
Multiversal Travel System

I would like to point out that this is in fact a Remastered version of my other Fan Fiction (Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System) I feel lost when trying to write new work and feel I have no inspiration, and I know this fic had a lot of problems that I want to fix and make better in hopes to re-spark that flame of inspiration within me to make more works, This fic will hopefully be longer than it's predecessor and I plan to make some major changes and add more worlds to visit, will also not limit the harem unless y'all get too wild with it... Feel free to give me ideas to implement that you would have wanted to see in the last fic and enjoy my remastered work as I roll out the chapters for it.. *You will notice a sense of familiarity in some of the dialogue as it will be reused and changed up to fit what I'm trying to convey* Synopsis: A man was masturbat- *ahem* hanging out in a construction site when a building collapsed and crushed him beneath the rubble, due to circumstances, God has decided to grant him 3 wishes before reincarnating him into the multiverse. Join our main character as he travels the multiverse powering up and picking up chicks along the way for an action packed journey to Godhood, what will await him as he jumps from world to world... Again, I'll be making this longer than I originally had made it, and will also be adding more worlds to visit, open to suggestions

southgamez · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 15: Hunter Exam Pt. 6

After officially completing the second stage of the exam, everyone boarded back onto the airship as Netero explained that everyone would get a small reprieve as it would take 13 hours to reach their destination where the third stage of the exam would be held. When everyone heard that they could finally take a break, they all released a sigh of relief as one by one the participants began exploring the ship to find a nice quiet spot to rest and get some sleep. Meanwhile, both Soren and Killua began exploring the rest of the airship along with Gon. As the sun set, and darkness filled the sky, the sparkling lights of the city became an interesting sight to behold as the airship flew over head, and when Soren, Gon, and Killua watched over the city while staring out of the window, Gon couldn't help but get excited to see all the night scenery.

[Wow!... It looks like it's covered in jewels!... So shiny and sparkly!]: gon

Soren and Killua nodded in agreement as they munched on some food they had taken from the kitchen before stopping by the window.

[Yeah, it's quite the view from above… Almost like a reverse starry sky]: killua

Once again, Soren nodded in approval of Killua's wording, as it did indeed look like a field of stars as they looked on from a distance, and seeing the calm atmosphere, Gon decided to bring up a new topic to better understand his new friends.

[Hey, Ren, Killua… I was just wondering… Your parents, are they- where are they?]: gon

Upon hearing Gon's question, Killua was about to answer, but Soren beat him to it as he began to explain their situation without much care about privacy, as publicly there wasn't much to hide about them.

[Our parents are alive, for now at least… We both actually come from a family of assassins, so their day to day lives could end in their death, so they could be dead tomorrow even]: soren

When Gon heard that, his eyes bulged wide open as he almost choked on his chicken leg as he shouted in surprise.

[Assassins!?... Like both of them!?]: gon

Hearing his voice of surprise mixed with acceptance, both Soren and Killua began to chuckle as they both nodded while Killua added his own little note about their family.

[Yup!... They dote on the both of us, saying we hold immense talent in assassination and want us to follow in their footsteps, while never giving us any say as to what we want to make of ourselves… So when Ren came to me with the offer to follow him on this exam, I decided to take my life into my own hands, and do whatever I want to do, which I assume was also Ren's idea in the first place, and here we are]: killua

When Gon heard Killua lay it all out like that, he nodded in agreement as he felt that was the right choice in his opinion, that was also followed by Soren who was just agreeing to Killua's statement about him wanting to leave to do his own thing as well.

[So what about you, Gon?... Are your parents still around?]: soren

When Gon heard this, his mood improved as he got excited to tell his own story to his new friends and let them learn more about him as well.

[Actually, I never knew my mom, I was left with my aunt Mito who raised me, and my dad is actually a Hunter, and I'm trying to become a Hunter just like him so I can grow strong enough to go out and find him one day so I can ask him why he left me all alone with aunt Mito]: gon

Hearing Gon's story, Killua couldn't help but to give him a sad smile, as he knew Gon had family issues with how he explained his situation, while Soren could only think about the long time joke from his past life that fans used to make about Gon's father, Ging.

