

It has been about a month since my birth. My Mother seems to be European whereas my father is of Japanese descent.

My mother has long blonde hair with clear blue eyes. I seem to have inherited my looks from my mother. I have golden blonde hair with golden eyes(Cover pic.) whereas my father is basically an older version of Goudou Kusanagi.

I don't really get how my father has married my mom. It's probably the "charm" he inherited from my grandfather.

In this time, Freya and I have grown very close.

'So, Freya is there anything you want?'

<Master, there is no need to go through all that trouble for me>

'I would do anything to help you out Freya, just. tell me and I'll do it.'


'What, did you just blush?'

<A...aa...anyway, master could you recreate my body. I would love to watch over and protect you>

'Anything Dear, I can create. the body but how do I transfer your consciousness.'

<I'm not sure but master, it might work if you treat my conscious as a soul.>

'I guess it's worth a try. Just to be sure, let us go out of this world so. as to be not affected by its laws'. (They won't be able to interfere but better be safe than sorry)

Making sure that everyone in the house is asleep, I rip a hole in this dimension and step into a void. My eyes start glowing and the nothingness of the void is filled with a blinding golden form as I uncover my wings. Using the power of creation (Micheals power), I create matter from nothing and go on to shape it using the power of manipulation to create a massive universe. I introduce the concept of space-time. All this was over in a matter of seconds. I then go on to create Freya's body according to the picture she created in my mind. I then try to separate Freya's conscious from me but there seems to be a mysterious force preventing me from doing so.

'Well, this suck. I am sorry Freya, but it seems to be that bastards doing. I should have been more specific in my wish.'

<Don't worry master, I am happy for just being able to watch you...>

'My word is my bond, Freya. I will get you a body. That reminds me, I still have a wish.'

<MASTER, don't waste a wish for a servant like me!!!>

'You are my partner, not my servant and why are you still calling me master, you can call me by my name.'

"I want to use my last wish and give Freya a body in the real world," I say.

A blinding light filled the worlds. A voice then said, "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED."

I open my eyes to see a tall slender beauty. Her silky Golden hair is similar to mine with Crimson Red eyes that can literally enchant anyone, man or woman.

<You know, th... this i-is embarrassing,> says Freya.

Breaking out of my trance, I say, "You are beautiful."

<Thanks, y-you t-too, Kyaaaaaaaaa💕💕💕💕> says a Flustered Freya before passing out from embarrassment.