
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · アニメ·コミックス
200 Chs


(Andrew's POV)

"That was a blast!" I couldn't contain my excitement as I surveyed the scene of chaos and destruction before me. A wide grin stretched across my face, and the echoes of explosions reverberated in the background, creating a symphony of destruction that filled me with a peculiar sense of satisfaction.

If you've ever wondered what it takes to obliterate a magically enlarged rubber duck, transformed into a formidable automaton and fortified with durability enhancements, not to mention armed with laser eyes, fire breath, and the power of levitation, the answer might surprise you.

It took the combined efforts of fifteen heroes a solid 45 minutes to catch up to me and dismantle the haphazard creation I had assembled. The havoc and devastation it unleashed left parts of the city in ruins. Yet, I couldn't deny the exhilaration that coursed through my veins during the entire spectacle. I had entertained thoughts of repeating it as soon as possible, but now I had a dinner date with the woman I was planning to spend my life with. Priorities, right?

But I couldn't resist leaving the scene without adding a touch more chaos. After all, there's never enough chaos, is there? Surrounding myself with a swirling vortex of floating ducklings, I made my grand entrance.

Hundreds of thousands of rubber ducks splashed against the ground, creating a cacophony of quacks, only to vanish the next moment, leaving me standing tall in a superhero landing pose. I puffed out my chest, flexed my well-toned muscles, and crossed my arms, looking up at the assembled heroes with a challenging glare.

"You have ruined my grand plans for the Quackpocalypse," I spoke with a grim tone, squinting my eyes for added effect. Embarking on my villainous monologue, I continued, "It was an intricate scheme that took fifteen years to concoct, with immeasurable resources invested that you couldn't even fathom. I had to take out a mortgage, sacrifice precious time away from my children, and even endure the heartbreak of my wife leaving me and taking our beloved dogs!" Suddenly, I froze and blinked in confusion. "Wait!" I shouted, realization dawning upon me. "That was the wrong monologue!"

In the midst of my theatrical ramblings, news agencies had arrived, pointing their cameras in my direction, eager to capture the spectacle unfolding before them.

As I tapped myself all over, searching for my notes, my hand unexpectedly brushed against a piece of paper wedged between my butt cheeks. With a triumphant exclamation, I pulled it out and raised it into the air. "Ah! I knew I had it on me!" I declared, adjusting the duck-shaped reading glasses that appeared on my head.

Clearing my throat, I unfolded the piece of paper and started reading its contents aloud: "Two dozen eggs, a bag of rice, a loaf of bread, a carton of milk..." However, a puzzled expression soon crossed my face as I realized something was amiss. I crumpled the paper and sheepishly returned it to its original location.

"Well... it seems that I have misplaced my villainous monologue somewhere," I admitted with a wry smile, scratching my head in mild embarrassment. As the silence settled around me, the atmosphere grew eerily quiet, punctuated only by the distant chirping of crickets, the pained groans of the heroes, and the occasional distant explosion.

With a sigh, I shrugged off my disappointment. "Well, it seems I'll have to improvise," I muttered to myself, letting go of the frustration of my misplaced monologue. The world around me seemed to operate under its own peculiar set of rules, and the people observing me were equally intriguing. It appeared that no one had dared to interrupt my monologue or launch an attack during my performance.

Nevertheless, I clapped my hands together, determined to make the most of the situation. The unexpected response from the crowd piqued my curiosity, and I saw an opportunity to test the boundaries of this peculiar world. Perhaps there was room for improvisation and unscripted chaos.

A mischievous glint sparkled in my eyes as I surveyed the onlookers, contemplating my next move. The absence of resistance provided me with a newfound sense of freedom, and my mind raced with possibilities. I was no longer confined by the expectations of a typical villainous encounter.

"Okay, give me a few minutes to think it through," I said, waving my hand dismissively at the heroes before turning around. Under my breath, I muttered, "Heroes! No, no, no, I need to add more spirit into it... 'HEROES!' Yes, yes, that sounds way better..." As I was lost in my own thoughts, someone finally interrupted me, not by attempting to apprehend me while my back was turned, but by shouting at me.

"Hey, what the heck are you doing? This is not some theater performance!" shouted a bystander, their voice filled with annoyance and frustration.

I turned around, my villainous expression momentarily replaced by surprise. "Oh, sorry, I thought this was my grand entrance moment," I replied, scratching my head sheepishly. "I didn't realize it was causing a disturbance." A ding resounded in my mind, signaling another [Acting] level-up.

The bystander crossed their arms, their impatience evident. "Look, Quacker, we have enough chaos to deal with without you adding to it. Just go away."

"Yes! Go away, you fucking avian!" shouted another person from the back.

"You're right. My apologies for the inconvenience..." I nodded, but then a realization struck me. "Wait a minute..." I said slowly, squinting my eyes at the person in the back and summoning my rubber duck army. The sound of hundreds of thousands of quacks filled the air, shaking the ground and causing the onlookers to take a step back, creating a clear path toward the person who had shouted. He looked left and right, surprised by the lack of people around him, and as my army closed in on him, his face grew paler.

