
Tears or glares??

Hanisah rushed back after placing the trash against the wall while also carrying mr.fluffy in her hand.

Arter ruhing home,she wrote a letter to Zahirah and told mr.fluffy to hurry,Dianah who was still in shocked asked"What happend and where did you send mr.fluffy to?"

Hanisah calmed down and told her everything she witnessed"Will Detective Zahirah believe you?"Hanisah thought for a moment

"No,even if she knew who the murderer was,it is only possible that she would question us more and that will praesure us"Dianah questioned.

"Why would she throw Masyitah inside the dumpster even thought she could make a fraud with the detective so that the people would not trust the detective?"Hanisah qiuckly replied.

"Because Detective Zahirah also has clues that leads to Aisha but if she could blame it on others then Zahirah will be focused on that someone and threw away the suspicious o Aisha since she has a soft heart on her"

There was silence before Hanisah blurted out'maybe',Dianah sighed but still smiled"Let's go".

Meanwhile,Zahirah was reading the note on mr.fluffy's collar and a wave of panic rushed inside her.She picked mr.fluffy up and opened the office door,walking towards their house in a speend pace walk.

Both Hanisha and Dianah heard a knock on the door and opened it straight awa,greeted with Zahirah's serious gaze.Once they went inside,Zahirah finally spoked.

"Are you sure that Aisha was the one who killed Masyitah?"Hanisah looked straight in her eyes

"Yeah because i could clearly see her wavy and curly hair and the heights were identically match"Hanisah did not tell Zahirah thr fact that she saw her face since that would make things more difficult to stay alive.

"What about her fac?"Hanisah shook her head"It was too dark"Zahirah looked away to hide her relief look

"Let's inform the others and we will have a meeting tommorow"As time past by,Everyone was now standing at tbe crime scene including Aisha.

Eveyone surrounded the dumpster as Syazana questioned"Hanisah,how did you find the body and almost12 p?!"

Hanisah glanced at Syazana with a tired smile"I was minding my own business as i was going to throw the the trash out but suddenly i was greeted with a blood pool on the ground as blood was also spilled on the wall,

as i opened the dumpster, i could not believe what i see as Masyitah's haxed body was now lying cold inside the smelly place so i rushed home and wrote a letter to Zahirah"Hanisha finished it off with a tear in her eyes as she continued to wipe it with a napkin.

Every one gasped including Both Detective and Murderer.'How could she lie with a straight face,even Aisha/i had to hesitate a little,should i be wary of her?!"

Both were noticing the same thing,not noticing Ayu opening the dumpster before a scream snaped both of them to look at Ayu.Ayu instantly cried seeing her friend laying there dead.

Detective Zahirah walked towards her and started crying and hugging her to before she herself cried a bit and continued to hold Ayu closer to her embrace.Dianah cried silently as Hanisah patted her back.

The thing is that 3 people didn't cry but only stared at each other as time past by,Hanisah,Syazana and Aisha continued to put on a straight face as they all glared on one another.

Not long after.....