
Mrs Damefeild

Sebastian, Alex, Greta, Auriela, Iris, Apollo, Julius, Hamilton, Jason, Mila, Ophelia, Arthur and Gia all lived normal lives before they were brought into the world of the supernaturals. They were employed by the never before seen immortal Hanbity through the help of his right hand Alan, with the task of finding Octavius Grimoire which was split into four parts about a 100 years ago. They were enrolled in his school far way from civilization called HMA(Hanbity's Montessori Academy). As they embarked on this dangerous journey they were faced with many trials and tribulations, love, betrayal, tragedy. They also faced supernaturals; failed projects created by hanbity even stronger than them, including Hanbitys supposedly dead daughter who was reincarnated into the body of Avia, Alex friend. Will the thirteen supernaturals find the grimoire successfully? Will they discontinue the search when they find out that they are mortal supernaturals not immortal? Or will they learn the secrets of the immortal Hanbity and turn against him.

wild_dreamer17 · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Greta was in her room trying to clean up the mess she had earlier found, she had already arranged her room before, what was left was to clean her wardrobe, she took a bowl of water and a scrub, she started scrubbing the blood off her wardrobe, when her door opened with force. The furious Auriela came in, "what the literal f**k!" She yelled. Greta was in shock, that she spilled the bowl of water on the floor,

"Dude what the f**k" Greta said puzzled. Auriela was extremely angry, "ascendo." Auriela said which means levitate, as soon she uttered those words Greta began to levitate, she was in the air, terrified, she begged Auriela to put her down, but she refused, she was even more furious, she clinched her fist and said "sanguinem" which means bleed, soon Greta started bleeding from her nose and her eyes while on the air, fear had eaten Greta up, she thought she was going to die, soon she started coughing blood, Auriela had her fill and said, "delabor" which meant fall down, so Greta fell down from the air, she was struggling to breath as she said, "what do you want, anything I'll tell you." Auriela smiled because she got what she wanted. She ordered Greta to go get cleaned before she starts talking.


Apollo was reading in the library when Sebastian walked in, "what are you reading Apollo." He asked curious.

"Have you ever wondered why the rules say don't prey on one another?" Apollo asked Sebastian disdainfully. Sebastian felt attacked, but he kept his cool and asked Apollo why he was telling him this,

"Leave Iris alone." Apollo demanded.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian said confused. "You've already done enough damage, you think you've fixed it but you're still gonna do it again, and again and again." Apollo retorted.

"I don't understand where this is coming from, I mean I don't understand your aim, are you trying to accuse me of something." Sebastian asked.

"Every night I see you, for the past few days, you've been picking her locks, I'd always take a look through her peephole." Apollo said discreetly.

"I have never done that, the first time I was in her room was yesterday, after our class and this morning before we had breakfast." Sebastian defended himself.

"Did you have sex with Iris?" Apollo dragged him by the shirt. "Chill out bro." Sebastian said as he removed himself from Apollo and dusted his shirt. Sebastian explained to Apollo telling him that it was a complicated situation,

"why do you even care?" Sebastian asked. Apollo hesitated before he replied, "stay away from Iris, you're a f**king monster." then he left. Sebastian was shocked Apollo would call him a monster, he knew the only person that called him a monster was his ex Bella, he started thinking about what Apollo said. He didn't want to go crazy like before.



There the body of Anita laid, blood all over her bedsheet, her body was badly bruised, Sebastian sucked her till he was satisfied and by doing so he killed her, she bled to death, he quickly left her room through her window, it was still dark so he returned home undetected. He got in the shower and cleaned himself, then he went to bed. He woke up the next morning to the news of his best friends death. He couldn't believe his ears, his grandma immediately rushed to him to give him a big hug, he cried, he cried like he was a baby that just came out the womb.

"I'll be going to see Anita's parents, would you like to come with?" His grandma asked.

"No, I'd rather not." Sebastian said as he wept.He couldn't go to school, he kept on wondering what happened to his best friend. He went to his room, he was restless on his bed, he couldn't think straight, until he saw the envelope, he stood up to get it, he opened it and saw HMA he slowly started remembering, he remembered he went to Anita's house to show her the envelope, but the rest wasn't clear, he tried remembering what happened next but he couldn't remember, he hit himself continuously with rage, it was like he was going crazy, then his grandma came in, he was surprised she came back early, he expected her to stay longer.

