
Peace Offering

Gritting her teeth, Mrs Ruo pointed her finger toward them, "YOU will remember this! I'll remember this! Just wait and see Hua Valentine!" 

"Off she goes," commented Samuel as he leaned back on his chair. AiLin saw her younger brother scoffing before drawing a smile on his lips wide with delight that today he could watch his aunt running away and them having the last say as they would always bow down to Mrs Ruo whose behavior is not that far different from a child's tantrum. 

Li ZiChen then turned toward her, her attention caught by him as his gaze was so magnetic it was pulling her away from looking at her younger brother. He leaned closer, his voice in a whisper, "Are you upset at me?" 

She didn't respond but she also refused to look to his face. 

"What have I done?" He asked her again, Li ZiChen seemed puzzled as he couldn't understand what seemed to be wrong to AiLin's eyes. That itself made her more annoyed.