
Ms. Shen was Kissed Passionately by Her Rival Right After Reincarnating

Shen Bai's fiance cheated on her with her cousin! Not only did the two of them work together to kill her father, but they even tricked her like a fool by fully exploiting her and killing her in the end. After dying, Shen Bai's spirit remained in the same spot. To her surprise, she saw the man who had fought with her for a lifetime, the man she claimed to be crazy, exacting revenge on her behalf. He even held the urn that contained her ashes and said he loved her. Shen Bai was shocked. In the next moment, she reincarnated! She went back to the time before all these tragic events happened! Thinking about all the hatred and the hidden feelings the man had for her in the previous lifetime, she decided to seek revenge and also give the relationship an opportunity to flourish. Hence, Shen Bai looked for the man. "I've been cheated on, and I'm very upset. I want revenge. Can you help me? I can give you some reward in return." She smiled a little at the man. She was ready to accept his refusal. However, after a moment of silence, he replied in a devilish tone. "Sure. Sleep with me once." He thought Shen Bai was joking with him. That's why he intentionally made a request he knew she'd refuse. However, she was actually serious about it. When his dream came true, he held her tight in his arms like a prized treasure. "Shen Bai, you were the one who came to me first. You have to be responsible!"

Please Give Buff · 都市
40 Chs

Meeting Again

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

"I'm fine. I just feel a little uncomfortable thinking about meeting Zachary." Could that guy agree to help? It was a little uncertain. Bailey did not have much hope.

"It's okay, Bailey. I'm definitely on your side. With me protecting you, you don't have to be afraid of him." Xavier leaned towards her as if he was taking credit.

"Yes, I still have you." Bailey's voice was sweet, but her eyes that were hidden by the night were cold. She silently distanced herself again.

Take your tricks and go to hell.

Bailey gritted her teeth.

"Miss, we've arrived at the hotel." The driver, Old Ben, parked the car steadily at the entrance of the hotel and whispered.

Bailey had closed her eyes to rest along the way. It was only now that she opened them. Her brilliant eyes followed Xavier, who had already gone down to open the car door for her.

As soon as the car door opened, Xavier placed her right hand on the car door to prevent Bailey from bumping into it. His other hand was palm up as he handed it to Bailey. He smiled gentlemanly and elegantly. "Please, my little princess."

Bailey looked at the palm in front of her and smiled.

Xavier's character wasn't good and he wasn't very capable, but to be honest, he was indeed the kind of person who was very flexible. In order to achieve his goal, he could lower himself to the ground to serve and please others.

In her previous life, she was indeed bewitched by Xavier's meticulous care. She thought that Xavier only had her in his eyes and heart, so she put down her status and accommodated him, doting on him. In the end, it was just a joke.

Bailey took a deep breath and looked at Xavier with a smile in her eyes that could not hide her fierce aura. She said firmly and unquestionably, "You're wrong. I'm not a princess. I'm a queen."

Xavier was stunned. Bailey's actions suddenly made him feel that she was unfamiliar.

In the past, Bailey would be a little cold and arrogant, but after confirming their relationship, Bailey's attitude towards Xavier was obviously much better than how she treated others. She usually acted like a little woman.

However, Xavier only zoned out for a moment before his stunned expression immediately turned into a warm one. He said dotingly, "Alright, alright, alright. You're my queen. I, Xavier, invite Her Majesty to get out of the car."

Xavier still reached out her hand in front of Bailey. Bailey glanced at him indifferently and slapped his hand away in the next second. "Your hand is too dirty. I don't like it."

Xavier was stunned. There was something wrong with Bailey today. However, before he could figure out the reason, Bailey had already walked away in her high heels like a noble swan.

From the door to the elevator, the bright and moving Bailey attracted the attention of many passersby.

Bailey pressed the button for the floor of the banquet hall, then pressed the button to close the elevator door. She watched helplessly as Xavier, who had caught up to her, disappeared as the elevator door closed.

Indeed, without the annoying person, the world in front of her was clean.

"Why? Is this how Ms. Shear treats her boyfriend? If I didn't know better, I would think that Ms. Shear has a dog instead."

A familiar teasing voice came from the side, making Bailey tremble.

At this moment, Zachary's voice was cold with mockery and his tone was filled with amusement.

Beside him, Sunny's head instantly swelled up. He did not expect these two devils to meet in this narrow elevator.

Sunny quickly stuck close to the elevator and hid at the side. He was afraid that if Bailey and Zachary fought, it would implicate an innocent bystander like him.

Seeing Bailey slowly turn his head to look at them, Sunny immediately faced the elevator wall and pretended not to see her. He was playing hide and seek on the spot.

What a joke. One of them was Ms. Shear, someone who could beat the school bully till he ended up in the hospital, and the other was Young Master Gaston, who could fight the boxing champion alone, while Sunny himself was just a beautiful man who would pant after running for just a little bit.

When she saw that young and handsome face, Bailey's heart began to overflow with warmth. It was this little lunatic in front of her who had picked up her corpse in her previous life and even avenged her.

Seeing Bailey's gaze on him, Zachary subconsciously frowned. Why could he actually see joy and wistfulness in Bailey's eyes? What kind of ridiculous illusion was this? He must have not slept well last night and was seeing things.

But why was Bailey still staring at him? And smiling at him? Could she be holding back something? Zachary immediately put on a defensive posture, lest he could successfully block his face when Bailey attacked him. He had heard that girls loved to pull one's hair and scratch their faces when they fought.

Just as Zachary was prepared for the fight, Bailey's words almost made him break down.

Bailey looked at Zachary softly and smiled sweetly. "Hello, Zachary. It's good to see you!"

Zachary had never seen Bailey greet him with such a pleasant smile. In the past, didn't she always snort arrogantly and roll her eyes at him from the corner of her eyes? What followed was usually a verbal battle and mockery.

This was the way they had interacted since they were young!

However, such a soft and sweet smile on Bailey's face was really tempting. His heart felt like it was being gently tickled by a feather. Zachary even had an urge to go up and pinch Bailey's soft little face.

On the other hand, Sunny, who had opened one eye to peek, was also shocked. The person in front of him who greeted Zachary so nicely was Bailey? Was this really not a dream?

Sunny slapped himself hard. Hiss, it hurts. Damn it, it wasn't a dream. Bailey was indeed nice to Zachary.

But why? Bailey must have some bad tricks up her sleeves! Yes, a honey trap! Perhaps she had taken a fancy to some project of Zachary's and planned to snatch it. Now, she was using a honey trap to seduce Zachary in an attempt to lower his guard.

And Sunny's slap made Bailey come back to her senses slightly. When she first came in, Bailey only saw Sunny and did not see Zachary who was standing behind him. She really did not expect the two of them to reunite here.

She bumped into her benefactor as soon as she woke up. Bailey's gloomy mood instantly improved, and she happily greeted Sunny. "Sunny, I'm glad to see you too."

Sunny's other eye instantly widened. Bailey must have taken the wrong medicine today. Usually, she would say, "Yo, Sidekick Sunny is also here. It's been hard on you. You're following a violent person every day."

Zachary looked at Bailey with an unreadable expression.

At this moment, Bailey did not want to interact too much with Zachary, because she was someone with a partner. Even if no one thought that there was anything between her and Zachary, Bailey did not want Zachary to have any bad reputation.