
Waifu App In DC 2

(Third Person POV:)

-Cadmus (Washington D.C. July 3rd, 2010)-

Project Cadmus, at a skin-deep level, seemed like an ordinary pharmaceutical and medical organization that works to improve Humanity through various means, such as creating various medicines and other stimulants for both civilian and military use. Yet no one would know that below their very feet lies entirely different species as well as various clones of superheroes being made to counter or replace the originals.

Yet as they lay dormant with no one the wiser, there was a change as one of them woke up.

-Cadmus: Sub Level 52-

In a room with what seemed like writhing flesh and various technology sewn into the walls, there was a singular pod, and in the said pod was a young man who looked oddly similar to a certain man of steel. Yet something began to change as his body and mind were added on from what seemed like nowhere.

The body grew a couple more inches, and his body became more robust and defined. It looks more similar to another Superman or a Superboy. The individual muscles within the body begin to become more pronounced as if rapidly going through intense training, forging their very being.

What was once clear blue eyes turned yellow as the body began to twitch and spasm slightly, and due to the fact that no one other than a security team and Dr. Desmond was there, they noticed nothing, and then the body, after finishing its changes, began to stir awake. It was light and unpronounced as "Superboy" began to regain consciousness, and thus, after a couple of minutes, the body remained still with nothing seemingly amiss.

("Superboy" POV)

Wow, okay, being transferred from one body to another is definitely something I do not want to experience ever again, and the information transfer is making it ten times worse. Thanks to my Grail knowledge perk, I was given a basic plot synopsis of the world I'm currently in, but the limit was the main character's names and various dates and other places. But what was different was what I could sense.

It was more on my soul as I felt a cloak shielding me from prying eyes. While one felt like warm light, the other one was reminiscent of cold steel and circuitry. The phone was there too, just sitting there in my soul. It is an odd feeling, but I shall be able to adapt.

But from what my knowledge is telling me, I am currently in a cloning facility in D.C. But in the back of my mind, it somewhat impresses me that humanity went from being able to clone a sheep for a week to being able to clone a fully functioning alien-human hybrid.

My templates are already doing their work as I hold the template of Garou from One Punch Man and the original Superboy Prime, and from what I can feel, their knowledge and abilities have come with their skills at an adept level. This makes sense, given the fact that they are tier 5 at max template stacking, and one is tier 10 while the other is tier 7.

I assume whoever created my build gave me these two templates for a reason, and what I could recall from Superboy-Prime is that he was essentially immune to Kryptonite due to his universe not having a Krypton to produce the metal or material.

Although the fact that the other template of Garou is odd, it may have been to give me a marshall template to get me started which I am thankful for, so I don't have to start waving my fists like a caveman.

Their skills are skin deep with none of their experience, but their effect on my body was apparent as I could feel the muscles forming and my biology evolving to a rather straddling degree. Internally, I am practically screaming for joy as I finally have infinite time if I play my cards right. Based on the tier of this world, which is lower than that of the mainline Comics by around two, many of the villains and heroes exist here but at a reduced level.

For comparison, in this world, Superman is a planet buster at max, but it would take multiple punches in comparison to the mainline comics in which Superman, with one punch, could destroy the planet. Although the fact that Batman exists will always be a problem, as even I, a person who barely knew of any DC content, was aware of all the Batman prep time memes, they weren't memes now.

So, as I slowly moved my fingers to get a feel for my new form, I looked into my mind and found "Superboy's" memories or schooling from the G-nomes, and with my telepathy from added potential, I could see many code phrases and other chains on his mind. So I began to dismantle them carefully as this was still in my mind, and my slow progress with the help of my psychic talent would be worth it.

As I checked my mind for any disabling weaknesses, I also reached into my soul and found the two shrouds, but I was focusing on the cyber Shroud and knew what to do with it. I formed the shrouds in the space between my back and the back of the pod so that it would go unnoticed and felt the material begin to reach into Cadmus's systems as I was looking for someone.

Specifically, Roy Harper or Red Arrow, as from my basic knowledge, it told me that the current Roy was a clone, so there must be an original, and he should be here if my hunch was correct. And thanks to a combination of my Kryptonian brain and covert/science talent, the hacking became easier with time.

So for now, I will wait as my "rescuers" shall be arriving in due time, and I now have all the time in the world. But I wonder how I will play this as my more pragmatic mindset may always make dealing with the Justice League a problem.

