
Multiversal Travel System

I would like to point out that this is in fact a Remastered version of my other Fan Fiction (Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System) I feel lost when trying to write new work and feel I have no inspiration, and I know this fic had a lot of problems that I want to fix and make better in hopes to re-spark that flame of inspiration within me to make more works, This fic will hopefully be longer than it's predecessor and I plan to make some major changes and add more worlds to visit, will also not limit the harem unless y'all get too wild with it... Feel free to give me ideas to implement that you would have wanted to see in the last fic and enjoy my remastered work as I roll out the chapters for it.. *You will notice a sense of familiarity in some of the dialogue as it will be reused and changed up to fit what I'm trying to convey* Synopsis: A man was masturbat- *ahem* hanging out in a construction site when a building collapsed and crushed him beneath the rubble, due to circumstances, God has decided to grant him 3 wishes before reincarnating him into the multiverse. Join our main character as he travels the multiverse powering up and picking up chicks along the way for an action packed journey to Godhood, what will await him as he jumps from world to world... Again, I'll be making this longer than I originally had made it, and will also be adding more worlds to visit, open to suggestions

southgamez · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 10: Hunter Exam Pt.1

After getting off the airship, Soren and Killua could already see groups of people who appeared to be a little rough looking, carrying weapons on their person as they began discussing this year's hunter exam. Upon seeing them all start wandering around to look for clues, Soren could feel a set of prying eyes looking towards him, and upon locating the person secretly, Soren led Killua away and returned unnoticed to sneak up on the strange man who was keeping tabs on all the participants who exited the airship.

[What are you looking at, old man?]: soren

When Soren spoke, the middle aged man who held a bottle of booze in his hand jumped as he quickly turned around to face Soren and Killua who both had wicked smiles on their faces.

[W-Where did you brats come from!?]: old man

Seeing as they had his attention, Soren began the interrogation while Killua sat back and watched with his hands held above his head, enjoying the surrounding view.

[Well, I just couldn't help but notice you were intently watching all those people with weapons on their person… Those people also were talking about the Hunter Exam… So I can assume you know something, care to tell me what that is?]: soren

Seeing that Soren had devised an answer himself as to who the man was, the old man decided to come clean as he was only paid to scout out the participants and send them a list of passable candidates.

[I-I was tasked by the association to assess this year's candidates!... I was going to follow them with my group of thugs and test them, I swear, that's all I know!]: old man

Soren realized that the man seemed to crack too quickly, as he then realized the guy was useless to him.

[Hais~ I guess i'll have to kill you then]: soren

As Soren tried his last information gathering tactic, he held his hand up to the man's throat in a chopping shape as his finger nails began to grow and sharpen as they began to poke into the skin of the old man, drawing blood.

[W-Wait!... If you are participating, you'll need me to pass you, and I can also give you information on who will know more about the exam site and where to find it!]: old man

Seeing as his tactic worked just as expected, Soren removed his hand from the man's throat as a smile took over his facial expression as he spoke.

[Great!... Why didn't you start with that!]: soren

Soren then watched as the man began to exhale a breath of hot air while rubbing the small droplets of blood from his neck before giving Soren the information he wanted. After that, Soren and Killua began making their way towards an information broker that the old man told them about, but before that, they stopped to withdraw some cash, or more specifically, use Soren's funds from Heaven's Arena, as Killua had long since spent all of his earnings despite Soren telling him to save up.

[Do you really think we'll find the information we're looking for by going to this guy? That drunk old man looked like he would say anything to save his own ass]: killua

Killua began to voice his distrust for the old man they had interrogated, while Soren also was a bit skeptical, but if this information broker says even the closest thing to a place that he remembers from the anime, he would believe him, so now it was all down to fate.

[Have trust, Kill… I know that in our line of work, trust is a fickle and useless thing that can often get us killed, but sometimes, trusting someone is better than doubting everyone… Plus, if this broker lies to us, we'll kill him first, then bring his head back to that old man before killing him for lying]: soren

Soren had to admit, his sense of moral had long since diminished since coming to this world, but that was what he signed up for when picking to be born in the Zoldyck family home.

