
Ch. 31 Boss Music

A/N: Since many are confused, the characters that are mentioned are OCs and if they seemed like other people's work than all i could say is its a coincidence.)


(Yuto Pov)

[Berserker] [ Level 24]

[Health 3,500/3,500]

[Skills: Supreme Strength, Supreme durability]

' Not a level 25 but a level 24, and no boss music, sigh, it's not the boss.'

Attacking first.

'Fire breathing'

'First Form: Unknowing Fire'

[Health: 2,810/3,500]

'No critical damage unless I cut it perfectly'

Attacking with a slash towards the Berserkers neck, I couldn't cut through, and only left a small cut, dodging a huge fist that caved the rest of the floor. Falling down with the Berserker.

'Water Breathing'

'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent'

Since I couldn't find a solid foothold on the falling debris, i used footwork to jump from rock to rock, I attacked the Berserker when I closed onto him.

'Water Breathing'

'Second Form: Water Wheel'

[Health: 1,710/ 3,500]

spinning and building up momentum and released a slash towards the neck once more, but only made the small cut slightly bigger. Dodging an attack that blew away the rest of the debris. and jumped up and used another attack.

'Water breathing'

'Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust'

[ Health: 610/3,500]

Aiming at his heart, I managed to peirce it, but still felt resistance. Dropping to the ground, I jumped up to dodge the Shockwave when Berserker landed.

getting another idea, I held the katana in a piercing motion and used [Delayed attack] the Berserker used this moment to rush towards me at the last second I dodge and peirce the heart, which connected, staying like that for a few seconds I used [Delayed attack] and stepped back, twisted by body with the sword and decapitated the head.

'Breath of Massascre'

' Third Form: Slaughter'

*Swoosh* * Splat*

[Health: 0/3,500]



[ +3 Chakra ore]

[Leveled up]

[+10 stat points]

[+10 Vitality, Intelligence and Wisdom]

The head fell, and I sat on a nearby rock with Shiro walking up to me. Observing Chakra ore.

[Chakra ore]

[+ 100% damage and durability infused with chakra]

I'm putting this back while thinking to myself that I should learn blacksmithing. Getting off the rock and putting Shiro on my head once more, I parkoured myself atop of the rubble and walls to the top, arriving at the top. I hoped that nothing would go wrong once more.

Jumping through the doorway, I noticed that the inside was huge, probably bigger than the mall itself.

'Iris, are we by chance in a separate dimension?'

<Yes, it appears so, but it would wear off once you finish the Boss.>

Looking at the system screen that Iris pulled up.

[ Entered Boss Dungeon]

[ Can't escape unless you kill the boss]

'Welp either do or die'

Looking behind me, I saw the doorway that leads outside covered in thick vines. that seemed to have pulsing red flowing through it.

"Be alert, Shiro."

Shiro:" Meow."

I'm walking forward and seeing more vines like earlier, Aiming moved forward, and I found ourselves in front of a huge door. putting both of my hands on the door, and tried to push it, but I couldn't move it. there were no handles to pull it, so I put my fingers in between the door and pushed it to the side, and it worked. Pushing the door enough to see the other side, I managed to get a glimpse of the inside, and what I saw made me close the door quickly.

" Nope, nope, I'm not going in there with something so creepy."

<But sir, you need to conquer the dungeon, and you aren't allowed to leave as well.>

"Oh, come on, look at Shiro he looks traumatized."

Looking at Shiro, he had his fur standing up and was shivering. Picking up Shiro to comfort him. I immediately started to pet him.

"Sigh, I guess there is no other way."

"Alright, Shiro, let's do this." Holding Shiro to my eye, I spoke to him and put him on my shoulder.

Opening the door once more and passing through it, I noticed that it hadn't noticed us yet. Deciding to sneak attack it, I put shiro on the ground, and using the vines that filled the room to get close, I was close, but in the corner of my eye, I saw a head that was attached to a vine, it had wide eyes with a wide smile that send chills, cooling down quickly knowing I was spotted I attacked the head.

