
Multiversal Internet Cafe!

Sone Keiko is a very lucky boy. Even though he spent most of his time outside but he could be considered as an weeb however, that was until he died

TheOtakuGod · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 10 - Rewards

Seiko and Obito charges at eachother and clashes, Seiko tried to punch him in the liver but Obito phased through him. however, this is what Seiko expected, he spinned at fast speeds and kicked him into the ground.

(even though he got nerfed, his strengthen skill is passive meaning it automatically turns on forever)

this didn't injure obito badly but it was enough to hurt him

Seiko backed away from Obito just in case of an surprise attack from him.

Obito got up and was ready to fight again,

'this is gonna be tougher than I thought, wait I have my own skills'

"LUCKY COIN!!" Obito backed up in fear when Seiko said that, Seiko was shown holding 2 coins in his hand and then clenching it.

Seiko ran towards Obito even faster than before, so fast that Obito couldn't even react and use his Kamui to phase through him

Seiko punches him in the stomach making Obito puke blood, he then punched him in the liver, swept his leg, and did an downwards kick to the head. this forced Obito to retreat somewhere else.

"Alright Minato, you can handle him yourself now. I got to go check on my friends"

Saying that, Seiko left to fight the nine tails with his friends.


Vegeta and the nine tails fox are still beam struggling, Kazuma and Aqua are trying to help Vegeta but it's not doing much.

"Guys I got this" Seiko teleported behind the nine tails fox and used the Giant Rasengan to it's back.

This pushed the nine tails fox down making it lose balance and power of the beam, Vegeta then put all his strength into his final flash.

the beam hit the nine tails fox making it fall unconscious,

"We did it!!" Kazuma cheered

Minato teleported and thanked them for stopping it from destroying the village

"Come join us, we're gonna have an feast!"

"Thanks but I think we have to go back now-" Before Seiko could finish his sentence, he got interrupted by the system

[Remaining Time before leaving: 2 Hours]

"I guess we can come then"


after 2 hours have passed, everyone has gone back to their own dimension.

Konosuba Universe


Kazuma is in his room about to go to sleep, until.....

[Congratulations! You earned an sniper with unlimited bullets]

'This is so beautiful!! I'm glad I have so much luck on my side'

Kazuma wiped his tears in happiness, he got an lot of good items ever since he met the cafe.


Aqua is outside going to an shop when an blue transparent hologram showed up in her face.

[Congratulations! You earned the skill: Solid water transformation]

'With this, nobody will ever call me useless again!'

End of Pov


Dragon Ball Super Universe


"Hey Vegeta! How did you beat the quest already?"

"What are you talking about, I was there for 4 hours"

Goku and Vegeta both looked at eachother with visible confusion.

[Congratulations! You have earned Ultra Instinct]

[Bonus Reward: Kaioken]

"........Goku, do you want to have an quick spar with me" Vegeta said with an smirk

End of Pov


Seiko is in his internet cafe waiting for more customers when.....

[Congratulations! you get nothing]

'.....Wow are you serious'

[To be fair, you can create your own skills]

"Fair argument- wait did you just read my mind"


"Nevermind I don't care anymore"


You guys gave me motivation to continue this, thanks :D

Guys I have also decided that I will make the fanfic I was talking about.

TheOtakuGodcreators' thoughts