"Would you care to repeat that?" I said with a menacing smile.

"Quacker!" But before I could deliver my divine punishment, a shout came from the back, causing me to turn around and tilt my head in confusion.

"Leave the civilians alone! We are your opponents!" Taking advantage of the distraction the man who had shouted profanities hastily retreated. Ignoring him, I shifted my attention back to the regrouped and battered heroes, their determination still flickering within their tired eyes.

Suppressing a smirk, I took a deliberate step towards them, accompanied by the rhythmic quacking of my rubber duck army trailing behind me. The ground seemed to tremble beneath their synchronized calls, sending a chill down the spines of the weary heroes. "Oh, my dear opponents," I taunted, a hint of amusement lacing my voice. "You may be bruised and battered, but your spirit remains unbroken. How admirable."

With calculated strides, I closed the distance between us, relishing in the tension that hung in the air. "You see, heroes, chaos, and destruction are my playground. I thrive on it. And today, you've provided me with quite the spectacle," I remarked, my words dripping with wicked delight.

Uneasy glances were exchanged among the heroes, a realization slowly dawning upon them that their attempts at reasoning were futile. "Quacker, surrender now and face justice," one of them demanded, his voice strained but resolute.

A boisterous laugh erupted from deep within me, echoing through the surroundings. "Oh, heroes, you underestimate me. Surrender? That word holds no place in my vocabulary," I proclaimed, my tone oozing with villainous confidence. "The city shall bow before the might of The Quacker, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

The tension escalated as I raised my hand, a signal for my rubber duck army to prepare for action. The heroes readied themselves for the impending clash, bracing for the confrontation. However, just as the epic battle seemed inevitable, a beeping sound emanated from my watch, signaling the end of the timer I had set after my conversation with Olivia.

"Alas," I sighed, clicking my tongue in mock disappointment, and with a wave of my hand, my loyal rubber duck army froze in place. "It seems fortune favors you today," I declared, dismissing the heroes with a dismissive flick of my hand. The rubber ducks swiftly encircled me, gracefully lifting me into the air, a spectacle of power and grandeur.

Turning my gaze towards the camera, I locked eyes with the viewers, my expression filled with a mix of menace and mischief. "Remember this moment, people of Musutafu, for the day shall come when this city shall bow before the might of The Quacker!" I proclaimed, my voice carrying a hint of ominous anticipation.

With a flourish of my hands, I accentuated the aura of menace and dominance that would undoubtedly define my reign of terror. But amidst the theatrics, an unexpected interruption broke the silence.

A voice from the crowd shouted, "The heroes will always protect us from the likes of you!"

"We shall see... We shall see..." I responded ominously, my words trailing off into a series of wicked quacks, adding my own unique twist to the traditional villainous laugh. The crowd stood frozen, a mixture of awe and trepidation washing over them.

With a final wave of my hand, I commanded my rubber duck army to retreat, leaving the heroes standing in bewildered disbelief. Whispers of confusion filled the air as they tried to make sense of what had just transpired.

"What just happened?" muttered one of them, bewildered.

"I have no idea, but it seems like... we won?" uttered another, hesitantly.

The third hero looked around at the chaotic aftermath, uncertainty etched on their face. "Can this even be considered a victory?" they questioned, their voice laced with doubt.

As I gradually vanished into the distance, a smug chuckle escaped my lips. The chaos and unpredictability I had unleashed upon the city were only the beginning of my grand plan. The heroes may think they have won this battle, but they had yet to comprehend the extent of the impending danger that lay ahead.

With an air of mystery and anticipation, I left them to ponder their supposed victory, knowing all too well that the real game had just begun. The city would soon realize the true might of The Quacker, and their world would never be the same again.

But as my villainous ambitions simmered, my attention shifted to more personal matters. The day had been filled with excitement and mischief, and now it was time to shift gears and enjoy a dinner date with Olivia.

After all, even villains needed a moment of respite and enjoyment.

As I distanced myself from the scene, I dismissed the fleet of enchanted rubber ducks. And as I watched them fade away I harnessed the power of spatial manipulation and pinpointing Olivia's location through our shared connection, then whisked myself away, instantly arriving into a nicely decorated apartment.

As I materialized before her, a mischievous grin spread across my face. "Honey, I'm home! Did you miss me?" I said with a playful tone, relishing in her shocked expression. However, as I noticed her gaze lingering on my extravagant villain costume, I couldn't resist teasing her a little.

Assuming a confident pose, I placed my hands on my hips and puffed up my chest, allowing her to appreciate the grandiose display. I noticed a twinkle in her eyes as they briefly wandered downwards, capturing the intended focal point. Suppressing a chuckle, I swiftly readjusted my posture, redirecting her attention back to my face.

Maintaining a playful tone, I winked and said, "Now, now, my dear, my eyes are up here." I gestured toward my face with a playful smirk.

