
Mr. Gay CEO, When will you change?

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Frost_write · 都市
1 Chs





"Yawn, woow it's another new day". A tall slender boy jumped out of his bed after smashing the alarm to the floor.

He had short black hair, a nice slender body with little muscles a v line face, and a baby doll blue eyes.

He quickly did some exercises and dashed towards the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out with a towel around his neck.

" Sigh, today I'm going for a job interview. I must look my best today" He sat in the dressing mirror and did some make-up.

Liam is a twenty-year-old university graduate, and he has been looking for some jobs ever since then. The various company he went to for an interview all declined to employ him in their company because he wasn't experienced in their professional fields and they don't want to take a huge risk.

However, that didn't stop the determined Liam from searching for jobs because he believe that if he gives up without breaking his limits he will just only make his 4 years of university life go to waste.

But who knew that lady luck was on his side. Yesterday one of the renowned companies In-country v invited him for an interview due to the thesis he posted on a thesis competition website last two years.

The thesis was about how to manage the resources of modern days and feed those who weren't able to afford the money and stable life.

The question was kind of tricky in some ways because nowadays the people in the country v were suffering from drought and food was scarce in the country.

All the companies gathered together to decide on how to save the people but unfortunately, they weren't able to come up with a good solution to the issue.

Not until they decided to keep it as a project and listen to the people who were suffering from it.

That was when Liam stumbled upon this project because he too was among the victims who were suffering so, he took his time and came up with a better solution.

Now here we are!!

Country V had returned to her former glory.

Liam walked out of the apartment that was given to him by one of the organizations. It was a part of thank you from them and he appreciated it because he won't have to worry about sleeping outside the streets.

Liam waved his hands at a coming taxi.

" Ryn Co," He said after the taxi stopped and an old man's face was revealed from inside.

"69 kilos," The man said dryly

"No problem" Liam nodded his head and got into the taxi.

The old man watched his every movement from the rear mirror and couldn't help but sigh and shook his head.

"How wonderful it is to be young," The old man thought and drove away

A few minutes later a yellow cab stopped at a huge company and a young man step out of the cab.

He paid the man and walked toward the building. He step onto the plaza and stared in awe at how beautiful the setting was.

He noticed that the people who entered the building were all neat and clean and also good-looking mostly the men.

He watched as they entered the building and walked out carrying some loads or files.

"This place is really.." He felt speechless when he entered the building and he was at loss for words.

A word can't be used to explain how beautiful and well organized this place is if it weren't that he paid the cab man the last money in his pocket he would have thought that he was In paradise.

No wonder this company was among the top 3.

He walked towards the nearest secretary and greeted the young man on deck.

"Good afternoon, I'm Liam Silver and I'm here for an interview" He greeted the young handsome man at his front

"Good afternoon sire, welcome to skype company, please follow me to the interview room" The man greeted him in return politely and assisted him toward the interview room

"Sorry, if I.troubled you" he apologized when he noticed the man calling his assistant.

"It's my job sire" The man smiled, then continued "please follow me sire before the interview comes to an end"

"Ok" Liam quickly followed him and subconsciously glanced at his wristwatch

8:12 am

woo, I'm late

Liam gasp in surprise and quickly followed the young man inside the elevator


They moved upward and stopped at number 22

"This way sir," The young man said end took him to a small ordinary room filled with people who were discussing, he noticed that they held their CVs and some other documents and they seem nervous like him.

I guess I'm not the only one here for an interview

He smiled bitterly and sat somewhere in a corner observing the people in the room.

He noticed that some of the people in the room were nervous and it showed on their faces.

They occasionally glanced at the closed door in the room and go on a silent prayer when a candidate enter past the door to the next room.

Liam heaved a deep sigh and stared at his certificates.

"I shouldn't be nervous, I know what I read and how I worked hard to get these certificates. I've walked down the journey of light that small darkness like those can't affect me. There is no need for me to weaver as I know my hard work won't turn out fruitless" He consoled himself and waited patiently for his turn

Gradually the people in the room left little by little, some were happy while others left in sorrow, he watch from his seat as they left with a hunch back.

I'm I going to be like them?

No, I'm different. I promise OH God if I get this Job ill give 50℅ of my first salary to the orphanage

He closed his eyes and said some prayers

A few months later the door opened and a lady walked inside the waiting room to see if there was anyone left and suddenly she stooped when she noticed a man whose eyes were closed and his mouth was moving nonstop.

what's wrong with him

"Excuse me, sire, it's your turn" The lady smiled at him instead and entered the other room

He followed her closely and enter the interview room.