But then I heard Boss music.

' Yep, that confirms that's the boss.'

[ Breath of Massascre]

[ First Form: Annihilation]

I destroyed the head and the vines that were in the area of my attack, and as I retreated, I heard a piercing scream from the monster.


" Ahh!! My fucking ears!!"

Dropping back to Shiro who was trying to cover his ears with his paws, I picked him up and retreated by the door. As I moved back, I saw the moonlight shine through the glass roof shining on the monster.


[The Abomination]

[Health 125,000/125,000]

[ Skill:" Vine manipulation, regeneration,]

The abomination was huge and reached the ceiling. Its body was stitched together by many other bodies, with vines holding it together. It has six lengthy arms, its legs were also stitched together by multiple limbs, and vines. And lastly, it had vines covered in eyes and heads on its back like tentacles. The final nail in the coffin that made it look creepy was that eery smile and multiple eyes.

'Shit, that's one gross motherfucker'

I thought to myself as I moved with Shiro to dodge an arm, before I could attack it, I had to dodge another arm. Running up the arm and cutting it along with the creepy vines.

'Water Breathing'

'Tenth Form:Constant Flux'

Moving forward from arm to tentacles, getting to the head and cutting the arms and tentacles as they kept regenerating, and reacting the same thing, using momentum to keep moving forward but before I could swing at its head, it manage grew another arm and slammed me to the ground.


"Urg." Getting up quickly and picking up Shiro again, running around the abomination as it attacked with its arms and vines. Attacking the vines as I ran

*Swoosh* *Slice* *Splat*

"Ugh, disgusting. I think I got it in my mouth!!"

Running as I tried to spit out the blood from the vine, I just cut. I'm trying once more to go to the main body. but the moment I did, I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of attacks, dodging to left and cutting an attack from the left, and jumping an attack from my legs and attacked the bottom, moving to the right. and splitting another vine. I'm backing off as I managed to destroy the limbs and vines.

Using [Delayed attack], but instead of putting it through my arms or blade, I let it flow through my whole body, and everything in my body was in a Delayed action, my lungs, heart, reaction, and cells stopped for a second, no they just delayed, I saw nothing but red and black, and the moment the abomination regenerated its limbs and vines it started to attack again at the same time seeking I wasn't responding.

HHEHEHEHEHE, it laughed with its creepy smile. and punchable face. But the next thing was that it was surprised the next second as all of its limbs and head were cut off.

'Breath of Massascre'

'Fourth Form: Decimate'

Landing on a vine as I used my heartbeat started to beat more, and body temperature was rising. Jumping up, I wanted to finish off the abomination as It was still regenerating, but as I was in the air.

'What, I can see it's inside, right? This should be a transparent world.'

Able see the hearts and brains that made up its body and its weak points like the stitches holding it together.

'Breath of Massacre'

'Fourth Form: Decimate'

seeing red and black again, and it's insides, I attacked the weak points with insane speed. using its body as leverage, I jumped up once more and gracefully spinning my body under the moonlight, and held my blade to my left side.

' Let me put you out of your misery, you abomination.'

'Breath of Massacre'

'Fifth Form: lull'

Putting the abomination out of its misery, I landed as the monster body couldn't hold itself anymore and fell apart, and died.

[Abomination Killed]


[ Mythril Ore] x1

After seeing the notification, I felt my body shut down and fall to the ground. The last thing I saw was Shiro walking towards me.

( Third Pov)

Saiki:" We can't just leave him there!!!"

Kenji:" But Saiki, how do we even get in there?"

Daiki:" We can't just leave a child in a nest full of zombies."

As they were arguing. Sai and Genji were relaxing by the window, observing the mall for any changes. Sai, who was staring at the mall with an intense gaze.

Genji:" Yesh, what's gotten you so worked up that you're staring at the mall like that?"

Sai:" The kid, I think he's stronger than all of us."

Genji:" Well, it was pretty obvious with the bodies, and kunais he throwing, wonder who taught him that."