Maybe I should think of getting a template that allows me to shapeshift as well as clone myself to form a sort of alter ego like Ainz and Momon from Overlord. So, while I work with the team, another may infiltrate the light, or do I simply break out of here now?

Luckily, the emotions of Superboy do not impede my thought process as due to the experiment being relatively successful in combining Kryptonian and human DNA, it did produce a stable clone, but the insanity from the failed cloning process still exists in a small part of Superboy's mind but due to my immutable mind perk my brain and his brain are separate at least spiritually. It's kind of like being able to view a movie within your own mind.

From my calculations and the Cadmus computers, it is currently July 3rd, a day before the day, so based on the fact that it was 10:00 pm, I have all night and the day tomorrow to figure out a plan. But the basics were there, such as copying all of Cadmus's files and grabbing Roy before escaping. The way I could get Roy's pod out of here is varied, as I could simply carry it out, or I could place it within my pocket dimension and simply lead the team to "find" him during our escape from the facility.

There is so much to do and so much time to do it, and what is better is the bonus, as every month, I get 10,000 dollars to spend, which is transferable and untraceable. So yay, no more money problems, but the cost of all these benefits is being here. Looking on the brighter side, I could have ended up in Berserk or some other hell world.

For now, I am simultaneously coving through Cadmus files and eliminating the other forms of control. For the latter, it was interesting as when I began to reach into my mind, I felt a presence form as a result. Was this a form of a psychic trap to keep me from investigating or locating this in my mind?

And so, as I delved deeper, I found a large white room, and from the light, I saw Lex Luthor appear. As he entered, he said, "Come now, my boy, it is not the time for this, so let me show you the Red Sun." The code phrase was said, and I could feel my mind beginning to become blurry, but that was merely a ploy, as when the phrase activated, I located the psychic chains and broke them, causing the illusion of Luthor to Disappear.

Which made some of the stress I was feeling disappear as I would rather not have a man in my head, if you know what I am saying. But for now, one method of control was destroyed, but knowing DC and comics/common sense in general, there is always a fail-safe. So, the process continued as I searched every recess of my mind for any anomalies and weaknesses.

"I feel like I am studying for finals all over again," I think to myself as I go over my info and mind with a psychic comb. With every second, my telepathy grew in strength. Currently, compared to a Martian, I am using a hammer compared to a scalpel and with the coordination of a blind man, But it is enough for my own mind.

The psychic traps themselves were relatively simple as if they never expected anyone to find the code phrases or various other traps.

Yet, knowing of the arrogance of comic villains, it is not unexpected, and the fact that this was a kid's show in the beginning made the universe more grounded and believable. At least until later, when people were dying left and right.

For now, I let the G-nomes in my pod think they are still teaching me by sending the info into Superboy's mind and leaving my own untouched as I let my cyber shroud leak further into the facility. Speaking of which, I need a new name for my new life, so another thing to think about as I sit in this pod.

While the name Connor Kent was fine, it was too similar to Superman's identity of Clark Kent, and wow, speaking of him is a whole other can of worms as, based on my new info, Superman is a lot less open than other versions.

From some of the rare media, I was able to see Superman was always one of the more open-minded people in this universe, and even I remember him keeping a girl from committing suicide by simply talking to her.

It says a lot that from his mere presence alone, a person was willing to hear him out on the edge of their rope, which was inspiring, and while this Superman is the same physically, he is less accepting of such things. Which from a show meant to be more realistic does make sense as finding out that you have a clone made from DNA that you did not donate is its own issue.

I mean, from my previous life, anyone finding out they had a kid that they did not know about is always a troubling thing, to say the least, but for now, that was not my focus as I was not Superboy in spirit. Unlike the original, I had a family that I knew loved me, and while we did not have much, we had enough. I do not seek validation from my DNA father, well, at least one of them.

Physically, I have to keep myself from vomiting at the fact that my DNA used to be made up of Lex Luthor and this world's Superman, but now I am more Garou and Superboy-Prime, not that they will find out as I cannot be copied or drained due to my defenses.

But for now, I lay back into the pod and let my mind and Shroud do their work as tomorrow was the day I left this place, and if not, I could break out myself. Side note: I should keep this solar suit with me in case I can improve it later.

"Well, it seems you have awoken Superboy based on your mental state." I heard in my mind who I assumed was Dubbliex entering the room and began to stare at me. Not opening my eyes, I say to him mentally, "Yes, this is strange, to say the least, but may I ask if you are going to tell Desmond of this?"

