
Multiversal System from Future

In the wake of a global catastrophe involving an incoming asteroid, the global community resorts to desperate measures, deciding to use nuclear weapons to divert the celestial menace. Surprisingly, the plan succeeds, and the debris harmlessly falls back to Earth. teenager Alex inadvertently becomes the custodian of an extraordinary system. Unbeknownst to him, this celestial debris conceals a hyper-dimensional system from a future where magic, mana, and advanced technology coalesce seamlessly.

Adityadev_Nair · ファンタジー
2 Chs

A system

As Alex slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in a dimly lit room, surrounded by shimmering fragments of the celestial debris that had fallen to Earth. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and he could feel a strange pull towards one particular shard.

Curious and cautious, Alex tentatively reached out and touched the glowing fragment. Suddenly, a rush of images flooded his mind, showcasing vast landscapes, towering cities, and beings with powers beyond imagination. The shard seemed to resonate with him, recognizing him as its chosen custodian.

(host detected)

(initiating merging)

In a flash of blinding light, the shard merged with Alex, embedding itself within his very consciousness. 

(merging complete)

(initiating communication)



(initiating communication)


(initiating communication)


(checking for DE supply)

{authors note: By DE its dark energy}

(DE not found)

(partial system activating)

(activation complete)

(host body upgrade in process)

(estimated time 5 hour)



(host entering deep sleep)


[Inside his consiousness]

Alex woke up to see nothing but darkness surrounding him. He was confused at first, wondering what had happened, until a small light illuminated the room. Slowly, he looked around, finding his body surrounded by floating particles of celestial matter. They hovered gracefully in the air, their movements fluid yet purposeful.The celestial particle swiftly closed the distance between itself and the unsuspecting teenager, Alex. In a surreal and almost ethereal moment, the minuscule fragments penetrated his forehead, marking his being with their mysterious essence. Within the recesses of his mind, a faint yet resonant voice echoed, its origin shrouded in enigmatic whispers.



Name: Alex

Age: 19

energy: none

current level: 100/1000

sc: 0

system shop(locked)

Upgrade panel(unlocked)

[task- Daily task ]

run 10 km -

50 pushup -

100 situp-

50 squats-

[rewards 500exp,1000sc ]


(System upgrade complete!)

The words rang loud and clear in Alex's mind, as he struggled to grasp the significance of the events unfolding before his eyes. His brain felt foggy, the memory of the previous moments fading slowly from his subconsciousness.

What just happened? 

He raised a tentative arm towards a cluster of glowing dots hovering before him. The cluster seemed to respond to the gesture and moved closer, their luminous bodies illuminating the darkness. Alex watched with mounting dread as they swirled before him, swirling in perfect circles, forming a vortex around his hand.

His senses returned slowly, he found himself lying in the park. A dull ache ran through every muscle in his body; his muscles ached from overexertion, his body stiff and sore from being tossed from the earth. The grass beneath him was soft, his jacket still tightly wrapped around him. Looking around, the lights around him came alive, bathing the park in a warm glow as they emitted rays of light towards him. His clothes were dry, the moisture seemingly evaporated into thin wisps of smoke, dissipating into the night air with a pensive sigh.

Slowly he sat up. his body still aching due to laying on ground for many hours.still thinking it was a dream.