[We're here… The Shake-n'-Bake Bar… This is the place that old man told us to find]: soren

After entering the bar, Soren and Killua were greeted with the sight of a bunch of burly old and rugged men with bad attitudes and even worse hygiene. Soren could smell most of the bar patriots from across the room, but he ignored them and focused on the description of the old man along with the given name to use. After coming across a shady looking man in the corner of the bar wearing a trench coat that just shouts "shady and suspicious, look at me" and seeing he matched the description of tall, lean, and long unkempt brown hair and green eyes, Soren and Killua made their way over to him to talk.

[Are you Strange Maxwell?]: soren

[Who's asking?]: suspicious man

When Soren heard the man's reply, he quickly took the manilla envelope filled with cash from behind his back and placed it gently on the table so as not to draw attention and slowly slid it over to the man before both he and Killua sat down across from him to start speaking.

[We heard you have information that others don't?]: soren

Hearing Soren's words, the man picked up the envelope and looked at the substantial amount of money kept inside it before a smile crept onto his face as he placed the envelope back onto the table and began speaking while introducing himself.

[Looking for information?... Well then you've come to the right place, my name's Strange Maxwell, and I'm an info broker… If you have enough money, I can tell you anything you want… So, what are you two looking for?]: strange maxwell

Soren could only roll his eyes at the introduction, but didn't put any more thought into it as he cleared his throat and spoke in a hushed tone, as this was information he was paying for, so he didn't want just anyone to get the information without chipping in on the cost.

[I hear you can tell me where this year's Hunter Exam is being held… Can you tell us where it is and how to get in?]: soren

Hearing the question, Strange Maxwell began to rub the stubble on his chin as if pondering the question and referencing with his knowledge, but in reality, he was using Nen, and Soren could feel it.

'Awesome! So this guy uses Nen to create an info broker business… I wonder how his ability works?': soren

Soren was tempted to try and use Gyo to see if he could see what the man's Nen ability was, but he wasn't very proficient in using it yet, and he didn't want to tip off the guy and let him know he can use Nen as well, but if he did use Gyo, Soren would have saw a looming black figure standing behind the man as it bent over and cupped its black shadowy hand around Strange Maxwell's ear before seemingly whispering information into his ear, this ability of his was known as Tell-Tale Secrets, and was part of the conjure class.

[Alright, listen closely… You will find what you seek, down Saint Monica Street… In a diner, an order for two for Wuyang]: strange maxwell

When Soren heard the information, he felt like he was about to puke blood because of the terrible poetry, but he guessed that was the reason they called him "Strange Maxwell" instead of just Maxwell.

[Thank you for your help, we'll be leaving now]: soren

Soren quickly grabbed Killua by the arm as he was ready to leave before any prying ears caught drift of where they were going, meanwhile, Strange Maxwell's Nen ability dissipated as he waved them off with a smile while offering to do business with them again in the future. After heading to the location, Soren could see that the only diner on the street looked to be a Chinese food shop, and upon entering, he told the cashier the secret phrase.

[An order for two for Wuyang, please]: soren

The cashier nodded his head and came to take them to their room where two chairs were set up to welcome them, and upon sitting down, they both felt the floor shake and rumble before it began to descend at a fast by reasonable pace.

[Seems the Hunters Association is quite through with their secrecy… Turning an entire room into an elevator is going overboard]: killua

Soren nodded his head, but who was he to judge how people spend their time and money, and if everything was just done out in the open, then every average joe would be lining up to try and become a Hunter, and the applications would be too many to handle. After a small trip in the elevator, the doors opened as the once pink walls of the room began to split in half and part, showing off the dark cavern of a room with dirty stone brick walls.

