
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Sannin's reaction

In the Land of Hot Water, Tsunade, a striking presence with her long, flowing blonde hair, luxuriates in the warmth of an opulent hot spring. Her physique is a compelling blend of power and elegance, marked by well-defined muscles and a confident posture that underscores both her strength and femininity. The smooth contours of her body, sculpted through years of rigorous training and leadership, are fully on display as she relaxes. Nearby, Shizune, her devoted assistant, cradles a small piglet, enhancing the serene atmosphere.

Tsunade savors the tranquility of the moment. "There's nothing quite like a hot spring to help you unwind," she says with a contented smile. "It's the perfect way to relax after a long day. Let's get going, Shizune, and grab a bite to eat. I'm starving."

As she rises to leave the spring, her mature, athletic form is revealed in its entirety, showcasing the results of her disciplined lifestyle and physical prowess. Her figure, combining strength and grace, captures the essence of her character and the effort she puts into maintaining her impressive physique.

As they move towards the room, they hear two kunoichi talking animatedly. "Did you hear? The Uchiha clan was completely wiped out!" one says.

"Yes," the other replies, "Uchiha Itachi killed everyone—his own family included. Not even his parents were spared."

Hearing this, both Tsunade and Shizune pause. Tsunade's face remains impassive, but her hand clenches into a fist, showing her internal reaction. Shizune's eyes widen in shock.

Shizune turns to Tsunade, her voice trembling slightly. "Tsunade-sama, should we go to Konoha? This sounds serious."

Tsunade shakes her head firmly. "No need. The old man should handle the mess he created. He's the Hokage now. It's his responsibility."

As they continue walking, Tsunade mutters, almost to herself, "Senju and Uchiha—two of Konoha's pillars, destroyed. One was attacked from the outside, and the other from within."

Shizune glances at Tsunade, puzzled. "Tsunade-sama, did you say something about the pillars of Konoha?"

Tsunade looks at Shizune with a calm but resolute expression. "No, nothing important. Let's go to the gambling hall. I need a distraction."

Shizune hesitates for a moment. "But didn't you want to eat first? We can get something on the way."

Tsunade waves off the suggestion. "No, I'm in the mood for gambling. We can eat later. The gambling hall will take my mind off things."


Land of Fire

One of Orochimaru's Hideouts

Inside the dimly lit hideout, shadows danced eerily on the walls. Orochimaru sat at a large, ancient desk cluttered with scrolls and strange artifacts. His yellow eyes gleamed as he studied a scroll laid out before him. A sinister, almost gleeful smile spread across his face as he absorbed the contents of the scroll.

"So, the Uchiha are dead," Orochimaru murmured, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction. "And Uchiha Itachi did it all on his own. How the mighty have fallen. Sarutobi-sensei, you've certainly changed over the years. But don't worry, sensei. Soon enough, we'll meet again, and I will present you with a very special gift."

He leaned back, his fingers intertwined as he continued speaking, almost as if conversing with an old friend. "Everyone will sing your praises for your sacrifice, and your name will be honored for generations. They'll remember you as the great protector of the village. Hehehehe." His laughter echoed through the room, unsettling in its chilling quality.

Orochimaru's gaze shifted to a corner of the room where various experimental equipment and jars of unusual substances were stored. "But now," he said, rising from his seat with a slow, deliberate motion, "it's time to return to the Rain Village. An Akatsuki meeting is on the horizon, and I can already guess what it's about. The pieces are falling into place."

As his thoughts wandered to the powerful tools and abilities he had studied over the years, Orochimaru's eyes grew distant. He reflected on the Rinnegan of Nagato, the Sharingan of the Uchiha, and the regenerative properties of Hashirama's cells. Each represented a different aspect of power he coveted, a testament to the endless pursuit of his own immortality.

Orochimaru chuckled darkly, his voice reverberating with a mix of triumph and arrogance. "With all these secrets and powers at my disposal, it's clear. Only I will achieve true immortality. Only I will live forever." His eyes shone with an unsettling resolve, as if the very notion of eternal life was within his grasp.


Land of Tea

A man with long white hair and a headband marked with an oil symbol stands poised on a tree branch, observing the world below with a peculiar, almost sinister smile. His headband, emblazoned with a horn and two distinctive lines, identifies him as Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin. His reputation extends beyond his formidable ninja prowess; he is equally known for his eccentric behaviors—spying on bathing women and crafting scandalous adult novels, which only add to his enigmatic and controversial persona.

As Jiraiya was about to leave, he sensed the presence of others. He turned and saw two Konoha ANBU members emerging from the shadows. One of them approached, his voice grave, "Master Jiraiya," and offered him a scroll.

Jiraiya accepted the scroll with a furrowed brow and unrolled it, his eyes scanning the text. As he absorbed the information, shock and disbelief spread across his face. "What is this?" he demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and confusion. "How could this happen?"

The ANBU member spoke with a somber tone. "Uchiha Itachi was responsible for the massacre. He killed every member of the Uchiha clan."

Jiraiya's expression turned to one of deepening fury, his voice ice-cold and seething with controlled rage. "Enough with these cryptic answers. Don't insult my intelligence. How could one man decimate an entire clan without any interference? Where was the ANBU? Why didn't they act to prevent this slaughter? Were there no efforts to rescue the innocent?"

The ANBU members stood in silence, their masks impassive and concealing their inner turmoil. Jiraiya's frustration surged, his thoughts racing through a torrent of anger and disbelief. 'Sensei, how many more failures will you tolerate? How many more lives will be lost because of this ineptitude? What were you thinking when you allowed this to happen?'

He stopped pacing and turned sharply, his voice heavy with resignation and disappointment. "I've had enough. I will not return to the village. Inform the Hokage that I'm going to focus on border security and will be unreachable for an indefinite period."

Without a word, the ANBU members exchanged glances, acknowledging his decision, before vanishing into the shadows. Jiraiya remained alone in the stillness of the forest, his mind reeling from the gravity of the situation. 'Tsunade, Orochimaru… how will they react to this devastating news? What will be their response to the ongoing failures that seem to plague our world?'


Author's pov (read till last)


1.mc got a gate which connect to 1 random au of Naruto verse. Now gate another side universe similar to anime, timeline is of boruto. He can now travel between his world and boruto world .

Note: both universe are different, means that boruto timeline is not same as mc timeline

2.mc got summon and got sarada Uchiha of 12 or 13 age , her world got destroyed .

3.both 1 and 2 , means in this choice , 3 alternate timelines are included , mc 1st , sarada 2nd and the traveling world 3rd


Like 1 month in boruto and 1 month in Naruto, something like that.

Also during travel his age will be supresse by 5 or 6 years making him same age as new generation. Idea how or why ?

Also only he can travel, can't take someone with him. no one can follow him for now.

Note: also mc world is au so Don't compare it with original world


Should Haku be girl or not in this au?

Any suggestions for subordinates?

1.karin Uzumaki

2.sarada uchiha


Things you want to see

1.itachi vs shisui

2.sasuke vs sarada

3.sarada kills Sakura , no , sarada vs sakura

4.shisui beating boruto new generation

5.shisui in boruto chunin exam

6.shisui vs Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura,others in boruto (single fight with every character)

Anything else to add?

Also comment on chapters and questions