A light blush appeared on her face as she looked away, seemingly embarrassed by her unintentional gaze. She cleared her throat and said, "I can't believe you're wearing something so ridiculous..."

"Ah, but that's the beauty of it," I replied with a mischievous grin. "This outrageous costume serves its purpose well. It's a strategic advantage, a distraction that allows me to strike when my opponents least expect it." I demonstrated by subtly wiggling my hips, and I couldn't help but notice her gaze once again drifting downwards. "See? Even you fell victim to its allure."

She shook her head, a mix of amusement and disbelief in her eyes. "How would you feel if I went to play a hero in a similar costume?" she challenged, raising an eyebrow.

A playful smile played on my lips as I replied, "My dear, I encourage you to embrace your own hero persona if it brings you joy. However, I must warn you that wearing such a costume would have dire consequences for anyone who dares to lay eyes on you." My grin widened as a hint of darkness flickered in my eyes. "I'd ensure that your visage becomes the last thing they see before meeting a most painful demise."

Her expression shifted from playful banter to one of mock indignation. She shook her head, trying to hide a smile. "You and your villainous charm." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she turned around and walked up to the counter, intentionally exaggerating her hip movements to provoke a reaction from me. I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful antics.

She turned back towards me, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Help me with the table," she requested her tone light. "Also, could you perhaps change your outfit? It's a bit...distracting." Her gaze trailed downwards once more, before she caught herself, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

I feigned surprise, placing a hand over my heart. "Oh, my dear, you wound me," I replied with a theatrical sigh. "But for you, I shall make the sacrifice." I winked at her, a playful glimmer in my eyes. With a single thought to my watch, my villain costume morphed into a more appropriate outfit: loose shorts and a white t-shirt.

As the sound of plates clinking filled the apartment, Sky made her presence known by playing with her bow, signaling her hunger. After attending to her needs, we sat down together and started to enjoy our meal. As we savored each bite, I couldn't contain my excitement and launched into animated tales of the day's events.

"... And the guy was like, 'Quacker! In the name of justice, stop!'" I burst out laughing, relishing the absurdity of it all, while Olivia shook her head with a fond smile.

"Yeah, I saw some of that on the news," she replied. "You certainly made quite an impression today. By the way, except for when you completed the quest in the morning, I didn't see any kill notifications. You didn't actually kill anyone, did you?"

A mischievous twinkle danced in my eyes as I leaned forward, lowering my voice. "Oh no, my dear, I did something much worse," I whispered. "I teleported them to Florida."

Olivia's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and amusement crossing her face. "Florida?" she repeated, trying to stifle a laugh. "Yes... That does sound worse than death." She couldn't help but burst out in laughter, finding the absurdity of the situation entertaining. (A/N: No offense to anyone from Florida intended.)

After clearing away the tear from her eye, she looked up at me and couldn't contain her curiosity. "So, what was up with the skyscraper-sized duck?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Seemed like a good idea at the time. Although, I haven't fully utilized all of its functions. I even had to lower the potency of its defensive enchantments. I couldn't even use its Death Rays or Nuclear Breath... Such a shame," I said, shaking my head in disappointment, while Olivia gave me a deadpan look.

"Yeah... That would have been a bit excessive," she said in a monotone voice, trying to hide her amusement.

Smirking, I continued, "You should have seen some of the heroes. They attacked the duck, only to bounce off its sides and crash into nearby buildings, knocking themselves out." I sighed dramatically. "They were too weak, so I had to hold back. That wasn't even 10% of what the duck was capable of." A hint of frustration marred my face.

Olivia perked up at my words, her eyes widening with realization. "Ah! I think I know the reason. Earlier today, you were categorized as a F category villain. So the stronger heroes are probably completely ignoring you, foolishly underestimating your true strength." She nodded in affirmation.

A menacing smile crept across my face, and I couldn't help but ask with a chilling tone, "They did what?" The mere sound of my voice sent a shiver down Olivia's spine, and she gulped audibly. Succumbing to my own sinister amusement, I let out a deep, menacing laugh. "Oh, ho, ho. They will soon learn the grave mistake they've made by underestimating the might of The Quacker!"

"Alright, alright," she said, rolling her eyes and waving her hands dismissively. "Enough with the theatrics, it's starting to get annoying."

I pouted, attempting to defend my villainous persona. "Oh, come on, let me embrace my wicked charm."

She shook her head, her expression firm. "I didn't say anything about your ridiculous outfit, but at least keep the acting outside the house. What if Sky learns from watching you?" Her eyes narrowed, emphasizing her point.

Sighing, I crossed my arms and muttered, "Fine..."

Seeing my disappointment, Olivia's expression softened. She stood up and walked over to me, enveloping me in a tight hug. "I know you enjoy playing the villain, and that's okay. But let's keep it in the outside world," she said with a warm smile. "Here, please continue being the loving boyfriend that you are." She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before letting go and moving towards the door, swaying her hips suggestively. She turned her head, a mischievous smile on her face, and as her outfit flaked away she asked, "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?"