
Chapter 317 Do You Believe Me?

Bella and James were in the VIP ward.

They carefully helped Johnson lie on the bed.

"Grandpa, have a good rest." When facing Johnson, James's tense expression softened slightly.

"James, I'm fine." Johnson patted his hand.

Bella covered Johnson with a blanket. "Mr. Johnson, I know that this matter makes you very upset she reminded him.

"But you mustn't let it affect you. To keep healthy, you can't be too emotional or depressed. Otherwise, your condition will get worse again."

This time, Bella observed. She knew that Ryleigh, Joana, and Sabrina were going to do something to Johnson.

Therefore, she made a plan with James in advance. In the operating room, Bella cured Johnson according to the plan. As for the tool with poison, Bella quickly replaced it with a clean one during the treatment.

Bella's move was so fast that no one present noticed it. Everyone thought that she had really killed Johnson.