
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs


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Shisui's POV

The news hit me with a force so shattering that it hurled me into a profound abyss of anguish. The pain was not just physical; it was an all-consuming torment that seemed to tear through the very fabric of my soul. It was a darkness so complete that it swallowed my consciousness, leaving me ensnared in a void from which there seemed to be no escape. The weight of the revelation was like a relentless tide, eroding every semblance of peace and stability I had clung to.

Two Hours Later

When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying in the familiar confines of my rented room. The transition from the void to reality was jarring, as if I had been yanked from one existence and thrust into another. My body felt unbearably heavy, each movement a struggle against an inertia of despair that seemed to anchor me to the bed. The intense, searing pain I had endured had acted as a catalyst, unlocking a floodgate of memories long buried. These recollections surged forth with an almost physical force, overwhelming me as I grappled with the disorientation.

The memories that began to surface were like shards of a shattered mirror, each fragment reflecting a life I had nearly forgotten. I vividly recalled a name that now seemed like a distant echo: John White. It was a name I had almost relinquished, a remnant of a life I had left behind. As an orphan, my existence had been defined by an insatiable love for manga, anime, and comics. These were not just hobbies but sanctuaries—vibrant escapes from a reality that had often felt unrelentingly grim and devoid of hope. They were my refuge, my way of navigating a world that seemed indifferent to my struggles.

One memory emerged with startling clarity: a friend's whimsical offer to select a character, power, and world for a fanfiction project. I had chosen the Naruto universe, selecting Shisui Uchiha and a gacha power. The following day, a tragic slip down the stairs had ended my life abruptly. In a cruel twist of fate, I had been reborn as an infant in this new world.

As a child, my capacity to understand and retain memories had been severely limited. The complexities of my previous life had been buried beneath the simplicity of infancy. It was only now, in the wake of the recent massacre, that these memories began to resurface, triggered by my emotional turmoil. The flood of recollections left me grappling with a profound identity crisis. Was I John or Shisui, or perhaps a blend of both? And was the world I now inhabited real, or merely a creation of my fractured mind?

In a moment of chilling clarity, the truth became inescapable. While John had existed in a previous life, my current reality was as Shisui Uchiha, a member of the Uchiha clan. The affection I had received from my new family was genuine, and the experiences I lived through were not illusions. The weight of regret for not remembering this truth sooner pressed heavily on me. The knowledge that my past life's refuge and fantasies had collided with a harsh, unforgiving reality was both a comfort and a curse.

As I delved deeper into the narrative of the Naruto world, the reasons behind the massacre became horrifyingly clear. The massacre was not a random act of violence but a meticulously orchestrated catastrophe. The sinister pact between Danzo and Itachi, the manipulative schemes orchestrated by Obito, the ruthless decisions made by Sarutobi, and the inexplicable sparing of Sasuke—all converged into a devastating revelation. The massacre was the culmination of a series of calculated moves, each piece of the puzzle fitting together with grim precision.

Danzo's involvement was particularly insidious. His desire for power and control had led him to conspire with Itachi, manipulating the circumstances to serve his own ends. The Uchiha clan, once a proud and honorable lineage, had become a pawn in a ruthless game of political machinations. The massacre was not merely an act of revenge but a strategic move to eliminate a threat to Danzo's ambitions. The use of Itachi, driven by his own twisted sense of duty, was a dark testament to the extent of Danzo's depravity.

Obito's role in the massacre was equally abhorrent. The deranged architect behind the obliteration of the clan had once been a member of the very family he sought to destroy. His motivations were a convoluted mix of personal vendetta and misguided ideology. Obito's descent into madness was a stark contrast to the ideals he had once held dear. His actions were not merely a betrayal of his clan but an abomination against the very principles he had once fought for. The destruction he wrought was a manifestation of his fractured psyche, a reflection of the deep-seated pain and rage that had consumed him.

Sarutobi's decisions, while not directly responsible for the massacre, had played a crucial role in enabling it. His reluctance to confront the rising threat of Danzo and his failure to protect the Uchiha clan were indicative of his own shortcomings as a leader. Sarutobi's position as Hokage was precarious, balanced between competing interests and political pressures. His inability to act decisively in the face of mounting threats had led to a tragic failure of leadership. The sparing of Sasuke, though seemingly an act of compassion, was a mere token gesture in a larger scheme of betrayal.

The Uchiha clan was not merely a collection of individuals bound by blood; it was a deeply interconnected community, woven together by shared history and collective identity. The destruction of the clan was not just a loss of lives but a severance of a cultural and historical lineage. The Uchiha were not just victims of a political plot but symbols of a deeper, more profound tragedy—the erosion of a once-great heritage.

Despite the internal conflicts that had plagued the Uchiha, no outsider had the right to demean any member of the clan. The clan's policies and pensions were a testament to their commitment to honor and protect their members. In this world, death was a constant companion, as pervasive as the very act of breathing. The destruction of the Uchiha for personal gain was an act of profound cruelty, an affront to the values of honor and respect that the clan had once upheld.

The girl for whom Obito had acted was nothing more than a pawn in a larger political scheme. Her role in the narrative was a tragic irony—used as a tool to further the ambitions of those who sought power at any cost. Minato, as Jiraiya's student and the heir apparent to Sarutobi's Hokage position, included Kakashi in his legacy. Kakashi's role was to bridge the legacy of the White Fang with the Hokage's lineage. The death of Sakumo, Kakashi's father, was a calculated maneuver to consolidate Hokage power. Kakashi, becoming part of the Hokage's legacy, was a token of Sakumo's legacy, exhibiting exceptional talent and ultimately rising to become the 6th Hokage. The manipulation of these characters was part of a broader strategy to maintain control and influence within the village.

The political manipulation extended to the roles of Obito and Rin. Rin, a civilian with limited talent, was a pawn in a broader strategy to forge connections, much like Naruto's relationships with others. Obito's placement on Minato's team was designed not to bridge gaps but to foster a false sense of peace within the Uchiha clan. The political machinations of the village had turned even personal relationships into tools of manipulation, reducing individuals to mere instruments in a larger game of power.

Obito, what have you done? Even if revenge was your goal, why target the Uchiha? Why destroy your own clan to undermine the village? The questions echoed in my mind, a relentless refrain that underscored the depth of the betrayal I had witnessed.

These dark reflections drove me to focus intently on my own path. The pursuit of vengeance would become my relentless quest. Although I had once harbored an attachment to Konoha, the return of my memories had become a double-edged sword. The knowledge of the village's complicity and the extent of its political maneuvering had transformed my sense of loyalty into a burden. I would show no mercy; I would dismantle their clan with the same ruthlessness with which they had dismantled mine. My survival and preparation for the looming threat of the Otsutsuki clan would guide my every action.

With grim resolve and a heavy heart, I turned my attention to my ultimate advantage—the Gacha—that would aid me in my quest for vengeance and in acquiring the strength necessary to endure and ultimately prevail. The Gacha was more than a mere tool; it was a symbol of my determination to reshape the world around me and to reclaim my place in a narrative that had been twisted beyond recognition.


Since mc has gacha for 5529 points for 15 years what should he get from gacha now ?

Normal mode per card 5 points

Naruto world mode per card 10 points

1.give Templates suggestion

2.give item suggestion

3.give power suggestion

4.give suggestion

Also write comments to let me know about the writing and other things