"Hey, I'm so sorry child, she had marks all over her body, it was very strange. What a poor kid." His grandma said. Sebastian was already fed, he had to get his answers, so he grabbed the envelope, willing to know what the marks is about, his grandma gave a short grin and she removed an injection from her pocket and injected Sebastian with it, he immediately fell to the ground unconscious. His grandma was transgressing, she was changing into something, soon she changed to Alan, and carried Sebastian up from the ground and loaded him into a truck.


Ophelia and Iris were in the common room, where students practice and harness tgiee different abilities. "So, have you transformed yet?" Iris asked Ophelia.

"The worst night of my life, I took the ton-" Iris immediately shushed Ophelia, "me too. How bout we talk about something else." Iris suggested. Ophelia agreed.

"What about Sebastian?" Ophelia asked Iris, this made Iris blush. "There's something definitely going in between you both. I mean I see the way both of you look at each other." Ophelia stressed.

"Okay baby girl, you've just been here like what two days and you're already noticing things." Iris said in her defense.

"I was at the pool last night." Ophelia said, iris was in shock as she heard this,

"What did you say?" She pretended as though she did not hear what Ophelia said.

"I saw the note you threw in the wastebin, so after class I followed you, I know it sounds creepy and I'm sorry." Ophelia begged.

"What did you see!" Iris said trying to hide her anger. "I saw the bites, the mark, iris they were horrible." Ophelia said. "What else did you see." Iris demanded. "He hugged you, you did not want to let him go, then he took off your clothes." Ophelia said. Iris was already angry and embarrassed, she ordered her to go on. "He kissed you, then you kissed him back, you never wanted to stop, then he brought out something from his pocket and injected you with it. Iris you were unconscious" Ophelia stressed. Iris thanked Ophelia for her concerns and then told her to mind her business next time that she'll live longer, she also instructed her not to say a word to anyone and asked her if she was with the note so she'll dispose of it properly this time, Ophelia gave her the note, iris opened her mouth and breathed fire upon the paper, Ophelia watched it burn to ashes in awe, "how did you do that?" She asked. "Concentration." Iris said, then she left the common room.

It was Alexander and Hamilton's turn to do the dishes. They were doing the dishes while discussing,

"Really dude, balls shaving cream?" Alexander asked Hamilton laughing.

"I seriously don't know what Auriela was thinking, she's f**king crazy." Hamilton said to Alex. Mila came in and asked Hamilton if she could help him. Hamilton gladly accepted, "see you later Alex." Hamilton said as he exited the kitchen. "Now it's just me and you." Mila said smiling. Alex washed the plates while Mila rinsed and cleaned them. "Are you gonna talk to me or you prefer to give me the silent treatment." Mila asked. Alex stopped washing out of anger and said,

"What do you want me to say, Mila, thank you for telling everyone my birthdays tomorrow?" Alex asked aggressively. Mila was shocked with Alex response. "I never wanted you to say thank you" she said sorrowfully. "I did it because I care for you, and I wanted you to be celebrated." Mila added. Alex rinsed his hands and dried it off with a towel, Mila was drying off a plate before Alex told her to drop it, she dropped it on the rack then Alex grabbed her, she started laughing, he twirled her around, she couldn't stop laughing she begged him to put her down, he then raised her up and placed her on the table in the kitchen. They both laughed out loud, then he stares at her for long, adjusts her hair, and he said "I care about you too." Mila wasted no time and swooshed in for a kiss. She held his face with both of her hands, they kissed passionately, they kissed as though they were about to swallow each other. Alex carried her in that same position at which she was sitted, away from the table and hit her against the wall, her legs were hanging from the air, he placed both if his hands behind her lap, they continued to kiss vigorously, Mila started pulling off her clothes,

"No, no, no this is isn't right." Alex said, "don't take your clothes off." He added, Mila was surprised, "I didn't understand, did I do something wrong?" She asked confused. "No, it's not you, It's-" Alex was cut short by Mila who was already in tears, "don't you f**king say it's me, don't you dare." She yelled pointing at Alex. Alex tried to explain but he couldn't find the perfect words to use, "you can never be happy with me" Alex said. "You never cared about me do you?" Mila asked. Alex hesitated before he continued, "I love someone else." This statement broke Mila, she couldn't believe what she had just heard, "I'm a f**king fool, you can finish up those dishes yourself." Iris left the kitchen in anger. Alex tried calling her back but she didn't come back, he slammed his hands on his hard several times and said, "Avia, Avia, Avia, get out of my f**king head."

Do you think Alexander's wrong for the way he treated Mila. please leave reviews for me.

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