Sai took out the Kunai that he picked up earlier.

Sai:" Don't know who, but I could tell he's trained."

Genji:" Ooh, a real kunai, mind if I hold it."

Sai gave the kunainto genji as he stated back at the mall again.

Genji:" Yep, this is the real deal. eww, it got zombie blood on it.

Genji said as he handed the kunai back to Sai. Who put it away in his bag. Sai looked at Genji once more and spoke.

Sai:" Do you think we should go back in?"

Genji:" I don't know, man. I mean, we can't do it without these guys."

The two looked at the other three and saw them arguing, and Daiki tried to appease them to keep them from fighting.

Genji:" Man, I knew Kenji was a naive idiot with a heros complex, but the moment someone gets Saikia's attention, he gets upset."

Sai:" He's a hypocrite."

Genji:" Yeah, I guess so." After talking, Genji seemed to remember something.

Genji:" Oh yeah, what happened to that girl that took an interest I you at school"

Sai:" That was two years ago. How could I know what happened to her."

Genji looked at Sai with a face that said,' Don't give me that bullshit.' Sai looked at Genji with a face, ' Shut up or I'll kill you' face, and they stated like that as they both looked away with a chuckle.

Genji:"To think we needed a kid to help us out."

Sai:" Well, we could go back inside."

Genji:" How?"

Sai:" Glass roof"

Genji:" ooohh, right." Genji had an understanding look, and both Sai and Genji looked at the group and looked at each other and nodded as they nothing jumped out of the window. Jumping to the ground, they used the cars as cover to get close to the mall, and as they made their way to the back of the mall, they found a ladder that lead to the top. But the moment they got on top. they vine with a huge bud in the middle. And as they took out there weapons.

Genji held a makeshift spear, and Sai took out two pairs of daggers. As they got ready to fight, they saw the flower bud open and came out a body of a woman covered in liquid. but the odd thing was that she had long nails like claws. Her whole body was white, and her wide eyes were red and black. She also had black sharp teeth.

Genji:" Ah shit, well, if it's a hole, it's a goal."

Sai:" Perverted bastard." Sai looked at Genji with a disgusted face.

Genji:" Alright, enoug..."

Sai:" Look out!!!"

Before Genji could finish, Sai pushed him out of the ways as claws stabbed into the place he was previously.

Sai:" Shit she's fast."

Genji, with the help of his spear, tried to hit her legs, and Sai attacked her her neck. But she caught Sai arm and threw him at Genji, who was still on the ground.


"Dammit, get off,"

Spreading and moving away as the women looked at them. As they got ready for another attack. The women ran up to them, and as they got ready, for an attack, they looked at each other, and

......they both ran away.....

Running as the women was closing in on them,

Geji:" Shit we need to do something."

Sai:" She too fast, and if we get too close, we'll turn into ribbons by her claws."

Genji:" So we need to find a way to trap her."

As he finished that, Sai inticts warned him, and before he could turn around. he hit in the back, and the women grabbed onto Sai as they crashed into the glass roof.


Genji:" Shit, Sai!!!" Looking down the glass, he saw Sai on the ground with the women. Limping towards him.

Genji:" Shit, SAI!!!!" Screaming his name to wake him up. But couldn't, see that Sai wasn't responding. He looked at his spear and threw it at the woman, piercing her leg to the ground.


With that screech, it manages to wake up up Sai, Sai, waking up and noticing the woman screaming as she tries to take out the spear. He was trying to get up but couldn't. Looking down to his leg, he saw that it was stuck in between he rubble. Sai was trying to get out, but the woman was not wasting time and just cut the spear and lifted her leg off the spear that was stuck to the ground.

Sai noticed that she was limping towards him and found his bag nearby. Reaching into it, he grabbed the Kunai from earlier. and threw it at the woman. The kunai peirce her eye but not deep enough to reach the brain.

Sai:" Shit," Sai said as the woman gave another screech as she held her eye.


Genji was trying to find a way down. And Sai tried to pry his leg off the debris. And the woman limped faster to get to Sai.