[I guess this is where we get off]: killua

Both Soren and Killua departed from the elevator as they were then approached by a small green blob-like man wearing a tux. Soren recognized this small man as Beans, and he was a Hunter who catered to chairman Netero.

[Please take these and keep them on your person at all times… Now please wait here until further instruction]: beans

Beans handed both Soren and Killua a small white button badge with black numbers on them. Killua got the number 99 and Soren noticed his badge said 100.

[So now what?... How long will we have to wait?]: killua

Soren knew that the first test was an endurance test as well as a way to test one's patience by having them follow Satoz the examiner through a long cave system that had no change of scenery. It was both taxing on the mind and body, not knowing when it would end, and the pain from exhaustion.

[I guess we have to wait here until the exam starts, so we can assume this tests our patients… Just simple mental games that they are playing with the participants]: soren

Killua could only scoff in annoyance at the idea of being tested like this, but he held out for the hope of this exam being a challenge, and soon, more and more people began to show up, as the minutes turned to hours. While Killua was passing his time wandering around, Soren spent his time working on strengthening his Nen, as he used En to surround himself in a field where everything that enters would be felt, a power similar to Observation Haki, but not as strong.

'I don't understand what I'm missing to unlock Observation Haki… Sakura, any ideas?': soren

{Yes, there are a few ways you can obtain Observation Haki… First is to purchase it off the store, the second is to win it from a Power Draw ticket, the third is to use one of your remaining two wishes to obtain it, and the fourth is through self practice… But if you're wondering what you're missing, it's soul power… You have yet to use your soul energy in your attacks… Look at Armament Haki, feel the type of energy you are using when coating your arms, it's not Nen, and it's not coming from an outside source}

When Soren heard Sakura's words, he felt as if he gained enlightenment as he began to thank Sakura and focused on feeling the source of his energy that originates from his Armament Haki, but he was soon interrupted by a fat man in a blue tracksuit, a man Soren recognized as Tonpa, the rookie crusher.

[Hey there, are you thirsty?... I know it's hard to find this place, so most people coming in are quite exhausted, so I bought a bunch of drinks to pass out to the other participants]: tonpa

'I know the drink is poisoned, but it's not like it's gonna hurt me, and I am a bit parched… I'll accept it': soren

[Sure!... Thanks old man… What's your name?]: soren

Soren took the orange juice and began drinking it without a care in the world, while Tonpa began to greet him cordially.

[My name's Tonpa, this will actually be my 34th year trying to become a hunter]: tonpa

Hearing the sob story of Tonpa's failed attempts of passing the Hunter Exam, Soren put on a disheartened expression as he tried to cheer him up.

[Don't feel down, Tonpa-san… You know what they say, the 34th time is always the charm!... I believe you can do it this time!]: soren

Hearing Soren's encouragement, Tonpa couldn't help but hide his fake cries as his devious smile threatened to break his helpless character, while the surrounding participants who know Tonpa's trick began to feel bad for Soren, but they didn't speak up, as this meant one less competitor.

[Hey Ren!... Who's this?]: killua

Killua showed up out of the blue as Tonpa began to introduce himself and offer Killua a juice, and upon seeing Soren's smile, Killua knew something was up, but decided to take the juice anyway. After their greeting, Tonpa decided to go and "greet" the other rookies in hopes of poisoning the other new participants, while Killua looked at Soren and began to scowl and speak.

[Why did you let him openly poison you?]: killua

Soren could only smile as he began to explain his reasoning.

[I was thirsty… You know it won't affect me anyway… It's the same reason you took the juice… Also, why are you not training to open your Aura nodes?]: soren

Hearing Soren's follow up question, Killua began to sweat a little as he began to make excuses for not training.

[Haha… Ren, you know I get side tracked!... And it's so boring sitting around all day trying to feel and send energy throughout my body… I'd rather go out and play then to sit around doing nothing]: killua

Soren could only sigh as he felt the same, but his mentality let him focus enough to get through the boring parts and start getting into the fun stuff, but he didn't put much focus on it as he knew Killua would get there.