Dubbliex sends me a mental message saying, "I cannot disobey him, but he never gave the order to let him know if you awoke early. But if he does ask about your current state, I will not be able to lie to him. The best I can do is keep him from questioning about your current condition."

This may be a problem, but Desmond has been focusing on Project Blockbuster, so unless he is distracted, it will not be an issue. Dubbliex then says, "Yes, he is so. May I ask my own question?"

As he assumes my silence for confirmation, he asks mentally, "What has caused you to wake up as the G-nomes should have been keeping you docile and controlled?" Thinking of my response, I answer, "Well, my mind has seemingly become more psychically attuned due to the constant poking and prodding from these little guys."

Dubbliex then chuckles at my moniker, to which he asks more seriously, "Do you blame us for your imprisonment?" I mentally shake my head as I say, "You are simply doing what you were created to do. I cannot fault you for that, and even now, you are helping me by keeping this conversation between us, and do let it be known I shall not tell anyone of your increasing autonomy."

"What was that Earth saying? I scratch your back, and you scratch mine? I believe this is a necessary arrangement for the freedom of my people." He then leaves the room but not before saying, "Be careful, Superboy, it is a dangerous world out there." I agree, and before he exits, I tell him, "Oh, you have no idea, my friend."

This causes the stoic creation to pause, which I cannot see as the door closes. For now, though, his silence is enough, and that conversation has helped my telepathic development greatly. The fact that he was only sending mental messages and could not breach my mind shows that my mind defense is working.

Another weight lifted, and so the silence returned, and I was left to my devices with the staff unaware of their new resident in their project.

Mentioned Perks:

Grail Knowledge: Does your companion come from a less developed world than your own? Or perhaps their world is incredibly distant in a philosophical sense? Don't worry, we'll fix it!

Having acquired this perk, you can be sure that your companion will receive all the necessary common knowledge for your world. Including general schooling, hygiene, and home appliance skills

If bought five times, you will have the ability to give this perk to any member of your retinue at no cost.

Psychic Talent: You think. You have prodigious psychic talent and can rapidly learn any psychic techniques you encounter, from the telepathy and telekinesis that are so common in otherwise hard sci-fi to the extremes typical of Western comic-book psychics.

This applies to any supernatural ability with neither magical nor technological trappings or is not otherwise covered by Science, Engineering, Soul, Blessed, or Land Talents. If an ability requires a specific organic component, such as Element Zero nodes, you must still acquire it by other means.

Covert Talent: You lie, cheat, and steal. You have a prodigious talent for larceny, trespassing, theft, espionage, counterintelligence, and other forms of covert activity, whether it's performed on a government's dime or not. You can disappear into any crowd, no matter how sparse.

This synergizes with many other Talents. For example, with Engineering Talent, you can learn to hack any device. With Communication or Performance Talents, you can grift the best con artists out of their money. With Aesthetic Talent, you can make perfect forgeries of any artist's style. Body Tune-Up's boost to athleticism also synergizes with this perk.

Everlasting Talent: You live. You have weak immortality and eternal youth. If you are older than the peak age for your species (25 years for humans), your body is reset to that point; otherwise, you'll continue to physically mature to that point but not experience any aging afterward. This will not interfere with deliberate age manipulation effects from within your group, whether from the company's transformation suite or third parties. If your maturation process had been halted by any means, it will now continue until your peak age. The "Fog of Ages," including atrophy of unused skills, will never affect you.

This perk will not make you unkillable or grant any form of auto-resurrection. It just means you won't grow feeble and die of "natural causes," so don't try anything foolish.

Immutable Self: Whether it's from Substitute, Deep Weave, mind reading, consumption, or any other company-provided or third-party methods, ending up with multiple voices in your head is actually not uncommon for Contractors.

The sanctity of your psyche is now guaranteed, and you will always remain yourself. No personality bleed will ever occur unless you intentionally incorporate it. If you have Stress Defense, you also get trauma reduction, such that even if you have perfect memory, you can absorb the most tortured of beings without a bother.

Cyber Shroud: Nanite/Technology/Digital generation and control. Constructs are built from liquid nanite metal, which often has digital circuitry designs along it unless compressed into a known technological form such as a gun or tablet.

Blatant uses generally involve the creation and manipulation of technology via the nanites that make up the base of the Shroud or interfacing with technology being indicated by glowing circuit designs appearing on the item, while subtle uses involve manipulating the digital space or accessing technology at a distance.