

Awakening in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing headache, a 18-year-old discovers he's trapped in an alternate world as Hisashi Igou. Suddenly, a holographic screen springs to life, revealing the mysterious Lust System. ┝┿┿┿┿┥ Worlds: 1. Highschool of the Dead 2. High School DxD or Naruto ┝┿┿┿┿┥ For advance chapter or support me: https://www.patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Lottery Shopping

[By the way, Master, you have a free beginner's package!] The Little Fairy asked enthusiastically: [Do you want to open it now?]

"Oh? Do that for me."


Congratulations! You received 500 points

and a free spin at the lottery in the store!


"Fairy, open the Store." Hisashi said.



Current Points: 500

Available Items:

Weakness Reader [★] – Read someone's mind to discover their weaknesses. (can only be used twice a day) 500 points

Time Stop (weak version) [★★] - Stop time for 30 seconds. (can only be used twice a day) 1000 Points


Face Mask [★] – You can change your face to look like someone else for 1 hour. (one use) 200 points

Aphrodisiac Powder [★] – Can be placed in food or drinks, making a girl horny for 1 hour. 200 points

Sleeping Serum [★] – Make a girl fall into a deep sleep for 1 hour after drinking. 100 points

[Lottery Spin] 100 points


Looking at the Store, Hisashi gradually understood how it worked.

'It seems there are only five items available to buy in the store.'

Hisashi realized that if he leveled up, there would probably be more options to choose from.

Without thinking much, he then said: "Fairy, use the free lottery spin!"


Congratulations! You won the Mystic Eyes of Lust (Passive) [★★] (Note: Can Evolve!).


"Fairy, how do these eyes work?"

The Fairy flew around him, her light voice carrying a tone of mystery as she explained: [The Mystic Eyes of Lust are exactly what you're imagining; they reveal the level of desire of every woman. The scale goes from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates total disinterest in sex and 100 means willing to do anything to be with you.]

She continued: [Additionally, you can see how many partners the target has had and how many times they have experienced ecstasy throughout their life.]

Tapping his left hand fingers rhythmically on the wooden table, he finally stopped when he placed both hands under the table in a gesture of getting up and said: "Okay, I've understood what I wanted, Fairy."

[Yes!] She flew, staying at his head height while looking a bit nervous.

"Relax, no need to be nervous." He smiled slightly: "I want you to use my current points to buy 5 Lottery Spins from the Store."

[Are you sure, Master?] She said, looking worried: [I must warn you that the Master runs a high risk of not getting anything useful. Although I admit your initial luck was good, it doesn't mean it will always be that way!]

"I know," he said, stretching. "But it doesn't matter; I want to take that risk. Do it and open all five at once."

[... Okay, right now!] Knowing she couldn't change his mind, the Little Fairy gave up and did as he asked.


Congratulations! You won 1 Sleeping Serum [★].

Congratulations! You won 2 Rolls of Gold-Plated Toilet Paper.

Congratulations! You won 5 Vaccines Against Any Existing Virus [★] (Note: This vaccine will only work against viruses on this planet).

Congratulations! You won the Spear of Blazing Twilight [★★].

Congratulations! You won 150 Points.


Touching his chin, he leaned in to read: "I see, I see... Not bad. I don't know how good a two-star spear is, but it should be superior to common spears, right? And the vaccines... These will be useful in this world I'm currently in."

It seemed she underestimated his luck, as she then asked full of enthusiasm: [Master, you gained another 150 Points. Do you want to try your luck once more?]

"Not for now," he declined, and the Little Fairy seemed visibly disappointed.

After witnessing her master's luck, she even forgot that moments before she had tried to convince him not to proceed. But now, just look at the result...

"Fairy, if I request the spear from you now, can I store it back in the system again?" he asked.

[Ahem.] Clearing her throat, she said while sitting on his shoulder: [Yes, Master. As long as it's something from the system, it's possible, but items not linked to the system cannot be stored. However, you can buy the Inventory in the Store when you reach Level 5!]

Looking at her sitting on his shoulder, Hisashi understood what she was doing, saying this on purpose to get him to level up quickly. However, he just smiled, as this was his intention from the beginning.

"Fairy, you didn't answer my previous question." Hisashi reminded.

[Really?] The Little Fairy seemed confused while flying in front of him: [What was the question again?]

"It's okay, but pay attention next time." Hisashi said patiently. "I asked if the two-star spear was superior to common spears."

[Ah, yes!] She remembered, clapping her hands excitedly: [This spear can easily pierce a concrete wall, even with your current strength. And, if you meet the necessary requirements, it can even pierce a bank vault wall!]

"So, how do I reach two stars?" Hisashi asked while walking towards his room and the Little Fairy floated beside him.

Sitting once again on his shoulder, crossing her legs, she explained cheerfully: [To reach the two-star existence level, it's actually very simple. As long as Master reaches level 15, you can evolve to two stars, as long as you have enough points!]

"Can I get enough points by killing the protagonist of this world?" His eyes grew more sinister as his lips curved into a smile.

[Master...] Sighing, the Little Fairy said reluctantly: [Yes, that could be the case.]

"Hehe, I see." He laughed and said: "Don't worry, I don't intend to do that unless it's necessary. I just want to know if I can or not in that way."

[I understand, but remember, this is the Lust System, not the Battle System.] The Little Fairy fell silent right after.

In response, Hisashi simply smiled.

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