
Multiverse Game Designer

A man named Aatrox died. But as you probably already thought he died because of a truck. And that even though the truck only wanted some love and kiss some one. Well he kissed someone but he did that just a bit too hard. Anyways. That is of course not the end of Aatrox he was brought to a white room where a screen opened in front of him... [Welcome to the Multiverse Game Designer System!] [Please program a game, that is good enough to play even in worlds where you need to kill to survive] „Ah, yes. Of course. I mean I would like to make a game really and it sounds like fun and all. But there is a tiny problem.... „ „I CAN’T PROGRAM!?!.....“ Did the system really chose the right person?

EvelynnTheGreat · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 13 - My first self-developed Money?

"Hey there how are you all?"

After Naruto and everyone else heared Aatrox they all looked at him for a bit and then ignored him. But Aatrox didn't care about that and just used his 'Inspekt' on everyone.

{Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Level: 3

Gift: Short Sword (SS)

Affiliation: God Bahamut}

{Name: Boruto Uzumaki

Level: 2

Gift: Wind Magic (A)

Affiliation: Goddess Anema}

{Name: Hinata Uzumaki

Level: 2

Gift: Ice and Water Magic(S)

Affiliation: Goddess Shiva}

{Name: Sasuka Uchiha

Level: 2

Gift: Fire Magic (SS)

Affiliation: Goddess Ifrit}

{Name: Sarada Uchiha

Level: 2

Gift: Fire Magic (A)

Affiliation: Goddess Ifrit}

{Name: Sakura Uchiha

Level: 2

Gift: Iron Fists (A)

Affiliation: God Pugnus}

{Name: Mitsuki

Level: 2

Gift: Ice and Water Magic (A)

Affiliation: Goddess Shiva}

After looking at everyones informations Aatrox was quite suprised that everyone had atleast a grade A gift, that everyone already got to level 2 and Naruto and Sasuke even got to level three. After he finished inspekting Narutos and Sasukes group they all went on with hunting more monster while Aatrox just skined every bunny the two groups killed and as they were doing that no one said anything and after a few more minutes Boruto finally couldn't be quite anymore and asked Aatrox.

"Aatrox, what level are you right now? And what gift have you chosen?"

That was a question that everyone but Naruto and Sasuke also wanted to know and Aatrox didn't want to disappoint everyones expectations, so he decided to answer once again truthfully.

"I am currently level 8 and have chosen no gift from any god. There is a secret option where someone doesn't chose any god to follow and get no gift from anyone. If someone choses that option then every god will try to kill the player and it will be impossible for the player to revive in case he dies. But the player will be able to absorb a gift from someone after he killed then or atleast that is the normal ability but because I am the first person to chose that option I can absorb a gift from every enemy I battle against for more than five minutes. That is exactly what I did and after I absorbed all the gift I killed the gods with them and leveled up seven times."

After hearing that everyone stared at him with an opened mouth and big eyes. Even Naruto and Sasuke can't help but be amazed and scared at the same time even though they have already heared it once. And the others were completly stunned they had problem with surviving for seven minutes and Aatrox said he killed those gods? That is just stupid no matter how they look at it. After a few seconds Naruto thought of another important question that he asked directly.

"What grade are the gift you absorbed from the god?"

"They are all SSS grade, why do you ask?"

"So you are saying that you have eight grade SSS gifts?"


Aatrox answered every question with an amused smile on his face and after hearing the answer to Narutos questions everyone was even more scared. But Aatrox didn't care about that and said while looking at them.

"I have found a village a bit from here. Do you want me to bring you there?"

After hearing that everyone snapped out of their stupor. And Sasuke asked.

"Why should we trust you? And what, if we say that we follow you and you bring us to a village, do there."

After Naruto looked at him with a deadpan face, he sighed and looked at Aatrox with an apologetic smile. Aatrox just shook his head and answered Sasukes question.

"Well if I wanted to kill you then you would have died before you would even be able to notice me. And you can buy potions in the village which would hasten up your recovery. You can also buy armour or normal weapons, if someone for example wants to fight with a sword and magic or with a sword and a shield or two short swords or something similar. You can also set your spawn point inside the inn so that you won't respawn in the dungeon everytime you die. And after you changed your spawn point then I would recommend you to go deeper inside the forest so that you can farm higher leveled mosters. Are that enough reason for you to go there? If I would speak the truth of course."

"Well I guess we have nothing to lose even if we follow him, right Sasuke?"

This time Naruto answered instead of Sasuke and looked at Sasuke while answering. Everyone else nodded after hearing Narutos reasoning. Naruto looked at Aatrox and signaled him to lead the way. Aatrox seeing the signal Naruto gave him started to walk towards the village he came from while killing every rabbit he came by and skinned them after killing. Everyone just looked at him while he was doing that because he easily dealt more than 350 damage and that without a crit. While they were going towards the village Boruto also asked Aatrox why he skinned every rabbit he came across. Aatrox answered by saying that he needed money to be able to afford staying in the inn. After hearing him saying that everyone felt like they were enlighted and asked if the, too, could hunt some rabbits while they were still on the way to the village. But Aatrox just shock his head and said that he would pay for them at the beginning with the justification that he skinned the rabbits they killed and that they were the first players that ever played his game. Everyone just looked at him and gave him a thankfull look. After a few minutes they finally arrived at the village and Aatrox mentioned them to hide their weapons. He explains that the npcs are searching for them and that they could be identified with their gifts. After that he showed everyone around the village as he already was there once. Once he showed everyone the compelte village and also sold his rabbit hide and horns he lead everyone to the inn paid for a room for 1 day for everyone and went to his room. He looked around and saw one table with one chair in the middle of the room and a bed in one corner. After that he sat on the bed and looked at his inventory.



Platinum: 0

Gold: 0

Silver: 3

Copper: 50}


A/N: As always if you have any other kind of ideas which I should implement in later stages of the game just write a comment and I will most likely use it. Also if you want the 'ICI' to be connected to a special anime, manga or something similar you can just write a comment and I'll probably implement it at some time. I would also appreciate it if you could comment ideas for monsters, dungeons and equipments.