
Ch. 63 Affinity, and the truth

( Yuto Pov )

Waking up from bed, I rubbed my eyes and put on my sunglasses.

' Iris, gacha roll.'

< Yes, sir >

[ Gacha Roll ]

[ Dimensional Ticket ]

[ World: Unknown ]

( Description: A ticket to travel to another world. )

' Hmm? It seems I got another one. I'll wait until the cooldown is finished.'

Kakashi:" Wake up, Yuto, the Clan leader is here."

" Sigh, I'm already up."

Kakashi:" Well, let's go."

Kakashi and I left the tent and walked towards the gates and met Musashi, Ao, and Mei.

As Kakashi and I approached, Mei smiled towards me, and Musashi walked up to with a smile.

Musashi:" Thank you two for helping. I think we have everything in control from here on out."

Kakashi:" Yes, me and Yuto were about to head back to the village today."

Musashi:" I understand. Here, take this as a gift to your hokage. It has your rewards and a letter to the Hokage."

Taking the scroll, we thanked Musashi and left.

Before leaving, Mei and I looked at each other and smiled towards each other.

* Few Days Later *

" Finally, I'm back!"

Kakashi:" Mhm, you're not going to miss your girlfriend?"

I slowly turned to look at Kakashi.

" Shut up."

We both walked towards the Hokage building to report in.

* Knock Knock *

Hokage:" Enter."

We both entered into the Hokage office.

Hokage:" Kakashi, Yuto, your back, have you completed your mission."

Kakashi:" Yes, Lord Hokage, we're also to give this to you as well."

Shikaku took the scroll from Kakashi and handed it to the Hokage.

Hokage:" I see. Is there anything else."

Kakashi:" We've also made an alliance with the rebels that are going against the Mizukage."

Hokage:" Explain."

For the next few minutes, we both told the Hokage and Shikaku of our mission in Kirigakure.

Hokage:" I see, you're both dismissed."

We both exit the Hokage building. And me and Kakashi both split up as we were both tired from the journey back.

As I passed the Ninja Academy, I heard Naruto's voice.

Naruto:" You damn bastard I'll defeat you next time!!!!"

I saw Naruto yelling at Sasuke as Sasuke was walking back home, ignoring Naruto.

" Yo, Naruto, still in last place, huh?"

Naruto:" Oh!! Yuto!!"

Dodging the blonde missile, I spoke once more.

" You know we haven't trained together in awhile, why don't I teach you something."

Naruto:" Really!!?" He spoke as he was still on the ground.

" Of course, we still have time before the sun sets."

Naruto:" Yay!! Let's go!!!"

Naruto rushed forward.

" Naruto, the training grounds is the other way."

Naruto:" Oh, right!! hehehe."

* Training grounds *

Naruto was jumping around as he showed an excited face.

" What I'm going to teach you is a breathing technique, It would help increase your stamina, strength, focus, and mobility. If you're able to train this to a higher extent, you're able to use this breathing technique passively."

Naruto:" Uh, what???" He tilted his head as he looked confused.

' Right, I probably have to speak in ramen format.'

After explaining to Ramenese to Naruto, he started to get more excited as he's able to get stronger.

For the next few hours, I taught Naruto about total concentration breathing.

" Well, it seems like it's getting dark. Why not eat dinner at my house."

Naruto:" Really!!? Let's go!!"

" Alright, come on."

* Yamamoto household *

" I'm home!!"

Yuriko:" Yuto!! you're back, and you brought Naruto as well. Come in, you're just in time. Food is on the table."

Naruto:" Hello!!!"

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Hirsohi already sitting at the table.

Hiroshi:" Yo kid! how's your mission?"

Naruto:" Oh yeah, how was your mission, Yuto?did you fight bad guys, save a princess?"

" Hmm? I'll tell you when I start eating."

Yuriko:" Yes , I would love to hear about your experience, Yuto."

I started to tell about my mission except the fact that I massacred every enemy that came my way.

After dinner, Naruto had to leave. And after saying our goodbyes, I left towards my room to sleep.

Shiro was already sleeping on the bed the moment we got home.

* Next day *

[ Gambling ]

[ Luck ×2]

[ Gacha reward]

[ Time affinity ]

* Clink*

Yuriko:" Is something wrong, Yuto?"

I dropped my spoon into my bowl of cereal. I stood there in shock. By the time I came out of my shock, I saw Hiroshi marking my face with a marker and Yuriko slapping his shoulder as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

* Bam * * Screech *

Throwing Shiro into his face, Yuriko burst out laughing.

Yuriko:" Hahahah!!"

Hiroshi:" Nooo get him off!!!"

Walking to the bathroom to wash off the marker on my face, I saw a mustache, glasses, and beard drawn on my face.

* Water running * * Splash *

Washing the marker off of my face, I looked at my system, specifically Time affinity.

[ Time affinity ]

[ Time Manipulation] [ Level 1 ]

[ Time freeze ] [ Level 1]

[ Time acceleration] [ Level 1]

[ Time rewind ] [ Level 1]

[ Dimensional travel Dilation]

( Description: Able to manipulate the time between worlds whenever you want.)

Many thoughts were running through my mind, and I could combine Time with fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, fighting style, and breathing style.

Activating gamers mind to keep a cool head, I walked downstairs to see Shiro licking his paws and Hirsohi being treated by Yuriko with first aid.

