
Multiversal Elden Ring Mercant

What happens to an obsession once someone dies? Some may fade away, some may eat at your soul for all eternity. Some, however, are so strong they can warp reality itself. A man obsessed with Elden Ring to the point of challenging this universes laws, what kind of story would that be I wonder?

Theon_Bennit · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

The Only Name

[Yamamoto Shigekuni Genryusai]

I silently watched as they made the decision themselves. Normally, I would never have allowed this, and would have reported this to the central 46.

This was different, however. Those cowards who hide behind us would certainly fear this development and seal it away. They would easily throw away this unknown element, despite is possible advantages. They would give no regard to my strength in their fear, so I will take matters into my own hands.

I am Yamamoto Genryusai, and my loyalty is to the soul society itself. If those dogged nobles had not ruled somewhat well, and I myself have no wish to govern all of the soul society, I would likely have burned them all to cinders already.

"ILL GO DAMNIT! What if someone super strong is there? I will fight whatever lays beyond." Kempachi flares his reiatsu, as if daring anyone to question him. I would take action, but the other captains aren't weak enough to be bullied.

All the other captains, bar myself and Unohana, pressure Zaraki with their collective spiritual pressure. Even he, restricted as he is, cannot bear such a weight. Even so, he smiles and prepares to fight them all.



My own reiatsu bares down on them all. I trust them to come to a conclusion with reason and logic, and they bicker and fight like infants. Hmm, it seems I may have been lacking in my teaching of them.

Before I can correct their attitude, Aizen speaks up.

"Please calm down, Head Captain. This is a very serious situation, and we are all a bit stressed. Might I share my thoughts, and go from there?" His smile, strained under my power, yet remains.

If only they could all learn a thing or two from Aizen. He was the only one other than Unohana who had not joined them in their embarrassing display. Even Tousen, had spoken a few strong words. I give him a nod and restrain my power. I'll need to give some lessons on the bearing a captain should have later.

Aizen nods gratefully at me before beginning. At least one respects his elders. "As far as I know, the best course of action is to send Jushiro and myself with you."

Jushiro looks shocked, as am I. The other captains, especially Kempachi, seem about ready to start fighting again, but a cold glare from me reminds them of their station.

"Why is that Aizen?" He looks at me silently for a moment and begins anew.

"First, we can't afford to send a lot of combat specialists. You leaving is already a massive blow to our collective power, while me and Jushiro are admittedly on the weaker side."

A valid statement, indeed. Jushiro's condition is no secret, even now he seems to be somewhat struggling to even participate. Aizen too, with his illusion type Zampakuto, is among the lower echelon of captains in strength. Even Kempachi restrains his bloodlust a bit to listen.

"Another reason for Juushiro is his condition. What if the Great Caravan holds something that can cure him? As much as I'm loath to admit it, we are incapable of truly helping Captain Jushiro. I can also act as support with my sword in the case of a fight and not get in the head captain's way." He finishes with his usual smile and gives us all a chance to think. The first to step back is, of course, my own lazy disciple, Shunsui.

"That makes sense, Sosuke. I'd rather have a good nap than go to some unknown battlefield." He hides his eyes with his hat, but that lazy smirk still annoys me.

Tosen and Gin both silently stand back as well, as expected I suppose. Those two are among the more reasonable captains. Aizen does indeed make sense.

"I'm afraid the fourth division still needs me, so I'll happily stay." Unohana steps back next. We'll, I suppose it's not surprising. She practically holds the division on her shoulders.

Toshiro, Sajin, Soi Fon, and Byakuya all step back for various reasons, and now only Kempachi and Mayuri remain. Mayuri has been strangely quiet throughout the meeting. He explains himself when we all look to him next.

"As long as you allow me to study something you gain there, I'll remain happily." I think for a moment, and it's a sound idea. I give a nod of approval and he too steps back.

Kempachi looks around with that feral grin, but eventually he too steps back, but not without words of his own.

"As long as I get to fight Jushiro if he recovers, I'll step back, for now." I look to Jushiro, it's his choice in the end.

He thinks for a moment, before he agrees and that's that. I send them all away, bar Aizen and Jushiro. I take a deep breath; this is completely unknown territory and I need to be serious. I'll not allow harm to my captains! I bring out the slip and tear it.

What? We just, appear. I felt no reiatsu activate nor any fluctuations in the surroundings. All that I see know are endless expanses of mist, and a small light in the distance.

"Stand behind me, and be careful." They nod and fall into place on my left and right, four steps behind me. This is worse than I thought. The mist...it obscures my senses, I feel nothing. As we make our way to the light, both Aizen and Jushiro take out their Zampakuto, although they don't release their Shikai. Yes, caution is good.

