( Yuto Pov )
* Thwack *
I parried Artoria's wooden sword.
" This really is nostalgic."
Artoria didn't say anything as she was trying to focus.
I could tell Artoria is stronger because I summoned her real body. I was limited at 3500 stats.
We didn't go all out and just spared with only a awordmanship. As my swordmanship was at a high level, I was doing better than Artoria.
As I spared with Artoria, I thought to Diarmuid. Although it's was a fight against skills and bullet time to keep up with his speed and boost from Mahiru-no-yo. im sure the only way i could've defeated him was using 8 gates if he used noble Phantom and his speed.
I felt it was a pity to kill a great warrior.
Taking a step forward, I passed Artoria's swing and into her defense. I stepped on her foot and pushed her.
* Thud *
Artoria fell, I reached a hand our towards her as she took it.
Artoria:" Sigh, how are you so skillful with the sword?"
" Dunno, I just know that I'm better than you."
I shrugged.
" Come on, I'm hungry. I'll make some lunch."
Artoria nodded as she had stars in her eyes.
I chuckled, and we both went into the castle.
As I entered the kitchen, Scathach came in.
Scathach:" Hm? Making lunch?"
" Yeah,I'm going to make some sandwiches." I spoke as I grabbed dough and put into a baking pan.
Lighting up the stove, I inserted the dough.
As I waited for the bread to bake, I brought out the ham, lettuce, tomatoes, and other ingredients as well.
As I checked the bread, it was ready. I was taking it out, and I cut it into slices.
As I finished making the sandwiches, I put them on the table. Charlotte came downstairs as well, and everyone ate.
" Yo! Come eat with us."
Charlotte didn't say anything and just sat down and grabbed a sandwich.
Charlotte:" Thank you."
" Of course." I smiled
/// Bringing you Charlotte holding a Yuto plushie///
As I finished eating, I took out cards and placed them on my desk. I was going to finish the inscribed runes and fuinjutsu.
As I was inscribing a rune, I heard a knock on my door.
* Click *
" Yeah."
I answered as I looked up to Charlotte.
Charlotte:" Patrol." She coldly stated.
" Riiiiggghhht. Let's g...."
Before I could finish, she quickly left.
" Sigh."
Sighing as I followed Charlotte downstairs.
Nero:" Praetor! Where are you going!?"
She pointed at me as Charlotte eyebrows twitched as she looked at her and me.
Charlotte:" Sigh." Ignoring us as she walked to the door.
" Well, we're going on Patrol again. Wanna come?"
Nero:" Umu!"
She nodded as she followed me.
The three of us walked on a different road this time.
Nero was walking ahead.
Charlotte was silent as always.
" So how long do we need to stay here?"
Charlotte:" A month."
" Is that so? "
We kept patrolling as Nero was finding cool things like a flower or a cool stick.
" Well, it looks like everything is alright." I spoke as we headed back.
Nero:" Umu!" She umu'd as she was swinging that cool stick she found.
/// Bringing you Chibi Nero fighting fighting with the cool Stick ///
As we arrived at the castle, I began to start cooking dinner. As we finished eating, I was in my room. Until I heard a knock on my door.
* Click *
" Hm? Scathach?"
Scathach:" Yuto." She spoke as she walked inside and sat on the bed.
Sitting back down to finish with the cards, Scathach spoke.
Scathach:" Do you think killing we should head back home?"
" Hm? It seems about time. Though do you want to go after this month?"
Scathach nodded.
Scathach:" That seems fine. Though what of Artoria and Nero?"
" Hm? Well, I guess they could stay with Irisviel."
Scathach:"That seems fine. I'm sure they could protect them."
" Yeah, I'm sure they will."
I nodded as I focused on inscribing the runes.
Scathach was watching me perform with a gentle gaze.
" Why are you staring at me?" I spoke without looking towards her.
Scathach:" I love you, Yuto." She spoke unexpectedly.
Stopping, I looked back towards her.
" And I love you as well." I smiled.
* A month later ,*
" Ugh, finally!" I spoke as we went back to base.
Artoria:" This base is too huge."
Yuto:" Oh, yeah, it kinda is."
Scathach:" You designed it." She spoke as she plopped herself on the huge couch.
Nero:" Umu! This is great for Praetor and I!!"
She shouted as she walked around like she owned the place.
Artoria:" Sigh. How do we keep it clean?"
" Don't worry, Artoria, I already placed down some runes to have it auto cleaned."
Scathach:" Hmm, it seems your runes are getting better than mine."
" Well, you didn't let me read that books on runes." I looked towards Scathach as she opened a book.
" Right." I spoke as I looked back at Artoria as she looked around the place.
" I'm going back to my homeworld, Do you wanna come or stay with Irisviel."
Artoria:" I'll stay with Irisviel, I'm sure she'll need some help back home. And I'll be taking Nero as well."
Nero:" Gasp!! Why me!!?"
Artoria:" You'll cause problems back in Yutos Homeworld. And you should get rid of that stick."
She calmly spoke as she checked a sculpture I made back in FATE. I bought it when I found it as it had my initials.
Artoria:" Didn't you create this for Gawain for his birthday?" She looked back to me.
" Yup! Still can't believe it survived."
Scathach got up and looked at the sculpture as she smiled.
Scathach:" Hmm, maybe you should create a sculpture of me."
" Hmm." I looked Scathach up and down.
" I dunno, you're too perfect to be sculptured."
Nero:" Oooh, what of me, Praetor!!"
" Didn't they sculpture you as a man?"
Nero:" Ugh." She became depressed as she dramatically fell on the couch.
* Plop *
Scathach was smiling as she looked at me, and I looked back at her with a smile before looking at Artoria.
Artoria was still looking around.
" Well, I'm going to make lunch."
Artoria has stars in her eyes as she follows me.
Scathach walked back to the couch and dropped Nero on the floor before taking her spot.
Nero:" Hey! that's my spot!!"
Scathach:" There's another spots as well."
She smiled as she looked down at Nero.
Nero" Praetor!!"
"Sigh, Nero, just suffer."
Nero:" Wha!!!??"
"It's no use, scathach will just bully you more."
Nero got up.
Nero:" I challenge you to a duel!!!! Umu!!"
Scathach:" Really?" Her smiled only gotten wider.
Artoria:" It seems she's bored." She looked up into the living room.
" Yup, I'm sure Scathach planned that." I spoke as I was focused on cutting. And Artoria was helping by peeling them.
/// Bringing you Chibi Scathach bullying Chibi Nero.///
Nero:" Praetor!!! I'm being bullied!!"
" Sigh, Nero, stop shouting you'll wake up the bird."
Nero was bullied by Scathach more as she lost the Duel.
Nero:" Sniffle, could you make me another portion for me?"
" Sigh, alright, I'll make another after this one."
Nero:" Umu!!" She got up like nothing happened.
Scathach watched as she leaned her head on her palm as she sat on the kitchen counter.
Scathach:" You're spoiling her. I thought she's supposed to be an emperor."
I looked up to her.
" You think an Emperor would be calm after tasting my food."
Scathach:" Fair point."
" I mean, I have conquered the king of Britain's stomach."
Artoria held her stomach as it growled.
Me and Scatahch looked at her before looking at each other.
Artoria's face went red.
" Pfft!!" Scathach managed to hold back a smile. But I utterly failed.
Artoria:" Yuto!!" She was punching my arm.
" Haha! I'm sorry! It just sounded too cute!"
Artoria face went a deeper red.
" Hahaha!!"
/// Bringing you, Chibi Artoria wipes her mouth as she finishes 50 bowls of ramen in a contest///