
Burning a Phoenix

*Wakes up & yawns*

Today is the day. The day I kill Riser. Awh it's gonna be a long day, at least it will be somewhat entertaining. I guess I better start getting my shit together and make more beauties fall in love with me for my next adventure yahoo! The question is do I take them with me? Nah too troublesome I'll be running into 'Fathers' & 'Young Masters' left and right If I have them by my side, but I could always take on of them with me, but where should I leave them? Oh that's it! I'll let them live in a domain that I shall create! Perfect idea... Probably? Meh.

<Time skip to Riser shit>

You arrive at the ORC which was somehow back to it's original state, devil voodoo shit probs, anyways you feel a disturbing energy inside which smelt like dirty shit which was clearly Riser cause he's a certified asshole. Then the smell of your semen which must be the after smell from Grayfia, clearly she enjoyed it too much that she forgot to wash it off, or it's just my really sensitive nose... Then there's the selfish high n mighty princess, The freakish Akeno, whom I shall punish! The sweet Kiba, Kibas decent I guess, but I don't swing that way and then there was Koneko. I am gonna make her my cute little kitten, I want to hear her puurrrr my name, Ah but If I get her, I must also get her sister, a 2 for 1 if you will. White & Black so to speak.

You walk up to the front door and open it, as you walk in everyone in the room looks towards you with pale expressions, whilst also tinging red apart from Riser and Grayfia the later also blushing slightly.

"DANTE!" They all shout in unison, surprised that I came because I'm known to be one to not give a fuck, but yet relieved and somewhat smitten that I came for 'them'

I looked straight ahead to see a man with blonde-hair dressed in a lovely suit whilst holding Rias' chin up as he was facing my direction with an arrogant smirk. I walked carefree towards the couch and jump on it gesturing Koneko to sit on your lap, which she happily obliges, probably due to my awesome chocolate which I now think she's obsessed with *Sweat-drops* whilst I'm petting her head she let's out soft purrs which melts my heart due to the cuteness. 'No one's touching my Koko!'

Riser being the cunt he was saw that I payed 0 attention to him and that got him pissed so he asked in an arrogant manner "Who is this puny mortal?" 'I mean come on bro you're not even a god....'

I stare at him without a care in the world, but he called me a puny mortal and I tried so hard not to let a vein on my head pop, as I tried to will myself to not instantly K.O his ass cause, I still needed him for about 2 minutes longer to look more cool n shiz.

"Lord Riser. This is Dante. He is a human 'And amazing in bed'" She bit her bottom lip at the thought of the last bit and blushed a bit. Riser being the deficient, brainless cock that he is took no notice of this and instead tried to brag about his 'women & power' which made me giggle.


He clicked his fingers and out popped a peerage full of decent women. He demanded his queen to come towards him as he kissed her roughly whilst pulling her hair causing her to whine a bit at the forcefulness and a tear slowly dropped down her sweet face.

I started chuckle again, which caused everyone in the room too look towards me. I then burst out into a fit of laughter at his petty display of 'dominance'


Dante: That's not kissing... I'll show you kissing.

As I said this, I jumped up and vanished before appearing in front of a blonde, twin-haired loli and bowed whilst holding her hand in mine.

Dante: "May I?" I asked in a polite gesture.

Ravel: *Blush* "E-ehm" She squeaks out.

Before she could finish, I pulled her into a passionate kiss making all the girls quiver at the site of such dominance and pleasure. They even had to close their legs so they wouldn't buckle and could only stare biting their lips thinking 'Why is that not me :( UwU' and I could only laugh inwardly at their thoughts.

Riser: "YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER, I'LL KILL YOU WEAKLING!" He said whilst conjuring a massive fireball.

The OCR had witnessed my power and sweat dropped, however Grayfia not knowing what I was capable off was getting worried and was about to step in and intervene until I erupted into another fit of giggles throwing Grayfia, Riser & his peerage off course.

Dante: "Ahahahah You keep your sister in your Harem/Peerage you dirty, chicken brained mother fucker." I said whilst wiping a tear from the corner of my eye.

Grayfia started giggling a bit until she saw Riser throw his fire-ball as it went straight towards me and she began to panic as she thought 'No I won't make it in time!'

Dante: "Ravel, I'm truly sorry, Not really, but yeh." *Click* My fingers snap as the flame disperses and Grayfia, Riser and his peerage look in shock at what occurred.

Riser: "HOW DARE YOU HUMAN!" He screams

Dante: "You really are stupid..." I said bored.

Dante: "Burn" I shouted as a black flame erupted from the ground engulfing Riser, as he began to scream in complete agony as his body liquefied. Everyone even the OCR again, looked in terror at how easily I defeated a high-ranking devil.

Dante: "That's what you get for being uneducated you chicken brained fucker. Clearly he's never heard of the expression 'Don't bite off more than you can chew' *Spit* Filth!" I shout causing panic around as I had accidentally leaked a tad bit of pressure.

The OCR looked at me in respect, admiration and fear, Risers peerage looked someone relieved even Ravel to a certain standard. Grayfia stood dazed at my display of power, even though that was nothing compared to my true abilities, she obviously didn't know that and was even more excitation at my display of power.

Dante: "Well I just wanted to put that prick in his place... So.."

Absolute silence filled the room until the door burst open revealing a black, twin-haired loli (Another one...) dressed in a strange magical girl outfit.

"Mo Grayfia, Sirzechs wants to talk to you about what he saw last nig--- Hmm what's going on" She asked with her head cocked sideways in a cutesy manner as her fingers were on her cheek and lips, which reinforced her ditzy manner.

Next chapter will just be a NOTICE for questions, but the one after that which'll be released today will be:

Showdown with Sirzechs & Serafall's love.

JakeWJElliottcreators' thoughts