As we approach, it becomes increasingly clear what lays at the light. A man dressed in gray robes, obscuring his visage, other than his eyes. As we get closer, it appears to be the ruins of some stone building. The man leans against....is that a donkey? But it's quite large, perhaps a creature not of our world. As we enter, the man looks at us, and I see his eyes.

A burning, infernal yellow stares into me, and I feel it. A madness. A madness so strong it threatens to devour all of creation. I can't help but shiver, when had I ever felt such....fear? I can feel the two captains behind me stiffin, and I almost release Zanka no Tachi right there, but he speaks.

"Sosuke Aizen, Jushiro Ukitake, and Yamamoto Genryusai..." his voice, not quite deep but not quite soft, it sounds....surprised? And perhaps slightly excited? As if he knows us, but how? Before we can ask for answers, he again speaks.

"No matter, welcome, all. To the Church of Elleh. I am Kale, Purveyor of fine goods. Why not purchase a little something?"

My grip on my cane only tightens.


Okay, so after a long time, I confirmed a few things.

I can, thankfully, get multiple items at once. I have no system, or at least haven't activated it yet. I can use any price I see fit, even free!

I can't pull actual characters out of my bag, but spirit ashes work! I can upgrade things, apart from myself. I wonder if I can get runes to upgrade people like Melina. That would be ungodly op, I would theoretically be able to mass produce solar system level people. I gotta try at some point. I can also make the mist do things, it's weird though. 

I've also made a list of the top ten valuable items in stock.

10. Empty Golden Runes. I actually have empty golden runes that can be filled to eventually become Heroes great runes, Numen's runes, etc. A perfect container for souls with a hard cap at 50k in a lord's rune? Rare asf. I wonder why they work like that here.

9. Smithing Stones. As far as I'm aware, every weapon unable to kill gods can be made to kill them, and that's busted too.

8. Remembrances. They are so much better in reality than in the game. I used Malenia's, and now I can confidently say I'm a master Swordsman. All her experience, but no direct memories so it's 100% safe! Just need the stats to match my skill.

7. Frenzied Flame Stuff. This is so dangerous it's insane. I tried one, and almost went mad. I'm using a lesser needle to keep it at bay, shit hurt by the way, but I don't want to get rid of it completely yet, experiments are important. Just in case, I have a full power needle on standby.

6. Marikas Hammer. It's strong enough to break the elden ring. The elden ring being basically the amalgamation of the world's laws, and that's busted.

5. Maliketh's Black Blade. It's literally death but a sword.

4. Deathblight Things. Literally anything can be killed with it, given enough exposure. The upper limit seen is solar system, and that's high enough for fourth.

3. Cerulean Hidden Flask. Mana is fucking everywhere, and they are an instant recovery for it. I'm not sure how much it would regain in the grand scheme of things, so a temporary third place. I still need to test to see if it can recover other energies like Ki and Chakra, somehow. 

2. Crimson Hidden Flask. These, with enough, can cure literally anything apart from literal death. Even black flame can be healed, so op.

1. Miquellas Needle. This thing, in the right circumstances, can negate the influence of literal outer gods, and we don't know how strong they are! They could be anything from galactic to outerversal.

I've decided to make these extremely hard to get, and some other things too. I think I know what path to take here, and it wasn't that hard, really. I'll be a merchant, but I'll need a merchant's name. No way in hell I'm using my old name, got bullied for that enough. It's part of the reason I became such a neet and played games so much.

Naturally, there's only one name to pick. The OG, the only named merchant in all the lands between. I'll be Kale, gotta pay respects to the goat. But do I ACT like Kale? I don't think so, paying respects is one thing, but I'm not THAT Kale.

I think I'll go for the charismatic, mysterious, and all knowing merchant. I'll try at least, not sure if I'd make a good actor. Seems easy enough though, I'm sure it will be fine.

But the question remains, who the fuck do I sell too? As if the mist is making fun of me, I see three silhouettes approaching from the fog. Quick, performance number one! I hurry and sit down just like Kale, but leaning against my trusty mutated donkey, Torrent. On second thought, I have infinite Torrents. Okay! Your name can wait, customers approach.


Well shit, is that who I think it is?

"Sosuke Aizen, Jushiro Ukitake, and Yamamoto Genryusai..." I don't think I could keep the surprise out of my voice, nor the slight excitement. We got the man who playes 5D chess on a checkers board, a man who can casually burn me like the sun, and the dude who's the vessel for the hand of a literall multiversal king inside him. Damn, acting is tougher than I thought. Shit, can't stay quiet for too long, gotta say something.

"No matter, welcome, all. To the Church of Elleh. I am Kale, Purveyor of fine goods. Why not purchase a little something?" That sounded fine right? I can't fail at act one right?


Did Yamamoto Just clench his cane, hard? Well, I'm fucked.

well here we go, and about the list, if i forget some op asf item lemme know. how will his first sale go? find out next time on dragon b....

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