks seemed to resonate through the bamboo forest.<br/>0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0<br/>[ Author Note ]<br/>[ Seven Star Saber Arts ]<br/>[ A Martial Art commonly used by rouge cultivators or low-ranking members of a sect.   It consists of seven techniques which are as follows : <br/>1- Crescent Moon: A swift, curved slash that follows the arc of a crescent moon, gracefully slicing through the air while maintaining balance and control. This technique is known for its deceptive speed and ability to change direction mid-swing.<br/>2- Fleche Comet: A high-speed, lunging attack that propels the swordsman forward like a comet, closing the distance between them and their opponent in an instant. This technique is especially useful for breaking through an enemy's defenses and striking at unexpected angles.<br/>3- Coulé Tellus: A fluid, an earth-bound technique that involves grounding oneself and using the momentum of the sword to seamlessly transition between low and high strikes. This technique is designed to exploit vulnerabilities in an opponent's guard by attacking from multiple angles.<br/>4- Tempo: A strategic technique that involves manipulating the rhythm of the duel by varying the speed and intensity of one's strikes. This technique aims to disorient the opponent and create openings for decisive attacks.<br/>5- Ripostes Shower: A rapid series of counterattacks, delivered in response to an opponent's strike. This technique requires precise timing and expert control of the sword, as the swordsman must deflect incoming attacks while simultaneously launching their offensive.<br/>6- Foutte Nebula: A swirling, evasive maneuver that allows the swordsman to fluidly evade an opponent's attacks while simultaneously positioning themselves for a powerful counterstrike. This technique is characterized by its grace and agility, as the swordsman appears to dance around their opponent like a nebula in the night sky.<br/>7- Song of Stars: An elegant, flowing series of attacks that combine both offensive and defensive maneuvers. The swordsman moves with the fluidity and grace of a celestial dance, their sword tracing intricate patterns through the air as they weave a symphony of strikes. This technique is as much a display of artistry as it is a formidable combat skill.</p>