
Chapter 7 Almost Exposed

Joana’s harsh words made Bella to be angry that she regretted coming to the celebration.

What’s more, she was even bored out of her mind.

Since there was nothing for her to do, she decided to leave.

When standing up, she saw Sophia and her friend suddenly approached them and greeted Joana first.

"Mrs. Gibson, how have you been? Who do you have here with you?

She must be Bella who’s said to be James’s fiancée isn’t she? How beautiful, I am Sophia."

She even extended her hand to shake her thereby portraying herself like an elegant woman who has class in front of everyone.

Even Joana was blinded by her act just now, she smiled warmly at her before glaring at Bella for not replying to her.

"Don’t pay attention to her, she is from the countryside and does not know how to have manner at such a fancy function"