
Mr. Mafia's Forbidden Love

Minka knows how much wealth is not enough to make her happy. What she got all this time was meaningless when her heartfelt empty. When she was longing for freedom, the second chance came at a very high price. She was forced to exchange it for her life, taken unilaterally. In an instant, her life changed one hundred and eighty degrees, from being trapped in a golden cage, now was trapped in a kidnapper's lair. Unfortunately, she has to deal with dangerous kidnappers who snatch her virginity and curse her with harsh words but sometimes accompany her to sleep with warm hugs. The kidnapper took care of her and gave her a strange sense of comfort that she could not find in her old life. Along with the kidnapper, she discovers significant facts about her family that she never knew before. Can she survive her nightmare this time?

Purple_Moonlight_ · 都市
29 Chs

Chapter 5: My First Awful Nightmare

How long have I been here?

I think hours passed after the kidnapper left me in this room.

My body aches. I feel so freaking very tired, but strangely my eyes remain alert. My brain is still thinking about all the worst possible things that could happen to me.

My eyes are puffy from crying for hours. My head is no less dizzy. However, there is one thing I really want right now.


My throat is unbelievably dry. Not to mention the room is boiling. The window in the room is a box with a size slightly larger than the stop map. The glass looks solid. There were no hooks or anything to indicate the window could be opened from the inside. If I could, maybe I would jump straight down to save myself.

In addition, this room also has a clean bathroom. Even though it is quite livable, it still feels stuffy to suffocate the lungs. Maybe because of the limited ventilation.

I want a drink. Even just a sip.

I sat limply on the edge of the bed. Avoid as much as possible the drowsiness that comes to attack.

It's night already. It can be seen from several stars in the sky, I can only see it from behind the window. So quickly, the situation changed. How fast this all happened. Even I can still taste the taste of my lunch in my mouth.

While contemplating, I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. One of the kidnappers who dragged me into this room came in with a glass of yellow drink.

Looks like syrup.

Or orange juice.

I immediately rushed to the door.

My legs swing with all my might and kick his stomach.

"Let me go!" I shouted. I nearly hit his head with my head before his hand deftly caught mine.

The man pushed me back into the room. I looked into his sunken and red eyes. He seemed as drunk as his boss earlier.

"Don't make this difficult. Sit down and drink this. I'm sure you must be thirsty."

He opened my handcuffs. I rubbed my wrist, which was red from the tightness of the handcuffs. If he hadn't held me with a stranglehold on the neck, I might have kicked the guy again and run as fast.

I coughed while smacking his hand that was perched on my neck.

"Let me go!" I shouted as best I could with ragged breaths.

He left the drink on the small table next to the bed while dragging my neck. My punch in his hand was completely ignored. My legs which are kicking his legs, also feel useless.

At the thought that my life would end that very second, he released his stranglehold by jerking me away. The man hurried away and immediately locked the door.

I've lost my chance to escape.

On the other side, he doesn't kill me. My hands are free too.

Coughing still, I scooped up the drink to ease the pain in my throat. I hit my chest a few times and tried to catch my breath. After a few seconds, my breathing returned to normal.

The drink really refreshed my mouth and throat. I finished this drink straight away without any left. After that, I went back and forth in this room. I don't know what else I can do. Even though this extreme tiredness is very disturbing, I can't let my guard down.

Some time passed. I feel weird. My body felt frail.

I'm tired and sleepy. However, the feeling of weakness I feel is a little different. It felt like my bones weren't working correctly. My vision is blurry too. No energy at all left. Even though I just drank that drink.

Wait a minute…

Drinks from the kidnapper.

From the damn kidnapper.

What if something is added to the drink? I wasn't this sluggish before, was I?

The realization hit me. How could I be this careless? Damn.

I closed my eyes tightly and counted to myself. Inhale and exhale regularly. I was trying to reduce the haunting fear.

Until the count of seven, the door was opened again. The same person enters again. He locked it and put the key in his jeans pocket.

He glanced at the glass that had been full, which was now empty. Then he smiled widely. I just stood still near the table. Trying to gather my remaining consciousness.

"Good. Party time," he said with a chuckle. He strolled towards me. His steps reminded me of a tiger about to eat its prey. I stepped back until the back of my knees touched the table.

"What do you want?!" I shouted. My voice trembled.

I can't look weak. I have to look strong. Unfortunately, my body is very uncooperative. My knees even shook violently. I was so limp even I held on to the edge of the small table.

"Don't be afraid. It won't take long."

The man was already right in front of me. He held my cheek with both hands. His breath which smelled of alcohol was hoarse.

This isn't good. Very bad. I have to stay away from him. I have to escape from him, but I can't move anywhere.

Gaining courage from nowhere, the next second, I pushed the man as best I could and tried to run towards the . . . locked door.

Of course. How stupid I am.

"No! Go!" I shouted as consciousness drifted away from me.

My body felt weaker. The man came to me again and roughly pushed my body against the door of the room. My back hurt when I hit the cold door. My head was throbbing violently.

His body pressed me against the door. I held both hands in one hand while the other gripped my chin. His face approached mine.

"Shut up," he whispered, then he laughed.

The man grabbed my hand and dragged me in a struggle. He threw me on the bed, and suddenly he was on top of me. I tried to fight it. I did my best to hit, kick, slap, or whatever it was to defend myself. However, my body was fragile while his hands were solid, holding me.

I know what will happen next. I don't want that to happen.

I mustered my remaining strength and consciousness and screamed for help while pushing him in my futile attempt.

"Feel free to scream. No one will hear your voice."

"Let me go. I beg you," I whispered in frustration. My voice seemed to disappear, gone, betrayed me.

"God, you're so noisy. Shut up."

"Don't do this."

"Shut up!" And he slapped me hard. My cheeks felt very hot as my eyes when I saw the man touch the button of my clothes.

I can't move my whole body. I can't think of anything. My mind is entirely blank.

All I could faintly see were black butterflies flying above his head. I don't know how there can be butterflies in a stuffy room like this. And I honestly don't know what else was going on. The white mist pulled me away again. Get rid of any remaining consciousness.

This time, consciousness ultimately left me.