

A mass blanket of darkness encompassed the sky, clouds levitated above the unmoving lands, rain pounded down onto the hard concrete roofs and roads that had corrupted the Earths natural beauty. A dark silhouette could be seen, arms wide open, looking as if it were hugging the world. The silhouette was no more than a boy, dark raven hair, dull blue eyes that appeared to be the static of a television.

The boy inhaled a deep breath and hovered his foot over the 7-foot drop. A strong wind suddenly blew and pushed back the boy onto the building. A depressed sigh left his mouth as he sat on the edge. The boy was your average troubled teen, he dealt with bullying on a daily basis and sometimes would come home bruised all over. It had become a normal occurrence and with nobody to go home to it was never reported.

He was often made fun of because of his name 'Joel'. It was easy to play with that name for example, 'Joel All' which had really no meaning but apparently it was funny.

Joe brought in his legs and shielded them with his arms tightly. He heard a light tapping sound on the concrete and looked up. In front of him was a cat, one with horrendous scars and shiny black fur. It had a massive build and almost looked like a jaguar. The cat shot open its mouth and let out a high pitched screech.

Joel jerked back and reached out expecting a wall, which wasn't there. Without any balance nor strength to keep himself up, he fell. You would think 7 floors would take a while to fall down but it was quick and brutal, he landed on his side, crushing half of his body like a can. It wasn't instant death but instead a slow and gruesome one. Joel felt his bones protruding out of his skin and each and every shattered bone in him. He felt his warm blood pour out and circle around him. Slowly, he closed his eyes and all went black.

Joel sat up abruptly covered in cold sweat.

"Shit, that was a hella weird dream"

He looked around his room absent of thought and touched his head.

"Damn headache, I'll show you"

Joel clenched his fists and brought it towards his face, it took a few close calls but eventually he got the courage to hit his head... which made the headache a whole lot worse then it was previously.

"AGH, I need a drink"

Unfortunately, Joel didn't keep a drink in his room so he had to go downstairs to the tap, which felt like walking through firey coals with his headache. He reached out his hand towards the glasses that he kept on a drawer next to his bed. As if the glasses had become excited they began shaking and rocking before getting flung across the room, luckily landing on the cover that had been knocked off the bed from Joel's nightmare.

"Gosh, I might need to go to the hospital, I'm even hallucinating. I must have put them there last night"

Joel navigated down the stairs and into the kitchen before flailing onto the counter. Joel's head swirled and it took a second to recover. Looking at the cups, only a few feet away, Joel made a pitiful attempt of reaching for them without even moving his body. Once again, he stretched out his arm and the glass came flying off the shelf and shattered onto the wall behind him, a small gash appeared on his arm where a piece of glass had nicked him.

Other than the stinging in his arm Joel also suddenly felt tired, his headache was now excruciatingly painful and he collapsed onto the kitchen floor in pain.

This isn't copied from RR, I own both accounts (If you even see this on RR)

This is just a 'Taste Test' too see if you like the novel or not. I can't currently give you a firm upload schecule since after this I will be making stock of chapters that I will publish here. Make sure to give your opinions so far in the comments.

Forgivecreators' thoughts