
Mr. Billionaire and The Poor Me

It was pleasant day, cool wind were blowing . I was just walking on the subway with cold coffee in one hand and listening to the music and humming the song. As soon as I was going to cross the road suddenly a car crashed into me . I was half unconscious when i saw a man came out of the car wearing an armani suit the only word i heard before passing were 'what the hell'

socialbutterfly · 若者
7 Chs

chapter -6 : Good morning call

when I came inside my home I saw my mom sitting on the couch and she was smiling a little . I asked "what" .

she said, " who was that boy "

To which I replied "No one mom " . And left for my room.

By the time I reached my room I heard her saying, " I will be waiting for the good news".

I laid down on my bed and face palmed myself. My mother isn't she quite forward. I then I thought it was because I never had relationship in my whole life. It was not it's her fault . It's just that I never trust anyone. I have major trust issues. And I don't think I will let me have any relationship in future also.

The story behind my problem was quite sad .since I was little my parents always fight with eachother. And it's not that their is not love as my mom loved father very much. But I think love isn't everything . So their is a very bad impact of everything that happened in my childhood . And when I turned 18 my parents divorced but I think that was good because we are much happier now.

So when at the end we have to live alone they my have relationship . I actually like being alone . Not that kind of alone. I have friends and they are best not all of them but some and it's enough .

My only motive at this time is to be successful enough that I can at least support myself and my mother because she have to work quite hard for me and it pains me but I think it's going to change soon.

By thinking all these I don't know when I fell asleep.

I was asleep and suddenly I started hearing a sound then I thought it must be my alarm .So I didn't even took a look and silenced it after sometime a heard it again and by the time I was a little awake then I took a look at it and it showed an unknown number .

So I picked it up and said "hello " in my half sleeping voice and the caller said "good morning sweetheart".

It was not hard to recognise the voice as it was my new boss . And after hearing him O was completely awake .