'Seems Ging isn't too good of a Hunter if he still has yet to find the milk store': soren

Just as their conversation was starting to change, all three of them felt a vicious intent directed towards them from behind the corner of the hallway next to them, and upon directing their gazes over to the corner, they saw nobody there, but both Soren and Killua could glean a bit more from the situation, as they trained to react to fast speeds, and both of them saw a small shadow before it ultimately disappeared, before a voice came from behind them causing them to turn their attention once again.

[Hmm, Is something wrong?]: netero

When the three of them saw Netero walking up from behind them, Killua was still on guard while keeping a calm exterior, while Soren already knew what Netero was doing and knew there was no threat towards them from him, while Gon innocently pointed over to the empty corner and questioned.

[Oh, Mr. Netero… Did you happen to see someone come from over there?]: gon

Hearing the innocent question, Netero feigned ignorance as he spoke to misdirect Gon from the truth of the answer.

[Hmm, Nope, I just got here]: netero

Just before anything else could be said, Killua spoke up while revealing to Netero that he knew the truth as well as speaking to reveal that same truth to Gon.

[You're pretty fast… For an old timer that it]: killua

When Gon heard this, he seemed a bit confused as he tried putting two and two together to come up with a conclusion as to what Killua meant, while Netero only gave a slight chuckle as he realized he couldn't sneak past Killua's watchful eyes.

[Ohoho… That trick? I just barely moved is all]: netero

Seeing the tension build up between Killua and Netero, Soren stepped in to prevent Killua from getting himself in trouble.

[So what brings you here?... Didn't you tell everyone in the briefing that you wouldn't be doing much until the final stage of the exam?]: soren

When Netero heard Soren's interjection, his smile brightened as he explained his reasoning for appearing before them.

[Oh, I just got a little bored and decided to look for some company… You three just happen to be the first I've come across… Oh yeah, any thoughts on your first time taking the Hunter Exam?]: netero

When Netero finished speaking, Gon's smile brightened as he really wanted to voice his experiences.

[Oh yeah, it's been great so far!… There haven't been any written exams, and the challenges were really fun to take… I also made some friends along the way]: gon

Netero listened to Gon's response while stroking his beard in bemusement, while Killua gave a cold and harsh criticizing remark while keeping his guard up against Netero, as something in him told him that the old man was dangerous, that something being the Nen needle in his forehead.

[I found the exam to be quite boring and lackluster so far… I expected more of a challenge if I'm to be honest]: killua

Killua's response made Netero hum in contemplation as he didn't put much thought into what the exam was lacking in quality; rather he knew that Killua was just way too advanced for the exam itself, and as his attention was turned to Soren, Soren decided to give him a satisfactory answer.

[I've had fun so far… Yeah, the exam's lack in the difficulty department when comparing the difficulty to how I'm used to training myself, but otherwise each test is well balanced and calculated to fit a specific criteria to judge each participant on a specific aspect… For example, the first test, the first half was not only testing our patience, but also our endurance and will to continue, and the second half was still testing our endurance and willpower, but with an added test of mental fortitude with slight combat tailored to throw participants into disarray and force them to fight enemies in the enemies home ground, while the second test was more fitted for anyone who wants to cook, but that egg test was also a test of courage… I can't wait to see what the third test holds]: soren

Hearing Soren's in-depth review of the exam, Netero was blown away, as he realized that among the three before him, Soren was definitely the smarter one and seemed to be more observant and calculative.

'Ohoho, this one will make a great Hunter, if he can get through the selection… There are quite a few strong applicants this year': netero

Just as Soren, Gon, and Killua were preparing to depart to go find something new to pass the time, Netero spoke up to stop them from leaving so suddenly.

