
Chapter 5 More Work In Less Time

The two people walked side by side with each other and went to the shooting site.

Although the place was very small and uncomfortable, Shawn didn’t dare complain because Bella was there and was in charge of the show.

In fact, not only the venue, the costume he was given for the shoot was very loose and had made him look very big and ugly.

But when he complained, Bella said that he looked great in the outfit and he suddenly liked it.

Her words had influenced him. Also today he didn’t ask too many things and was not picky. Because he knew that it was Bel who would have a hard time if he did. That was the last thing he would do to her.

The shot finally finished in less hours than originally planned, it actually took two hours instead of five.

Everyone marveled at the short time it took for the whole shoot to be concluded.

They couldn’t help asking each other what really happened today? They soon got their answer when they saw Shawn approach Bella for the hundredth time today.

"Bel, let’s go have launch"

When they heard him talk so casually with her and invite her for lunch, they knew she had to be the reason why Shawn didn’t give them a hard time today. It only raised their curiosity about who she really was.

"I can’t go out with you, I still have work to do"

"Why are you working? You are very rich, so you suddenly lack money? I can provide for you, you don’t have to walk"

Shawn who had seen the mighty house Bella lives in and had known that she was from a certain level of wealth. He felt bad and thought she was out of money, he only thought he could help.

But Bella just smiled at him, "it’s really Fl hard to explain, I’ll get back to work now"

She turned around and took the file from the podium and went back to the secretary's office.

Everyone that was around saw what happened and thought that Bella was too rude to refuse to have lunch with Shawn. Many of them were willing to ditch their work just to be with him, but she was different.

They thought he was going to get mad at her rejection, but surprisingly, he was not angry at all.

Instead, he quietly went to the VIP lounge and waited for her to get off from work first.

When he saw the other staff already leaving, he stood up and went to personally invite her for launch

At the same time, James also went to her office to invite her for dinner.

"Bella, it’s after working hours, let’s go have lunch together"

"Huh!" Bella was surprised by his request after making it clear that they should pretend to be strangers in the office.

He saw the hesitant look on her face and explained.

"Grandfather knew today is your first day here and had already booked a reservation for us, we better not disappoint him"

He also didn’t want to go at first, the only reason why he himself agreed to have lunch with her was because his grandpa.

He was suffering from heart failure in the hospital and threatened to run away from the hospital if he didn’t agree to the lunch.

After all it was just one meal, he couldn’t risk his grandfather’s life just for this.

"Bel, it’s now after work, why don’t we have that launch?"

James was still in the room when he heard Shawn called her with such a nickname and it felt intimate to him.

"Oh hey James, you are also here"

"Yes, we were going to have lunch"

James said that, with hint for Shawn to leave them to eat alone.

But he was surprised at his foolishness when he asked to tag along.

"Sure why not". Bella had agreed to him before he could reject the offer.

At the end, three of them headed to the Blue Whale restaurant that was reserved by Grandpa Gibson.

Bella and Shawn kept chatting about casual things as if they were so close to each other, even when they went to the restaurant.

It was Shawn who pulled the chair for her and behaved like a gentleman by passing the water to her when she choked on food.

James saw how close they were and felt like an outsider in front of them.

He kept eating the food and tried to ignore what they were saying.

"So why are you people together anyway?"

Shawn who seemed to just notice James eating his pastor suddenly asked Bella.

"We are engaged" Bella casually replied after swallowing the chicken in her mouth.

Shawn looked at the two of them in shock,"You two? Engaged? How"

Realization suddenly hit him that Bella was from the countryside.

He had been hearing the rumors that James was engaged to an ugly country girl, but he didn’t realize the country girl was Bella.

But Bella was not ugly.

"The engagement will only last for three months, it would be annoyed after that"

To Bella, she was just having casual conversation and stating the facts, but it had meant something to the two men who were eating in front of her.

"It is good that you are going to annul it, James really doesn’t deserve you"

James was busy eating his food quietly but when he heard the statement. He was shocked and couldn’t continue eating."Shawn, we spoke with your brother the other day and he said you wanted to buy a certain car, I thought of gifting it to you, but now …."

James didn’t finish the statement but Shawn knew what James was implying, he was going to loose the car! He immediately apologized and corrected himself.

"Sorry about my sleep of tongue, I mean, I hope it works for you two"

James heard the new sentence and smiled, it was better than the former.

After lunch, Shawn left first and only the two couples were left.

Seeing her beautiful face stare back at the car Shawn had entered, James narrowed his eyes and looked at her with greeted teeth.

"So this is why you are so sure of not falling in love with me? Because you love someone else"

It was more like a statement than a question.