
Time skip and MOAT CAILIN

Today is the day when Lord Eddard Stark will return to Winterfell as the *warden of North*. And also the day when he will bring Jon Snow his bastard with him.

It has been three months since the coronation of Robert Baratheon as the new king of seven kingdoms. In these three months the shape of Winterfell has totally changed. Now, one can see a beautiful castle surrounded by many different types of exotic flowers, and the area around Winterfell is occupied by beautiful large grass. And towards the north side of castle one can see a very large area surrounded by wooden poles and ropes in which herds of Bison, musk ox as well as sheep are seen grazing on the grass fields. And they also have amazing numbers.

We have been waiting for almost one hour inside the castle to welcome our father.

The people waiting are of importance inside the Winterfell, consisting of lady of the house, lady Catylin, her two twin sons Robb stark and Zack Stark, Maester Luwin, Master of arms Ser Rodrik etc.

"Mother when is the father returning?" Asked Robb who became bored of waiting. "Soon son he will be arriving shortly." Catylin told Robb but from the tune of his mother Zack found out that she was also very eager to reunite with father. Just after their dialogue there came the sound of horn which was situated above the walls of Winterfell, which meant that now the group of Eddard Stark can be seen from the wall.

Ned Stark's POV.

This one and a half year away from my home was very hard on me. It didn't mean that i was never away from my home before but now was different because now i had a family with beautiful and loving wife, and now the god has gifted me with two sons. I really was a blessed person. And after this long and tiresome journey in which i have seen the cruelty of this world and also lost my beloved sister i really want to join my family because i really missed them. But now i have a very big hurdle in front of me which was to explain the existence of Jon my sister's son. I can't simply tell my wife about the reality behind Jon, because i can't risk the existence of my nephew who was the last thing left behind by my sister. Just thinking about the reaction of my wife was giving me a headache.

Just as we entered the perimeters of Winterfell i couldn't believe my eyes. Because all the scenery changed. Now Winterfell didn't look like a deserted castle, instead there was hustle and bustle, the people we saw on the roads were full of smiles and vitality. And the castle walls were filled with beautiful flower wines. And towards the north of castle, there was a very large number of cattles present, which was the first time i saw those numbers in North. I couldn't believe my eyes. I must definitely understand the situation of castle during my absence.

***POV end***

After the sound of horn we can hear the voices of horse hoofs coming near the castle walls. Then we saw Ned Stark entering the castle on his warhorse followed by his soldiers. After all the greeting session, the important people of castle entered the meeting hall. When we entered Eddard directly inquired about the changes of Winterfell. Then Maester Luwin told him about all the changes and gave all the credit to me. When Eddard heard that all the changes were due to my sharp mind he became overjoyed and praised me wholeheartedly.

After which the main drama came in which Eddard introduced Jon as his bastard. To say the least, my mother was beyond furious. As she was the believer of seven gods and in that religion cheating was considered the biggest sin. And no man was allowed to have more than one wives. After this drama my mother didn't talk with father for one whole week. But gradually forgave him, but she still didn't like Jon. So one wet nurse was appointed by father to take care of Jon.

After which the routine returned to normal but now it was made compulsory for me to join in any meetings of Winterfell. And i was forced by my father to give my opinion on different important matters. Well by the outsiders view it was very idiotic of Eddard to ask for his two years old's opinions, But when they heard Zack's solutions to different problems they were convinced.

Just like this four more years passed in which Zack's reputation spread in the whole north as a genius gifted by gods. Zack was also loved by common people due to the various reforms which he introduced. Now most of the poor people were working in the ranch due to the increase of livestock. Some were working for milking, some worked as butchers and for processing meat for trade. Some worked on collecting wool from sheep, some worked as tailors and seamstress.

So now in the area under Winterfell no one was sleeping with empty stomachs.

The other important event was the birth of Sansa Stark after the tenth month of Eddard stark's return.

Another thing was the introduction of Katakuri in the guards. As katakuri was reincarnated his facial features were corrected. Now he totally looked handsome with his amazing physique. So to introduce Katakuri as his guard they planned a drama in which a sellsword who got tired of his life decides to travel towards north and by 'coincidence' saved Lord Eddard Stark from an attack of bandits. And Eddard Stark seeing his bravery and martial strength offers him to join his guards.

And when they returned to castle Eddard Stark made Katakuri to take an oath to be the guard of his genius son, which was also the request of Catylin because she was worried that someone will target her genius son. So yeah katakuri became Zack's life guard.

After thinking about it Zack decided to leave Winterfell because he will need his own turf if he want to further his plans. So after thinking about it Zack decided to *convince* his father and mother to allow him to go to Moat Cailin. As Moat Cailin is a ruined collection of towers located on the Neck which is a part of the North and is subject to the rule of House Stark. But the problem of Moat Cailin is that it has not been permanently manned for centuries. And it is neither a fief nor a residence of any lord, but is still the most important point of the defense for the North from any invasion from the south. It is an ancient stronghold of the First Men. Originally, the castle had twenty towers connected with a wall as high as Winterfell but It has degraded over time and only three towers still stand.

It has a very large area which comes under its domain. This was the best location for Zack to further his plans and to train his army. So at dinner he told his parents about his idea of going to Moat Cailin and to restore the castle to its former glory. Well then hell broke loose, he was severely reprimanded for this stupid idea because Zack was only of six name days. But after some manipulation he was allowed to go to Moat Cailin with some of house Stark's guards.

So after bidding farewell to his father, mother, brother as well as his two little sisters Sansa as well as Arya who was also born just after two years from Sansa's birth, and was now only two years old, Zack rode his horse provided by his father towards Moat Cailin.

When Zack reached Moat Cailin he was left speechless due to its bad condition. Moat Cailin which was built by the first men with twenty tall towers connected by wall was totally in ruins. Due to its bad shape only three towers can be used. Only a handful of guards and their families were living there. And their living condition was worse than the common people living in Winterfell.

So Zack first gathered all the people living in Moat Cailin and brainwashed them. After that he summoned all the undead from his Heavenly World and gave them orders to properly clean all the towers and the streets of Moat Cailin from the debris as well as from all the excretions which were thrown here and there. He also put some un-dead to make washrooms with proper drainage system.

When he first came here he brought only hundred men with him. And the total population of Moat Cailin was approximately three hundred including men, women, old as well as children.

And from the next day changes started to appear, in the form of cleaning of towers, roads and the construction of washrooms as well as bathrooms.

River Fever was also near the Moat Cailin fort so he again ordered Alvina to produce the grass as well as many fruit trees in the area which was under the territory of Moat Cailin with a proper distribution of different areas for different fruits.

As there was no shortage of high quality materials due to the production in Heavenly World, and that the un dead didn't need any rest the repairing work of all the towers was being completed with amazing speed.

Another task which he gave to his man-force was to build a wooden wall around the territory of Moat Cailin. When the work of building wall started, many skirmishes happened between his forces and the other forces surrounding Moat Cailin which were Borrowton, White harbor and greywater watch. Because these forces didn't want to leave free lands.

But as these powers knew that now the lord of Moat Cailin was Eddard Stark, warden of the north's genius son, they left the lands coming under the territory of Moat Cailin. So after that the work of building wooden walls was being completed easily.

When all this was happening in Moat Cailin, Zack already sent many of his undead to different territories to bring back as many orphans as they find. He also gave then the talisman by using which they can send those children directly to a specified tower of Moat Cailin.

Zack wanted to make the most powerful army this world has ever-seen. He already prepared for it. he specifically made a gate connecting with another dimension which will be used for training in one of the towers, which he named the tower of heroes.

And like this three years passed.