[Would you three like to play a game with me?... Also, to make it interesting… If you beat me, I'll make all three of you Hunters on the spot… How about it, are you up to play?]: netero

When the three of them heard the question, Soren began to smile, while Gon shot forward in excitement, eager to play a game and pass some time while having the chance to become a Hunter immediately, while Killua was more suspicious about the offer, but interested in what the old man had in store, he agreed in the end as all three of them followed Netero into one of the open exercising rooms before taking off his white and blue gi top, revealing a black tank top underneath, as he kicked his geta sandals to the side of the room and picked up a small yellow ball with a single thick black stripe wrapping around it and began spinning it on his finger while itching his calf with his other foot.

[Now, let me go over the rules for this game… First, your goal is to take this ball from me, you have until we arrive at the next destination to do so, so that's roughly 9 hours… Feel free to use any tactic you want, all I will do is defend, I promise]: netero

When Gon heard this, he felt that the game was a little unfair for Netero, but Netero reassured him that it was completely fair, and that if he didn't believe him that it should be quite easy to take the ball then.

[Alright, I'll give it a shot]: killua

Killua stepped forward as he stood with a smug smile and began using Rhythm Echo to confuse Netero and make him drop his guard, but all it did was cause him to scoff silently as he praised Killua on his skill to master such a technique at his age. While Killua was being toyed with by Netero, Gon and Soren stood back to watch as Killua tried to sweep Netero's leg only to be stopped as Killua felt like he kicked a metal post.

[Oh, Killua me, tag me in, I want to try!]: Gon

Killua relented and decided to let Gon try as he went back to the wall to rest his hurt leg while Soren just looked at him with a mocking smile causing Killua to shout with a tone of anger.

[What are you laughing at!?... Let's see you try to kick that old bastard and come out unharmed then!]: killua

Inwardly, Soren scoffed as he had made himself a plan to fight Netero and win this little game of his as he spoke to himself mockingly in his mind.

'I do plan to kick that bastard, but I'll be the one to throw him off guard and win this stupid little game of his': soren

As Soren and Killua watched as Gon smacked his head on the roof before falling to the ground as he started circling Netero again, Killua called out his blunder and began shouting about his failed attack. Meanwhile Netero was enjoying the playful spirit of both Gon and Killua as they continued to trade turns, but his attention was still on Soren who had yet to join in, but he felt that Soren was the one to be careful of when compared with Gon and Killua.

'Will that boy decide to play with me, or will he just watch the entire time?... He seems to be studying my moves, and if I'm right about him being smart and calculative, then he might actually bring me a better work out': netero

Soon, Killua gave up in anger and frustration as a murderous aura began to leak from his body, but Killua patiently kept it in check as he wanted to leave as fast as possible to keep from killing Netero.

[I quit!... He hasn't even used his right hand or his left leg… Gon, Ren, let's go!]: killua

Seeing Killua's angered expression and hearing the frustration in his tone, Soren decided to ease the tension as he still wanted to stay and observe for a while.

[I'm okay, I'll just observe… If Gon wants to leave, then we can go]: soren

Hearing his brother's adamant stance on staying unless Gon decided to leave, Killua turned to Gon with an expectant look, but Gon could only apologize to his friend.

[Sorry, Killua, but I want to stay and keep trying]: gon

Hearing this, Killua's killing intent began to fluctuate as it threatened to burst from his body as he calmed himself and tried to persuade Gon with reason.

[You'll never get that ball from him, why would you want to stay?]: killua

Gon could only smile as he nodded his head, agreeing that he would never get the ball from Netero, and instead voiced his new goal and reason to stay.

[I know, but I have a new goal now… I want to make him use his right hand]: gon

Hearing the reason for his stay, Killua could only scoff as he left dejectedly to go find an outlet for all this pent up anger and frustration, while Soren just watched the continued cat and mouse game taking place between Gon and Netero, and soon, Gon pulled out his final card as he lunged forward to headbutt Netero in the gut, but Netero jumped in the air while using his right hand to push down on Gon's back as he let him fly face first into the padded wall of the room.

[Uh… Did that kill him?]: netero

Netero was shocked as Gon began to stand back up with heavy movements as he turned around with a small bruise on his head as he looked at Netero with a big toothy smile, and a V sign with his hands.