Yuriko:" Pft, I told you not to do it."

" I'm going out!"

Hiroshi:" Take Shiro with you!!"

" Naaaaahhhh!!"

I left the house to see if we're going to be doing any missions today since Kakashi didn't say anything about it.

Arriving at the Hatake clan grounds, I knocked on Kakashis' door.

* Knock Knock *

* Click *

Kakashi:" Hmm? Yuto? what are you doing here? We're aren't doing missions today."

" Well, you didn't explain that last night."

Kakashi:" Oh? I didn't? I must've forgotten." He spoke lazily as he was still in his pajamas.

" Well, if we're not doing any missions today, I'll go train with might gai."

Kakashi:" Hold on, why not train with me today?"

" What's wrong, afraid that your rival might steal your student?"

Kakashi:" Ahem, nope, I just thought I should finally train you for once."

" Yeah, sure."

Entering into Kakashis' house, I looked around.

" Looks dead in here."

Kakashi:" Well, I'm too lazy to add anything here."

" Uh huh."

I looked around as Kakashi was getting ready.

" Hey, who are these guys in this picture, and is that the fourth Hokage?"

Although I knew them already, I wanted to make conversation in this depressing house.

Kakashi:" Uh huh, he was my teacher. And those two were my former teammates."

" The guy in goggles looked like a dork."

Kakashi:" He was."

" I see."

Putting down the picture of Team 7, I looked around once more.

' The white fang'

I saw a broken sword on a display.

" Who's sword is this? and why aren't you using a sword anymore?"

Kakashi opened the door and was dressed in his jonim uniform.

Kakashi:" I used it before it broke in one of my missions. It used to be my fathers before passing onto me. I didn't use it anymore as I had a habit of breaking over and over."

" Maybe you just suck at kenjutsu."

Kakashi:" I think you're right or maybe just bad luck. "

we both stared at the Saber for a while before turning my attention towards the picture next to it.

" Is that your father."

Kakashi:" Yes. The White Fang Of konoha."

" White Fang, huh, must've been a badass to get such a title."

Kakashi:" I agree."

Looking at the picture and back to the blade, Kakashi picked it up and handed it to me.

Kakashi:" Why don't you take it? As my student, I'm sure it would suit you more than me. "

" Are you sure? it's your father's blade that's been passed on to you."

Kakashi:" I'm sure it'll put a smile on my father's face with someone like you wielding it."

" Alright."

Taking the broken blade, I observed it.

' Observe'

[ White light chakra Saber ] [ Durabilty: Broken ]

[ Requirement]

[ Level 75 blacksmith to restore ]

[ ×1 Hatake chakra ore]

[ × 1 mythril ore ]

Kakashi:" I still have one last ore for the blade, though if it breaks again, you have to search for more at the old Hatake clan grounds."

Kakashi went towards his room and gave me a white ore. Once I felt it in my hands, the ore started to shine.

Kakashi:" I forgot to mention only the Hatake clan activate the white ore."

" Wait, what?" I looked at Kakashi.

" You're saying I'm from the Hatake Clan? How?"

Kakashi:" Dunno kid, but let's go train."

' God must've given me a solid background.'

Following Kakashi to the Hatake training grounds, I put the white fang, which I'm going to start calling from now on aside.

Kakashi:" I'll be teaching you my known technique. Chidori."

As he finished saying that, he started to do some handsigns before holding his left wrist with his right hand.

* Chidori screeching *

The sounds of a thousand birds screeching was what came to my mind as I saw Kakashi performing Chidori.

Kakashi hit the air to disperse chidori.

" That's cool and all, but you should know I don't have any lightning affinity."

Kakashi:" Of course I know, but you could still learn it, although not as fast as the other jutsus you learned."

" Sigh, alright,"

Kakashi:" Now I'll teach you the hand signs and mold your chakra and concentrate it to one of your hand and with the help of your other hand you can control it."

" Okay."

Doing as he said, I performed the handsigns and molded the chakra into my right hand.

* Crackle *

Small white lighting came from my hands before Dispersing.

Kakashi:" Huh? even without a lighting affinity, you're able to barely activate it on your first try."

For the whole day, I practiced Chidori. And by the time I was able to perform it, it was in the late afternoon.

White lighting was coming off my right hand.

Kakashi:" How did you make it silent??" He said as he pointed at Chidori.

" I don't know, maybe because I'm just built different."

Kakashi just deadpanned me.

Kakashi:" I call bullshit. Sigh well it looks like it's getting late you should head home."

" Sure." Dispersing Chidori Kakashi walked me to the door. Saying goodbye to him I walked to the training grounds where I'm suppose to be training with Naruto.

As I walked on the dirt path I checked my system.

[ New Affinity ]

[ Lighting Affinity] [ Level 1]

[ + 100 lighting damage ]

[ + 100 movement speed]

[ Breath of lighting ] [ 0/7]

[ New element combinations unlocked]

' This is great.'

I thought as I walked towards Naruto.

" Yo!"

Naruto:" Yuto!! hurry up and teach me that cool breathing thingy!!"

" Alright alright"

We I trained Naruto in the breathing technique before heading home. And tomorrow me and Kakashi would go back in doing missions.

I also need to train Time Manipulation. As well as my lighting affinity. And I also can't forget my Tailed beast as well.