
Chapter 332 Nina Is Heartbroken

Bella went to Mr. Johnson's ward and knocked on the door.

"Ms. Eugen." Jose opened the door and said respectfully.

"Mr. Johnson, how are you feeling today?" Bella walked to the bed.

"Much better." he replied with a smile.

Bella checked Mr. Johnson's situation. It seemed that he was getting better indeed and she was thrilled to see that.

"Mr. Johnson, you will be discharged in a few days," Bella said smiling back.

"That's great!" The grandfather raised the corners of his lips.

"Right, what are you and James up to? Why are there so many reports about you on the Internet? What exactly is going on?" he asked.

"Mr. Johnson, don't worry. It's just a small matter." She replied lightly.

The old man nodded. Since Bella had said so, he did not want to ask anymore.

After all, Johnson believed James's feelings for her.

As for Ryleigh...