
Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas (Old)

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you guys on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. Is that weird? Anyway, welcome to my story where you will see me do a lot of crazy things. I was just a normal person losing my mind in total darkness. See, such a normal thing to do on your holidays... Also, did I mention that when you die you lose your mind in the void and then dissolve into nothingness? Looks like our fate isn't just flowers and unicorns. A being came and transmigrated me to do what I want in different worlds. Basically, mess up the canon in these different parallel earths which contain fictional stories. Easy, right? Oh, how wrong was I..... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker and The Boxer 3. ??????? 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 7 Ch/Week 3. No romance in the first world. Maybe later. 4. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction : Multiverse of Sword and Magic

East_Wind_Took_Me · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Quattuor pugna scaenae

'__' : Thoughts

"__" : Speaking

[1800 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

As the group climbed the stairs and reached the second last floor, the sight that greeted them was exciting for Felix as well as the others.

Three duos were standing in front of each other concentrating on their opponent. However, their focus was broken when they heard a voice familiar to half of them, "Hiya, fellas."

As soon as Wolf saw them, he got his usual smirk back on his face but his eyes were riddled with fear.

Jake got a pale face but his eyes had determination in them.

Jimmy Bae was gritting his teeth and his eyes had a mixture of urge for revenge and apprehension but the feeling for revenge was much more.

Jimmy Bae shouted at them, "What are you fu**ers doing here?!"

Jake Ji asked in a low voice, "Why are you people here?"

Felix just shrugged off-handedly, "We got to know there was a party so we came to get a piece of cake as well. Mind sharing it?"

Doyun Kim growled and said to Juwon Lee, "Are they fu**ers with them?"

Juwon Lee looked at the expression of Jimmy Bae and shook his head.

Jake said, "They are one of our enemies in Yeongdeungpo Union. How about Cheonggang and us collaborate to defeat them first?"

Jimmy Bae shouted, "But why? We can take on them!"

Felix put his hands on his heart and mockingly said, "Oh, Jake Ji. You wound my heart. Didn't we have many good memories? Like beating you to near death. And beating Jimmy to near death. And Wolfy too."

As Felix said every line, a spine-chilling fear went into the three executives of Yeongdeungpo Union.

During this Juwon Lee thought, that if they didn't take this offer then they would have to fight both groups which will be extremely hard if they take the leader's words into account.

Juwon Lee nodded and said, "Ok, we take on your offer."

Doyun Kim wanted to give his opinion but a sharp stare from Juwon stopped his voice.

Jimmy Bae cracked his fingers and then chuckled, "Haha, The Falcon. I am sure even you can't defeat all of us."

Felix said in a sarcastic tone, "You are right, Jimmy boy. I will be going up to beat up Donald Na and Changui Han. My friends will be taking care of you guys."

Jake's expression felt like he was taken aback but he still started moving toward us.

Felix waved his hands a bit and said, "Wait a minute, let me call up one more."

"Let me think of the guy, uhhhhhhh.... Ya! Wolfy boy! Come and join our team!"

Jake paused and said l, "What joke are you playing here, Falcon? He is a part of Yeongdeungpo."

"Nuh-uh, that's where you are wrong. He is in our team."

As soon as Felix said that, Wolf Keum walked toward us and stood beside me.

"See Jake?"

Jake had an expressionless face whereas Jimmy was in total rage.

Jimmy yelled, "Why Wolf? You fu**ing traitor!"

Jake calmly said, "Voice down, Jimmy."

Felix then waved to all of them, "Guys, you can play between yourselves. I am gonna enjoy myself above beating Donald Na and Changui Han."

After Felix went up in the lift, Wolf went toward his earlier opponent. The rest of Felix's friends went to the opponents they wanted to fight.


(Gerard Jin and Stephen Ahn vs Juwon Lee)

The kicking duo approached Juwon Lee in a straight and focused manner. A few days ago, when Gerard was training with Felix, a question was asked regarding his reason for not using his fist. Which after some time of quiet thinking, Gerard agreed to use it. Felix knew there was some kind of inner reason for Gerard to not use them so he gave him time to recollect.

And Gerard's fighting power increased explosively since he started using his fists. The synchronisation between Gerard and Stephen was also upgraded to the next level as both could efficiently use fists and kicks.

They were facing one of their most difficult opponents ever, Juwon Lee.

Without saying anything, Stephen and Gerard dashed toward Juwon. He used his leg to block the incoming kick of Gerard and blocked Stephen's fist with his hand.

Stephen used his leg and did a sweep kick to disbalance Juwon. Meanwhile, Gerard did a kick feint and kicked Juwon straight in the stomach. Juwon gasped and was smashed to the ground.

Taking his inability to advantage, Gerard and Stephen did a bombardment of hits on him. This went on for some time before Juwon used his remaining energy to hit back both of them simultaneously and then flip away.

He spat out the blood in his mouth and said, "I took you two too lightly. Let me go all out..."

