( Yuto Pov )
" Sigh, shit. I should've waited or something."
I was now walking through the tall grass plain.
[ Animal Whisper activated ]
" Seriously a snake, why the fuck is it so damn large!?"
I feel like I'm going crazy with how I'm talking to myself out loud.
Passing the big purple snake, I began to find a way through these tall grass.
???:" I wouldn't go that way, young lad."
I stopped. I slowly turned towards the purple snake as he lowered his head to me.
" And why's that? Good sir?" Changing my manner of speech from The time I was in Camelot.
???:" There's a dragon in those mountains." He spoke as he lifted his head and pointed at the mountain.
Looking back, I could barely see a mountain in the far distance even with enhanced vision.
" I see, Do you perhaps know where civilization is?" I looked back at the snake.
Snake:" It should be on in the east. Opposite of the sun."
" Ah, thank you, I'll be heading there."
A few minutes passed, and I was still walking through the grass plains.
" Sigh, finally a forest."
I walked into the forest.
" Hm? oh, berries."
I took a red berry from the bushes and popped it into my mouth.
[ Poison Immunity activated]
' Huh? I'll take another one.'
Taking another handful, I started eating them.
' They're poisonous, but they have this sweet taste.'
As I walked through the forest it, the sun was setting down.
Finding a clear area, I made a campfire. And just as I say down, I felt my sixth sense go off.
I caught the arrow and turned around hurriedly, taking out my bow and shot the arrow that I caught.
* Swoosh * * Thump *
???:" Gaarrgghhh!!!"
Kicking the fire. I blended into the shadows.
Arriving at the scene where the person screamed, I looked at the blood on the tree and the arrow on the ground.
'Gone. But they didn't run away.'
Dodging to the left, a dagger passed. It passed me.
Grabbing their arm, I threw them to the three and grabbed the Dagger, and stabbed their arm into the tree.
???:" Arrgh!!"
" Oh, look, I hit the same spot again."
I stabbed the dagger where the arrow hit them on their forearm.
Taking out my Elemental Dagger, I pushed it against their throat.
" Now, why did you shoot an arrow towards me?"
I saw a young girl the same age as me. She had long unkempt hair, but it seemed to match her beastly charm.
???:" Unhand me you..."
* Thud *
I hit her head, which knocked her out.
" Sigh."
I took out the dagger in her arm and healed her with life force.
I dragged her towards the fire camp. and started the fire once again.
I sat down on the ground as I took out the golden ribbon.
" So you took me here, huh? I'm pretty sure it has to do with that girl."
I looked Ober to see the girl dressed in animal hides.
The only thing that had any worth was that bow.
" Divinity. The gods must've given that to her."
I looked at the beautiful bow that was attached to her back.
Focusing back on the ribbon, I started to see the golden ribbon point towards her.
' Guess I got my little guide here.'
I pocketed the ribbon again and kept watching the fire.
' Iris, how long do I have before I could go back home?'
< Unfortunately, Sir, it seems that the ribbon made changes to the system. It requires an update. >
' Sigh, great. How long?'
< A couple of years would be required to finish the update.>
'Will I be able to access my inventory?'
< Of course.>
' Alright, then update it.'
< Understood Sir.>
[ System updating in 3.....2.....1....Update started]
[ All System tabs except Inventory will be closed]
' Sigh.'
I sighed as I laid down. Looking at the moonlight, I fell asleep.
* Next Morning *
I stopped a fist that was heading towards me face.
" Here, why don't you stop."
I offered a cooked deer meat.
???:" Hmph."
" Sigh. come on. My name is Yuto. What's yours?"
I held out the meat that was on the stick.
She smelled the scent that the meat was giving off and immediately grabbed it.
reeling back at how aggressive she took it, I looked at her as she ate.
" Hey, why don't we become friends."
???:" Friends?"
" Yeah, it seems like I could keep you company."
She just stayed silent.
???:" Atalanta." She looked up to me with her cold sharp eyes.
" Atlanta, huh? Nice name. From here on out I, Yuto, will be your companion." I smiled.
' Let's see what the golden ribbon was pointing at her for.' I thought as I took a bite.
Atalanta finished hers quickly.
Atalanta:" Another." She glared at me.
I smiled.
" Sure, sure."
I handed her another meat.
She chewed into it like a wild animal.
" So why did. you try to hunt me?"
Atalanta:" You were in my territory."
"Hoh? Is that so?"
" Why not leave?"
She looked at me like I said the most stupidest thing in human history.
" There's a whole world out there. Why not explore it. Together." I paused at the end as I looked into her eye.
' If it led me here, that means she must be a hero and would be a servant in the future.'
" You could test your archery with others."
She still didn't look convinced.
" How about this? Why not a competition, The first to hit three birds with one shot wins."
Her eyes lighted up as I held up my bow.
She grabbed her bow and arrow and aimed it upwards.
I got up as well and aimed my bow upwards as well.
We both stood still for several minutes before a flock of birds flew by.
We both released the arrow.
As the arrows fell along with the birds, we both checked.
" It seems I won." I smiled.
I had four birds in a row, and she had two birds.
Atalanta gave me a cold stare.
" Well, it looks like we'll be traveling the world together. Though you should wear something different."
I took out a cloak, and she looked surprised that I had taken it out of nowhere.
" Here."
Atalanta:" Hmph, fine."
She grabbed it, and she tried to wear it only to get stuck.
Chuckling, I spoke.
" Need help?"
Atalanta:" No, I could do it myself."
A few minutes passed as she tried to fight her way in the cloak.
" Sigh, here let me."
Grabbing the cloak, I pulled it down, which caused her head to poke out.
" There, now come on, adventure awaits us."