

In which Tsuki had no idea how he managed in such a short time, after a small uproar occurred when Tsuki walked alone on the red carpet, he was at a film festival for an all-Spanish film with English subtitles, when the one in front of him with bouquets of flowers, he was waited at the door by the two who had chocolates and flowers at the end.

Aside from the interviews, Lily and Mohamed's age was in the tabloids .

- The one who was the 890 year old Arab, about a 2000 year old demonic woman, and they were seducing a 38 year old man.

- Looks like they're comparing me to a minor. - Tsuki pondered.

Get seen along with the publicity of your parties and talk about your new ventures.

- You're older than Khalid, the devil's head. - Tsuki said.

- What's it like dating an older man and woman? – A reporter approached him towards the party.

- Same as dating a person my age. – Tsuki said.

Talia 's father , isn't he? – Mohamed questioned him. – One of your ex-girlfriends.