Saying his line which I believe was cool according to him only, he dashed at them. Gerard sensing the danger, gave a sign to Stephen and both of them went back in opposite directions. As Juwon couldn't follow both of them, he went for Stephen. He darted across with great speed but before he could reach he was smashed in the head by a drop kick from Gerard.

As he was falling, Stephen gave a kick right at his face and Gerard jumped on his back. Yes, you heard it correct, Gerard jumped on Juwon's back.

This was a technique recommended by Felix when the opponent is not under the proper control of his body.

The jumping went on for some time before they saw that person was almost unconscious and teetering because of extreme pain.

(A/N : My younger brother used to run and then jump on my back extremely fast. Almost all the air in my lungs was thrown out. It hurts in a nutshell. Inspired by his antics.)

Gerard and Stephen went and sat on the sofa, watching other fights.

Gerard asked, "Stephen, didn't we win too easily?"

"Yeah, maybe. But who cares? Maybe we are too strong."

[Gerard Jin and Stephen Ahn Wins]


Ben Park vs Jake Ji

Jake Ji was standing calmly in front of Ben Park. Before Ben could react, Jake Ji did a surprise attack and smashed a punch on his face.

Ben just chuckled and muttered, "Ah, Felix said that this might happen."

Then with a rage of a bull, Ben started attacking. Jake made a guard and thought to stop when Ben gets the chance. Which was an extremely foolish one.

Ben had been practising his counter-punches every day and he could do over 250 of them in a minute. The next minute was Jake's longest minute. Feeling the punch of a strong person like Ben in a single minute was only possible to endure by Jake.

After that minute ended, Jake couldn't move his hand without it hurting. Taking this to his advantage, Ben Park went into a stance and then smashed Jake's head straight into the floor.

This was an overwhelming victory for Ben.

[Ben Park wins]


(Gray Yeon vs Jimmy Bae)

Jimmy Bae was full of vexation and fury.

He was angry at himself for being powerless...

He was angry at Donald Na for controlling him...

He was angry at Wolf Keum for betraying them...

He was angry at the goddamn world!

Now, a stupid 5'3 runt was challenging him and infuriating him more.

Gray could easily notice that he was incensed and angry people are predictable. Gray had learned a lot of taunts over the past few weeks and this was a good place to use them.

Gray said with a finger on his chin, "Why is it, I wonder? That you were able to become Yoosun's head. From what Felix told me, you were the easiest opponent to him. This will be easy for me, wouldn't it be?"

This led Jimmy Bae to go bonkers. He rushed in with a loud shout and an extremely wide punch.

This is what Gray wanted. As soon as Jimmy's punch reached him, he ducked and smashed his leg at Jimmy's groin.


A sound came out like that and Jimmy Bar's knees buckled as he fell on the floor. To instil proper fear and ensure that Jimmy Bae doesn't get back up, Gray took out two pens and stabbed them in each of Jimmy's palms.

After this, he grabbed Jimmy's hair and smashed it against the floor several times.




Some cracking sounds came in between but Gray didn't care and kept doing that. He was stopped by Stephen who held him back. Gray came out of his thoughts and took a deep breath. He returned with him calmly.

When he sat there, Stephen said while shaking his head, "I knew that Felix's maniacal tendencies were gonna influence someone. "

[Gray Yeon Wins]


[Rowan Im and Alex Go vs Doyun Kim]

Both Rowan and Alex knew that they didn't have any kind of special talent in fighting. Something which made them look different from others...

They just had to rely on their hard work and tenacity to fight amongst a sea of people...

Rowan had been practising a lot of hooks and Alex had been practising his boxing skills in a southpaw stance. Both of them are pretty efficient with each other as they fill the other's weaknesses.

Their opponent was Doyun Kim, who had been extremely annoyed by how some stupid kids are challenging them.

Doyun Kim charged at them arrogantly without making a plan, this worked well for our duo.

As Doyun came into their range, Alex threw a straight which was easily countered by Doyun. This was followed by a shovel hook from Rowan Im straight in the back of the head. However, they didn't take his endurance into account, he shrug off the punch in his head and punched Alex holding him by his collar.

Rowan used one of the techniques he had constantly refined, consecutive hyper elbows.



Two cracking sounds came out and a shriek from Doyun. Rowan had been practising a lot with Felix which lead to the hardening of his elbow bones and them becoming sturdier as well as stronger.

Doyun in rage kicked Rowan and sent him back, Alex Go did good use of the distraction and used a flying punch to smash his head.

As Doyun was falling, he was met with a sidekick which smashed his face as well.

The whole fight was controlled by Rowan Im and Alex Go.

[Rowan Im and Alex Go wins]


(End of the Chapter)

So much blood and fighting. Jeez, what kind of author can think of f'ed up situations like these. Right, guys?

Anyway, I will put out the last chapter tomorrow as I am really tired and lazy. I don't wanna half-ass the big fight between Felix and Donald.

I am also gonna make a discord server. Will give you its link after the next chapter. I hope you guys can join.

If you liked my story, then put it in your library. Give me some power stones for motivation.